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Remembering the Dragon Lady: The U-2 Spy Plane: Memoirs of the Men Who Made the Legend

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by Gerald McIlmoyle

  Bunker for protection against rocket attacks, Bien Hoa AB.

  Bien Hoa Air Base, South Vietnam, 1964.

  A C-130 at Clark AB Philippines with a volcano in the background.

  Getting ready for a mission launch.

  Promotion party celebration - Jose Paz (A2C to A1C) (left), Jack Owens (second from left) and Jose Lopez (fourth from left).

  Left to right: Jack Owens, Chuck Dreiling, TSgt Dan Reyna, Jose Lopez.

  Our main transportation to the town of Bien Hoa.

  2005 4080th SRW Reunion, left to right: Jerry Fogel, Al Defilipis, Horace Tanner, B.C. Fowler, Jim Manis and Bob Ingram.

  Jimmy D. Manis.

  William Ming receiving an award from Col Bratton, 1958.

  Joseph “Rooster” Robinson with trophy awarded for Airman of the Month.

  Joseph Robinson standing fifth from right with his unit.

  Gene Stoddard 1961.

  Photo specialists at Bien Hoa AB 1964, standing left to right: John Washburn, Larry Wachter (Tech Rep), Sgt McDowell, Airman Rodriguez; kneeling left to right: Airmen Salisbury and Clampit.

  Photographic Lab, Group I.

  1/Lt Buck Young 1958.

  Supervising preparation of the base newspaper, November 1957. Left to right: A3C Roger Newell, A3C William Hillard, 1/Lt Buck Young.

  Buddy Brown beginning pre-flight physical exam with the Flight Surgeon.

  Buddy Brown dressing in the long underwear worn under the partial pressure suit.

  Buddy is hooked up by PSD Specialist Jessie Gamble to the seat kit system. Next procedure is pre-breathing 100% oxygen for one hour.

  PSD Specialist Jessie Gamble assists Buddy with his partial pressure suit.

  Buddy in the cockpit going through pre-flight check with the Mobile Control Officer.

  PSD Specialist Jessie Gamble assists Buddy with the outer garment which protects the partial pressure suit.

  A pilot is prebreathing oxygen while the flight surgeon performs a check of his vital signs. Photo courtesy of Lockheed Martin Co.

  Technicians help the pilot secure connections on his pressure suit in preparation for the flight. Photo courtesy of Lockheed Martin Co.

  A pilot arrives at the aircraft tethered to a portable oxygen tank. Once in the cockpit he will be connected to the aircraft oxygen. Photo courtesy of Lockheed Martin Co.

  James W. May, 1962.

  James and Patricia May, 2004.

  Lewis Nelson (right) with Joe Jackson (left) at the 4080th SRW Reunion, 1987.

  Joe and Marcia Ruseckas.

  Airman Thomas Woodall, PSD specialist, after hooking up the pilot. The next step would be for another PSD specialist to double check the hook up then the Mobile Officer would go through his checklist. The pilot in this picture is Jack Carr. August 1964

  Thomas Woodall, Jim Eichnor, David Dwiggins and William Miller. The picture was taken at a nightclub at Ciudad Acuña. Eichnor was with the Medical Group. Woodall, Dwiggins and Miller worked at PSD. Sometime in 1962.

  Airman Thomas Woodall and Airman Carmon Montoya at Williams AFB, AZ, waiting on pilots undergoing Altitude Chamber training. Sometime in 1964.

  Partial pressure suit demonstration. Gary Dickinson, USAFA ‘ 64, John Patton, USAFA ‘63, Airman Thomas Woodall, PSD (in suit), June 1962.

  Airman Thomas Woodall, PSD, in partial pressure suit. Note that the left hand is pushing the “push to test” button that inflates the suit. This was done after dressing the pilot in the PSD shop and also after hooking up the pilot in the aircraft. The test was for proper inflation, to check for leaks around the face shield and to make sure the seal did not leak around the pilot's neck. The seat kit had survival rations, an inflatable life raft and a life support system in it. The life support consisted of a regulator that was set to inflate the suit in case of a rapid decompression. It also had a small oxygen bottle in it to supply oxygen to the pilot in the event of a bail out. October 1962. (Note - a pilot would not perform this test. A PSD specialist would push the button. Woodall is only doing it in this picture for demonstration).

  Partial pressure suit demonstration. Gary Dickinson, USAFA ’64, John Patton, USAFA ’63, Airman Thomas Woodall, PSD (in suit), June 1962.

  Robert W. Paret MD.

  Bob Paret preparing for a flight.

  The Dragon Lady at rest in the hangar, pogos in place. Photo courtesy of Lockheed Martin Co.

  U-2 maintenance operations. Photo courtesy of Lockheed Martin Co.

  Top row, left to right: Unknown, Capt Marsh, Capt Blum, last two on right Unknown; kneeling, left to right: Unknown, James Ballard, Jim Wemple, Sgt Harris.

  Harold Brownback, 1956.

  Harold and Mandy Brownback, 2005.

  Swinton Burroughs at the 2002 4080th SRW Reunion wearing a plaid blazer that each of the group acquired during 1957 TDY to Japan to distinguish themselves from locals at Yokota AB.

  James ‘Soup’ Campbell with ‘his’ U-2, static display at LAFB, 1990.

  James ‘Soup’ Campbell (left) on Thanksgiving Day, 1961, Laughlin AFB.

  George Debinski, 1964.

  Russell Eddington, 1955.

  Russell and Sherry Eddington.

  Lyn Fite and his 1951 Cushman motor scooter.

  AGE shop in 1962, where Lyn worked.

  Frank Hayes’ Thunderbird.

  Josephine and Frank Hayes.

  Frank T. Hayes, 2007.

  4080th SRW Tech Rep Frank T. Hayes.

  Richard Kemp.

  Richard Kemp with his private plane in 2006.

  Richard Pratt (left) and Richard Kemp (right). The two were close friends in West Virginia.

  Left to right: Tony Martinez, Wallace Thompson, unknown, the chap who bailed out with his bag, Art Kveck, Greenstein, the Jew who went to the altar in the Catholic church, and a chap who spoke fluent French and was able to communicate with the Italians.

  Art Kveck's C-119 in the Italian surf.

  Art Kveck's C-119 after he bailed out.

  Arthur Kveck.

  Roger (‘Big O’) Owens.

  Art and Martha Reichert.

  Glenn, Marianne and Diana Simmons, 1960.

  Dick Staats.

  Reiko and Dick Staats.

  OL20 Maintenance Group in front of Joe Warner's U-2 #703 - ‘Soup’ Campbell fifth from left back, arms crossed; Donnie Brown, third from left, middle row; Joe Warner, sixth from left, middle row; Bob Ingram, fifth from right, back row.

  Joe Warner, 1959.

  Joe's U-2 #66703 in flight. Photo courtesy of Lockheed Martin Co.

  Dan and Linda White.

  Cuban Missile Crisis pilots and the commanding officers. Back row, left to right: General Thomas Powers, CINCSAC, Captain Edwin Emerling, Major Buddy L. Brown, Major Steve Heyser, Captain James Qualls, Captain Roger Herman, Colonel John DesPortes. Front row, left to right: Captain George Bull, Captain Charles Kern, Captain Gerald McIlmoyle, Captain Robert Primrose, Captain Daniel Schmarr.

  Standing left to right: Major/Navigator, Lt/Maintenance, Col William Hayes, Lt Col Wheaton, Hospital commander, Major Mahaffey, Lockheed Tech Rep Mike Cupito, Major/Maintenance, Airman/PSD. Kneeling left to right: Major Charlie Kern, Major Leo Stewart, Major/Navigator, Capt/Maintenance, MSgt John Hillman, Crew Chief.

  Capt Bob Birkett at Bien Hoa AB, 1966.

  Capt Bob Birkett at Bien Hoa AB, 1966.

  U-2 Quonset supply hut following the rocket attach, Bien Hoa AB, Vietnam.

  Capt Bob Birkett at Bien Hoa AB, 1966.

  Barracks at Bien Hoa AB, May 12 1967.

  A destroyed A-1E Skyraider at Bien Hoa AB, May 12 1967.

  Major Bob Birkett at Bien Hoa AB, May 12 1967.

  Lt Col Bob Birkett, Akrotiri RAF base, Cyprus, 1976 - his last flight.

  Michael (Mike) Horochivsky.

  Gung Ho hat briefly worn by Michael Horochivsky in Vietnam.

  Charlie Kern celebrating 1,000 hours in the U-2.

  Rocket attack damage, Bien Hoa Air Base, South Vietnam, summer 1966.

/>   Rocket attack damage, Bien Hoa Air Base, South Vietnam, summer 1966.

  Chuck Maultsby, Bien Hoa Air Base, South Vietnam, summer 1966.

  Chuck Maultsby and Charlie Kern, Bien Hoa Air Base, South Vietnam, summer 1966.

  U-2 Maintenance Office after rocket attack, Bien Hoa Air Base, South Vietnam, Summer 1966.

  Rocket attack damage, Bien Hoa Air Base, South Vietnam, summer 1966.

  Rocket attack damage, Bien Hoa Air Base, South Vietnam, summer 1966.

  U-2 Maintenance Office after rocket attack, Bien Hoa Air Base, South Vietnam, Summer 1966.*

  This and following page: Citation awarded to members of 5th Special Forces Group for their actions in Operation Black Box. Courtesy of Stephen Sherman, RADIX Press, Houston, TX,

  Montagnard Cambodian soldiers and Special Forces team assembling for the search for System 13.

  Montagnard fighter who was a team member searching for System 13.

  Special Forces team leader Captain James (Bo) Gritz.

  Montagnard soldiers pulling the System 13 from the mud.

  The System 13 with bayonet placed across it for reference.

  System 13 being pulled onboard the helicopter. Charlie Kern is in the gunner's position.

  Special Forces radio gear used by the team searching for the System 13.

  Special Forces radio operator.

  Special Forces sergeant who was a member of the team searching for the System 13.

  Special Forces officers on the team.

  Team members on the move.

  Montagnard soldier.

  Ray Lodin, Bien Hoa Air Base, 1964.

  View from the tanker during inflight refueling of the U-2. Photo courtesy of Lockheed Martin Co.

  Victor L. Milam (center) with crew chiefs, preparing for a flight.

  Victor L. Milam, 1968.

  Saigon street scene.

  Jim Rogers in the dressing room, prior to a flight.

  Saigon, October 1964.

  US Embassy, Saigon, 1964.

  Saigon street scene, 1964.

  U-2 detachment personnel, Bien Hoa AB, October 1964. 4028th Squadron Commander Lt Col Tony Martinez is standing far right. Jim Rogers is seated far left in the first row.

  South Vietnamese Government building, 1964.

  Woman herding water buffalo.

  Pilots’ trailer, Bien Hoa AB, 1964.

  Typical family home, Vietnam 1964.

  Buddy Brown.

  Welcoming the first group of Taiwanese student pilots to Laughlin AFB. Left to right: Major Chan Hia, unknown USAF officer, Major Mike Hua, Major Shia, Col John Harvey, Major Gen Wang, Col John DesPortes, Major Yang, Major Tiger Wang.

  John and Lilas Harvey at their farewell party at Laughlin AFB.

  Clifford B. Melton, Laughlin AFB, 1966

  Barbara Rodenbach and dance partner in the production of Olé.

  William T. (Rody) Rodenbach II.

  Martin Bee in pressure suit at Lake Meade for parachute training, 1964.

  Parachute training at Lake Meade, Nevada, 1964. Martin Bee is in the harness.

  Left to right: Lilleba Bee, Al Rand (CIA U-2 pilot) and Martin Bee in the UK, 1967.

  Martin Bee at RAF Duxford Imperial War Museum beside a U-2, 1995.

  Left to right: Andy Cumming (flight surgeon), Harry Drew (pilot), Dick Cloke (pilot and detachment commander) and Rod Booth (flight planner).

  Dick Cloke in the cockpit of the U-2R at Edwards North Base, approximately 1969.

  Gen Lee Po Wei (David).

  ROCAF T-33 squadron. Top row, far right, Robin Yeh.

  Major General Jude B.K. Pao with P-51 Mustang.

  Black Cat pilots. Left to right: Simon Chien, Chris I, Bob Birkett (USAF), Tom Wang, Mike Chu, Joe Wei and Mory Tsai.

  Andy Fan.

  Mory Tsai standing by U-2.

  Colonel Tom Wang

  Johnny Shen, Chih Yao-Hua, Tom Wang, David Lee, Andy Fan.

  Mike Chu.

  Robin Yeh with General Chiang Kai Shek.

  Andy Fan.

  Black Cats.

  Black Cat pilots, left to right: Johnny Shen, Tom Wang, Gimo Yang, Spike Chun, Tiger Wang, Andy Fan, Terry Liu, Denny Hung.

  Standing, left to right: David Lee, Terry Liu, Johnny Shen, Spark Chung, Denny Hwong. Seated, left to right: Tech Rep, Andy Fan, Bob Erickson, Tiger Wang.

  General I. Fu-En with Mory Tsai.

  Left to right: unknown, Jack Chang, David Lee, Robin Yeh, Mory Tsai.

  Black Cat pilots, U-2 in background. Left to right: Joe Wei, Mike Chu, Tom Wang, Simon Chien, Mory Tsai, Bob Birkett (USAF).

  1990 ROCAF Reunion for Robin Yeh and Jack Chang, seated in middle row; Gimo Young is center in dark jacket.

  2005 4080th SRW Reunion, left to right: Mory Tsai, Jack Chang, Robin Yeh and Andy Fan.

  2005 4080th SRW Reunion, left to right: Robin Yeh, Jack Chang, Margaret Hua, Mike Hua, Chris I, Keiko Yeh, Pauline I, Robert (Gimo) Yang, Helen Shen, Andy Fan, Mory Tsai, Johnny Shen, Joe Wei.

  List of Abbreviations


  Armament and Electronics Squadron


  Air Defense Identification Zone


  Atomic Energy Commission


  Armament and Electronics Squadron


  Airborne Early Warning


  Air Force


  Air Force Base


  Air Force Specialty Code


  Armed Forces Special Weapons Project


  Aerospace Ground Equipment


  Airframe Mounted Accessory Drive


  Air National Guard


  Air Policeman


  Airplane General


  Auxiliary Power Unit


  Air Training Command


  Bachelor Officers’ Quarters


  Base Exchange


  Central Intelligence Agency


  Commander in Chief


  Commander in Chief, Strategic Air Command


  Chief Master Sergeant


  Deputy Chief of Staff


  Distinguished Flying Cross


  Defense Intelligence Agency


  Demilitarized Zone


  Dead Reckoning


  Daily Requirements Objectives List


  Electronic Countermeasures


  Engine Tailpipe Temperature


  Electronic Intelligence


  Electronic Warfare Officer


  Federal Aviation Administration


  Forward Air Controller


  Federal Bureau of Investigation


  Field Carrier Landing Practice


  Flight Evaluation Board


  Field Maintenance Squadron


  Ground Controlled Approach


  Ground Control Intercept


  High Altitude Sampling Program


  Indicated Air Speed


  Intercontinental Ballistic Missile


  Identification Friend or Foe


  Instrument Flight Rules


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