This is Our Land (Emerilia Book 5)

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This is Our Land (Emerilia Book 5) Page 22

by Michael Chatfield

  Alkao hovered in the air. The DCA had been three hundred thousand strong, no small number, especially when thinking that most of the people had been level 200s with abilities that would have made level 250s wary.

  He let out a heavy breath, slowly coming to step on the ground. The smell of death pervaded his senses. It would disappear after a few days if the resources from those who had fallen were not collected and their bodies started to dissipate back into Emerilia.

  His heart was heavy with loss. He had spent months preparing for his people’s return. He had spent countless sleepless nights doing everything and anything he could to ready Devil’s Crater for their arrival.

  They had escaped their demise for centuries, been given hope, created allies and turned from a wandering horde into a true community that cared about one another.

  Still, they had not been able to sit by and consolidate their strength. His people had paid in blood.

  He looked over the battlefield. His eyes saw the scenes of countless battles. Where his first brother had died. Silent tears left lines down his cheeks.

  He gave a sad smile, his eyes itchy as his thoughts filled with memories of Lezar. It wasn’t the grand gestures, but the day-to-day things—a smile here, giving Alkao some of his water when there wasn’t much to go around—small kindnesses that created everlasting ties between people.

  Alkao let out a deep breath. It seemed heavy, as if his own emotions weighed on him. He had been hurriedly called the king of Devil’s Crater so that there was someone to be in control and command in Devil’s Crater’s time of need.

  He didn’t want the responsibility. He remembered how his brother had charged forward with his blood-sworn. They had sacrificed themselves in order to give those who relied on them time. That was leadership: doing everything you could to lead your people to victory and sacrificing yourself in times of need to save those who look up to you.

  In Emerilia, the strong ruled, sending out others to do their bidding. But leaders, they inspired loyalty for stepping out and saving these weaker people who carried out their orders.

  I want to be a leader like that, a leader like Lezar was.

  He made this promise to those who had laid down their lives for Devil’s Crater, for those who were weaker than them, for the idea that these people might gain a future, a future that they were willing to die for.

  Alkao stood there for a long time, his inner pain numb within his body as he started to envision a path for Devil’s Crater. It was only when someone was so close to death that they were able to truly appreciate life and understand how fragile it was.

  His wings extended. He rose into the sky with a few powerful beats of his wings. He turned and headed back toward the fort that was one big aid center dealing with the wounded and letting those who had fought find rest and get some food into themselves.

  His blood-sworn followed, not saying a word.

  Alkao’s mood improved as he came to land outside the temporary fort.

  There was a sense of relief in the air, but also sadness. They had won out against the Horde but many of their fellows had died.

  Koza found him as he walked the camp, checking on his people.

  “We have found the remainders of the Demon Horde. The aerial DCA and the Dwarves are closing in on them. There are just a few thousand remaining.” Koza’s scouts had tracked down the remaining members of the Demon Horde, marking them for all of the allies to see.

  Alkao put his hand on the Elf Halfling’s shoulder and looked into his eyes. “I might not have said it before, but thank you for coming to our aid when you did. Without it, I fear the number of my people who lay out on that field would be greatly increased.” Alkao gestured to the land beyond the fort.

  “Our people are not too dissimilar. Both of us were hunted down like rabid animals because Emerilia was scared of our abilities.” Koza shook his head. “The Stone Raiders showed us that there are people out there who are willing to stand beside us. As they stood beside us, they stand beside you. I hope that one day the Aleph and people of Devil’s Crater can stand beside one another as friends and allies.”

  “To that, we can both agree.” Alkao extended a large hand.

  Koza gripped the offered hand, shaking it. “And then, we can show Emerilia and the gods why they should fear us,” Koza said, low enough so no one else could hear.

  “The Dark Lord is mine,” Alkao said, still holding Koza’s hand

  Koza leaned in. “As long as we get the Earth Lord.”

  “Agreed,” Alkao said. The two of them shared hungry looks.

  Stone Raiders jogged into the fort, looking around. Josh was there to greet them. A number were those who had died near the beginning of the battle. People went off to a tent where their gear was piled up and sorted out.

  Alkao and Koza turned to watch them. They came out of the tent as if nothing had changed. Many of them actually had stronger auras than when they had gone into battle.

  “They’re one hell of a fighting force,” Koza said.

  “They train without fear. Every attack could kill one or the other, sometimes they do. Even if they die, each time they come back stronger from what they have learned. I saw their display of skill at the first battle at the northwestern keep and could see the destruction they brought down on their enemies here. They push the boundaries of what people should be able to do,” Alkao said in a serious tone. He had heard of the power of Players before he had been saved by the Grey God. Hearing it and seeing it was two different things.

  “I don’t think that we’ve seen even the full scope of their power. With every day, they get stronger. Can you imagine how powerful they will be by the end of the Player cycle?” Koza said seriously.

  “I do not know, but I plan to follow them along that path to power.” Alkao touched the sword at his hip.

  Koza looked at Alkao with a measuring gaze before slowly turning and looking back at the fort.


  Bob, Fire, and Water sat around a table, watching the fight for Devil’s Crater and what was left behind.

  “They’re a resilient bunch,” Water said.

  “That they are.” Bob saw a proud smile on Fire’s face as she watched the part with the Fire atronachs and Deia’s fighting. Even though she was happy with her people’s achievements, Bob could see the sadness in her eyes. Losing so many people in a day—it was hard for someone who lived for seeing others become stronger and create their own destinies.

  “Not the kind of people to wait around either.” Fire stopped her watching and dismissed the screen in front of her.

  “They will rebuild and grow their army. This is not the last time that we have seen the DCA, I believe. It’s also the weakest I think we will see them,” Bob said.

  “An alliance between Dwarves, Demons, Beast Kin, and Aleph. It sounds like a group I would not want to deal with.” Water, too, had a somber look as his eyes moved to Bob.

  “I didn’t plan for it, though I won’t say I didn’t hope it would come about.” Bob pulled out a pipe.

  “Now, we have the Dwarven tournament coming up,” Fire said.

  “Yes, it will be quite the fight,” Water said.

  “I trust that you two will let your people compete, too. We need the best to walk the vaults. While the Players are many, they do not have the numbers to cover all of Emerilia. We will need our own champions armed with Weapons of Power to push back the creatures that will wander Emerilia once more.” Bob tapped his pipe on his chair to clean it out.

  “With that, we can spread the protection across Emerilia. I will send out word to the mage’s guild and colleges across Emerilia. The best fighters from the colleges, guilds, towns, cities, and surrounding areas will be given a free ride to the Dwarven tournament,” Fire said.

  “I will put up the money for a teleport pad so that my people might be able to compete as well.” Water looked to Fire.

  “Whatever might come to pass in our future, we will stand together.” Bob looke
d to the two others.

  “That we will.” Water nodded.

  “Two of the Affinities actually working together.” Fire smiled. “It makes me wonder what we can do.”

  “No more reacting, trying to shore up our defenses and countering the others’ attacks, but instead empowering our own people to create their own future.” Water stroked his beard. “That is a powerful tool.”

  “Together, we can carve out a path for Emerilia and its people to survive the coming challenges,” Bob whispered, as if saying it too loudly might break his dream.

  Chapter 25: A Path To Power

  Dave opened up his notifications now that everything had settled down.

  Active Skill: Inference

  Level: Expert Level 9

  Effect: 81% increased chance of using moves you’ve read in books.

  Active Skill: One handed and Shield

  Level: Master Level 5

  Effect: Weapons damage increased by 45%. Defense increases by 22%; shield bash is 25% more likely to stun opponent.

  Cost: 20 Stamina

  Active Skill: Spell Formation

  Level: Master Level 3

  Effect: You use 25% less Mana and your spells are 84% stronger.

  Active Skill: Soul Manipulation

  Level: Master Level 4

  Effect: Tools you make to manipulate souls and their energy is 93% stronger. Able to use soul energy to fuel spells. 25% increase to soul energies reserves (can only be used for spells; does not act as extra Willpower points).

  Cost: Dependent on creation.

  Active Skill: Magical Circuits

  Level: Mastered

  Effect: Upon breaking down Magical Circuits, you understand how they function. 50% reduction of cost in making Magical Circuits

  Cost: Dependent

  Created Sub-Class: Magical Coding

  Active Skill: Soul Smith

  Level: Expert Level 7

  Effect: 77% less soul energy necessary for crafting with soul smith.

  Cost: Dependent on creation.

  Active Skill: Builder

  Level: Master Level 7

  Effect: Speed and efficiency is doubled. Creations material cost is reduced by 35%.

  Required: Tools

  Active Skill: Dual wield

  Level: Master Level 2

  Effect: Attacks are 42 % faster. 10% chance of slowing target.

  Cost: 15 Stamina

  Passive Skill: Perception

  Level: Master Level 6

  Effect: If using the correct skills, you will see the hidden details around you. (If using arcane sight, can see arcane trip wires or hidden passages. If using regular sight, can see hidden crevices and loot containers.) 30% chance at better loot.

  Active Skill: Two handed

  Level: Master Level 2

  Effect: 42% armor penetration on target. Stamina costs reduced 25% while fighting. Can use two-handed weapons in one hand at 50% increased Stamina cost.

  Cost: 35 Stamina

  Active Skill: Sprint

  Level: Master Level 6

  Effect: Sprint Speed is doubled. Sprinting costs 30% less Stamina.

  Cost: 5 Stamina/second

  Active Skill: Archery

  Level: Master Level 2

  Effect: Critical Hit chance increases by 42%. Ranged targets take 21% increased damage.

  Cost: 10 Stamina

  Class: Champion Slayer


  Level: 3


  +30 to all stats

  Relationship with Affinities Pantheon:

  Dark: Hated

  Light: Favorable

  Water: Favorable

  Fire: Trusted Friend

  Earth: Angered

  Air: Neutral

  Quest: Champion Slayer Level 4

  Kill 100 Champions (85/100)

  Rewards: Unlock Level 5 Quest

  Increase to stats

  Increased/Decreased reputation with Affinities

  Level 220

  You have reached level 220; you have 521 stat points to use.

  “Best put those to use. Getting harder and harder to gain levels,” Dave muttered, putting 10 into Intelligence and 25 into Agility.

  Character Sheet


  David Grahslagg






  Dwarven Master Smith, Friend of the Grey God, Bleeder, Librarian, Aleph Engineer, Weapons Master, Champion Slayer, Skill Creator, Mine Manager, Master Summoner




  Neutral Good

  Unspent points: 491




  9.00 /s




  22.40 /s




  18.10 /s













  Dave let out a breath, feeling the rush of the new stats. “Always feels good with some high attributes. Time to check those class quests and then I can see about getting the DCA armed and ready for whatever they might face.”

  Quest: Friend Of The Grey God Level 3

  Complete the Quest: Survival of the Fittest

  Rewards: Unlock Level 4 Quest

  Increase to stats

  Quest: Bleeder Level 2

  Complete the Quest: Survival of the Fittest

  Rewards: Unlock Level 3 Quest

  Increase to stats


  Quest: Librarian Level 3

  Conduct research that allows you to understand how teleport pads work.

  Rewards: Unlock Level 4 Quest

  Increase to stats

  Quest: Aleph Engineer Level 4

  Help build 1 Aleph facility

  Rewards: Unlock Level 5 Quest

  Increase to stats

  Increased access to Aleph College Knowledge

  Quest: Dwarven Master Smith Level 3

  You must craft 10 weapons of S quality with your Smithing Art (Currently 5/10)

  Rewards: Unlock Level 4 quest

  Increase to stat gain

  Quest: Weapons Master Level 3

  Complete the Quest: Survival of the Fittest

  Rewards: Unlock Level 4 Quest

  Increase to stats

  Quest: Skill Creator Level 2

  Personally teach 1 person your Skill (0/1)

  Rewards: Unlock Level 3 Quest

  Increase to stats

  Quest: Mine Manager Level 3

  Pay 500,000 gold

  Rewards: Unlock Level 4 Quest

  Increase to mine’s output

  Quest: Master Summoner Level 2

  Open a rift to 10 planes (0/10)

  Rewards: Unlock Level 3 Quest

  Increase stats

  Dave closed his interface. He was still recovering from the battle just a few hours ago, but his higher Endurance meant he didn’t need much sleep and his other attributes had him feeling better even faster than he’d hoped.

  He wandered out of his tent. His party’s tents were in a squared-off U-shape around a cooking area. The flaps were open to let in a cool breeze coming in from the north. Thankfully the bodies were all downwind and people were already looting the bodies. Once they were looted, they would disappear off into nothing.

  On Emerilia, very few races actually had anything like burials as bodies would disintegrate after a few minutes without magical enhancement. Only kings and queens or the richest lords and ladies had their bodies preserved long enough for official funerals.

  Suzy was still passed out on her cot. Induca was also a
sleep, spooning with her. Steve was close by, acting as a guardian.

  Malsour, Deia, and Anna sat in the stone seats Malsour had made around the campfire.


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