This is Our Land (Emerilia Book 5)

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This is Our Land (Emerilia Book 5) Page 38

by Michael Chatfield

  A thin beam of crackling energy extended out from the metal. It was hazy and sparks flew off from it.

  “You’re losing power from minor problems in the coding. Need to work on your carving skill.” Dave studied the item.

  Matt nodded, waiting, eager to learn more.

  “Also, your shaping is not the best. If you’re trying to make a Halo sword, you should have used Aleph and Ooinfa runes,” Dave said with a reproving glance.

  Matt looked downtrodden with Dave’s remarks.

  Dave couldn’t keep the look up. Breaking into a smile, he excitedly clapped Matt on the shoulder, making the man stumble slightly with the Dwarven power behind it. “But it’s a damn sight better than my first tries!” Dave laughed.

  Matt broke out into an embarrassed and proud smile.

  The metal fizzled and shuddered. The runes were melting slightly with the power going through them. Dave flicked the power off. The sword’s five-inch-long Mana blade faded. Sparks ran across it before dying.

  “I just got the skill magical coding.” Matt looked at a window on his interface.

  “Boo-yah! We’ve got a lot more to do, but Mana sword—I didn’t think of that. Pretty cool. Might have to try that out.” Dave deactivated the testing station and pulled out the metal.

  “It says that I get a bonus in learning magical coding by learning from you because you’re the original skill creator,” Matt said with clear shock. His shock turned to excitement.

  “Much to learn, you do,” Dave said in his best wise old goblin voice.

  Matt let out a big belly laugh.

  Dave joined in before he handed over the metal. A pop-up blurred in his vision.

  New Active Skill: Teacher

  Well. Hello again there! Looks like you can teach an old dog new tricks! And even old dogs can teach others new tricks… Or something like that…Well, at least, you aren’t running around in circles trying to catch your own tail, most of the time. Just boring the hell out of people with your damned lectures! Why did I have to get stuck with this guy? Can I get some adrenaline junkie? I’m calling HR!

  Level: Apprentice Level 3

  Effect: You can teach people skills that you have prior knowledge of, up to your level of ability. Your students are 5% more likely to understand what you’re teaching them. Teaching on subjects you have a higher knowledge on will yield higher results. Teaching skills you have mastered or created give a higher chance for students understanding your lessons.

  Dave rolled his eyes; he’d missed whatever weird AI was making up his descriptions. Seemed they were pretty bored. “Maybe I’ll meet them one day.” Dave shrugged and pushed the pop-up aside, and found two more.

  Dave laughed to himself.

  Class: Librarian

  Through tireless research, you have taken the written word and used it in a practical sense. Beware the nerd who studies; they’ve got a dozen ideas others haven’t even thought of yet.


  Level 4


  +80 Vitality

  +30 Endurance

  +60 Strength

  +60 Agility

  Class: Skill Creator

  You have gone beyond regular skills, mastering them in the pursuit for more. You have created a new skill in your endeavors


  Level 2


  +40 Intelligence

  +40 Endurance

  +40 Willpower

  “All in a day’s work.” Dave felt the rush as his body adapted to the new stats. Might be an idea to just sit around, do some training with other people than just grind out levels. With more classes, it makes it much easier to increase my stats. Dave pondered and opened his character sheet.

  Character Sheet


  David Grahslagg






  Dwarven Master Smith, Friend of the Grey God, Bleeder, Librarian, Aleph Engineer, Weapons Master, Champion Slayer, Skill Creator, Mine Manager, Master Summoner




  Neutral Good

  Unspent points: 366




  10.66 /s




  23.55 /s




  21.00 /s













  Dave took a deep breath; his eyes and runes glowed slightly with the influx of power. It settled down, Dave feeling refreshed and stronger than ever.

  “Okay, so, what did you learn from your first success?” Dave looked to his student.

  “I need to work on my carving.” Matt winced.

  “Well, yes, but what about the coding, the power output, everything and anything!”

  “The runes weren’t the best made, which was making the power unstable and messing with the coding. I need to refine my carving for that. I can see why you now use so much silver in runes. Their ability to stabilize and help the magical coding work will be a lot of help in larger productions. I also was trying to do way too much. If I had scaled down the output, then I could have sustained the blade for longer. I also thought more about form over function. If someone’s hand had been on that blade, they would have been getting a surge of Mana right through their hand.” Matt winced.

  “Well, you’re learning.” Dave smiled and slapped Matt on the back. “We’ve got a long path ahead of us.”

  Dave’s smile flickered slightly, thinking of all the challenges in their future.

  And the Players don’t even know simulation from reality.

  Dave’s resolve firmed. He would do everything he could to get his friends and those he called his family ready for what was to come.

  Epilogue: A New Pantheon

  The Dark Lord waved his hand at the air. The spell took a lot of power, what was worth five months of his old follower’s devotions.

  Boran-al shivered in excitement at his lord’s newfound power. Space seemed to distort, tearing open a hole through it. The Dark Lord walked through the shimmering portal without a care.

  Boran-al followed on his heels.

  They exited the portal in a dark room. Pitch-black crystal glinted on the walls. It seemed to drink in any surrounding light. Boran-al had been born and molded in darkness; he could see through it easily as they made their way through massive ornate halls, each twenty feet tall and sixty feet wide.

  What kind of creatures would make a place such as this? Were these halls made for their size, or because they simply desired it?

  Boran-al followed his master without a word.

  “As you might have thought, I have been gaining power from sources other than my followers.” The Dark Lord sounded excited. “I found a new source of power and devotions, a much more powerful one.” Twin crystal doors parted with barely a sound, revealing a shining desert beyond, covered in black crystals like the building they were in.

  The tower stretched into the sky, making it hard to see how far the odd crystal desert spread.

  “Welcome to Alturara, land of the Alturarans, my new followers.” The Dark Lord waved his hand as if to embrace the desert before him.

  Boran-al looked down in shock. The crystal desert wasn’t a desert at all but a gathering of Alturarans. Their bellows were like a wall of force, their grating and screeching cheers making Boran-al shudder. He smiled hungrily, his eyes filled with greed and malice.

  “I used your citadel’s power to open a portal to these lands and anoint new champions within the Alturarans. They have gathered a loyal fo
llowing that eagerly devotes their power for my blessings,” the Dark Lord said with pride.

  “Master, you are brilliant beyond compare.” Boran-al prostrated himself before his lord and master.

  The Alturarans weren’t just creatures; they were organic life that had left behind their forms to grow into crystals. Using their Dark Affinity, they could easily control their much stronger and powerful crystal bodies.

  The Dark Lord indicated for Boran-al to rise after a few moments. Boran-al stared over the balcony. He giggled until it turned to laughter. His eyes wandered over the Alturarans. Among them, massive beasts, taking on various forms and ranging from ten stories tall to forty meters long, moved about.

  With this army supplying my master power, nothing will stand in our way!

  Emerilia will be continued in Stone Raider’s Return.

  Want a bigger map of Emerilia and the continents? Check out

  You can check out my other books, what I’m working on and upcoming releases through the following means:



  Twitter: @chatfieldsbooks

  Facebook: Michael Chatfield


  Thanks again for reading!

  Continue on for Character Sheet!

  In Alphabetical order



  Dwarven Master Smith. Smithing Art: Metal Spinner. Lives in Grorart Mountain.



  One of the Dark Lord’s Champions. Works directly under the Dark Lord. Creates Creatures of Power and carry’s out the Dark Lord’s orders. His Citadel was destroyed.

  Alastair Montgoa

  Arch Lich aka former Lord Vailyn. Gave up his fellow Aleph to have everlasting life; used the centuries to build strength and knowledge



  Dwarven Master Smith. Smithing Art-Unknown. Wandering smith.


  Elf/Human Halfling

  Holy warrior. Leader of the Golden Sabres. In a relationship with Josh Giles.

  Dark Lord


  Embodiment of the Dark affinity. Created Demons. Normally an ally with the Earth Lord. Always looking a way to tip the power balance of Emerilia in his favor.



  Dwarven Master Smith. Smithing Art: Metal Press. Lives in Grorart Mountain.

  Akatol Dracul


  Water Mage. Was the second Dragon, Denur’s husband. Went mad and started a genocide, disappeared.

  Denur Dracul


  Fire Mage Hailed as ‘Mother of Dragons’. First of her race, a creature of power created by the Lady of Fire. Seen as her daughter. Sister to Oson’ Deia.

  Gelimah Dracul


  Dark Mage. Brother to Induca, Louna and Malsour

  Fornau Dracul


  Earth Mage. Quindar's mate Malsour and Induca’s grandnephew.

  Induca Dracul


  Fire Mage. One of the youngest from the first generation of Dragons. Sister to Malsour, daughter of Denur, aunt to Quindar, great aunt to Fornau. Member of the Stone Raiders and Party Zero.

  Kinal Dracul


  Louna Dracul


  Induca, Gelimah and Malsour’s sister.

  Malsour Dracul


  Dark Mage. One of the oldest Dragons in existence, first born of Denur. Deia and Induca’s Guardian, Stone Raider and Party Zero member. Brother to Induca. Great Uncle to Fornau Dracul and Uncle to Quindar Dracul.

  Quindar Dracul


  Wind Mage, wife to Fornau, Niece to Induca and Malsour.

  Wokui Dracul


  Water Mage

  Xednai Dracul


  One of the first Dragons, had several Dragons. Her son is Fornau.

  Gorpal Dunsk


  Dwarven Master Smith, lives in Aldamire Mountain, created 3 Weapons of Power - Mace of Fury, Tower Shield, Boots of Smash. Smithing Art: Paint Copy

  Earth Lord


  Embodiment of the Dark affinity. Created Earth Sprites.



  Dwarven Master Smith. Had been in the Dwarven War Bands as a Shield Bearer. Former pupil of Quino's Brother to Endur. Smithing Art: Metal’s Song


  Human. Military scientist within the Deq’ual System. Friend of Sato’s


  Beast Kin. Beast Kin representative on ruling council.



  Dwarven Master Smith. Had been in the Dwarven War Bands as a Shield Bearer. Former pupil of Quino's, brother to Edmur, lives in Zolu Mountain. Smithing Art Hammer Blows



  Melee fighter. Member of Mikal and Jule’s party. Fought at Boranl-Al’s Citadel.

  Member of the Stone Raiders. Going out with Jules. Works under Dwayne as a fighter. Being trained for a leadership position under Dwayne.

  Lord Esamael


  Lord of Emaren within the Gudalo Kingdom.


  High Elf.

  Warrior living in Aleph, married to Ela’Dorn. Persectued by high elves as heretic.



  Researcher and professor at Aleph College. Aleph Council Member. Married to Ela-Gal



  Lord Under the Mithsia Mountains.



  Trader’s Guild Chapter head in Emaren.

  David Grahslagg

  Dwarf/Human Halfling, in-game character of Austin Zane. Dwarven Master Smith, Resident of Cliff Hill, member of Party Zero and the Stone Raider’s Guild. Other names: Austin Zane

  Josh Giles


  Rogue. Leader of the Stone Raiders. Was a investment broker on Earth, became an E-head. In a relationship with Cassie from the Golden Sabres.




  Fellox Guild Master.



  Dwarven Master Smith in Benvari Mountain with Jesal, teaching four apprentices. Smithing Art: Blood Bender.



  On the Ruling council for Devil’s Crater.



  Shield bearer, member of Dwarven War Band under Lox’s command, sent to guide people to Cliff-Hill. Friend of David Grahslagg, Kol’s Grandson. Member of the Stone Raiders.



  Dwarven Master Smith.

  Kim Isdola


  Cleric/alchemist. Lieutenant in Stone Raiders.



  On the Ruling council for Devil’s Crater.

  Arch-Mage Jekoni


  Soul bound to Staff of Growing, over 2,000 years old; missing legs. Held within Dwarven Vaults with other Weapons of power.



  Made by Bob to assist the Dwarven Master Smiths.



  Fellox Guild member.



  Dwarven Master Smith, Dave's master smith trainer. Smithing art: Nature's Guide



  Healer. Member of Mikal and Esa’s party. Fought at Boranl-Al’s Citadel.

  Member of the Stone Raiders. Used to be an army medic, E-head without legs IRL. Going out with Esa. Works under Lucy as support, leads the healers of the Stone Raiders.


br />   Shield bearer, member of Dwarven War Band under Lox’s command, sent to guide people to Cliff-Hill. Friend and trainer of David Grahslagg.



  Wolf Beast Kin/Administrator AI24681

  Air mage. Originally a program meant to assist Lo’kal with the running of Emerilia. Anna was uploaded to a Player body and inserted into Emerilia. She became emotionally attached with her charges. When the Beast Kin people were wiped out from Emerilia she went into cold storage, waiting for her father to awake her when a chance came to fight against the prison they had created.

  Member of the Stone Raiders and Party Zero. Daughter of Bob.



  Scientist, created Emerilia. Awarded the position of the Gray God, maintains Emerilia, its people and Players. Other names: Bob, Bobby McMahnon, The Balancer, Gray God.



  On the Ruling Council for Devil’s Crater.



  Dwarven Master Smith. Gurren’s grandfather. Resides in Cliff-Hill. Taught Dave how to Smith. Runs his Smithies. Smithing art: Blind Man’s Touch

  Lady of Air


  Embodiment of the affinity Air. Known for causing mischief. Her Champions act as spies and information brokers, tilting the balance of Emerilia.

  Lady of Fire


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