A Woman Called Sage

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A Woman Called Sage Page 26

by DiAnn Mills


  Sage searched Tall Elks face for a sign of emotion, but he revealed nothing. The man had taught her how to survive the tragedies that came with living. Hed been hard at times, and hed been patient in his teachings, asking for nothing in return. Even when he shared his heart, hed not condemned her for refusing his love. She loved Tall Elk for his sacrifice, but shed never dreamed his cost would be his own life. Struggling with the ropes binding her hands, she longed for McCaw blood. Bitterness rose like a poison. Where was God now? Where?

  Mitch pulled him from the spotted pony and shoved him toward the fire where Sage, Parker, and Wirt sat with their hands tied behind them.

  Take a place beside Sage, Mitch said. Since youre so willin to come to her aid.

  Tall Elk spit in his face. Mitch responded with a rifle barrel across his neck and shoulder, knocking him at Sages feet.

  She gasped. He isnt a part of this. Let him go. Her plea brought a round of laughter from the McCaws.

  Tall Elk rolled over and caught her attention. His eyes spoke what his lips could not. He did not blame her in this. For an instant, she saw the caring and the compassion from days gone by.

  Mitch kicked Tall Elk to a position beside Sage. Now, were ready to find out where our money is.

  Tall Elk stared into the fire. Think like one of us, he said in Ute.

  Sage realized Tall Elk sensed her emotions powering over a sound mind. She swallowed and tried to be strong. Sage recalled what Parker had told her about a US Marshal infiltrating a gang. If a marshal was caught with the outlaws, hed be pulled out. But if he were killed or discovered by one of the outlaws, there was nothing anyone could do. He worked alone. His choice. Charless choice. Hed been killed while working in disguisea hero, not an outlaw. A man of integrity who sought to make this country a better place to live. Now she understood why the local sheriff and the governor refused to help. No doubt theyd been told to leave the situation alone.

  The memories of what happened the day she and Charles were shot repeatedCharless words to get her rifle. To use it. He knew the men were there to kill him, yet he didnt say a word. What could she have done if shed understood the circumstances?

  The four of them sat bound beside the fire. Words shed never be able to speak to Parker and Tall Elk and even Wirt would follow all of them to their graves.

  Since no one knows the whereabouts of our money, youre all useless. Aiden raised his gun. Ill begin with the Injun.

  No! Sages voice echoed around them. Shed tell them whatever they wanted to knowmake something upbut not this.

  Wheres the money? And dont give me the story about Charles returning it to the railroad.

  Its deposited in a bank in Denver.

  Shes lying, Mitch said. We checked every bank in Denver, and none had an account with her name on it. Or Charles or Adam Moore or Parker Timmons. He walked over to where she was tied and bent to her level. He grabbed her chin and squeezed. So you either tell us or were going to cut up your Injun friend before blowing a hole right through his head. Then we move on to the good marshals here. You know how we McCaws feel about the law. You will be the most fun of all. He tossed a sneer Parkers way. Your brother was just a warning of what was to come. Fool man stumbled into our camp and tried to arrest us.

  Frank had been innocent too. He had left a fine legacy for Leah and their sons. Think, Sage. How could she stall for time and tell them something believable? She did have a little money in a bank in Durango, but not the amount they were looking for.

  Im waiting, Aiden said. Or this Injun here will find out what a little fire and a knife can do.

  Horror swelled like a snake poised to strike. Her heart cried out for Tall Elks deliverance. Charles never talked to me about any money. As far as I know, he never had any.

  Kill em all and be done with it, Rex said. Im tired of chasing fools gold. He lifted his rifle and aimed straight at Tall Elk. Ill make a respectable marshal for Rocky Falls. Got the preacher on my side.

  We already have a marshal, a mans voice boomed.

  Sage startled. Whose voice split the night air?

  Come on out and show your face, Aiden said, looking around him.

  Believe me. We have two for each one of you. Isnt that right, fellas? Several men responded from different directions. Put down those rifles before one of you pays, and Ill start with the devil who claimed he was fit to be our marshal.

  Where had she heard that mans voice?

  Rex raised his rifle, and a bullet ripped into his right shoulder. He grabbed his bleeding flesh and dropped his weapon. Curses fell like the rain threatening to release on them.

  Aiden, youre left-handed, so I know how to get to you. Im counting to three. One. Two.

  Aidens rifle fell against a rock, along with his brothers rifles. Sage watched Bob Culpepper step out from the brush, followed by Doctor Slader and John Timmons. John reached her first and cut the ropes binding her wrists. With one hand on his rifle, he freed Tall Elk while the other two men untied Parker and Wirt. The men of Rocky Falls had remembered their dedication to Parker Timmons.

  Preacher Waller slipped from behind a boulder. Marshal, what do you want me to do with these outlaws?

  That was his voice shed first heard?

  Parker laughed and stood. I never thought Id be glad to see you.

  Me either, Wirt said. I figured youd be preaching my funeral.

  Guess I had that comin. My old days of bluffing and using a gun came in handy. The Lord had some use for those days after all. You and I have some talking to do later on. But what do you want us deputies to do with the McCaws?

  John laughed. Looks like I got deputized after all.

  Still grinning, Parker caught Sages eye. Take them in alive so we can collect the reward money. I believe the town has a few widows and orphans who could use some help.

  I was looking forward to building them pine boxes, Bob said, yanking Rexs gun from his belt. Had the boards all sanded nice and smooth.

  And I was ready to dig their graves. John spoke firm, confident.

  Yeah, and I was lookin forward to giving them a good send-off before the hanging, Waller said.

  Sage stood and took in a deep breath. What had happened to the preacher who had successfully turned the town of Rocky Falls against Parker? Then againGod had singled her out. She turned to Tall Elk who gave her a brief nod.

  An arm clamped against her throat, and a knifes blade pressed against her flesh. Now its my turn, Aiden said. Yall drop your guns, or Im going to slit her throat.

  And he would. She was sure of it.

  In the firelight, the townsmens faces turned solemn, and they silently complied. Sage stole a glance at Parker. Theyd lost their chance at whatever happiness they could have found together because Aiden would not let her live. He had too many years of hate blackening his soul.

  Just let her go, Parker said. Ride out of here while you can.

  Aiden chuckled like a devil, the deadly evil that marked him. Shes going with us to ensure you boys dont follow. Well drop her along the way. He threw a quick glance at his brothers. Get your rifles and then to the horses.

  Were not fools. Parkers voice steadied. Get to your horses and leave her here. Well give you a good head start.

  Maybe youd like to watch? Aiden took a step back toward the horses, dragging Sage with him. She felt the knife scrape across her flesh.

  She knew hed kill her in front of them. That was Aidens way. The truth swept over her; Unlike she expected, she was ready to die. Shed made her peace with God, and the eternal weighed more than the present.

  Take me instead of her, Parker said.

  How noble. Again Aidens satanic laugh filled her ears. Its not going to happen your way. I have plans.

  A posse of US Marshals is right behind us, Waller said, his voice shaky and lacking the intensity shed heard earlier or what shed just heard from Parker.

  Right. Rex covered the distance between himself and Waller. Youre nothing but a snive
ling coward, trying to run your town with a Bible. Now you think you can scare a McCaw. His clenched fist smacked against Wallers jaw. Shut up, preacher man. No one here is listenin to you.

  John took a step forward, but Rexs rifle aimed in his direction and stopped him.

  Aiden continued to pull Sage toward the horses. A gut feeling told her the McCaws would attempt to shoot all of them before the townsmen retrieved their own weapons. Seconds passed, and she heard the horses snorting behind her. You think you can outsmart me? he said. The wolves will be lappin up your blood within the hour. The knife pressed against her throat, the blade digging deeper into her skin.

  A flap of wings and Aidens screams pierced her ears. He dropped the knife, and she struggled loose while Hawk buried his talons and beak into Aidens neck and shoulders. The outlaws hat flew through the air, and Hawk continued his attack on the mans head and face amidst the outlaws screams.

  Sage fell to the ground and grabbed Aidens rifle. Mitch raised his gun and fired, and she fired a moment after him, sending a bullet into his leg. In the midst of the confusion, Parker and the townsmen took control. She whirled around. Aiden lay with his head and face a bloody mass, and Hawk lay on the ground still, his leg bleeding from Mitchs bullet.

  A gasp flew to her lips, and she kneeled beside her companion. Oh, Hawk, dont die on me too.

  Arms encircled her shoulders, and Parker whispered her name. She peered up into his face and didnt try to blink back the stinging tears. Ive got to help him.

  Parker eased down beside her. He is still breathing, and hes strong. Will he let you tend to him?

  I believe so. She reached out to soothe the bird. Easy, Hawk. Let me look at your leg.

  Sage swallowed, hoping to gain control of her feelings. Even if the bird hadnt been hurt and frightened enough to fight back, the number of humans around him would have made him aggressive. Tall Elk bent to her other side. The hawk is strong, and he has a will to live.

  Can I help? Sage recognized Doc Sladers deep voice. I brought some things with me in case someone needed doctoring.

  Sage nodded. Ill keep talking to him. It looks really bad.

  So did you a few weeks ago, and you healed just fine. He patted her shoulder and disappeared, no doubt to get his medical bag.

  Parker, what about Aiden. Is he alive?

  A moment of silence slipped by. She didnt want to look at the outlaw. He embodied all that was evil. Hes gone, Parker said. Hawk took care of him. The bird did what the rest of us could not.

  She remembered the small bird that Tall Elk had brought to herthe bird shed trained and poured out her devotion on. I dont want him to pay with his life.

  Doc will do his best.

  She turned to Tall Elk. And youre all right?

  He nodded, and even in the darkness, she felt his love. His bronzed body, skilled hands, and endless wisdom represented a part of her she treasured. In many ways they were alike and inseparable. Tall Elk lifted his gaze to Parker. Take care of Sage. She is a fine woman. The broken English, the language shed taught him, reminded her of the time spent with the Ute.

  I will. I promise to always take good care of her.

  Good. Tall Elk stood, and his gaze bored into hers. If you ever need me, he said in Ute, you know where to find me.

  Sage bit into her lower lip and lifted her chin. He needed to see her strong, not weak and imprisoned by emotions that left her speechless. May the Great Creator of the earth ride with you.

  Tall Elk turned and disappeared. A rush of memories continued to sweep over her. All good ones. All ones shed one day share with her own children.

  A man cleared his throat, and she caught sight of Preacher Waller. Ill do some praying for the bird, Waller said. God may not have been listening to me in the past, but I think He will now. I owe a whole lot of people an apology, and you two are at the top of the list.

  Accepted, Parker said. What happened to change your heart?

  Sage kept her eyes focused on Hawk, and her ears trained on Wallers words.

  I overheard my youngest daughter playing. She was pretending to be me, and her perception wasnt anything about God. In her story about David and Goliath, I was Goliath. In that moment, God grabbed me by the shirt collar and let me know how far Id slid away from Him. How Id tried to be a god. How I thought I had all of the answers. The more I reflected on my daughters play, the more I realized how much Id disappointed Him. He snorted. When I think back about how I was the worst character in town before God cleaned me upand how I became such a hypocriteWell, if my life hadnt belonged to God, Id have pulled the trigger on myself. But Im a changed man, and I hope you and the rest of this town will give me an opportunity to prove it.

  Sure we can, Parker said. You saved three lives tonight. And Im grateful to be in one piece.

  And I owe you thanks for taking in my family when Pa was killed, John said.

  Thanks. Im a preachermaybe a poor one, but the last thing I want is your job.

  Parker lifted his arm from Sages shoulder and reached up to shake his hand. Well get along fine. Thanks for bringing this posse.

  Bob liked the idea, and it didnt take long for these fine men to grab their rifles.

  Im grateful for all of you, Wirt said, his gun fixed on the remaining McCaws. I wasnt ready to meet my maker. Maybe I ought to find out how to do that right.

  Preacher Waller chuckled and shook Wirts hand.

  Doctor Slader bent to the ground with his bag. He dragged his tongue over his lower lip. If youll watch your hawks beak and talons, Ill bandage him up.

  Sure. Sage stroked Hawks feathers. The bullet cut a hunk of his flesh, but its not lodged in his leg.

  Like someone else I know. Doc forced a nervous laugh as he worked. Within fifteen minutes, Sage cradled Hawk in her lap. The townsmen had the McCaw gang tied and ready to take back to town and Aidens body thrown over his horse.

  Go on ahead, Parker said to Bob and the preacher. I want to make sure Sage and Hawk have a little more time to rest before heading back.

  Ill keep my eye on the marshalls office, John said. The boy had become a man.

  Take as long as you need, Waller said and tipped his hat.

  Yeah, the man had changed, and she hoped it lasted. She watched the posse disappear into the night with the understanding the men would spend at least one night in the mountains. How strange, but the thunder had ceased its roar and had taken the threat of rain with it.

  Sage glanced down at Hawk. He breathed heavily but not worse than before. Im going to spend the rest of my life taking care of you. Thats the least I can do for you for saving my life.

  Parker wrapped his arm around her waist. Id like to do the same for you.

  Sages stomach did a little flip. Parkers promise to Tall Elk repeated in her mind, along with what theyd talked about earlier today. I dont want to be a bounty hunter any longer. Her words were more of a whisper than a declaration.

  So youd trade the life of a bounty hunter to be Mrs. Parker Timmons?

  Her mouth had turned dry; the idea of a new life both excited and frightened her. Not sure how Id manage in political and social gatherings.

  Youll do just fine. And you can have all the pet wolves, wildcats, and hawks that you want. He lifted her chin and placed a light kiss on her lips. I love you. There could never be anyone for me but you. I dont know where God is leading me or us, but I cant take another step without you in my life. Will you ease this heart of mine and marry me, Sage Morrow?

  No doubts plagued her mind. All she could see was a future with a man she loved. She shivered. I think Ive loved you from the moment I saw you walking down the street of Rocky Falls. Yes, Ill marry you and help you be the best marshal or politician Colorado has ever known.



  SUMMER, 1892

  Senator, a messenger has arrived, stating you are needed at home immediately.

  Parker glanced up from the legal documents awaiting his signature to the anxious a
ide before him. He focused on the clock on the fireplace mantel: 2:00. The baby must be coming. Would you kindly get my carriage ready?

  Ive already tended to it, Senator.

  Parker stood, a grin spreading across his face. He remembered Sage handing him his morning coffee and making her announcement. Expect a messenger at two this afternoon. Your daughter will be here before supper.

  Are you sending Hawk?

  Not this time. Ill be more proper since I know were having a girl.

  He kissed her soundly, wrapping his arm around her swollen waist. And after three sons, youre sure this one is a girl?

  Without a doubt. So make sure youre here on time. Your daughter will be very demanding.

  I will, Mrs. Timmons. He kissed her again, taking the time to enjoy her soft lips. Will Melanie Elizabeth have a way with animals, like her mama?

  She just might. The boys have already started a menagerie, and she may need to stand on her own against them.

  I suspect she will learn fast and have her papa in the palm of her hand just like her mama does. He toyed with a pearl on her necklace. Weve come a long way together, Sage. Have I ever thanked you for marrying me?

  Sage smiled. Many times. But you can again.

  You are my joy. I will spend every day of the rest of my life thanking God for bringing you to me. Nothing I am today or ever will be is possible without you beside me.

  We have hope, my love. Hope and dreams from a God who is faithful. What more could we ever want?

  He kissed her lightly, remembering how hed fallen in love in the Rocky Mountains with a woman called Sage.

  Special thanks to: Louise Gouge; Mona Hodgson; Barbara Oden; the Colorado Historical Society; and Dean, who always edits me with flair.

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