Passion, Vows & Babies: Perfect Strangers (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Passion, Vows & Babies: Perfect Strangers (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 8

by Madison Street

  Major’s eyes grow wide with shock, but his hand stays on mine. He’s silent for a brief moment, taking in what I just said. I let him process this new information, wanting him to soak in every detail slowly. I figure slow is the best option. I don’t want to overload him all at once.

  “So, a son? Wow, why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

  I gasp. “Well, it’s not really an easy topic to bring up.”

  Major smiles, “You having a child doesn’t change anything. I still feel the same way.”

  His hand caresses mine and I fight his need for us to be close. I pull my hand out of his and glance away for a split second.

  “What’s his name?”

  Major’s question sends a jolt of nerves to my spine. “His name is Crew and…and he’s almost six years old.”

  That next clue triggers a spark that I notice in Major’s eyes. He slowly stands and walks toward the sink. His back is turned toward me as he stares out of the kitchen window.

  “Six, huh?”

  I huff. “Yes, in a couple months. Major…he’s yours.”

  His mug crashes into the sink, shattering into pieces and I jolt as coffee spills throughout the sink and the counter. Major stands frozen in silence with his back toward me. I wait, wanting to give him the patience that he deserves.

  After a minute of silence, I stand up and touch his shoulder, turning him to face me. “Major?”

  I catch him with his eyes closed for a split second, before opening up to me. Pure black is all I see in the reflection of his eyes. My heart pounds with nerves as my breath hitches, gasping for air. Anxiety seeps deep into my soul as Major stares at me with anger, hurt, and betrayal.

  He utters only one word to me at that moment. “Why?”

  Unsure what he meant I respond, “Why?”

  His voice rages. “Why didn’t you tell me before? Why now, all of a sudden?”

  Unsure of what to say, I just spew out the words. “Look, I know this is bad but I didn’t know how to tell you before and I honestly planned to tell you a few weeks ago, when I showed up at your restaurant and –”

  Major interrupts. “Wait, what do you mean a couple weeks ago? What about the past fuckin six years! You didn’t think to tell me during all that time?”

  “I wasn’t thinking clearly during that time and honestly, I didn’t even think I would see you again.”

  His fist pounds the counter. “Don’t give me that shit Dylan. You knew exactly where my restaurant was. You could have easily dropped by and told me. You could have written a letter, sent an email, social media, anything.”

  Feeling his anger build, I can’t stop the tears from falling. “I was scared to tell you!”

  “Why? Did you think I’d end up being a terrible person to you or to my son? My son!”

  “No! It had nothing to do with you.”

  Major’s voice bellows deep. “What are you talking about?”

  Hesitating my response, Major notices my unease and ushers out of the kitchen. “This is bullshit Dylan and you know it.”

  I follow him toward his bedroom and watch as he puts a shirt on. “Look, I was on the run okay. It’s why I left so abruptly all those years ago.”

  His face fills with questions. “On the run? So, you’re a criminal?”

  “No, trust me, I’m not. I was involved in this fiasco in Atlantic City. The guy I was dating ended up stealing a shit ton of money from some goons. Anyway, I saw one of them the morning after our night together and I had to get out of here. I left you because I didn’t want them to track you down or get you involved. And after I found out I was pregnant, I was scared for my son’s life so I left Connecticut for years. It wasn’t till recently that I came back because I’m pretty sure no one is after me anymore.”

  Major’s voice heats with ferociousness. “But that’s still no excuse to not even tell me about him! You show up after all these years, back into my life and after last night, I’m thinking great things about us and now this?”

  “Listen, I did what I had to do to protect him.”

  Major growls under his breath. “And you think I couldn’t? You think I wasn’t capable of helping you? What about all those times I missed? His first words, his first step? Does he even know I exist?”

  I let out a deep sigh. “He knows of you, but nothing about you.”

  Major shakes his head as he hears my answers. He paces the floor back and forth, clearly bothered and upset about this new discovery that I’ve kept hidden for so long.

  He stops pacing and stares at me with tears in his eyes. “Just tell me one thing Dylan, and be honest.”

  I nod my head, waiting for his question.

  He brushes his hand through his hair as he lets out a deep breath. “If you hadn’t run into me at Luce del Sole, would you have ever told me about me having a son?”

  His question catches me off guard, knowing I’m going to have to answer honestly. A deep sigh escapes my lungs. “No.”

  With a second to hesitate, he responds. “Get out.”

  Tears continue to spill. “Major please.”

  “I said get the fuck out!”

  His anger startles causing me to turn around and run into the hallway. I slip into my shoes and slide my jacket on. I glance around for my purse and find my phone on the counter.

  I catch Major watching me as I gather my things. I reach the apartment door, pulling it open. Before I step into the hall, I look back at him.

  “I’m not going to force you to do anything but I am not going to shield you away any longer. If you decide you want to be part of his life that’s okay with me. Whenever you’re ready and want to meet him, just call me.”

  Before he could respond, I exit the apartment and race outside hailing the nearest cab I could find. As the cab pulls up to the curb, the hairs on the back of my neck stand still. I glance around, feeling eyes on me, watching from a distance.

  I can’t take anything worse than what just happened so I quickly jump into the cab and head toward Juliette’s house. I glance back at Major’s apartment building and let the tears spill out as my heart breaks for him. He’ll never forgive me for this.



  First Sight

  Two weeks.

  Two weeks of complete silence. The longest two weeks of my life, well, it sure does feel that way. I decided to give Major some space and didn’t call or text. I figured, if he wanted to, he would reach out to me.

  I glance down at the time on my laptop and decide it’s time to head home. Lately, I’ve been working crazy hours at the news station, trying to impress my boss. But knowing my luck, it’ll all be for nothing.

  It’s not a big news station, like New York, but I guess it’s still something. I’ve learned to appreciate what I have, even though, it’s not everything I wanted. I shut the laptop, place it in my bag, and head for the exit.

  It’s quiet this time of night. Office is almost empty. As I head toward the elevator, I see an office light still shining in the distance. I turn, heading toward the light to see who’s still working. Once I descend upon the office, I find it empty.

  Yup, definitely the last one here tonight.

  Just as I head back toward the elevator, my cellphone rings. I dig it out of my overstuffed purse and gasp when I see Major’s name flashing on the screen.

  I hit the green button, answering it quickly. “Hello.”

  Major’s voice echoes through the speaker. “Hey. Is it too late to talk?”

  Relief flows through me at the sound of his voice. The elevator arrives and I step inside, hitting the button for the ground floor. “No, of course not. I’m just leaving work now.”

  “Still working this late? Big story?”

  I shake my head as I exit the elevator and head toward the metro. “No, just trying to work hard for this promotion that’s opened.”

  “Oh, well good luck.”

  I smile as I arrive at the train platform and take a seat on an empty bench,
waiting for the next train to arrive. “Thanks. How have you been?”

  Major lets out a deep sigh. “Uhhh, as best as can be expected I guess. Listen, I wanted to call and see when’s a good time for me to come by and see you and Crew.”

  His eagerness to meet Crew sends hints of joy through my body. “How about tomorrow? I get off work early and you can come by the apartment.”

  A moment of silence passes between us as I wait for him to respond.

  “Cool. See you then.”

  Just as we finalize the details a train arrives at the station and we say our good-byes. I take a seat in the front, wanting to stay near the entrance since it’s so dark outside. As the train pulls away, I think about the best way to tell Crew about Major.

  I’m not even sure how he’ll react but I’m hoping he’ll be open and eager to meet his father. Time passes and I find myself staring out the window, lost in the possibilities of Major becoming a huge part of Crew’s life.

  By the time the train reaches my destination, I’ve already imagined them going to football games together and Major teaching Crew how to drive. As I exit the station, the hairs on the back of my neck stand on high alert.

  That same familiar sensation frightens me as I spin around, looking for anyone nearby. With no one in sight, I quicken my pace to my apartment building. I race inside the building and into the apartment.

  I lock the doors behind me as the sight of my mother scares the shit out of me. “Geezus mom you scared me.”

  She gives me a questionable look. “What’s wrong Dylan? You okay?”

  I nod, letting out a deep breath. “Yeah, just walking home in the dark. This town is so quiet and it freaks me out sometimes. I feel much more comfortable walking the streets of New York at two in the morning. At least there, noise is never ending.”

  She grabs her coat and slides into it. “You’re just overreacting.”

  I shrug. “Is Crew asleep? How was he tonight?”

  She beams. “He’s an angel. Such a sweet boy. I read him a bedtime story. He’s sound asleep now. I’ll see you in a few days. Okay sweetie?”

  “Yeah mom. See you. Thanks for tonight.”

  I pull her into a hug, giving her a soft peck on the cheek. She squeezes me tight before she exits the apartment. I lock up and glance out the window as I watch my mom get into her car and drive off into the distance.

  I peek into Crew’s room to see him asleep, with an arm hanging off the bed. My feet quietly tiptoe over to him, lifting his arm back on the bed. He nudges, moaning in his sleep. Soft mumbles escape his mouth as he dreams of sweet nothings.

  I bend down, giving him a kiss on the forehead. “I love you.”

  My sweet little boy breathes deep as he sleeps peacefully. “And soon, you’ll get to meet your father and I know, he will love you too.”

  What do you cook for someone who’s a chef?

  Damn, I should have just ordered from some fancy restaurant. I look down at my attempt for dinner and feel utterly disappointed in myself. Well, this will have to do.

  Next time, I’m definitely ordering take out.

  Crew busts into the kitchen filled with excitement. “Mommy, that smells good! What did you make?”

  My lips curve into a smile. “Chicken parmesan. Well, at least, my frightful attempt.”

  Crew wraps his arms around my legs. “I’m sure it’ll taste good. You cook nice.”

  “Thanks sweetie. Now go finish getting dressed for our guest.”

  Crew returns to his room leaving me to finish up the meal. I take my homemade salad out of the fridge to drizzle it with a little bit of Italian dressing. The sweet aroma of oil and vinegar fuels my senses as I pour the dressing.

  Crew returns all dressed up. “How’s this Mom?”

  I take a quick peek at him to see him wearing a nice pair of navy blue pants with a bright colored shirt and a set of suspenders. To top it off, he has a clip in bow tie. “What are you doing? Pulling off a famous musician?”

  He clasps the suspenders. “It’s my Bruno Mars look.”

  A chuckle escapes my lips as I glance at the clock. Major should be here any minute. My nerves stay dormant but I could feel them threatening to creep back any moment.

  “Now Crew, I want you to be on your best behavior. This is a good friend of mine and I want you to be respectful and nice when he arrives.”

  “Yes mommy.”

  Just then, a soft knock taps against the door and Crew races to answer it. He yells through the apartment door. “Who is it?”

  I rush over to answer it just as Major announces his name, answering Crew’s question. I pull the door open to find Major, filled with nerves. A look I’ve never seen from him before. He greets me with a smile and that’s all.

  I step back allowing him to walk inside, inviting him in. Crew bounces from behind me, eager to meet our guest for the evening. Major stands in silence as he locks eyes with his son. I watch closely as the two of them scope the other out, wondering what’s the deal.

  Major bends down to Crew’s level and reaches out his hand. “Hello. I’m Major.”

  Crew hesitates for a brief moment before shaking his hand. “Hey, my name is Crew. Are you my mommy’s date?”


  Lost & Found

  A burst of laughter erupts from my lips as I stand there watching Crew and Major together. “No sweetie, he’s not my date.”

  Crew shrugs. “Hmm, okay. You wanna see my new video game I got?”

  Major smiles. “Of course.”

  Crew runs off toward his room. “Come on, we can play together. Mom got me another controller today!”

  Major stands, watching Crew run off toward his room. He glances at me for a brief second and removes his jacket. I take it from him and nod with a smile as he heads down the hall for a little play time with Crew.

  Major disappears as I fight the urge to follow. They deserve their time together. I return to the kitchen, plating salad and dinner. About ten minutes later, I call the boys telling them it’s time to eat. Crew races toward his seat with Major following close behind.

  “Having fun?”

  Crew beams with joy. “Yes! Major taught me some cool fighting codes for the game. Now I can beat the boss level.”

  Major chuckles at Crew’s enthusiasm as I pass the napkins and bread rolls. We eat together, watching and listening to Crew talk about a new video game that he’s just dying to have.

  “It’s going to be the next big thing. Mommy, can I get it, please?”

  I nod, “Soon sweetie. I just got you that new game and controller. Maybe you should try beating that one first and then we can think about getting another game.”

  Major chimes in. “I’ll get it for you.”

  Crew beams with joy. “Really, thank you!”

  We finish up dinner and as I take everyone’s plates, the boys go missing in action. After I finish washing the dishes, Crew’s laughter echoes down the hall. Curious at what they’re doing, I quietly inch toward the room and peek my head in.

  The two of them play fight as I watch Major lift Crew in the air, pretending he’s laying some hard wrestling moves. Tears fight to spill down my face as I watch the two of them bond in front of me.

  Crew catches me spying on them and exclaims. “Hey mom, I like your friend. He’s nice!”

  My eyes glance at Major for a quick second before I respond in a deep tone. “He’s not just a friend.”

  I step into the room, looking at Crew as he sits on the floor, wondering what’s the reason for my sudden seriousness.

  “Crew, he’s also your father.”

  I watch as his face grows with shock, joy, excitement, and happiness all at once. His eyes dart from me to Major multiple times before settling back onto me.

  “He’s my father?”

  I nod as a single tear trickles down my face. “Yes.”

  At that moment, Major bends down next to me, facing Crew with open arms. I watch as Crew stands and steps into his arms. Th
e two of them share a silent hug.

  Moments pass as they embrace and Major finally lets go. I catch him wipe away a tear as he stands next to me. Crew invites him to play another game and I leave them to it.

  An hour passes before I realize it’s almost time for Crew’s bedtime. I hate breaking up their newfound relationship but he’s got to get up early for school in the morning and he needs his rest. I head back down the hall, to hear them talking and my name comes up.

  Crew’s voice vibrates throughout the room. “So, you like my mommy, right?”

  I cover my mouth, holding my breath as I eavesdrop on their conversation. Major responds quickly. “Yes, I care for her very much.”

  “So, does that mean you’re like gonna get married?”

  My body freezes still as I wait for Major to answer. “Wow, you don’t hold anything, back do you? Well, I haven’t thought that far. Right now, your mom and I are in a weird place and it’s going to take some time before things get worked out.”

  “I don’t understand. If you like her and she likes you, what’s stopping you?”

  Before he could respond, I step in the room, not wanting to hear his answer. It’s bad enough that I overheard the conversation and I can’t help but feel a hint of sadness as I look at Major for that split second.

  “Crew, it’s time for bed honey. You have school tomorrow.”

  He groans like every other child does during bedtime. “Mommmm, really? Just a little bit longer?”

  I keep my face stern, fighting his cuteness. “No, it’s late. Put on your pajamas and brush your teeth. Then come out and say goodnight, okay?”

  He slumps with defeat. “Yes mommy.”

  Major follows me as we exit his room, allowing Crew to get ready for bed. We enter the kitchen as Major says, “He’s a great kid.”

  I spin around, thanking him. “Yes, he is.”

  His dark eyes meet mine. “You’ve done a good job raising him.”

  I smile with a hint of sadness. “I’m sorry it took so long.”

  He shakes his head, not wanting to discuss the dynamics of our rocky relationship. A few minutes later, Crew greets us in his PJs ready for bed. We head back to his room and tuck him into bed.


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