by R. S. Smith
“She's not ready yet either. So what do we do?”
“We cancel the contract.”
“We can't.”
“We can; he's paid us half up front. He's broken the terms of the agreement, so the deal is nullified and he loses his down payment,” he added in a dismissive manner.
“I've never walked away from a deal in my life,” Janine declared, clearly indicating her sense of stress.
“Sometimes it is best. You need to be more flexible, Janine. Who else could we bring in? It would need to be someone we can trust implicitly.”
She went to the cooler and retrieved a drink which seemed to calm her down, then walked over and sat next to Karlee on the edge of her lounge chair as the girls moved away.
“I could probably talk Randolph into helping if the money is right,” she said, continuing to speak in the foreign language.
“Could he get here in time?” Alexei wondered aloud, switching back to English.
“If he left right away.”
“If Kristov agrees to triple the fee, we will do it. That is a fair amount considering the added personnel and risk.”
Meanwhile, Randolph and Kristie were busy stateside practicing on the shooting range. As soon as Kristov had agreed to the new terms, Randolph's phone rang. It seemed like he and his sister were speaking in sibling code from what Kris could hear. When the call concluded, he was evasive with details but revealed that he had to catch the next flight out for London.
“Why?” his new fiancée persisted in inquiring. She gradually got bits and pieces out of him, learning that Alexei had at one time been an agent for MI-6, the United Kingdom's CIA. Randolph's secret had been that he and Janine had worked off-the-books for them as well as taking independent contracts from some powerful European families and special interest groups of questionable repute.
“Honeybuns, if you and your sister and my sister are all in this together, I'm damn sure not sitting it out! Consider it a training mission. I'll have all three of you there covering my ass. How much safer could a risky operation be? I already have my passport and bet I can be packed and ready to go before you are! Should I pack my gun?”
“No gun; it would draw unwanted attention and arouse suspicion. I'll get what I need over there. You're not ready yet, neither is your sister. You two can lounge around the pool together and go into the city to shop.”
They packed light and caught the next flight out. It was late evening when they arrived at the castle and their entire group was soon relaxing in their swimsuits poolside with a nightcap.
Kristov had been intending to eliminate the cell of a powerful Iranian nemesis named Feroze, along with his group of devoted Middle Eastern followers that had all taken up residence in the outlying areas of London. Somehow Feroze had gotten wind of the impending attack and had decided on a preemptive strike against Alexei.
Alexei had installed an elaborate alarm system on the outlying grounds of the estate, and something tripped the alarm just as a shot rang out. He dove for the ground and a bullet grazed his forehead, shattering a nearby urn. Everyone dashed indoors; the guests followed the others into the basement where there was a full armory of advanced weaponry.
The interns picked up Uzis, Randolph and Kristie snared a couple of sniper rifles from storage, and everyone else secured several grenades and pistols along with multiple boxes of ammunition. Alexei handed out night-vision goggles. This wasn't the first time the castle had been attacked and they were well prepared. It would be a night to remember as both Kristie and Randolph headed to one of the rooftop towers. Alexei remotely activated exterior booby-traps. To a casual observer, it would have appeared that the swimsuit-clad group was grossly inferior compared to the bearded, terrorist-camp-trained Islamists.
The firefight rapidly intensified, with multiple explosions from grenades and booby-traps. Armor-piercing gunfire punctured the windows and riddled the walls. Each of the interns returned fire from their respective windows.
“Hey guys,” called out Claudette over the noise of the shooting, “this would make a great movie scene, the bikini crowd against the well-armed terrorists!”
The fighting escalated and one of the bullets pierced the wall and hit her squarely in the head, splitting open her skull and killing her instantly. Alexei took a round in his ass. A short time later, Roxanne took a fatal hit.
Kris and Randolph worked together targeting men from a cubbyhole in the tower. “Take out that one by the tree, honey,” Randolph requested.
Kris closed one eye as she took aim and slowly squeezed the trigger. The bearded character fell over. “That one was for you, Honeybuns,” she proudly declared. “You get that fat one over by the big bush for me.”
As he took aim, one of the terrorists lobbed a hand grenade at the tower. It missed, but exploded close enough to cause some minor scrapes.
A moment later Randolph fired and the fat one's head exploded. “My gift to you, sweetheart.”
“Thanks, lover. I think I'd like another,” she replied. “Damn, that tall one just got through a downstairs window!”
The fellow caught Karlee by surprise and the two ended up in a life-or-death struggle. Her years of martial arts training made the cuss look like a piker as his neck snapped and he fell dead.
The combat seemed to last for an eternity, but the tide of the battle slowly shifted to the English and the Americans. Silence eventually overtook the scene as all the attackers became still.
“Is everyone okay?” Alexei shouted out, attempting to see who had survived.
The interns had been the only ones lost, and all the others emerged with superficial wounds, mostly from hand grenade shrapnel. It was a gruesome scene, bodies and blood everywhere, broken-out windows, newly-ventilated walls, and everyone limping and nursing their fresh wounds as they regrouped in the basement.
“I'm going to miss the girls. They were the best nieces ever,” pined Alexei.
“What do we do now?” asked Kris. “Call the police?”
“No, we make it look as though this never happened. The nearest neighbor is too far away to have heard anything. We'll bury the bodies, cover them with lye so they'll rot away faster, repair the outside structure, and go on as if we are on holiday. So Karlee and Kristie, do you both still want to pursue this line of work?” Alexei asked.
They both smiled and said, “More than ever!” They were hooked on the adrenaline high.
“I could use a new pair of nieces if you two are interested. Janine can tell you it's the best training place in the free world,” he said.
“That's true,” Janine added. “You girls should seriously consider it. It's a great offer! Alexei trained me.”
“I'll think about it,” said Karlee.
“No thanks,” chimed in Kristie. “I don't want to be away from Randolph, and I need to get back to my acting career. We start filming for our new season in a few months.”
“It's all a question of priorities, I guess,” said Randolph.
“Well, there's one more reason, too. I hadn't planned on announcing it like this, but now is as good a time as any I suppose. I'm pregnant!” Kris announced to everyone's shock.
“You're what?!” responded both her fiancé and her sister.
“I just found out last week.”
“Did you stop taking precautions just because you are engaged, sis? You can't count on Randolph staying around. You should have used protection!”
“Hey, I'm not going anywhere, and I'm happy. I'm going to be a dad!” he said with a grin. “Let's set an early wedding date, my love.”
“I'm not like you, Karlee! I don't believe in abortions or euthanasia like you do. Life is God's most precious gift to us. If mom had felt like you do, you wouldn't even be here. She told me you were an accident!” Kris snarled.
“The world has over seven billion people; that's about three billion too many, sis! I also believe in assisted-suicides. As a society, we treat our pets better than we treat our sick and elderly! Drink
ing water will be to the next century what oil is to this one. These terrorists will destroy our environment! The world's surroundings won't be tolerable for humans living in the future! I would never want to subject my kids to any of that, so I'll never have any!”
“Alright, alright, ladies! Let's stop the bickering!” insisted Alexei. “We're all upset and not thinking straight. The world now has a dozen less bad people in it, so we all can be thankful for that. Let's be even more thankful that those of us who are still here have survived the night!”
They all promptly agreed as they gathered up the bodies and mopped up the scene, finishing off a few whose wounds had not yet been fatal, and scrubbed the blood stains from their skin. Randolph and Kris chatted as they stacked some of the corpses.
“What's with your sister, Kris? Why's she so upset we're gonna have a kid?”
“She's had some bad experiences in her life that she's never been willing to talk about. We're alike in some ways, yet so different in others. My life is like an open book, hers is closed.”
“I'm just glad you're you and so not her. Still, with things the way they are, you shouldn't be so much an open book anymore, hon.”
“Randolph, who are we inviting to the wedding?”
“I hadn't thought about thought that; your parents maybe. You never talk about them.”
“What about your parents? You never talk about them either.” There was a pregnant pause as they finished stacking the bodies.
“That's kinda weird, huh? Maybe we should talk about it,” she said.
“Yeah, maybe. When?”
“Later is good. Maybe we could just fly to Vegas and do one of the those quickie weddings,” he suggested.
“I hate to say it, but actually that might be a good idea, honey.”
Once the bodies had been buried and some basic repairs had been made, the group reconvened at the pool and they shared their wedding plans.
“If we can go there right from here, I could be your maid of honor and family witness,” said Janine. “After this week, my schedule is full.”
“The money from this gig is being wire transferred to all your accounts tonight,” added Alexei. “In the meantime, here's ten thousand in walking-around-money for each of you, along with a profound thank you from Kristov.”
Karlee opted to stay with Alexei at the castle for the promised training. Janine, Kris and Randolph all headed for Las Vegas the next morning.
“Wow, I've never seen so many neon lights before. This place is awesome!” Kristie exclaimed.
“We used to come here for weekend leaves when I was in the army. Do you even know how to gamble, Kris?”
“No. I just want to see some shows and play some quarter slots.”
“Ten thousand dollars in your pocket and all you want to do is play some quarter slots?”
“Hey, I'm just a conservative girl from the heartland's cornbelt, buddy. Have you ever been lost in a field of full-grown corn?”
“No, can't say as I have, babe. How about you, Janine?”
“Karlee and I used to work on our uncle's farm in the summers when we were young. There was a clique of a dozen or so of us kids, both boys and girls. We were all barely into puberty at the time. The large field of eight foot high cornstalks provided us privacy we couldn't find anywhere else.”
“Privacy for what?”
“We were just a bunch of rambunctious, curious junior high school kids. We'd play strip poker hidden in the middle of the big cornfield Saturday afternoons, and then run off in different directions wearing just our tennis shoes, playing a game that was a combination of tag, hide-and-seek, and spin-the-bottle. When you found or caught someone, you got a kiss, then they'd get to chase after you and do the same if they caught you. It wasn't anything more sexual than that, just innocent fun.”
“I guess we city-kids led deprived lives,” chuckled Janine.
“One time my friend Denny and I got distracted a little more than usual and before we realized the time, it was starting to get dark. We couldn't find our clothes! We called out for our friends, but they had already gotten theirs and left. I got up on his shoulders to look around, but it was a big field.”
“So, no clothes?” Janine inquired with a snicker.
“Nope. It got totally dark out really quick after that and we had to each get home by dinnertime.”
“So what happened?”
“We had to sneak home naked. Fortunately it was a rural area, but it was nearly half a mile! No one ever found out. We went back in the morning and retrieved the clothes, not wanting anyone else to discover our routine. It was the last time we ever did that!”
They all laughed.
The next few days were spent going to shows, having the wedding ceremony, and gambling. Randolph played poker and blackjack, the ladies played the slots. The time came to get packed and return to Chicago. As they were walking out of the hotel casino, Kris pulled out a handful of silver dollars left over from her slot play.
“Oh, I don't want to have to take these through airport security. Let me have one last pull on that big machine by the door. Please, guys!” It was kind of an ugly thing, looking too large and shaped like a volcano. The word 'PROGRESSIVE' was written across the top.
“Sure, babe. My wife's wish is my command,” Randolph said as he lifted her up to reach the top of the huge lever.
“Thank you, husband,” she said as she inserted each of the big coins into the slot, then used her weight to pull down the heavy handle.
The trio watched as a “7” appeared, then another, and another. Lucky sevens lined up all across the wide screen. Smoke spewed from the top of the volcano and a fire alarm started clanging. Bells rang! Lights flashed! Onlookers screamed and shouted.
“Oh My God! What did I do wrong? Did I break it?” she asked in a brief moment of alarm.
The casino security guards were on the scene in a flash. It was as though they had appeared out of nowhere. “Who did that?” asked a menacing looking employee.
Everyone pointed at Kristie. His expression turned from a scowl to a big grin as he reached out his hand.
“Congratulations, miss. You just won over ten million dollars!!”
She fainted into Randolph’s ready and waiting arms.
The morning newspapers said, “Actress Gets Ten Million Dollar Wedding Gift!” They spent the next month honeymooning in the Fiji Islands.
During the following year, Karlee resigned her position at the law firm to spend full time training with Alexei. Kristie shared her winnings with her after the IRS took its cut, bought a two million dollar home in the Chicago suburbs, and put the rest in the bank. Her TV career came to halt when the producers learned of her pregnancy. A few months later she suffered a miscarriage.
Just back from her year with Alexei, Karlee stopped by for a visit with the couple.
“Nice digs, sis. Congrats again on the big slot win and thanks again for the check. You didn't need to do that, Kristie!”
“I know, Karlee, but I felt it was the right thing to do and Randolph said it was fine with him if that's what I wanted to do with it.”
“I'm sorry for what I said earlier about abortions. I feel just sick about your loss.”
“That's okay. I cried for a long time, but I'm ready to get on with my life now. What was it like spending a year with Alexei?”
“It was great. He's nice, but there was no relationship-type of chemistry. We tried it for awhile, but decided it best not to mix business and pleasure. I had to agree to work for him for a year in exchange for his tutelage. I told him I'll only take on the bad guys of the world and he said okay. You'd be surprised how many ways there are to kill someone, and Alexei has taught me a lot of them. He's trained over a hundred people that now take contract assignments from him. He hired two new 'nieces' and he let me interview for a pool-boy. It turns out he's into having sex parties. I only watched at first.”
“At fi
rst? Tell us more!” she insisted, as both she and Randolph became engrossed in listening.
“Oh, it's nothing that interesting, mostly what you'd expect,” she responded a bit dismissively.
“What would we expect?” asked Randolph with a chuckle.
“What about that pool-boy?” added Kris inquisitively.
“Now that was fun. It's nice having access to deep pockets and getting obedient staff. Guys would come by for an interview. Some I merely told that I'd get back to them, but if they were cute, I'd tell them to take off their clothes.”
“You did? Did they?”
“Most did. It was so much fun that I kept interviewing for two weeks!”
They all laughed.
“Then one day I met Andre. He looked like he was right off a magazine cover and was just the right size, if you know what I mean.”
“I know you; I know what you mean,” laughed Kris.
“I told him that I'd pay him well, but that he had to do whatever I told him to do.”
“And he agreed. Then I told him his uniform would consist of a set of knee pads. He didn't get it. He wasn't that bright, but that wasn't what I was hiring him for anyway.”
“I don't get it either, sis,” confessed Kris.
Randolph leaned over and whispered into her ear.
“Oh my God, Karlee. You wicked skank!” she said chidingly. “Well, my life hasn't been so interesting. I've been helping out Randolph with his dad's business, doing some more modeling and a few commercials. In fact, I just heard from my agent. They're going to be making a major film up at Lake Geneva and there might be a walk-on role for me! I still have my Screen Actors Guild membership, so that could help get me picked for the part.”
“I still have mine, too, from the time I appeared on that twins episode with you,” Karlee said.
“Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about that. You should come down to the agency with me tomorrow. It would be so much fun if we were in a movie together, even if we don't get any lines!”
She readily agreed and accompanied her to the audition in the morning. The same big flat-screen was still on the wall when they entered the interview room, but it was different people conducting the session.