Assassin Affairs

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Assassin Affairs Page 28

by R. S. Smith

  “Yes, we're related!” They trio hugged. The other six giggled.

  “What is it? Why are they snickering?” asked Kacey.

  “You guys aren't cousins,” said Laura, struggling to hold back laughter.

  “Shut up, Laura!”

  “We're related, not cousins, you're both in your mid-thirties I'd say, so maybe one of you gave me up for adoption as my young teenage mom or else we're sisters. Your friend there was starting to say sisters when she came in!”

  Kristie and Karlee both began to cry as they revealed, “Yes, we're your sisters, Kacey. Mom discovered she was pregnant with you after we all went into the WITSEC program and went separate ways for safety reasons for what was supposed to be a year, tops. We just learned about you when we reunited at the Oscar awards!”

  A flash went off as Renée snapped a photo of the tearful disclosure. “Danny keeps his old pocket camera here. I couldn't resist. This is a moment truly worth immortalizing!”

  The following hours were spent bringing Kacey up to date on the events that had led them all there, including the demise of the Carboni family. She donned an extra set of fatigues, agreed to spend the week with them at the cabin, then phoned home from the bedroom to let her parents know she was okay and for confirmation of the amazing story, but not mentioning many details of the rescue.

  “Why couldn't I tell mom and dad that you did more than organize a rescue, that you were right there?”

  “No one outside this cabin, well almost no one, knows about this side of our lives, Kacey. It's another mega secret.”

  “You're terrorists? It's okay if you are, I'm certainly not about to judge you.”

  Pepper displayed her CIA badge. “They work with me, kid.”

  “Holy smokes, my new sisters are covert government agents posing as TV stars!”

  “I'm putting together a special team, Kacey,” said Pepper. “These five are already committed, and now I'm hoping to recruit you three sisters. Kristie, Karlee and I have worked together successfully in the past. Julie here, who almost spilled the beans about being sisters, is a fellow hacker, so you two should get on well together. She has that magazine with you on the cover.”

  The two young women exchanged smiles, then Julie added, “Those guys that we captured when we rescued you are in the other room. We've been having fun interrogating them. Your sister thinks we're a bunch of dykes, but if she'd seen the questioning, she'd realize otherwise.” The group chuckled.

  “Are you guys finished with them?” Kristie asked.

  “Finished with the questioning part,” said Laura. “I'm kind of hoping for a more pleasurable phase two frankly. I've been away from my husband for a month, if you get my drift.”

  “The tall one is bearing another candidate for the trophy wall,” said Jessie, holding her two hands about a foot apart.

  “You mean that thing on the wall is real and not a fake?” asked Karlee, amazed.

  “Yeah, when they rescued me from Lionel, I castrated him. My mom said she didn't need to keep it to pay off the bonus, so I had it mounted,” Jessie said. “At the time, I hadn't realized that my mom had been maneuvered into including sex in the bonus. She had to agree to seduce both Danny and Renée. She hadn't even had a date in two years, and now she's inviting strangers over to dinner, obligated to seduce them. It was an awkward accommodation!”

  “I wish I'd been a fly on the wall for that,” chuckled the new guest.

  Karlee pulled out her pistol. “Do you know how to use one of these, Kacey?”

  “Yeah, I've shot Glocks on the firing range back home.”

  “Excellent. If any of these guys are the ones who raped you, you can shoot them if you want. It might be nice to wait until our friends are finished with their phase two first.”

  “Here,” said Jessie, displaying a large carving knife and placing its handle into Kacey's hand. “I found this in the kitchen. It would be cool to have a set of them on the wall, and more fun to do it before they're shot. Totally up to you though, Kacey.”

  “The one named André is the one I'd love to castrate. I went to that place willingly with my weird boyfriend, and then when psycho André saw that we were having problems, he declared I was group property. He beat, raped and sodomized me in front of everybody, then offered me up as a party favor to one and all. I've been their sex toy for a long time. He's even better-endowed than those fellows he sent with me in the van.”

  “We're all sorry for your suffering, honey. What do you want to do now? Get some sleep? Get something to eat? Cut off a penis?” asked Karlee.

  “All three await your pleasure in the main room,” said Pepper, “sans pants. Also, we've just built a fire, made some snacks and rolled a few joints. When you're so inclined, Kacey, we can all sit around the fireplace and get better acquainted. We learned a lot about one another last night.”

  “I am hungry, and I do so want to get to know you all. I'm especially interested in hearing stories about my sisters' adventures.”

  As they all reassembled in the main room, Kacey eyed her tormentors with some indifference. All three stood gagged and bound up against the wall, with their pants down around their ankles. She toyed with each of their appendages with the dull end of the blade, then grabbed a plateful of snacks and positioned herself on the floor in front of the warm flames. Each of the women enjoyed rehashing the stories from the prior night, with some added embellishments.

  “I saw that TV replay of the politician's assassination! They kept replaying it all day, it was impossible to miss. Never in a million years did I imagine it was my sister doing that!” Kacey said, admiringly.

  “It was in self-defense, sis,” said Karlee. “He was out to get us for taking all his partner's ill-gained funds when he died. His guys broke into both our condos, we got scared, and I determined the best defense was to take the offense. Now the government claims to have digitally matched those voice prints to ones from my films. I doubt it would hold up in court due to poor quality, but Pepper is using that as leverage to get us to join this new team of hers. The other five are in a worse bind, facing certain prison terms if they don't cooperate or if she dies or disappears.”

  “We're all assassins, Kacey,” bragged Julie. “If you want to kill these guys, we'll only think the better of you for it.”

  “Well, don't do it here,” said Pepper. “I don't want the hassle of disposing of bodies. Wait 'til we hit their compound tomorrow.”

  “Oh, that reminds me, they bought a truckload of fertilizer supplies, saying something about another Oklahoma City event and collateral damage,” Kacey informed them. “They have a bankroll hidden somewhere of around fifty grand, financing all this stuff.”

  “Maybe we should make our move tonight then. When they delivered the guns and army fatigues, they included some night-vision goggles and Kevlar vests,” said Pepper.

  “They won't be doing anything soon. They broke the axle on their truck. Tell me more stories! How did you five meet?”

  “Well,” said Renée, “I met Laura when she came to assassinate me. We became lovers, then rescued Jessie. Jessie joined us on a hit where we met Ashley and Jessie persuaded her to perform oral sex on her, and then Julie entered the picture in Thailand when she was taken hostage and introduced to the bisexual lifestyle. She murdered two fellow-hostages to win our favor. We've all had our on-again, off-again relationships with each other, but sex and violence is what bonds the five of us. We're open to expanding the intimate circle.” They went on to share details of their ransom victim and her performance at the tasting party after she had been zapped with a low-powered taser.

  “Oh my goodness! Well, I've probably been introduced to multiple social diseases the last few days, but once I get a clean bill of health, let's just say I'm open to new experiences. I want you guys to like me.”

  “Forget about it, Kacey. You're not obligated to any of these perverts,” said Karlee.

  “Hey Kacey, ask your sister what she had me do right here in
front of the fireplace last night!” said Julie. “She's a pervert, too.”

  “I'm glad to know my sister is no prude,” chuckled Kacey.

  “Kristie is the only narrow-minded one in the group,” said the manipulative Renée.

  “How can you say that after the library? I'm not that narrow-minded!”

  “What library? What happened?” asked the little sister.

  “Nothing you need to know about, sis,”

  “As a gesture of appreciation for my not killing them a few years ago, they both took off their clothes and kissed me, French kissed no less,” bragged Renée.

  “Geez, I feel like I've crossed through a portal and entered a different world. Now I know how Alice must have felt. I hope my being here isn't keeping you guys from your normal routine. I don't require special handling just cuz of my trauma.”

  “Yes, you do,” said Kristie. “Nobody is going to be doing anything. Pepper says this is a non-sexual bonding week.”

  “That's true,” admitted Pepper. “No more sex talk.”

  “No, no,” said Kacey, as someone passed her a joint. “I'd really love to witness such a thing, truly! It would be a fun form of therapy. That is, if you wouldn't mind an outsider watching you.”

  “Okay, kid,” said Renée, “if you can get your sisters to agree to it and to watch too, we'll let you be what we call puppet master. You pick the players and tell them what you want to see. To help with your therapy, we'll allow you total, unquestioned control.”

  The others nodded their consent.

  “No way!” protested Kristie. “Am I the only normal one here?”

  Her two sisters persuaded her otherwise, Kacey choose two of the five, and gave specific, illicit requests. Later she added a third player. Soon she had all five enthralled in a daisy chain of carnal activity. Pepper and Kristie, remembering their kiss from the night before, exchanged a few furtive glances as they watched.

  An aroused Kacey looked back over her shoulder to see that the three prisoners were equally excited. She approached them, violently swinging her carving knife back and forth, missing their erections by less than an inch.

  “Please try to hold off a bit longer,” requested Pepper. “We don't need all that blood in the cabin and the burden of the corpses. You'll get your chance tomorrow, I promise!”

  “I want some sexual gratification, too, and I can't risk giving any of you a disease. Let's remove their gags. If one of them can orally give me an orgasm, I'll consider leniency.”

  The party continued throughout the night. Everyone slept-in the next morning. That night, they donned their fatigues and Kevlar vests, packed up the night-vision goggles, loaded their weapons, gathered the prisoners and departed in both the van and SUV. They had already scouted the location and were familiar with the terrain.

  Once they had arrived, it took the nine of them ten minutes to round up the remaining nine militia members. All twelve were lined up in one of the sheds, stripped and plasticuffed.

  “Where is your money?!” asked Pepper. When no one answered, she directed Laura to pull one out of the line and make an example of him, then another. The girls kept shouting and beating until the funds were found.

  “How much is there, Kacey?”

  “Over thirty thousand.”

  “Do you boys remember this young lady? You weren't very nice to her. We will let half of you live, but as punishment, the other half will be killed. The first one to offer a good suggestion for use of this money will live,” announced Pepper.

  “I think Kacey should keep it as restitution for her suffering,” said one.

  One of the more mentally-challenged of the group said. “That bitch deserved what she got.”

  Pepper signaled for Kacey to kill him. When she hesitated, Pepper took the kill-shot.

  By the time Pepper worked her way down to the fifth man, she said “Oh, this must be André.” She motioned for Ashley and Jessie to take him over to Kacey. “Is this the guy, kid?”

  She nodded.

  “Did you bring your knife?”

  “I got distracted with the vest, goggles and pistol. I forgot it.”

  Ashley carried a large, serrated combat knife on her utility belt. “Here, kid. Now you've got a knife and a gun. We'll bind him to this post. Take your time.”

  “What about these six that we let live, Pepper?” asked Julie. “Are you going to arrest them?”

  “Do you have any idea how much paperwork that would mean?”

  “A lot?”

  “Yeah. Let's vote on it. Let's do this the old-fashioned way. Thumbs up they live and we let them go free or discuss arresting them; thumbs down, we kill them. Come over here and vote, Kacey.”

  It was unanimous, thumbs down.

  “We'll save your special friend André for last, sweetie,” said one of her sisters. “Warm up on one of these guys. We appreciate that this your first kill, so take your time.”

  Kacey casually raised her weapon and fired, showing no emotion. She walked down the line, firing twice more. “You guys can have the other two. I'm going back to do what has to be done with André.”

  “Wait, we want to watch!” Ashley and Julie killed the last two, leaving only the man who had publicly beaten, raped, sodomized and pimped-out their new friend.

  They restrained him as Kacey positioned the blade. Jessie moved in for a closer look.

  “This reminds me of when I did Lionel. Mr. Lenny is gonna have a new friend to keep him company on the trophy wall.” She giggled girlishly, as did several of the others, as the man and his offending appendage experienced separation. Then they all cheered and high-fived one another.

  Julie shyly asked, “Kacey, when your test results are in, can I be with you first?”

  Kacey put her arm around her and said, “I'm already looking forward to it, Julie!”

  Pepper came up to Karlee and Kristie. “I'm sorry it came to this, girls. I really didn't think Kacey would run into so much trouble. Are we good now?”

  “We're good,” they said.

  They spread gasoline all over the building and on their way out tossed in a lit lighter. The breeze from its flight blew it out.

  “Damn it!” shouted Pepper. “Go in there and get it, Julie.”

  “Why me?”

  “Hang on,” said Kacey. “I've got a pack of matches here somewhere.” She lit them up, tossed them inside and the old shed exploded in flames.

  “Anyone wanna toast marshmallows?” asked one.

  “Do I get to keep the money?” asked Kacey.

  “Of course, kid. It was their dying wish!” said Pepper. “Spend it foolishly.”

  When they took the penis into town to their special friend who had stuffed and mounted the first one, Kacey got herself tested. Forty-eight hours later, the results came back negative.

  “Julieeee, look what I've got!” she exclaimed excitedly, waving the special piece of paper.

  “Test results?”

  Everyone else in the cabin was asking the same question.

  “Yes, and I'm good to go! You've all been so good to me, I want to do one of those tasting testings. Would that be okay with everyone?”

  “Do bears shit in the woods, honey? I'll even join in on this celebration,” beamed Pepper.

  “One thing first though, may Julie and I have the bedroom tonight? I've never done anything like this before. I'd like the first time to be one-on-one. Is that okay with everyone?”

  They all agreed to it and the other seven resumed their normal routine. The two computer aces closed the bedroom door behind them.

  “Kacey, this is the first time I've ever been excited about being with another girl!”

  “I'm super excited, Julie! I don't know what to do, though. Will you be patient with me?”

  “Let's start out slow. We'll do foreplay, lots of foreplay and touching and cuddling first. Would that be okay?”

  “Okay, do you want me to take off my clothes now?”

  “No, I want to und
ress you, Kacey. We'll alternate as we undress one another. When you feel ready for me to show you some things they taught me in Thailand, let me know and I will. Okay?”

  “Okay. You let me be puppet-master last night, so tonight you're the master. I'll do everything you say. I want to practice on you until I get it right. Okay?”

  “Kiss me, Kacey. Kiss me tenderly.”

  It was late the next morning when the spent pair exited the bedroom together.

  “Well?” Jessie asked. “Tell us how our girl did for you, Kacey.”

  Karlee and Kristie looked over at their little sister, also eager to see her reaction.

  “Well, I've killed for the first time and I've tasted my very first pussy, and the favor was reciprocated. She's very good. She's very, very good! I feel like I'm officially initiated into the lifestyle and onto the team!”

  “We'll give you a day to rest, Kacey,” said Renée. “Your tasting testing is planned for tomorrow night. Your sisters have agreed to observe. Our fervent hope is that they will follow your lead. A lady always reciprocates, so call upon any of as at any time to do so. Okay?”

  “That sounds good.”

  “We'll be by the fireplace. You select the order of who goes first, etc. Renée is going to be using her digital camera, both video and still shots. Still okay?” asked Pepper.

  “Okay, as long as I get copies, too.”

  “Everybody gets a copy of everything,” said Pepper. “Tomorrow night will be the grand finale of our time together here. Renée needs to spend time with her dad, you sisters need to spend a few months with your folks. We all have lives to get back to for awhile. I've decided to keep our relationships totally off the CIA books. You would have been GS-10s which pays only in the mid-five figures. I realize that to many of you, this is pocket money. I'll be employing each of you as independent contractors at $100,000 a year base salary, plus lots of bonuses along the way. The reason I've decided to do it this way is that our government erases people sometimes. Even as black-ops, someone could still find and erase the team once they get onto my wily ways. You'll be paid in cash and your annual take could average a million dollars each. The team will have a key role in determining the future of our country. I've just learned the our present CIA Director will be resigning in ninety days. A General Parker and I are top candidates for his replacement. In about sixty days, you will see an item on the news that General Parker is resigning in disgrace due to a scandal involving his young female assistant. That will be your signal that it's time for us to reunite again. Enjoy tomorrow night, enjoy your time off, and I'll have packets of rendezvous information for each of you when we leave. Try to keep email and telephone communications to a minimum as they can be traced. You can be tracked by your cell phone. Get a burner cell phone if you don't already have one. Covert ways of communicating will be outlined in your packets. Any questions?”


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