Assassin Affairs

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Assassin Affairs Page 30

by R. S. Smith

  “Timmy, you realize this is a rare opportunity. Most of our agents come to us through the FBI or as experienced black-ops personnel. All I can offer you at this time is an internship. You'll have to pass a scrutinizing background check and prove yourself worthy before you can become an agent.”

  “Yes, ma'am, and please call me Tim. Working for the CIA has been a lifetime dream of mine,” he declared, as he fumbled about nervously.

  “I'm going to assume that you pass muster and have you meet with two special undercover agents of mine.”

  “You are?” he asked, amazed by the way she was willing to circumvent the system.

  “Yes, but while we check out your history, you won't be exposed to anything secret. Time is of the essence for me on a pet project of mine, and I want you to meet with two of my operatives tonight at a Georgetown bar. From appearances, you would never suspect that they work for me, and that's what makes them so good.”

  “Yes, ma'am.”

  “If this is going to work out, you will have to do whatever they say, I don't care what it is, even if they say jump off a cliff. This is just a trial meeting to see if there is the chemistry there that I think there may be.”

  “Yes, ma'am. I'm willing to do whatever it takes.”

  “Good, here's the necessary information. Meet them there at eight o'clock tonight, Timmy.”

  The two young women appeared to be a pair of dim-witted bimbos. In reality, they were a pair of top computer hackers working on Pepper's special project. More than that, they were an integral part of her very special team, a group that she kept off the CIA records. Young Timothy recognized them from the photos in his information packet and joined them at their table in the crowded Georgetown pub. The girls ordered drinks and snacks, and the threesome proceeded to get acquainted as the pair loosened him up with alcohol. Both were dressed like punk-rockers, Tim wore conservative clothes and had thick-rimmed glasses. All three were within a year or two in age.

  “Why did Pepper choose you of all people, Timmy?” Kacey inquired.

  “Because she said I show promise, and please call me Tim.”

  “It's not easy to impress Pepper, Timmy. We won her favor when we were over in Asia and we cut off a guy's penis.” They both furtively checked out his expression to see how he'd react to such a declaration.

  He casually looked off to the side, pretending to check out a passing waitress as he adjusted his glasses.

  Kacey plopped her foot onto the tabletop. “Do you see this anklet, Timmy?”

  “Yes, is that one of those slave anklets?”

  “It is, and Julie here put it there. I'll wear it until the day I die, or until she takes it off.”

  Julie grinned.

  “So you two are dykes?”

  “Timmy! That is so uncool. I think you had better go back to your campus and restart your job search!”

  “I'm sorry, I meant to say lesbians,” he mumbled, getting himself in even deeper.

  She gave him a gentle slap. “We're not lesbians either! Are those fake glasses?” She grabbed them off his head.

  “Hey, give me those!” he demanded.

  “They're for real. Okay, here, take them back. Anyway, as I was saying before you distracted me, Julie put this on my ankle, and you're right, it is a slave anklet. It just means I am her slave, not that I have any particular sexual preference. We are bisexual, though, and we had sex this afternoon under the cherry blossoms by the Washington Monument. It was a real hoot!”

  “Oh, okay, that's interesting.” He took another sip of his beer and munched a few more snacks. The two girls glared at him.

  Kacey leaned across the table and whispered, “Being her slave simply means I have to do whatever she tells me to do. If she told me to give you a blow-job, I'd have to do it, as disagreeable as that might be.”

  Startled at such a revelation, he looked over at Julie and smiled at the prospect.

  “Forget about it, Timmy. That ain't gonna happen. I'm just making a point. I do whatever Julie tells me to do, and you do whatever we tell you to do. Didn't Pepper explain that to you?”

  “Yes, she did allude to that.”


  “No, she did say that specifically.” He began to squirm uncomfortably in his seat.

  “Give him a little test, Julie. Have him do something embarrassing. Let's see if he understands the concept.”

  “Well, um, okay, stick your finger up your nose.”

  “Oh good grief, kid! Are you still in grade school?” chastised Kacey. She whispered a suggestion into her ear.

  Julie blushed as she made the request. “Turn yourself on.”


  “Give yourself a hard-on under the table,” Julie whispered.

  “You're kidding, right?” he asked, also blushing.

  “Now!” ordered Kacey.

  A moment later, “Check him out, Julie. See if he's hard.”

  “Me? Why not you?”

  “I'm confused,” the young man said to Kacey. “You're the one wearing her slave anklet, but you're the one telling her what to do.”

  “It's complicated,” admitted Julie, as she discreetly slid her hand under the table. “He did it.”

  “You pass round one, junior. Now that wasn't so hard was it?” Kacey said, chuckling at her own humor. “You can go home now. Someone will contact you.”

  In conjunction with Pepper's transfer to Langley, the entire team would be relocating to the the D.C. area. Kacey and Julie had been called in early, had just gotten an apartment together, and were still getting used to each other's full-time company while they got it furnished. As soon as Timmy's security clearance came through, he was dispatched to meet them there for further instructions.

  “We apologize for the lack of furniture, Timmy, but we just moved in here. All we could agree on so far is the TV and the couch,” said Kacey.

  Julie brought out a tray with cheese and crackers and a jug of wine. The time passed quickly as the threesome became better acquainted and the bottle ran low.

  “That TV show with your sisters is coming on in a few minutes, Kacey!” observed Julie, perusing the TV listings.

  “Now I remember why you look familiar!” said Tim, as his face beamed admiringly. “Your sisters are the twins from 'The Sinclair Affair'!”

  Kacey headed to the kitchen to make some popcorn as the others got more comfortable.

  “Put on your collar!” Julie called out.

  A moment later she returned with the freshly made popcorn, wearing her new collar and the blue denim shirt that Julie had previously requested.

  “I love you,” confessed Julie. “Tim is confused about which one of us is the dom and doesn't believe that the collar has any real meaning. We could really use a footrest here.” She raised up her feet and asked, “You wouldn't mind would you?”

  Without a moment's hesitation, Kacey handed them the popcorn, got down on her hands and knees, and positioned herself to be their stool. Both placed their feet on her back.

  “Tim, the first time I saw Kacey, she was wearing just that shirt. She looked so totally hot! When we had to go our separate ways, I asked her to wear the shirt and collar for our reunion. Isn't she a sweetheart? I love this girl!”

  “You two are going to be so much fun to work with!”

  “Work for, not with. Don't forget that,” Julie reminded him.

  During the commercials, Julie explained that they each had been through their own hell the prior year. She had been kidnapped and sexually abused in Thailand, Kacey had been subjected to the whims of a radical militia group in Colorado, also sexually abused.

  “The experiences messed us up a little bit, Tim. I'm just telling you this so you'll better understand our ways as we three move forward in our unique relationship,” Julie explained. “We're taking it easy on you tonight. Don't expect that to last.”

  When the show ended, Kacey was allowed to join the other two on the sofa.

  “Your sisters w
ere awesome in that show, Kacey!” marveled Tim.

  “Yes, they were, hon,” agreed Julie. “Something just isn't right about that outfit, though.”

  “The shirt was the outfit that day,” Kacey reminded her.

  “Oh yeah, hmm.” She was considering the possibilities.

  “Maybe it's her new collar,” said Tim.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Wouldn't a choke collar with a leash be better?”

  “Careful what you wish for, Timmy,” responded Kacey. “You could end up being the one wearing it! While Julie decides what she wants, I'll tell you about our upcoming mission. Obviously, this is strictly confidential. Now that you have officially gotten clearance, Pepper gave us this CIA Intern badge to give to you which will get you into the agency facility. She has had you assigned to the maintenance department. Nobody ever notices the clean-up staff. We need to get into the computer lab and retrieve something. We're going to help her move into her new office tomorrow night. We plan to slip into the lab, get what we need, and leave it in the trash. Your job will be to use your maintenance card to get us past the electronic security, and then come in and take out the trash, no questions asked. Although it's a twenty-four hour facility, almost no one is there at three in the morning.”

  As Kacey spoke, Julie playfully slipped her hand under the loose-fitting denim shirt. “She has the nicest breasts, Tim. If you do a good job tomorrow night, I might let you do this, too.”

  Pepper's competition for the Director job was a General Parker. She had Intel that the man was having an illicit affair, but he had been good at covering his tracks and there was no proof. With the codes that the trio would be retrieving, she could access the agency software that would allow her to hack into anyone's email account. She would even be able to read items that merely sat in draft status. If there were no implicating emails, she would create them. She then proceeded to search emails for Members of Congress and found a treasure trove of dirt. She focused on the Senators that would be voting on her confirmation as CIA Director.

  The retiring Director was a political appointee and primarily a figurehead. As a senior and respected agent, Pepper had the real power in the agency. When someone questioned her authority, it tended to end badly for them. Others at headquarters were too intimidated by her to do much other than go along with whatever she said. When the girls had been discovered in the computer lab, she vouched for them and had them released into her custody.

  Later that night, as dawn was about to break, the threesome returned to the apartment to celebrate the success of the mission.

  “You did good tonight, Timmy. How does it feel having your first mission completed so successfully?” asked Kacey.

  “It's a high. I'm so wired, I don't think I'll be able to get to sleep tonight!”

  “Well, then just stay here,” offered Julie. She and Tim got comfortable on the sofa and Kacey was sent for refreshments. She brought in another jug of wine, was wearing the blue denim shirt and showing off her new collar.

  “How do you like it, Tim? Julie liked your suggestion and made me go out and buy a choke collar with a leash.”

  “It's awesome!” he said, looking like an eager puppy dog seeing his master come home for the first time in days.

  She gave the end of the leash to Julie and poured each of them some wine.

  “Come join us,” said Julie, gently tugging on the tether, positioning her between her legs.

  They spent the next half-hour rehashing the events of the night and discussing their adrenaline highs. Tim was distracted by Kacey's loose shirt. Daylight was beginning to break.

  “I suppose I should go home and let you two get some sleep,” said Tim.

  Julie teased him, once again slipped her hand under the blue denim top. “Oh, Timmy, she feels so soft.” She had Kacey undo a few of her buttons. “If you ask nicely, I'll let you touch one of her breasts, Tim.”

  “Julie, may I please touch one of Kacey's breasts?”

  “Okay, but only because we love her new leash that you suggested. Right, honey?” She gave it another tug.

  “Yes, Mistress Julie. It's a big improvement.”

  “Here, Tim, take the leash, give it a little yank, pull her closer to you so you can get a better angle to slip in your hand.”

  Kacey gagged a bit as he complied.

  “Gently, you eager beaver.”

  He moved his hand inside the slightly opened shirt and enjoyed its freedom to explore.

  “How do you like that, Kacey?” asked her mistress.

  “He has a kind touch, ma'am.”

  “Okay, Timmy, stop. That's all you get tonight, you naughty boy,” said Julie. “I want to take this opportunity to remind you what Pepper told you about following orders. What was it that she said again?”

  “That I'm to do everything you tell me to do even if it's to jump off a cliff,” he said a bit uneasily, as he returned the leash.

  “Do you have a girlfriend? How many girls have you been with?”

  “Yeah, her name is Briana. My prior girlfriend and I made love. Briana and I never have. I've only done stuff with the two of them.”

  “Give us details. What stuff?”

  “Cuddling, petting, the usual stuff, I guess.”


  “Of course.”

  “Where do you kiss them?”

  “At home, in the car.”

  “No silly. I mean where on their bodies?”

  “The lips, their neck, their breasts.”

  “What do you think, my pet?” she asked Kacey.

  “I wouldn't let a guy like that make love to me either. I'd dump him, too.”

  “Why?” Tim asked, perplexed.

  “Kacey, show him where a girl likes to be kissed,” requested Julie, tugging on the leash, pulling her head toward her lap.

  “Right here.” She gently caressed Julie between her legs, then kissed her there. “Any special friend of mine has to kiss my pussy,” she said.

  “Those are your marching orders, good sir,” said Julie. “Next time you're with Briana, kiss her there, then report back to us! Okay?”

  “All right,” he said with some hesitation.

  “Why the reluctance?”

  “I'm not sure how to do it right. I don't want her to laugh at me. I might not even like it.”

  “When Pepper gets her promotion to CIA Director, and the rest of our friends move to town, we're going to want to celebrate. The first time the three of us are together after that, we'll let you either watch us or practice on one of us to mark the occasion. Would you like that?”

  “I guess so.”

  “Another suggestion, when a sexy woman suggests such a thing, show enthusiasm,” said Julie.

  “He doesn't think you're sexy, honey,” said Kacey.

  “I think you're both sexy, very sexy!” he declared with new-found exuberance.

  “If you do well, Timothy, a lady will always reciprocate. Be thinking about that.”

  “You're both nice ladies, so does that include if I were to do well with one of you?”

  The two young women exchanged a confirming glance. “All right, if that's what it takes to motivate you. Now it's time to call it a night and for you to go home. You've gotten me so worked up, Kacey has some work to do, so get out of here and give us some privacy.”

  “Are her legs as soft as her breasts?” he asked as he got ready to go.

  “Take off your slacks, Kacey. Put his hands on your legs,” ordered Julie.

  She obeyed.

  “Thanks, girls. Good night.”

  “Wait, one last thing for fun. Kacey, thank him for the attention and kiss his feet in gratitude.”

  She promptly obeyed. He was clearly into it.

  “Tim, now that you've managed to get her pants off, would you like to have her panties to take home as a souvenir?” asked Julie.


  “Okay Kacey, give them to him and send him on his way.” />
  She slid them off and placed them in his hand as she nudged him out the front door..

  “Don't expect this next time, Tim” said Julie. “It just might be your turn to be the submissive.”

  He gawked a moment at the bottomless girl, kept his cool, said “Thanks,” then left a happy guy, wondering what their next encounter would be like.

  Pepper spent the morning utilizing her new email software. She did find incriminating notes in the general's in-box as well as in that of his publicist. She embellished the scenario for effect, creating some additional, increasingly illicit communications. Congress would have to investigate due to the national security threat. The news media would be all over it for days. The FBI received an anonymous tip. That night it was all over the evening news. General Parker had no choice but to resign his commission and withdraw from consideration for the Director position.

  This was the cue the members of Pepper's special team had been instructed to respond to. In the morning, each departed from her home and headed to Washington.

  Pepper already had a solid relationship with the President. It was common knowledge she was runner-up for the job. For added affect, she contacted the influential members of Congress that owed her favors, and had them express their support for the appointment. The departing Director, eager to do some fishing in Florida, was easily persuaded to move up his retirement date a few weeks. The next morning, the news media showed the President announcing her ascension to CIA Director. The Senate voted overwhelmingly to confirm her. The vote was 94-0.

  By that afternoon, the team members began reporting in for their instructions. Kristie, one of the three blue-eyed, blonde sisters on the team was the first to arrive. The two of them had shared an especially intimate time together at the team's sex party just before everyone had gone their separate ways. Pepper was busy organizing things for the move to her new office.

  “Kristie, I've missed you so much!” The two hugged. “Normally, my thoughts are preoccupied with my special quest, but this last two months all I have been able to think about is you. How was your family-time together?”


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