Assassin Affairs

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Assassin Affairs Page 32

by R. S. Smith

  “Oh Tim,....”

  Sensing Briana was about to reject him again, Julie interrupted. “Give us girls a moment together in private, guys.” She escorted her to the bedroom.

  “Briana, we've been really looking forward to tonight. I sincerely appreciate you being our sex slave, so I'm going to tell you a secret tonight. If you tell anyone, it will be the last thing you ever say.”

  “Okay, I won't tell anyone, I promise.”

  “Kacey and I are really assassins. We're black-ops. Tim doesn't know. When someone doesn't do something we want, they have a way of disappearing or having an accident.”

  “Oh sure.”

  “Here's a photo of me with our leader in Thailand.” It was the one of her sitting nude on Renée's lap, with her wearing the fatigues and sidearm. “Here are some photos on the internet showing this same lady as a top mob hit-woman and more photos of her with bodies in the scene.” She went over to her dresser drawer and pulled out her Glock. She showed her the silencer.

  “Why are you telling me this now?”

  “To intimidate you, to remind you to do as I say. Tonight makes you one of our special friends. Our leader has established a tradition that the first time a new special friend has sex, she isn't allowed to use protection. I want you to have intercourse with Tim tonight, not for him, not for you, but for me. Insist that he not use a condom. Tell him it's your safe time of the month and that you want, you yearn desperately, to feel him cum inside you. Will you do that for me? It would be a real turn-on. The added risk will intensify your experience.”

  “Does Kacey know about this?”

  “No, you'll be doing it solely for me. I'm not saying you have to do it. It's strictly up to you, but consider the risks of disappointing me versus the other risks. My girlfriend tried for three years to get pregnant when she got married and couldn't do it. Odds are nothing like that will happen. If it does, and if it's a girl, you'll keep her and name her Julie.”

  “Why are you doing this to me?”

  “For kicks. Knowing that it's such a big deal for you, and that I'll have forgotten about it in a few days, will give me a rush. It will be your special gift to me, a gesture of submission and affection.”

  “It's not my safe time of the month. It's my riskiest time right now.”

  “Good, good, all the better. Thanks for doing this for me, Briana. This doesn't let you off the hook for your all night commitment, though. The evening is still young. We'll be sitting next to you each time you two make love tonight. I want you to look at me while he's inside you and think about how you're doing this just for me. Afterward, take me out to the sofa and express your gratitude with more oral sex, from now on a little more vigorously to convince me it's sincere. Are you ready?”

  Tim came in, saw her on the bed and reached for a condom. Kacey and Julie sat next to her, one on each side.

  “Be sure to thank him afterward,” Kacey whispered.

  Briana struggled to get out the words. “Please, Master Tim, don't use one of those nasty rubber things on me. I want my first time to be all natural. I want to feel you cum inside me, and it will be more pleasurable for you.”

  He never asked if she was on the pill or if it was the safe time of the month and threw it into the trashcan.

  Each girl held her hand as he climbed on top of her. All four of them felt a twinge of excitement as he penetrated her for the very first time. When he eventually climaxed, she clenched their hands, then turned toward Julie with a look of despair and silently mouthed, “for you.” A tear ran down her cheek.

  Julie fought to suppress a snicker.

  “Thank you, Master Tim,” muttered Briana.

  She continued being their sex slave for the rest of the night, having unprotected sex with Tim two more times. When the night came to its conclusion, since Briana had driven over on her own, Julie sent Tim home, saying Briana would stay a while longer.

  “Kacey, I've been a bad girl,” confessed Julie.

  “Oh no. What have you done this time?”

  “The unprotected sex thing happened because of me.”

  “Is that right, Briana? I thought it seemed a little odd.”

  “Yes, ma'am. I even brought condoms with me tonight, just in case, and I was about to tell Timmy that when Julie took me into the bedroom for a chat. She showed me those photos and her gun and persuaded me to insist on no condom.”

  Kacey apologized and told her about the abuse both had gone through during the prior year, explaining that they were more into computers than guns, neither a people-person.

  “You've been so nice to us, doing all these good things and expecting absolutely nothing in return. You deserve to be rewarded, not punished. We're going to make it up to you. Julie will be punished.”

  Briana was agape as Kacey took off her slave collar and placed it around Julie's neck as she knelt in front of her.

  “You're too upset to be driving home tonight. Stay here with us the rest of the weekend. Julie will take us both on a shopping spree in the morning at a high-end mall and buy us expensive clothes. You'd look good with one of those $18,000 handbags. What do you think?”

  “Why did she just let you put the collar on her?” asked Briana, confused.

  “Our public image is a facade. It's a little game we play. Actually, I'm the dom and she's the submissive. I'll give her to you for the rest of the weekend if you'll stay here and hang out with us.”

  “I dunno. This is getting too weird even for me. What about your anklet?”

  “Oh, that's the real thing. Ours is a complicated relationship.” Kacey went into the dining room and returned with the $10,000 bundle.

  “Here, this is yours to keep regardless. Please stay and sleep with us tonight, no more sex. We have an extra toothbrush and mouthwash in the bathroom. You and I could take a nice, hot bubble-bath together in the morning.”

  “Could we put that choke collar on Julie that I've heard about? Could I have her bury her face between my thighs while I watch a movie in the morning?”

  “Sure, that's what it's all about. Abuse her all you want, within reason, but remember she'll be taking us out shopping for expensive goodies as soon as you're ready, her treat. We both really like you.”

  “Okay, I'll stay and give you guys another chance.”

  After reviewing her dossiers on viable Presidential candidates, Pepper determined that the Speaker of the House, Senator Durham, would be a promising choice. He had been the one who had walked in unannounced when Kristie was under the desk performing oral sex on Pepper. She reviewed her analysis with the Ruling Council, and they agreed. The committee wanted someone they could manipulate, someone who would cooperate on steering lucrative, rewarding energy and defense contracts the right way. The man had many ties to Special Interests, indicating he'd be a good fit. She invited him to her penthouse condo for a Saturday night dinner meeting.

  “Welcome to my home, Senator Durham, so nice to see you again.” As usual, Kristie was there, too, for her now-routine Saturday night sleep-over. She came over and took his overcoat. “This is my assistant Kristie.”

  “Good evening, ladies.” He took notice of Kristie's high heeled shoes, recalling the ones from the day of his office intrusion.

  They had some cocktails, then the three of them settled in to enjoy the meal.

  “Senator, your name has come up in a discussion of influential backers as someone who would make a good Presidential candidate.” What she didn't mention was that she had been accessing his private emails and knew of his improper behavior with staff members of both sexes. She could save that for later.

  “I'm always flattered to hear such things, Ms. Preston. Actually, several parties have touched base with me on the topic.”

  “My people have very deep pockets, Senator, and very solid contacts in the business community.” This was political code for we're ready to grease your palms with tons of cash. “With the election only two years away, it's important to start a campaign soon. T
hese backers are prepared to fund such an endeavor generously, provided certain arrangements could be made.” She dropped names of people with whom they were both acquainted, lobbyists and other behind-the scenes players. “It's felt that you would be most successful with a woman VP candidate running with you. The backers unanimously feel that I would be the one most suited to the job.”

  “I've heard many good things about you. May I call you Pepper?” he asked, as he ogled Kristie. He was certain those were the same shoes he had seen protruding from under the desk, and was eager for the two of them to get better acquainted.

  “That would be fine, Senator.” Pepper noticed his interest in the attractive assistant, and sensed he wasn't sold on the idea of her as his VP. After another hour of small talk, he was on his way out as she added, “Would it be all right if I have my assistant follow-up with you in a few days?”

  The lecherous fellow agreed, said goodnight and left.

  “Kristie, when you go to see him, I want you to flirt with the man. He has a weakness I plan to exploit, but don't let him get you alone. I don't trust the man.”

  When she went to his office later that week, Kristie was wearing a wire and a miniature camera. She had perfected the art of flirtation over the years, and the man was soon putty in her hands. He sent his staffers for some black coffee, which was code for stay out of the office for an hour. His behavior suddenly turned lewd and lascivious; he tried in vane to get her under his desk.

  “Senator Durham, I'm not that kind of girl!”

  He tore off her skirt and pushed her down on the office sofa. The experienced lech slid of her panties with ease. As he held her down, he pulled off his pants. Kristie fought her way off the couch and the pantless Senator got an erection as he chased the poor, bottomless girl around the room. Pepper had given her a mini-taser and she pulled it from her suit jacket pocket, zapped him with it, retrieved her clothing and ran out. The entire scene was captured on video with sharp, clear audio to support it. Pepper Preston would be announced as his running mate.

  When the announcement was eventually made public, Pepper was in the mood to celebrate.

  “Kristie, let's invite your sisters up to the penthouse for a party!”

  “I told them about your desire, Pepper, the one about having the three of us privately perform cunnilingus for you. Kacey is too involved in her relationship with Julie to be interested, and Karlee seemed fairly indifferent to it. They didn't say no though.”

  “How can we get them to say yes?”

  “Frankly, we're all disappointed that none of the other girls has approached us about the promised reciprocation from that Colorado sex party. We willingly went down on all six of you that night, agreeing it would be a one-way submission during that session, but since then only Julie has been with Kacey and you with me. We sisters feel that before we can accommodate your fantasy of three blue-eyed blondes on their knees staring up submissively at you and tending to your sexual requests, that we need to be the ones accommodated. I suggest that your celebration party be another tasting party, this time with the three of us sitting in the chairs and the six of you obliging us. After that, I think I can probably get my sisters to go along with what you want.”

  “I've been keeping the team pretty busy with special projects and they haven't had the time. I know they've been intending to do it. If Saturday night will be acceptable to you, I'll direct all of them to be at the penthouse then for dinner, followed by a tasting testing as you requested.”

  “We'll be there. Thanks, Pepper.”

  When the aforementioned evening arrived, dinner was enjoyed, there was much camaraderie and discussion of recent missions, the staff cleaned up and left. The team of five female-assassins expressed regret for not having been with the sisters earlier. The staff had placed three chairs by the fireplace and lit a flame before departing. This would be the third such party; the first had been with a kidnap victim encouraged with a low-powered taser, the second when the sisters had taken the plunge into the bisexual lifestyle, and now tonight. All nine ladies undressed, the three look-alike sisters filled the three comfortable seats, the flickering flames were all that lit the room. Their main boss Pepper lead the way down the line of blonde pussy. Renée, the leader of the team of five followed. Each of the six tasted each blonde sister's juices, then moved on to the next one when allowed to do so. Votes were cast for the best tasting, with the result an even split of two apiece. Pepper's original objective of bonding the team together was now complete.

  When Kristie returned for her weekly visit the next Saturday afternoon, she brought along her two sisters.

  “Pepper, we've been discussing your fantasy, last week's party, and all the things you've done for us. You rescued our little sister from those radicals, you facilitated our deadly revenge, you've paid generous cash bonuses, and you got us all of our overdue reciprocations. May we fulfill that fantasy of yours you told me about?”

  “You certainly may, girls!”

  Kacey patronizingly and playfully added, “Thank you for letting us do this, Pepper.”

  “I want my housekeeper to get some photos of us together, dressed, undressed and during. Is that okay?”

  The first few pictures were taken, then they all got undressed and a few more shots were added.

  Pepper lined up the three sisters on their knees, reminding them that it was the effect of the blonde hair and blue-eyes looking up at her during submission that aroused her. The flashbulb went off a few more times. Each sister kissed her between the legs and teased her vaginal lips with a seductive twist of the tongue as she leisurely worked her way down the line, housekeeper and camera following along.

  “How much time do you girls have this afternoon?” asked Pepper.

  “If it's okay, we'd like to spend the night with you,” said Karlee.

  “I was just reading on the internet where a woman was bragging she had lasted forty-one minutes performing cunnilingus on her girlfriend. Kristie's already easily topped that. I'm delighted we have all night, so let's see what you two can do.”

  A Few Years Pass

  The following few years passed quickly. The Durham-Preston ticket won the election. The team of nine bisexuals had another sex party, this time a few brought male dates. Kristie's husband had by now relocated to the area, and she allowed him to enjoy the other women at the event. Being nude together for the first time felt a bit awkward for him and his wife's two sisters, but the feeling passed as everyone became more wasted. With Renée's penchant for family sharing, she made certain he had sex with both of them before the night was over.

  Briana had gotten pregnant from her evening as sex slave and had a daughter named Juliette. She and Tim married and moved out of the area.

  Renée and Pepper, both alpha-females, had an increasingly contentious relationship. Each was a master manipulator and each wanted to be in charge. Renée and her dad had once again become close after their reunion, and he was helping her on the sly with some requested Intel.

  The Ruling Council found working with President Durham to be most lucrative. Desired defense and energy contracts were easily obtained at non-competitive, no-bid prices. Unfortunately for them, the wars in the Middle East had gone too well and had to be wound down. Oil prices had fallen, defense budgets were being cut. Iran and Iraq were moving toward unification, planning to resurrect the name Persia for the combined country. The council doctored Intel showing those countries to have weapons of mass destruction, and directed President Durham to use that to initiate a new war. When he refused, they began making alternative plans.

  Pepper had a copy of his schedule and a few months later received orders from the council to take him out. She recalled that Kristie had bragged she could make an accurate sniper hit from a mile away and directed her to begin making plans to take the kill-shot at an upcoming ceremony, still a few more months away, where she and Durham would both be making speeches. Although, Kristie detested the man, she felt uncomfortable with the requ
est and had been complaining to the others.

  A confused, emotionally upset Briana had found married life to be unfulfilling and returned to the scene of the conception with baby Juliette. A startled Julie answered the door.

  “Hi, may we come in?”

  “Sure, I assume this is our little one. What did you name her?”


  “Oh, I love her,” said Julie, taking her into her arms. Kacey came into the room and began speaking baby talk to her.

  “I'm sorry I ran off. I was afraid Julie might want to hurt me after the day I spent abusing her. Things with Tim and me weren't what I had hoped they'd be. He complains about money too much and spends most of his time watching television. When he wants sex, he has me wait naked in the bedroom and then he comes in during a commercial for a quickie. I found myself wishing I was back here with you two. Does that make any sense?”

  “Sure, we both missed you, too.”

  “My money is running low and I have nowhere else to go.”

  “You've stayed in good shape, honey. You look as sexy as you did before. What is it that you want, Briana? Money?”

  “No, I'm not sure what I want. I just wanted to stop by and see how you two are doing and let you meet little Juliette. Do you think she looks like me or like Tim?”

  “I kind of feel like she's my baby, too,” said Julie. “Can you understand where I'm coming from?”

  “I can. May we stay with you guys for a while?”

  The two roommates excused themselves, went into the kitchen to talk, and returned a few moments later.

  “Four people would be too crowded for this place, kid.”

  “I understand. I figured I had to try. I do so miss you both. I don't know why exactly.”

  “When we were in the kitchen, we both agreed we'd like to move to a bigger place.”


  “Do you understand the difference between a submissive and a slave, Briana?”


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