Rock Her Heart (A Bad Boy Rockstar Romance)

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Rock Her Heart (A Bad Boy Rockstar Romance) Page 13

by Megan West

  “Oh, Kurt honey, don’t be ridiculous. Of course I don’t think you’re still in love with her. That doesn’t mean that seeing her didn’t wake any of the old feelings back in you,” she told him. She was absolutely right. It was that moment that it occurred to him she had invited Claire to his party not just because they had been close friends in high school.

  “Mom, did you know she had broken up with Tyler?”

  “Goodness, the whole town knew!”

  That was all the confirmation he needed. He knew his mom had some inkling he might end up spending time with Claire now that they were both adults and single. His mother was sneaky, but he had to hand it to her for her insight and technique. He finished up his breakfast and immediately went upstairs to change into exercise clothing. He was going to go for a run and then do some exercises out back. Even though he was on leave he couldn’t let his workout regimen get too out of line or else he would feel it once he was back on base. It occurred to him then he hadn’t talked to any of his Army buddies since he took his leave. But, then again, he was only on his fourth day of leave.

  Kurt changed and went out for his run, enjoying the crisp country air hitting his face as he went along. As he thought about Claire and what they had gotten up to at her house, he ran faster and faster. By the end of it, he was soaked in sweat and out of breath. But that didn’t stop him from doing his exercises in the backyard before hopping in the shower and throwing on some jeans and a dark green t-shirt.

  He went downstairs, taking two steps at a time, and plopped down on the couch beside his mother. It was her day off so he decided he would spend all of it with her, even if they just stayed in and watched movies. It wasn’t as if they ever got that simple, little joy anymore. And that was exactly what they ended up doing.

  It wasn’t until 9pm when she started getting ready to go to bed that Kurt went upstairs to his bedroom and sent Claire a goodnight message. She instantly replied with a little kissing face. He chuckled and tapped the screen of his phone before sending her another message asking if she was free for lunch the next day. She told him she could work him into her busy schedule. He could practically hear her laughing. Then he sent messages to a couple of his Army buddies before sitting on the armchair in his room to read a couple chapters of the book he had packed before bed.

  He ended up turning in rather early and rising early to get in a good run and workout before getting ready to meet with Claire for lunch.

  They met at old Jerry’s deli, which was still named “The J-wich”. That was something that made Kurt laugh as he walked in through the front door to be stared at by a young man behind the counter.

  “Welcome to The-J-wich, how may I help you?” He sounded pleasant enough, but also an awful lot like a prerecording.

  Just then Claire stepped out from the door behind the counter, which Kurt assumed led to an office. “He’s here to meet me. Can you bring the order to the break room when you’re done prepping it, Pete?”

  The young man nodded and Kurt watched as Pete looked at Claire turn around and walk off. He chuckled silently. It came as no surprise to him at all that Pete would have a little crush on her. She was, after all, a knockout and had a great personality. She was exactly the type of “older woman,” the high school aged boys would fantasize about.

  Claire led Kurt to a break room that was decently sized and quite clean and nice. She had, no doubt, had a hand in fixing it up. The pops of color weren’t as bright and cheerful as they were in her house, but they were bold and appropriate for the office atmosphere while still bringing a special little something. He had been right to think she had a knack for that sort of thing and was impressed she had even managed to translate it into her work environment.

  “Do you work here most days?” Kurt asked.

  “About two or three days a week actually,” Claire responded as she reached up to pull out some cups from one of the cabinets. She opened the refrigerator and pulled out a pitcher of what appeared to be sparkling grapefruit juice and poured some into each cup. She put the pitcher back into the refrigerator and then placed the two cups on the table.

  “Have a seat,” she said. She was dressed business casual, but still looked as hot as ever. Her hair was drawn up into a tight bun and some simple black earring hung from her ears. She wore minimal makeup. She was stunning all the time and he once again found himself thinking it was no wonder Pete had a little crush on her.

  Just then, Pete walked in holding two plates with sandwiches on top.

  “Here you are, Ms. Collins. Is there anything else you need?” He definitely didn’t sound like a prerecording when he spoke to her and Kurt could tell the poor guy was fighting not to stare at her breasts. He chuckled and he caught Claire side-eyeing him.

  She smiled brightly up at Pete and said, “How many times do I have to tell you to just call me Claire, Pete? Ms. Collins is so stuffy and formal! Anyway, we’re all set. Thank you so much.” Pete smiled awkwardly and then walked out in a hurry. That was when she turned around on Kurt and scolded him for laughing at the guy.

  “Anyway,” she said at the end of her scolding, “I took the liberty of assuming you wanted the usual?”

  “Oh, you actually remember?” Kurt pulled the plate toward him and looked at the sandwich hungrily. It looked just as delicious as he remembered it, if not more. He quickly picked it up and took a big bite, savoring every familiar flavor. “Even better than I remember,” he said after swallowing the first mouthful.

  “Of course,” Claire said as she picked up her own sandwich quite gingerly. “I had them source in some higher quality ingredients, you know.” She grinned and winked before taking a bite of her own sandwich and making a noise of delight. “I rarely eat these,” she told him before taking another bite. He assumed it was because she didn’t want to grow tired of them since she worked for the place.

  They got to talking and Kurt found out she worked from her home office at least one day a week and then went to the restaurant’s office in the next town over every Thursday. That was where old Jerry’s son had set up his office because he had also decided to move out of his hometown. Old Jerry still lived in the same house now that he was retired and liked to pop in at the deli every now and then to check on things and say hello to Claire.

  “Every Thursday? So that means you’ll be out there this Thursday,” Kurt said. It was more of him voicing his thoughts out loud than actually telling Claire.

  But she answered anyway. “Right,” she told him. “But I typically end up getting home earlier on those days than when I’m here at the deli.”

  “Would you mind if I go with you on Thursday? I’d like to stop by the town while you’re working.”

  “No problem!” Claire said with a grin. Kurt could see a plan forming in her mind as she put her sandwich down. She narrowed her eyes and looked at him a bit suggestively. “Then I can make you some dinner when we get back,” she told him in that same subtle, sultry voice that had driven him crazy the other night.

  Kurt gulped down the bite of sandwich he had been chewing and nodded. He couldn’t help it– when he thought of being over at her house again his mind immediately recalled what had happened between them the last time. It wasn’t that he was assuming the same thing would happen again or even lead to more, but he also couldn’t ignore what had actually gone down between the two of them the last time she had invited him over.

  He remembered the way he had told her he wanted to taste her food and felt a stir in his pants again. He hastily picked up his sandwich and took another large bite to try distracting his mind from any more dirty thoughts.

  “Sounds good,” he finally told her.

  Chapter Seven

  Thursday came quickly and Kurt had managed to get in touch with a couple old friends from the town over to meet for coffee while Claire was at work. So after they parked in front of the restaurant and unexpectedly kissed goodbye, he started strolling around the downtown area until it was time to meet with them at t
he local coffee shop that had been around for years. It had been a long time since he set foot in the place so he couldn’t be sure of what all had changed; all he knew was that it didn’t look exactly the same as he remembered it. He saw Charlie and Boyd sitting at a table waiting for him and the two immediately stood up when he walked in.

  They bounded up to him and thumped him on the back as a greeting. Boyd went ahead and took his coffee order and then the three of them went back to the table to chat. They had a ton of questions about the Army, from why he had decided to join right down to what his daily life was like. They were seemingly fascinated by what Kurt did and it didn’t hurt he took great pride in it, so he told every detail with great enthusiasm.

  He found out Boyd was married to his high school sweetheart for three years now. Charlie was thinking about asking his girlfriend of five years to marry him some time soon. They were both in construction and worked together. It seemed they had their life pretty settled in the town and looked to be at least decently happy with it.

  They finished up and threw their cups in the trash. “So what are you doing after this?” Boyd asked as they walked out of the coffee shop. They had to get back to work.

  “I’ll just be wandering around town a while and then heading back with Claire,” he said without much thought. It wasn’t until the two men made a little humming sound that he turned to look at them and then realized they might had thought something was up between them. They wouldn’t have been far off base to think that.

  “Claire, huh? Claire Collins?” Kurt nodded and Boyd hid a snicker behind his hand. “She’s a real looker, that one. Don’t blame you for hangin’ around her, old boy.”

  Kurt felt a twinge of annoyance over the way he was talking about Claire and he had to wonder if that was the norm around these parts. Sure, she was a knockout, but there was so much more to her. Charlie punched Boyd on the arm and said, “They’re old friend from high school.”

  Kurt cleared his throat, “Right.”

  The men said their goodbyes and went their separate ways, Kurt making the mental note that Boyd was more of the oaf typical to these parts than he had been when they were younger. He had wanted to straighten him out, but Charlie saved the day.

  He continued his walk around the town until he reached the little pond that was right next to the town’s biggest park. He sat on a bench and watched the ducks either waddle around like crazy or just sit around lazily. It was a relaxing environment and he found his eyes slowly shutting. Not wanting to actually fall asleep on a bench out in public, he pulled out his phone to send a buddy of his from the Army a message.

  It was actually a friend he made during his first couple years as a recruit but then the guy had been relocated and they hadn’t seen each other since. But even in those first two years they had formed a pretty solid friendship so they had kept in touch. He was, incidentally, the only one who knew about Claire. He knew her as “the pretty girl from high school that drove Kurt bonkers”. He figured it would be fun to catch Chuck up on the current events with Claire.

  It was finally time for him to head back to pick her up. When he pulled up to the restaurant Claire was already waiting outside. He gazed at her for a moment, admiring how she looked before letting her know he was there. She was busy looking at something on her phone so he let his eyes wander over her from head to toe. Today she wore her hair in a high ponytail and a pair of simple silver stud earrings. She wore a tight black top layered with a fitted orange blazer, dark jeans that were tight and fit her legs well, and pair of black suede wedges. She looked damn good and he cleared his throat as he thought about the fact they were now going to head back to her house together.

  Kurt got out of the car and when the door slammed shut, she looked up from her phone. She looked a bit startled at first, but when her eyes landed on Kurt she smiled. She slipped her phone into her purse and walked up to him.

  “How was your day?” she asked as she stretched up to give him a peck on the cheek.

  For a moment it felt like they were an actual couple and Kurt wasn’t about to question it. He liked it. She was sweet and fun and everything he had always imagined her to be. She was the same wonderful Claire he had known with a few more great characteristics thrown in now that she was a young woman rather than a teenage girl. He slid his palm down her arm to grab her hand and walk to the car together. He told her about hanging out with Boyd and Charlie, conveniently leaving out Boyd’s distasteful little comment, and then about how he had just wandered about town.

  They drove off back to town as she told him all about her day. Her job seemed interesting enough but, more than anything, he just really enjoyed listening to her talk. “Do you need anything from the store?” he asked as they drove into the town’s square.

  “No,” she told him, “I’m totally prepared.” She turned to glare at him playfully as if he had morally offended her by implying she wasn’t completely prepared. She then reached out and placed her hand on his leg, right by his knee, and continued to talk like she had been before. His mind, meanwhile, was focusing a little too hard on the placement of her hand.

  The closer they got to her house, the higher up her hand crept. By the time he pulled into her driveway her hand was all the way up on his legs, resting dangerously close between his thighs. Lightly, she brushed over his bulge as she removed her hand to unbuckle her seat belt and gave him a little wink. Kurt stared at her until she was already unlocking the front door and then shook out of his hypnotized gaze before getting out of the car. It was definitely on. After her little gesture in the car there was no doubt in his mind.

  What he had been foolish to think was that he would be able to wait until after dinner to get close to her. Claire took off her blazer and hung it on one of the hooks by the door before walking to the kitchen, hips swaying sexily. Kurt followed her and saw she had all the stuff she needed neatly laid out, save for anything that needed to be refrigerated. As she stood in front of the counter double-checking everything was in order.

  Kurt walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He kissed her neck. She leaned into it right away as he pulled her body closer to his so her back was pressed up against his front and he started grinding his hips against her firm butt. Claire made a little ‘mmm’ sound and urged him on even more.

  Kurt slipped his hands under the hem of her shirt and grazed his fingertips over the smooth flesh of her stomach, his lips fixed to her neck. Slowly, he started moving his hands up until they were resting just below her breasts. He was still grinding his hips against her ass only now he knew she could feel his noticeable hardness pressing up against her as well. Claire pushed her ass back into him before he grabbed her by the shoulder and turned her around to kiss her passionately.

  He pushed her until she was pressed up against the counter, trapped between it and his body. Her breath stilled as he slipped one of his hands under the hem of her shirt again and ran it right up until he was just below the cub of her bra. His thumb over the smooth fabric of her bra and kissed her even more intensely than he already was. Finally, they broke apart from the kiss and inhaled loudly, eyes locked onto each other. Her pupils were wide open and he chest was heaving. He could sense she had been aroused more quickly than last time, just like him. It was as if they both knew this was coming but, for some reason, neither of them had expected it to happen first thing when they got to her house.

  Claire was just too irresistible and Kurt never held back on going after what he wanted; at least he didn’t hold back anymore. He had learned from the past that not going after what you wants leads to disappointment and regret.

  After she gave him clear signals she wanted to go further, he saw no reason to hold back. He took the opportunity to pull her shirt up and slip it off her body, dropping it on the kitchen’s floor. He saw her eyes dart down to the shirt, but he distracted her with a kiss. Then he pulled back and admired the way the black bra looked on her before reaching around for the clasp.

sp; It was just as he was about to pop open her bra that he looked deep into her eyes, “Claire.” She looked at him and he could tell she was aware he was about to say something serious. “You know I have to go back at the end of next week, right?”

  “Right,” she whispered. She leaned in a mere centimeter from his lips. “So let’s just make the most of the time we do have.”

  That was all it took for Kurt to bridge the gap with a passionate kiss as he popped her bra open. He stopped only to shove it off her and immediately dipped his head down to kiss each of her breasts before tracing his tongue along her nipples. He kissed her again and ran his hand straight down her stomach to unbutton and unzip her jeans, not wasting even a second before slipping his hand under the waistband of her panties.

  Claire squealed in delight when he ran a finger along her slit. He smiled when he felt she was already wet for him. He eagerly pushed his finger inside and she broke the kiss with a moan. In no time at all, he had her panting and moaning against his shoulder as he pleasured her. When he pushed a second finger inside and started pressing his thumb against her clit, Claire started thrusting her hips against his hand until her body tensed up and she tumbled over the edge.


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