Robin Hood Visits Brazil

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Robin Hood Visits Brazil Page 1

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Robin Hood Visits Brazil

  by Robert C. Waggoner

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright 2014 Robert C. Waggoner

  Chapter One

  Almost a year had passed since Brad Pratt and his Batt team put away the 'King of Serial Killers'. This type of case was the second time he had to step in and stop the senseless killings of a crazed person. No more, he said rather vociferously to the President of the United States after the case was put to rest. The president reassured Brad that would be the last time.

  After Brad left his office, Sam Bates knew that Brad Pratt was hot under the collar. A few hits below the belt woke Bates up to the fact his FBI and other agencies weren't up to snuff. It was a bit embarrassing when you added up the number of FBI and CIA agents worldwide. It was just too big and overloaded with what he thought of as, "creamers": Folks who wanted to rise to the top where the power really resided.

  While he was still contemplating what to do, a year later, his private secretary alerted him. He listened and then said, "Have Nancy Longstreet pick her up at Andrews. We'll put her up here at the White House. Have them prep my plane, no better yet, let's take an unmarked plane to Oregon."


  On the Southwest Coast of Oregon, a small town has the unknown, to most, the distinction of having an international covert team as their residents, Brad Pratt and his team was taking a long sabbatical from the last case. All were suffering from the gross method the 'King' serial killer had used on his victims.

  In a meeting with his team, Brad said, "This will be the last time we do the dirty work for the FBI and other agencies. I told the president direct so there is no mistaking my intention. We fight the bad guys who threatened our citizens and our way of life. We're a democratic nation and from henceforth, a democratic team that will vote whether or not we accept a case or not."

  Sujin, Brad's wife and mother of his two little kids, smiled liking what she heard. To her, it seemed the president was taking advantage of her husband and his team. The first serial killer case was a mentally taxing event and only from outthinking and a kind of give up on the killer's part, did the case end successfully.

  However, as she and the rest of the team silently thought, this last case was over the top. Not only was it over the top, but gruesome was a good word to use. It was one thing to use weapons of war on a battle field, but to see innocent people die from a game card was another story altogether. Be that as it may, after many days with his two faithful dogs, Rocky and Sandy, running on the beach, Brad came out of his depression.

  That experience and immersing self into his family, Brad worked in the garden with Park and collected chicken eggs with his son Brian. The daughter, Ranju was still too young to do much outside except fall down trying to walk around; making others laugh, however, Brad took her on many runs up and down the beach past the giant sea stacks that are so famous to the area.

  Brad's mother was still at the beach house. Brad's father had been chosen to lead the Department of Navy as its Secretary. At least for the time being, the once retired general liked his new job. Their retirement home in Palm Springs had been rented out to a retired military couple. Even though the weather was a bit nippy for his mother on the Pacific Coast, she enjoyed being with her two grandkids.

  Brad was addressing some of the team. He said, "Here's another bit of news from down under Brazil. Tony is, as he says, ready to rock and roll through Sherwood Forest stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. This isn't an in and out mission. On the contrary, it's not known when, if ever, the mission would end. You can take out one drug lord and there're five to take his place. It's my understanding that Tony has been in contact with the Brazilian president and in particular her chief of security.

  In a nut shell, the situation is thus, the drug lords have become so rich they threaten the monetary value of the currency; the money laundering has become so debilitating that Brazil's democratic economic life is also threatened; and finally, the lively hood of the ordinary person has become dependent upon the drug lords for their way of life. This is my understanding of the present situation in Brazil.

  I've received word the president of Brazil is making a secretive trip to the USA to meet with our president. Also Tony is flying up as we speak. He'll be here later tonight.

  I really don't know what we're up against down there in an area where none of us have any real experience. I'm hoping that we can visualize a way, or an end to a means, if you will. We need Billy and Alice. I've recalled them from China. Mike and Julie are doing that last things with the retirement village so he'll be available when called upon. Nancy and Wade are just waiting for the Brazilians to arrive.

  I think we're running out of room again. We're in need of additional lodging. I'm thinking a row of cabin along the bluff area would be nice. Mr. Park, I assign that project to you and my wife. She can help with the language problem. My mother can lend her advice where needed. I'd like to see eight or ten small cabins and of course, security needs including in the plan."

  Agent Jones spoke up saying, "We've some extra room right now and we could also place an RV if need be. The last I heard from Billy was the Master was coming to see how little Brian was developing. I think he just needs an excuse to come watch TV."

  That broke the ice with some heartfelt laughter. "Okay, let's knock off for some lunch. Mr. Park told me he's got enough crab for all of us to enjoy the rich taste of nature's goodness. If we could have a volunteer to go to town for some garlic French bread, so much the better," said Brad.

  Chapter Two

  In Belem, one of the wealthiest cities in Brazil, a certain drug lord had his condo. He not only had his condo, but he owned the entire Condominio Edificio Alvamor on Avenida Presidente Wilson. His condo and office were the top two floors of the giant high-rise. The view was breathtaking of the small harbor and Atlantic Ocean.

  Francisco Perez, better known as Lord Perez sat at his homemade rosewood desk. The top had an inlaid design of ebony. The entire desk was finished in a mirror like look; including the ebony.

  Lord Perez was listening to his number one security team leader about what he'd heard at the presidential palace. "Get to the point, number one or you'll soon be number 0," said a gruff Lord Perez.

  "Our source said the president is flying incognito to the USA to confer with their president about how to deal with the increasing drug problem here in Brazil. I've sent a team of two to Washington DC to keep an eye on the situation Lord Perez. Do you have any further orders on this matter?"

  "Like glue; stick with them. Be careful as our men are not your usual white folks. No, I don't have any further instructions, but suffice to say, the cost of refining at the final factor is becoming increasingly expensive. I'm working on a long term contract with India, but not easy to deal with those rag heads. Just keep me posted and send in that new girl I just hired to clean out my pipes."


  Flying northwest from Brazil to the Oregon coast for a meeting with the boss man Brad Pratt, Tony Hodges and his lady friend Angie were discussing how to address the growing problem of natives succumbing to easy drug money. "It's kind of the same story over and over. Once they have you growing coca then you're stuck for the rest of your life unless something comes along to thwart the drug money. It's my understanding that a family growing a hectare or two actually does the picking without any labor payment. They get paid for the chemical job using gasoline, but in the end, make barely enough money to live on. I'm not sure, Tony, if there's an answer to the problem," said Angie.

  "There has to be an alternative backed up with solid financing and good government. The crops they grow should be for their own use and any surplus goes to marke
t. However, the tropical rain forest doesn't allow for a lot of diversification as the soil is not so good. Exports such as nuts are a good cash crop, but then major international companies gobble up the market dictating purchase price. One thing though, is coffee. Brazilian coffee is becoming a world leader in demand. For the most part, Brazil has a chance, but with the advent of rich drug lords and a coast line that can't possibly be patrolled, has its work cut out for it."


  "Sujin said, "Brad, it's Nancy and she needs to bend your ear, as she said."

  "That means she needs to talk to me is all my Asian beauty," said Brad with a big happy look on his face. "Okay, you can have my ear Nancy; what's up?"

  "Rather unexpectedly the new Brazilian president is flying into Andrews in a few hours from now. I'm to pick her up then stash her covertly into the White House for a night sleep. After that, we, and I mean we, Wade, both presidents are coming to see you about a situation in Brazil. What do you want me to do in the interim?"

  "Take two aspirin and go to bed," Brad said with a small grin. "Nothing I guess Nancy. I've recalled our two resident hackers from China and as you know, Tony and Angie are flying here as we talk. Mike is finished up with the south coast project leaving the details for Julie. I guess we're set to take on some new project. Let me know when to meet you at North Bend."

  Sujin was in the kitchen boiling a giant pot of fish soup that smelled to high heaven; regardless of how healthy it was. He told her the news and then went to spread the word outside in the salt air of the onshore flow of wind.

  Brad wasn't one for guessing or wondering much about why they were coming. Suffice to say it was important and it was best to leave it at that. As usual, his team was ready at a moment's notice. However, Brad did smile thinking about the Master coming. The Brazilian president was in for a surprise meeting the old Chinese icon. Brad chatted with Park as the afternoon was fading into another setting of the sun slowly sinking into the Pacific Ocean.

  "Have you ever been to South America Mr. Park?"

  "No and I really have no idea where it is. I do recall it's under North America and mostly jungle and that's where drugs are raised."

  "Yes, South America has a real problem with illicit drugs and some of the richest men in the world are drug lords. I've a feeling we're about to meet some of these rich guys. Oh, by the way, the American president and his guest from Brazil are coming tomorrow sometime. Also, Billy and Alice are returning from China with the Master. And, Tony and his lady friend Angie are flying up from South America. This place will be full of security and people for a few days. I thought I'd best forewarn you. Anyway, continue doing what you want to do and I'd guess we need to clean out the local supermarket of vegetables and other things," Brad said.

  "Thanks for the information and I'll see to it that we've plenty of eggs too. Americans love their eggs," said Mr. Park waving bye as he went back to his daily chores.

  Rocky was following Brad and really wanted to take a run on the beach. Brad said, "Rocky, I know what you want, but we've a lot of company coming and you'll be overwhelmed trying to determine who is who. I'll tell you what let's do and that is you can pull Brian around the place with him inside his red wagon. Okay?"

  Rocky gave a woof and went to find the wagon. Mr. Park had rigged up a halter of sorts out of smooth soft rope. Park had also put on some bigger tires to keep the wagon upright going over a lot of big grass clumps. The tires he found were for wheel barrows. They worked great on the hard or soft sand of the beach or around the Round House. Ten minutes later, Rocky was slowly pulling the wagon around the house with a happy little boy, smiling, sitting in the wagon.

  It wasn't long until here come grandmother sensing it was cooling down. To his grandmother, the coolness was descending upon Brian's little body from the late afternoon with a vengeance. He fussed not wanting to go inside, but with the warm freshly made kimbop she showed him, changed his mind.

  Brad shook his head and went inside to enjoy his family for the night as tomorrow would bring many visitors to the Round House.

  Chapter Three

  Tony and Angie found a hotel in Portland to spend the night. The next day they'd catch a commuter to North Bend. It'd been a long haul from San Paulo to Portland, Oregon. They took advantage of a late flight to North Bend by sleeping soundly.

  Meanwhile, back in DC Nancy met Ana Luiza's presidential plane at Andrews Air Base. It seemed right from the beginning they hit it off. Ana chatted about this being her first trip to the capital and meeting the president was going to be exciting, but hard issues were on the agenda.

  "So, Ms. Longstreet I'm to sleep in the Lincoln bedroom. Wait until my daughter and my grandkids hear about this trip. Secretly, I hope to get a small tour of the White House."

  "Please call me Nancy and as you've stated, I'll call you Ana. I'll see that you get a tour and I'm sure our president will provide an excellent tour guide."

  What's he like Nancy," Ana asked as they drove through dark streets to the White House.

  "He's a nice guy Ana. Very friendly and likes to help where he can. Our team has not only chased terrorists and assassins, but we prevented a disaster in Australia with the Aborigines losing their income due to a loss of a rare diamond. We go where needed. In your case, a drug lord or more than one are making life miserable for a lot of people in your country and the countries that border you. Mexico has chased some drug lords out and now they're seeking new territory and unfortunately, Brazil fits the bill."

  "You stated our case Nancy. I can see, by the way, the lights of a place that all peoples of the world recognize as the home of the American President Samuel Bates."

  Ana was tucked into Lincoln's room while her Chief of Security Miguel Lopez slept on a hastily found cot in the room next to his president. He insisted to be near her at all times. No one argued and all was well throughout the night.

  The next morning, having slept very well, Ana showered and dressed appropriately for her upcoming meeting with Samuel Bates. With her security man, Miguel, she was ready to face the morning. She texted Nancy, who'd given her a secure cell phone, saying she was ready; Nancy texted that she was on her way. Even though it was only 7 am, President Bates was behind his desk sipping some Brazilian coffee. Nancy had been instructed to bring forth the president when she was ready.

  When Nancy tapped on the entrance door to the Oval Office, she opened the door and walked in. Ana followed and she was immediately struck with the office and the man behind the desk. Not that the décor or regardless of the person behind the desk, the office permeated power. Of course she realized, as most leaders of other countries, the President of the United States wielded a vast amount of power.

  Sam Bates came around the desk with a broad smile. Ana returned the smile and stuck out her hand for him to shake. He took her hand in both of his saying, "So very nice to meet you Madam President. This visit is an unexpected pleasure. However, having been thoroughly briefed on the current situation in your country, we are ready to help in any way we can. Please sit down and would you like some morning coffee?"

  "Yes, that would be nice. I do apologize for our lack of prior notice, but there're some who'd wonder what we're going to America for. We need to keep this trip as confidential as possible."

  "We've already taken steps to keep this trip under wraps. By 10 am we'll be in the air flying west in an unmarked passenger plane. We've word that two Brazilian nationals are following you. We can only assume they're soldiers of a certain drug lord in your country. With a bit of luck, we'll slip out the back and be on our way. Now we need a spot of breakfast. What would you desire?"

  "Your intel is impressive Mr. President. As for breakfast, some scrambled eggs and toast would suffice for both me and Miguel. I did mention to Nancy, who by the way, welcomed us with polite charm, a tour of the White House for a report to my grand children," she said with a red glow to her pleasant looking face.

  "I'd be happy to lead that tour Madam President. And
in the future just call me Sam. Is it permissible to call you Ana?"

  "Oh, my yes. I hate the formal part of this job. While we wait for breakfast, let me brief you on what I consider a major problem facing Brazil. Specifically, we have a major drug problem that is being run by very wealthy drug lords. I see few options but the removal of the major drug lords. Also along the way, we need to make sure none are replaced. Somehow we must have a deterrent in place after the elimination of the filth at the top of the drug world," said Ana rather passionately as breakfast arrived.

  "I and or we expected what you've related to us. That's the very reason we're flying to the West Coast to visit, pardon the expression, our removal team. All will be revealed in a day or so. I think you'll find this visit to the Pacific coast rewarding; I know I did when I first visited Brad Pratt and his Batt Team. Now, let's take a guided tour of the White House.

  Two hours later they were on a plane to the west coast. At almost the same time, Tony and Angi were boarding a plane for North Bend, Oregon. A van was waiting for pickup and delivery to the Round House in Bandon.

  Two other members of the team, Billy Ricker and his computer expert girl friend, Alice McGoodwin along with the Chinese Master were at 40,000 feet sleeping in first class somewhere over the Pacific Ocean. Their destination was Portland, Oregon about eight hours behind Tony and about three hours behind the two presidents and staff.

  Mr. Park had the Master's motor home ready with room for two secret service personnel if necessary. Brad felt, and rightfully so, that the secret service guys could stay at a local motel not three miles away at night. He reminded everyone that during the daytime, it was no problem as they were welcome. The Brazilian president and the American president would stay in the downstairs rooms where Brad and his wife slept. The two kids would stay with the parents. Brad's mother would camp out in the basement. The basement area was designed in case of emergency from an attack on the Round House.


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