Robin Hood Visits Brazil

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Robin Hood Visits Brazil Page 7

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Mike called Brad on their secure cell phones. Mike said he'd be down the next day with news that should please all. After that Mike took a long hot shower to wash the bug spray off. Then he went to a high class restaurant that was known for the elite of town to attend. Mike went to the bar first to see what was what. He saw a few guys hitting on some local lovelies and two tables that had two guys each sitting dressed from tailors and not off the rack clothes. Mike nodded to both tables as he went to the bar. Mike ordered a glass of Brazilian Chardonnay. What Mike really wanted was a cold beer, but due to his high social status, wine would suffice. Hard liquor he detested as it really was not good on the body or mind.

  A half hour later and with one glass of wine under his belt, a middle age man came over and said, in good English, "I saw you in the bank the other day. The manager said you're here to invest in some property to grow some exportable products. I wonder, sir, if you'd care to join me and my associate for a drink?"

  "I sure would like that. I don't much like drinking alone, but when you're on the road as much as I am, being alone becomes natural. I'll follow you."

  After sitting down, introductions were had. The guy who befriended Mike was Mr. Paulo Silva and his friend was, Mr. Diego Costa. Both were locals and both were in business and if looks were taken at face value, successful men they were. Mike introduced himself and gave a short spiel of what he was looking for. "There are two things I'd like to do while here in Manaus and one is to purchase coffee wholesale and the other is buy or lease land to grown coffee beans. Also in the same vein, peanuts are big sellers these days."

  "The competition is strong in the two items you mention. However, a lot depends on how quick you can pay the sellers," said Paulo.

  "I've a big safe at my new warehouse Paulo and plan to pay on the spot. I'm not sure yet about cash advances. Perhaps you could enlighten me along those lines?"

  Diego Costa spoke for the first time. "Mr. Brimstone be very careful advancing on any product purchased from anybody, including other business men like yourself. Paulo and I are in business together selling industrial chemicals. We manufacture all sorts of chemicals. We know some exporters who will fear your presence as we can see, and hear, you're very legitimate. We welcome you to our country. We also know a man who deals in property outside the city in the rural areas. His name is Ferdinand Perez. Friends call him Ferdie. He's shrewd and borders on the edge of the laws. However, if it's land you're looking for, he's you man. Now may we buy you dinner Mike Brimstone?"

  Chapter 13

  Mike flew to Belem the next morning. He met Brad in his suite where they could talk freely. Brad ordered breakfast for all three of them. Rocky would eat and then one of the hotel staff would take him to a place where he could do his big job. Meanwhile, Mike said, "We've got at least two camp sites and by evening should have one more. I'm suggesting we alert the Seals to be ready in a week or so to begin camping out on the Amazon. Or at least a lead group that could recon the region boss man for later attack. It's up to you Brad how you want to play the strike force on each region. Onto the next subject.

  I've got a warehouse and am having it set up for buying product. Two of Tony's men are running the warehouse. I got lucky, or maybe not; last night at a restaurant I met two business men who manufacture and sell chemicals. They turned me onto a real estate salesman, who sound, as crooked at a dog's hind leg, but it's a beginning. More later as that develops.

  If those two guys I met are selling chemicals, then I wonder if they're tied into Lord Perez's organization with the chemical processing of coca?"

  "I'd guess so and probably with a blind eye to what he's using the chemicals for. Billy will be able to tell us if those two guys are selling to Perez. I'll, or we can go see Tony and have his boys do some recon of the sites the Master found for us. Let's keep the Seals under wraps until we get more intel on the regional hubs that Perez uses. I think what we need is to kidnap one of his top lieutenants for information. Those guys talk tough, but when they feel a bit of pain, wither like a flower without water. The Master can intimidate anyone with his touch. We could kidnap and fly to here without the guy knowing what happened."

  "I think we've about covered it all Brad. Do you see anything we're overlooking," asked Mike.

  "Not at this point Mike. Let's go see Tony and update him on what's been happening."


  Amanda, slowly walking to the front door of the condo gave herself a pep talk. She realized that she was walking into a den of lions; or at least one king lion. Angi had put the final touches on her looks and she told Amanda that now she was basically on her own. Even though she had a cell phone and it was programmed with a GPS and a secret sending button for emergencies, Amanda was scared stiff. She said to herself, 'Well girl, it's time to put up or shut up. You shot your mouth off and now it's time to show your stuff. Just remember that this is a job and nothing else.' Amanda opened the glass door and walked in like she owned the place. Security was everywhere and at least six pairs of eyes looked at the startlingly lovely young lady walking through the door with a file folder under arm.

  Amanda chose the oldest man who might be the head of security and said, "I'm here to apply for a job as a secretary to Lord Perez. Please take this file folder for his perusal. Don't make the mistake of not doing this promptly. I'll be waiting down here for your answer or I should say his answer to an interview."

  Two young security men stood back admiring the lovely lady in yellow who stood like a model in a magazine. Both noticed she was a bit taller than average with just a slightly oversize chest. Her tight fitting dress stopped about a hand width above the knees. The light tan legs were perfectly shaped. All of the security men saw a face that most guys would die for. Her almond eyes were like magnets to any man. After a cute nose her full lips made every guy there feel a tingle in his crotch area. And when she turned around to find a chair, her backside made every throat in the room dry.

  Later they all agreed the guy with money always get the good looking ones.

  Upstairs, Lord Perez was looking at Amanda's pictures barely reading her resume. He said, "Get her up here now. Run before I cut your ears off!"

  Amanda was hustled up to the top floor. The entire floor reeked of money. The carpets were so thick she almost stumbled even with only a two inch heel. She was quickly ushered into Lord Perez's inner sanctum. He was sitting behind his regal desk doing two quick up and downs until he finally looked her in the eye. When he stood up, Amanda noticed they were about the same height. With his hand and arm extended to a chair she sat down crossing her legs just a little provocative, but not whorish.

  Perez pretended to study her resume and then he said, "I see you've just graduated and would like to apply for an executive secretaries job Amanda. Why do you think I need another secretary?"

  "A man of your stature, Lord Perez, can always use another good worker. I really think you ought to give me a trial period to see if you are happy with my work or not. If not, then we both walk away without any harm done. If I meet or exceed what you're looking for, then we can talk about a contract."

  "You're rather forward and I like that. I've too many people around here that are yes people. I need some fresh ideas. I tell you what, let's give it a try and be here at 8 am tomorrow. How does that sound Amanda?"

  "I like your style Lord Perez. Let's shake on our new agreement," said Amanda standing up and walking forward with her delicate hand sticking out. He took her hand and liked how soft it felt. A shot of lust ran to his crotch. He smiled and walked her to the door. Then he watched her backside stroll to the outer door to his office.

  Back on the street, her knees almost buckled she was so inwardly frightened. She realized that tomorrow he'd hit on her, but Angie taught her how to deal with any situation. She straightened her back and went the roundabout way to the warehouse.


  Mike, Tony and Brad had a sit down to discuss a plan to recon two of the closest regional hubs for Perez.
After the recon, another meeting would take place to determine what additional steps to take next. "Here's what I'm thinking Brad and Mike—first Felix and I scan the sat picture of the location. Then we make a plan for transportation. Usually, if the maps are correct, a road or highway links the regional boss to his home. What I'll do is have one of my men drive a vehicle to----say---a hundred kilometers and then Felix and I helicopter to that designated place. The chopper leaves with the driver and Felix and I continue on to the target's house. We hang around for 24 hours to see what is what. After that we high tail it back to the pickup point. What say you guys?"

  Brad rubbed his chin and gave Rocky a back rub. Mike was grinning as usual. Brad dropped his hand and said, "Go get em Robin. I think Robin needs to leave a calling card of some sort. Let's think on that to enhance Robin's reputation."

  "I think a tattoo would be perfect," said Mike. Those tattoo guns are battery powered. Felix could be a master with "Robin was Here". How do you like them apples," said Mike. Both Tony and Brad laughed as well as a woof from Rocky.

  "I've no argument with that idea," said Brad. "Let's use the myth to our advantage all the way."

  Chapter 14

  Billy and Alice were having a field day when Brad walked in. They had successfully hacked into virtually every web address know to Lord Perez. Billy said, "The Lord has accounts everywhere from Singapore to Europe to the islands. His stock portfolio is enormous. He uses one firm of stockbrokers and even though they've good security, it was a piece of cake for Alice and I to view his stocks.

  I also put twenty million more into Mike's account and into our account an additional ten million. He'll never miss it as we've made a trail that would be very difficult to trace. Now what else can I tell you boss?"

  "While we're concentrating on Perez, let's begin a background on another drug lord whose name is: Ramon Valzez in the Southeast part of Brazil. Unlike our Perez, this guy keeps a low profile. Also from what little we know, he's a sadistic man without any compassion. See what you can find on him and you might contact Miguel to see what the government has on this guy."

  "We're on it boss. Oh, by the way, I got a message that Agent Jones and Wendy are coming as tourists to the Manaus area. They'll stay at the same hotel as Mike. Is there anything you want me to pass on to them," asked Billy.

  Brad gave it some thought and came up with this idea: "Have them look for a plantation to grow coffee. We need a house to accommodate the whole team when on vacation kind of thing. The workers will receive a percentage of the crops."

  Angie came in and asked Brad for a chat about Amanda. They went to her office which was just alongside Tony's office. Amanda was sitting waiting patiently for Brad. Amanda had taken a liking to the American. She thought he possessed compassion and not the least bit racial. He smiled and sat down waiting for Angie to broach a subject.

  "Brad, Amanda has landed a job with Perez. She starts tomorrow morning. We're wondering what instructions you might have for her," said Angie.

  "You've taken the first step, Amanda, into your life as an adult. We all know what you face from this animal. I'm sure Angie has told you to think of it as a job and nothing else. Now then, what we need is office chatter as to what he's doing, wants to do and has done with names, places and dates if possible. Who does he confide in and who is his number one on his cell phone. What does he have for children and wife; if any? What does he hold dear; and again if anything.

  We’re going to be hurting him in certain places and we'd love to know what he'll do about it. We especially want to know if he intends to blame the native farmers and consequently punish those folks. We'd like to protect them if we could, but this is a very large country where it would be difficult to protect very many. I'm working on a plan whereby cell phones by area are available for natives to call a special number for help.

  Amanda, for heaven's sake don't get caught doing anything risky. Pretend what he does is no business of yours. Make sure to have a drink for him when he gets stressed. I'm told he has a storeroom full of rum. Learn the art of massage and while you're massaging his neck and shoulders, look on his desk for names, phone numbers and etc.

  You might tell him you need a place to live as he owns the whole building. Also remain firm if he wants you to share his place telling him you need some space. However, make it known you're available round the clock. Don't hesitate to show off your intelligence by suggesting a few things that are simple. It won't be long before he's sharing decisions with you. Be a take charge girl, but remember who the boss is. Well, that's about for now. I wish you luck and God speed Amanda."

  After he left, Amanda said, "I hope to find a man like him someday. You told me he's married to a South Korean and she is lucky beyond belief. Well, I feel great Angie and I'll change clothes now to sneak out so nobody notices me."

  "I agree with your take on Brad. My Tony is getting there slowly but surely. He's gone to Manaus and will be gone for a while. Be careful of the security cameras spying on you especially if you're using a cell phone. What we need to do is move your mother to a low rent housing area and give her a cell phone. That way when you call her number, it won't raise any suspicious action. We must do this mission smart Amanda. Never take a chance. You're a dead woman if caught doing something against his empire. And one more thing, don't become complacent and think you are smarter than they are. Perez didn't get to where he is being stupid. Keep in touch when you can. Be careful girl."

  Tony flew back to Manus with Mike. They met Felix at the warehouse where a construction crew was busy making the place productive. In the unfinished office, but at a large circular table, the map came out with Parintins circled as a regional site for Perez. Whymare had already been sent down to Parintins to acquire a vehicle for transportation from the airport to downtown.

  It was clearly seen that the Santa Clara area of Parintins was the location of both the warehouses of Lord Perez and not so far north nestled in the trees a fairly secluded area was where the regional boss man lived. His name was Calo Morais. His age was about forty two, but that was just a guess.

  Tony and Mike discussed the recon of Calo's residence and what the possibility of breaking into their warehouse might be a nice treat. From Belem Tony had carried with him two sets of night vision goggles, camo gear and other necessities for night recon. Whymare called around 5 pm to say he had a vehicle and was ready to pick Tony and Felix up.

  One of Tony's men drove them to the airport for a chartered flight to Parintins. All went well as Whymare was right there with less than new vehicle. However, it served its purpose as they drove to a safe house Whymare had rented from a family that was paid enough to take a short vacation to Belem. The house was only a couple blocks away from Calo Morais residence.

  While Robin Hood was being picked up, Calo Morais was in his warehouse office thinking about what happened to Bruno and the subsequent murder of three soldiers. Also, there was the torture and mutilation of the lieutenant who was almost whipped to death to think about. It would be correct to say that Calo Morais was scared for his life. Earlier that day he'd decided to increase his home security by an additional three men. He felt that with the extra three and his normal three men, he'd sleep much better. Calo really didn't give the warehouse much thought as its contents were mostly chemicals for coca processing. What concerned him most was his life being ended rather prematurely.

  He flashed back to his younger days as a good soldier working for Perez. He'd done an excellent job keeping the natives in line with continued production. When the senior regional boss died while performing his overrated prowess in bed with a young member of his household staff, Calo happily took over as boss of the region. Now he wasn't so sure it was a good thing as this Robin Hood business scared the hell out of him.

  He stood up and walked into the warehouse to look around trying to see some friendly faces. None of his men would look at him. It slammed into him that he was on his own that his men didn't give a hoot or holler about wheth
er he lived or died. He regretted, too late, that he should have been nicer to his men.

  Calo looked at his watch seeing it was time to go home. His driver was standing just inside the warehouse out of the relentless tropical sun as it dipped to the west. He went back to lock up his desk and office door. He also made sure the safe was locked as it usually contained at least 200,000 Real for various expenses. He nodded to his secretary who dog grinned back to him and went out the door.

  Tony and crew ate well that evening as they waited until midnight to recon the house. Whymare had driven by once around 9 pm and saw an increase in security, but that really didn't bother Tony any.

  The three of them talked about what they might find in the warehouse. All agreed that product and chemicals were stored there. Tony felt it would be a real shame that all of the product and chemicals would go up in flame. The warehouse was metal and the nearby warehouses were metal also. The possibility of the fire spreading was slight to none.

  Midnight came and Tony and Felix slipped out of the house silently. Whymare would stay behind just in case extraction needed to happen quickly. He sat in the vehicle that was pointed to the exit. The pilot was generously paid to stay awake and be ready for a quick take off if needed.

  Keeping to the trees alongside the street, nothing was seen or heard but a few roosters. It was surprising not even a dog was heard. Street lights were few and far in between so dark shadows were all but nonexistent. Approaching perhaps just about a 100 meters away, a view of the front of the house could be seen. The house was the most lighted structure in town.

  As time went by, the guards were slowly walking around the house. By 2 am they were mostly stationary smoking and talking in low voices to each other. It was obvious that these guards didn't have much training or dedication to the job. Regardless, Tony thought they should be eliminated from their life of working on the wrong side of life.


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