Robin Hood Visits Brazil

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Robin Hood Visits Brazil Page 12

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  A light was on in the office area. A hall way went back that led to a sleeping room. Posa Rocha was sleeping peacefully when his assassins came through the bedroom door. Tony wasted no time visiting with Posa as he stuck the pistol into his cheek waking him up. "Good morning Posa. I'm Robin Hood and we're here to shut down your operation. I'll give you ten seconds to ask God for forgiveness and then you're history."

  A full ten seconds went by and Wade could see Posa shut his eyes as Tony put a bullet into his temple. Wade had been given the tattoo gun and Robert gladly wrote: "Robin was Here."

  Down stairs the Seals had been scouting out the large warehouse. Similar to Belem, it contained product in cardboard boxes lined with plastic wrap. By the back door were three pallets of jerry cans of gasoline. Also they discovered ether and acetone for the final preparation of coca product. Tony looked at Robert, who shrugged his shoulders, as Tony said, "Burn it to the ground. I'll give us cover out of town. We've a 6 am flight to Manaus to catch. Mike will provide a boat to give us a chance to meet up in a day or two. At that time we can plan our next raid. Lord Perez is going to have a shit fit when he discovers his operation in Tefe is permanently closed for repairs."

  Wade was so excited he almost wet his pants; he told Nancy later. While they were making plans to burn the place, Wade went looking through the office. He found some memory sticks and in a safe that was unlocked, stacks of Brazilian money. He couldn't find a box quick, but some garbage bags worked just as well. When he came down the stairs, someone yelled: "Here comes Santa Claus and his merry helpers."


  Lord Perez received the news just before noon that same day. Once again he came unglued, but this time he sat back while fuming realizing losing his cool wouldn't save his business. Pedro had called telling him he'd recruited twenty soldiers of fortune. He and the twenty were on the way back from Africa.

  Amanda knocked and came in with some papers as if yesterday never happened. She placed the papers on his desk and asked, "Would the Lord care for a cocktail before lunch?"

  "Indeed I would Amanda. By the way, Tefe was hit early this morning and all my men and warehouse are gone. Once again millions are burned up. That makes four of my warehouses that have been destroyed. I'm really at a loss as to what to do. That guy Pedro is coming with a measly twenty men to help, but that is too little too late.

  My dear Amanda, please work the stress out of my neck. After that I'd love to have an early lunch of Amanda pie. It's you choice and if you say no, I'll pout just a little. Also, for yesterday, here's a bonus of 10,000 Real for help taking care of your mother and your farm."


  When Brad received the good news concerning Tefe, he went to see Billy and Alice. Brad was thinking it was getting close to time to have Lord Perez take a major loss of his wealth. Billy told him that Perez was worth in the neighborhood of five billion USD. Brad asked Billy:

  "Can you divest half of what Perez is worth just to shake him up?"

  "Let me think for a minute boss," said Billy. "So as not to alert him, we'd need to stay clear of his stocks and bonds. That would leave us with deposits around the world. Let's see what we can do. What I need is are bank account numbers that Brazil uses for governmental purposes. Those government employees who see the large deposits coming in will raise a flag wanting to know where the money is coming from. I suppose we could use accounts that are publically known from the USA aid monies. Or we could use the IMF tag," said Billy.

  "Let Nancy in on this and have her talk to Washington for advice," said Brad.

  "Good idea boss. Meanwhile, Mike has purchased two plantations and Agent Jones and Wendy are on their way to Manaus. I think it's really cool boss we have coffee plantations in our portfolio. Next we need bananas. Also I love peanuts. Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, that drug lord in the SE Ramon Valzez is one rich guy as well as Perez. They must use the same accountant as their wealth is in similar places."

  "Okay, I'll see Nancy as she's making sure the new colonial house is coming along to her specifications. We should move in soon, from what I hear," said Brad as he left with Rocky following.


  After Lord Perez had a pre lunch, a message came in from Manaus informing him that the Chicago business man was being flooded with sellers of coffee beans. That meant only one thing, farmers would shit can his coca for coffee plants. He looked down at his desk and then saw his empty cocktail glass sitting there looking as forlorn as he felt. He picked it up, looked it carefully over, and then hurled it against the far wall shattering it to a thousand pieces.

  Amanda came running in to see a smiling Perez satisfied with what he'd just done. "I needed to see something broken Amanda dear. I hear now that Chicago guy is buying coffee beans by the container load. I'm going to lose my farmers to him if I'm not careful. I'll tell you my beauty, I'm seeing and feeling my world come to an end. Anyway, Pedro should be here tonight to reinforce our security at what's left of my former empire."

  "I've asked before Lord, what can I do to help," asked an insincere Amanda as she swept up the broken glass.

  "I'm not sure anybody can help me at this point Amanda. You know it took me thirty years to build my empire and in just a few weeks, I've see the walls crumbling down right in front of me."

  "What can you do my Lord," asked Amanda as she fixed him a drink.

  "I wish I knew that answer Amanda. I'm very rich, that's for sure. But my life isn't worth much if each day my business suffers like it has. I'm not sleeping well and have asked a local doctor to prescribe some sleeping pills for me."

  "Well, for now, why don't you finish off that drink and let me release some fluid buildup. Lay on the desk my lord and let that unit reach for the ceiling. Like a rocket it'll blast off and make you feel much better."

  She saw the smile on his face as he one shot the glass of run. He stood up, stepped out of his pants and boxers. Next thing she knew he was laying on top of the ebony desk with his short thick unit pointing to the ceiling. Amanda decided it was payback time. She started out slow and then pounded the living hell out of his unit while squeezing as hard as she could on his testicles. She laughed later when she realized he loved it.

  Chapter 21

  Amanda got word to Angie that reinforcements were coming via a guy named Pedro who'd recruited some soldiers of fortune out of Africa. Brad thanked Angie telling her to pass it on to Tony. Brad went for a walk with Rocky thinking about what it meant that fresh blood was coming. Mercenaries by all accounts were formidable folks. However, if twenty were coming, how would Pedro distribute the new security? There were five regions left. Not to mention two warehouses left in Manaus.

  A smile crossed his face as he thought about a midnight visit to Lord Perez for a little heart to heart chat with him and the Master. He liked the idea a lot and as it was growing dark, went back to the hotel to chat, briefly, as the Master didn't chat well, about the idea.

  Brad brought with some Asian rice that Angie had found locally. At a restaurant that specialized in fish, Brad order two kilos.

  At the Master's room, Brad made the rice and put the fried fish on a coffee table. As usual he was watching TV. Billy made sure he had movies flowing constantly via the internet mostly. The Master really didn't seem to care what movie was playing; he just stared at the screen.

  Brad told him what they were going to do that night around 1 am. He nodded and went to work on the fish. Brad left before the rice was cooked, but he could manage that without his help.

  At 1 am, Brad dressed in camo gear alerted the Master the game was on. The master had changed out into dark pajamas and off they went to visit the Lord Drug man. Rocky realized something was up as he felt the tension in his master.

  Nancy dropped them off and waited parked where other cars were. Brad let the Master enter the building first to put the security guys to sleep with a pinch to the neck. Brad followed knowing where to go from Amanda's directions. Guards weren't a problem as they were all sleeping. Up
they went in the elevator to the top floor. Just being cautious, Brad waited for any vibrations or any sign of a guard in the hall way. There wasn't anybody around. All three hurried to his condo door. It was a double door that should have had better security. Brad with a very thin piece of stainless steel, stuck it in the swipe lock. As he'd learned from the Master, he sent a charge of vibrations through his arm and hand to the stainless steel. The door popped open.

  Inside was dark with only the light from outside streaming through the large plate glass windows. Rocky sniffed the air and padded down the hall towards the Lord's bedroom. Brad thought the smell of the condo rather offensive as an aroma of staleness seeped into this nose. Silently both the Master and Brad followed Rocky to an open bedroom door. The Master turned around and went back to the living room area. This was Brad's job and not his. What he did was snoop around for some gold if available.

  Brad saw the Lord sleeping on his back. On the night stand, a bottle of pills with a water glass half full told Brad the Lord had trouble sleeping. From his side Brad took out his favorite intimidation Rambo knife. Its shiny blade reflected what light that was coming through the open window. A slight breeze blew the thin flimsy curtains inward. Brad motioned for Rocky to jump up on the bed while Brad put on a bandana over his face to keep his ID from being exposed.

  At the movement of the bed from a hundred pound German shepherd a bleary eyed Lord Perez slowly woke up. Brad saw him lick his dry lips from the sleeping pills and then he reached for the glass of water. As his head turned to the night stand, he saw the shiny knife move towards him. He opened his eyes wide when he felt the sharp point poke his cheek. "How the hell did you get in here," the Lord demanded.

  "I'm one of Robin Hood's merry men Lord. I'm a ghost of sorts. My dog here is looking for a snack. Usually with all bad guys I let my dog have the bad guy's nuts and dick for a snack. How'd you like that Lord Dickhead," said Brad as the knife drew a slight line down his cheek making a thin line of blood run down his cheek.

  "Look if it's money you're looking for, that's no problem. My safe in the living room has lots of money. I'm a business man and let's do some business," said a growing stronger Lord Perez.

  "I'm not much of a business man Lord. What I do best is make sure humans have a fair chance at life. Under you, that's not possible. I came here tonight to give you a chance of redeeming yourself." In a flash the covers were thrown back revealing a naked Lord Perez with his privates all shriveled up. Brad nodded to Rocky and looked at Perez's crotch. Rocky bared his teeth and straddled Lord's body with his canine teeth inches away from his family jewels.

  "How about it Lord? Should you say yes, I might, and I say might, forgive you allowing a second chance? I know who you're stock broker is. If you agree and sell off three hundred million USD worth of stock and deposit in this numbered account, my dog will not eat your balls tonight. However, and believe me when I say I can find you at anytime I want, if that deposit is not made by market closing today, I'll be seeing you very soon. Now for a reminder, I'm going to leave my hero's sign on your pathetic chest." And with his Rambo knife he made a capital 'R' on his chest. Surprising, the Lord gritted his teeth and withstood the pain.

  Brad motioned Rocky down and then with his pocket full of plastic ties, he tied up the Lord hands. He walked the naked Lord into the living room to open the safe. After he opened the safe, Brad discovered two bars of gold. He gave both to the Master who was standing outside the condo door so as not to be seen.

  After that he tied the Lord to the outside balcony rail. Someone would find him tomorrow. It was a shame that the carpet received some blood, but then that was collateral damage.

  A few hours later, the guards began to wake up. After the fog had lifted from their pea brains, the captain of security ran to the elevator to check on his Lord and master. They found his door wide open and the Lord tied to the balcony stainless steel railing. Fire was coming from his eyes as one security man ran to the kitchen for a knife. After he was turned loose, he asked the captain of security what happened.

  "Sir Lord, all I saw and remember is a blur of color and then I felt a squeeze on my neck. My eyes closed while I fell unconscious. The other guards said the same thing."

  "This wasn't some ghost or magic," said a screaming Lord Perez. This guy I was talking to and as you can see, a knife mark on my chest proves he was human. Get me some alcohol to wash the blood off and some medicine to heal the wound. I want to know if Pedro is in town yet. Have you heard from him?"

  "Yes, Lord. He said he'd be in your office at 8 am today. It 3am now so that's not long for now. Do you want me to call the doctor?"

  "No, leave me and have the locks changed along with my door. How he got in is a mystery in itself" as he looked the door over seeing no damage anywhere.

  At 8 am sharp, Pedro came in with a white man that would scare the hell out of anybody. He stood at least two meters tall; weight around a hundred and ten kilos. His face would have been handsome if it weren't for the scars on both sides of his face. Also a black patch over one eye made anyone wonder how he lost his eye. Also, minus the scars he could grace a fitness mag with his curly white hair. Being introduced, Lord Perez didn't shake his hand due to the fact he didn't want his bones broken in his hand.

  Be that as it may, this guy looked every bit qualified for the job. Pedro said, "I heard that Tefe was hit Lord. Do you have any idea the next in line?"

  "No idea Pedro. We've five regions left and there're two here in Belem. It would be a roll of the dice to guess which one was next. First they hit number one and then number two. Logically number three would be next, but no they went up the river to Tefe. They killed all my men and burned the warehouse to the ground. My regional boss Posa was killed in his bed. Have you any idea what to do Pedro?"

  "We've twenty men who are dedicated to their jobs. I've offered one million each for the duration. What we need now Lord is a map of the region for Erin here to see geographically what we're up against."

  "Hang on a minute," as he went to a side door to fetch the map showing the Amazon River and his regions. He rolled it out onto the conference table. He used cocktail glasses for weights. "As you can see Region one and two are history. Number three is up river from Manaus and the other regions are outlined in red. Number five is Tefe and we can put an X through it. Seven and eight are beyond Tefe."

  Perez could see Erin studying hard the map. He asked, "Do all of the locations of your warehouses have airports nearby?"

  Perez was startled by his voice which sounded like he'd lost his testicles somewhere in his battles. His voice was high pitched, but not offensive. "Yes, all have airports nearby. You can fly to each location by fixed wing or helicopter. I presume you want to recon each region Erin," asked Perez.

  "Yes, that would be preferred. With five regions and with my twenty soldiers, four should be enough with some additional help from your local guards. I doubt we've a lot of time, but we'll train your men as quickly as possible. We need better security than what I feel we'll observe shortly. Pedro and I'll leave here soonest we can. For the short term we'll camp out in Manaus."

  "Let me make myself clear here for the both of you to know and understand that these attacks must stop. I'm losing millions faster than a toilet sucks down my big job in the mornings. A bonus of five million to each of you is in order if you stop these attacks on my property.

  Chapter 22

  Mike was in second heaven with the farmers lined up to sell their coffee beans to him. If he didn't know better, this was his calling. Simply put, when it's not your money, who gives a shit. He'd quickly found a payment method and a current price daily from Billy. He was so excited that when he picked up Agent Jones and Wendy, he couldn't stop talking about the great news of helping farmers using the drug lord's money. He just couldn't quit laughing. It wasn't long before Jones and Wendy were afflicted with the program.

  After lunch, all checked in to the hotel, Mike took his friends to the warehouse to show
it off. Tony, Felix and Robert were there having an after action meeting. Things turned serious for awhile until it had been decided on the next target.

  Knowing that reinforcements had arrived, it was assumed that the new soldiers would begin with Region four and up from there. The news that new blood had arrived, really didn't bother the Seals or Tony for that matter. So far the security had been appalling and without much challenge. Now with the addition of soldiers of fortune, the stakes rose in the game at hand.

  Tony said, "How about we hit number six in Fonte Boa?"

  "I don't see why not," said Robert. "That's further up river and we need to find a camp site."

  "I think Felix and Ramon would be able to locate a suitable place to base from. With two more further up river we're going to need closer for ease of travel," said Robert.

  "I'll get Ramon and we'll fly up with James T. to Fonte Boa on the notion of setting up another warehouse for coffee beans. We need to keep our plan as secret as possible. I'll leave Ramon and his friends to locate and at least clear a site for the helicopter. From there we can use the stealth boats to take our team into town. I know there's only one hotel in town. We don't want our presence known so we best in and out making a quick recon. After we set up camp, then our boys can do a thorough job," said Felix.


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