Robin Hood Visits Brazil

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Robin Hood Visits Brazil Page 14

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  As luck would have it, James T. solved the problem. James T. was part owner of the airport in Tefe. The partner cared only for money so refueling the helicopters was no problem after all.

  Miguel had faxed Brad the latest on the Drug Lord Ramon Valzez. His residence was in Ribeirao Preto. It's north of San Paulo about 175 miles and can be reached by car, train or plane. It's both an agricultural area and technology is rapidly coming meeting the 21st century head on. Some will tell you that this fine city and area is the California of South America. It also had the distinction of having a billionaire in its midst.

  Even though Ramon Valzez had major interests in legal business and manufacturing areas, he also was known as a drug lord to a few of the insiders of the country.


  James T. picked up Brad and associates early the next day. Brad was impressed with the sleek twin Cessna 421 Golden Eagle. It's true that James T. did a double take on the Master who stood waiting with a beat up old leather bag sitting next to him. James T. shook his head at the old Chinaman in his dragon pajamas. James T. knew better than to ask and chatted away while his passengers climbed on board. James T. had a co-pilot with him, but he did the takeoff and landing. After they were in the air at 20,000 feet, he came back to chat with Brad.

  "You know Brad that a lot of us have made money off a drug lords and for me I'm not comfortable taking the drug money, but it helps to pay the bills. However, with the notion of an increase in crop production to benefit all the farmers and business men, we welcome that idea with open arms. I can see a small influx of agribusiness coming to the Manaus region and on up the river. Without the fear of reprisal, natives can ply their trade to benefit all concerned."

  Brad was moved by what he said about the entire region having access to a free market economy. He answered by saying, "I think so too James T. Of course one of the drawbacks is transportation. The Amazon River is by boat or plane. Boats are too slow and air transportation is expensive. Container ships are just too huge, but maybe barges with containers would work. Well, that's for other people to address. I'm here to clean up the dirt from the spoils of drugs.


  Mike had his friends onboard his yacht 'Mikie' for an evening's run. Billy liked that name so it was painted on the stern and on the bow both port and starboard sported the name. Coffee Mocha went by the sanding block.

  Paulo Silva and Diego Costa eagerly wanted to know how things were going on the coffee front. Mike said, "The farmers are flooding my warehouse with beans. I love to drink the stuff, but I don't know a good bean from a bad one. I've hired a coffee expert out of your university. She has come highly recommended by her teachers. I've also have some applications for plantation managers that need looking over. My friends from Chicago are onsite now waiting for the constructions crew to arrive. Bottom line is the farmers are happier now days I think."

  "Mike," said Jose Ariego, "we want to be part of the reemergence of cash crops. We are happy to see your large deposit on record to provide the collateral needed for individual farmers to borrow money for crops. With the parameters you've laid out, each farmer must provide a solid work record. We, me and Ciao Mendeza thank you."

  "Your very welcome gentlemen. Let’s have a toast to successful endeavors while we watch the economy grown here in Brazil," said Mike.

  "Me and Celso also want to give a thumbs up for providing back up for farm supplies and some machinery when needed. Already we've had farmers in looking for fertilizer and other things like hand tools to help increase their production."

  "Ah those lovely co-eds have snacks for us guys. Let's savory the lovely sights and smells of the Amazon; not to mention the prepared food and drink," Mike said laughing.


  Upriver a flurry of activity was taking place not far from Fonte Boa. Tony was working closely with Robert of the Seals. Felix was in charge of the locals clearing out some space for workable camp. This would be an important mission as the new soldiers of fortune would be on the job. Regardless of the outcome, it would be one bloody operation.

  Be that as it may, Tony and Robert would see the mission through with as few casualties as possible. There were two of the Seals who had advanced medical training. At least they could patch an injured man sufficient to be transported to a hospital.

  While camp was being set up, Robert, Tony and Felix were looking over the latest sat pics provided by Billy. Perez's warehouse was located just outside of town, about a quarter mile, in a new area being developed for boat transportation of products. A frown came across Tony's face when he saw some difficulty in doing some needed recon. Robert was thinking the same thing. Tony said, "Robert, I think we need to use your stealth boats for this mission. We can beach the boats about 500 meters or so and then hike in."

  "I think you're right Tony. I'd say we take a helicopter run past the warehouse about midnight and then repel down on the road." He pointed on the map the road leading into the new area. "Meanwhile two guys can come up river to the site and wait for us. That way we can have a view from front, back and both sides."

  "Let's make it so Robert. Let's leave here around midnight. A two hour recon should tell the tale. We can back in time for breakfast." Robert did notice Wade sitting eagerly wondering if they'd use him or not. "Wade," Robert said, "fear not as you'll be in on the action. But for tonight we'll need just two other men."

  "Thanks for the heads up Robert. I'm looking forward to getting my feet wet; not literally, mind you. Both Robert and Tony smiled at Wade.

  At midnight the stealth helicopter lifted out of camp. The stealth rubber boat had left thirty minutes before hand. Tony was impressed how quiet the chopper really was. In no time they were almost level with the tree line about 50 feet above the water. The first thing they noticed that the warehouse was lit up like electricity was dirt cheap.

  Through field glasses, Tony could see a half dozen men walking around with weapons at the ready. He couldn't see well enough to determine white or brown skinned guards. If the count was correct, four mercenaries should be on the job. Both Tony and Robert noticed a late model SUV parked in front of the warehouse. That was obviously Che Costa's service. Their guess he was inside sleeping.

  A few minutes later, with a sign from Robert the helicopter hovered over the road. It was only a 20 foot drop, but they slid down a rope so as not to leave any marks on the dirt road. The chopper lifted up and disappeared back to camp. Robert and Tony jogged down the road to the warehouse.

  When they were about 200 yards from the warehouse, they could see clearly guards walking around the warehouse. As this was a new area, Perez's warehouse was the only one there for the time being.

  The downside was the land was bare of any trees or foliage for a hundred yards around the warehouse. Sneaking up would not be easy. Both Robert and Tony were deep in thought how best to attack the warehouse.

  Meanwhile the two other Seals who come up by boat were waiting in the jungle area that hadn’t been cleared yet. They waited patiently observing the half dozen guards walk slowly around the warehouse.

  A half hour later Robert and Tony showed up. Tony gave the high sign to leave. Less than an hour later they were back in camp have a round-the-camp discussion about the best way to attack the warehouse.

  One problem was the earth was red and their camo outfits were dark either green or black. Somebody suggested they strip down to skivvies, make wet and roll in the red dirt. Wade noticed nobody laughed. Ramon was sitting in on the conversation and he said, "We've some plants that can make your skin red, but it takes some vigorous scrubbing to return to normal."

  "How about we dye a set of our camo gear," said a voice in the circle.

  "Damn fine idea sailor. Ramon, find us some red plants and let's get to work our invasion tonight. Meanwhile, let's catch a few hours sleep and then meet again to make a plan," said Robert.

  Ramon and friends went plant hunting. They were looking for the bright red spiny achiote fruit. Later they'd crush it up a
nd dye the clothes a reddish orange color. The camo problem taken care of; each member of Robin's merry men thought best how to attack the ware house.

  At 6 pm as it was getting dark, after a real tasty dinner or MREs, all sat in a circle making a plan to attack the warehouse. They'd six Seals and three of Robin's team. The odd one in was Wade the sole member of the Batt Team.

  Tony spoke up first. "As soon as the shooting starts our position will be known. I think we need to take out the lighting first and then the security. That means we either shoot out the lights or cut the power from the generator that we all heard running behind the warehouse."

  "I'm for disabling the generator," said Robert.

  "Me too," said Tony. "I'm the guy to do it. I'll take a strong pair of pliers and squeeze the fuel line. Anybody got a better idea?"

  Tony looked around and didn't see anyone looking like they wanted to suggest something different. "Okay then I'll take care of the power station. As soon as the lights go out those guys will wonder what the hell is happening. With your night vision goggles, shoot to kill would be good. Remember, once inside their might be more guards. If the door is locked, blow it open and throw in a smoke or frag grenade. We're here to put these guys out of business. Okay and thing else?"

  "There's a back door so two men should go with me. I'll take Felix and Whymare with me. I'll leave one man at the back door and circle around to support the front," said Tony.

  All went quiet and each member of the team kept their own thoughts. Ramon wanted to go, but realized he wasn't qualified. He'd done his job with the red dye. He'd wait and say a prayer for the men who were giving their lives to rid the country of the tyrant Perez. He also said a prayer for his sister who using her beautiful body to spy on the devil Lord.

  At midnight they were off in the super quiet rubber boats. All had on night goggles and were armed to the teeth.

  Wade was sitting on pins and needles. He was almost literally wired for sound. Tonight was something to talk about and remember for a lifetime. However, he wasn't sure who he'd tell the tale to. He smiled as he saw the dark shadows fly by as they sped up the river. He looked up seeing a billion stars but no moon. His nose picked up the smell of decaying plant life and occasional smell of something rather sweet. He was sweating like hell but he really didn't care as later he could wash off in the fresh water creek; that was supposing he survived the mission.

  The boat slowed and stuck its nose into the low bank. Everybody jumped out as the second boat landed next to them. Once the boats were pulled up onto land, covered with a camo tarp, they went on alert walking towards the warehouse. Tony and Robert were leading and soon they were kneeling down looking at the brightly lit warehouse with security guards walking around looking fully alert.

  Wade could feel his heart thumping in his chest as the sweat rolled down his forehead. He wished he felt pumped with adrenalin rather than apprehension. He mentally kicked himself and focused on what was ahead of all of the team. He saw Tony and Felix, along with Whymare move off to silence the generator. It had been decided that the rest of the team would space out in front of the warehouse to wait for the light out.

  The remaining team members slowly, but methodically inched their way towards the warehouse. Even a few yards would increase the accuracy of their weapons. Wade's position about in the middle of the team that was creeping up.

  On the back side of the warehouse, two guards were standing close together chatting back and forth smoking. Tony could see the smoke curling up as no wind was felt. Tony had Whymare cover the two of them while they became close enough to take them out with a silenced weapon.

  Tony felt good as his knee was working fine and he'd been practicing moving silently like Brad had taught him. Felix also had become a quick learner as he too moved with stealth stopping only when he felt they were being observed. Tony was at an oblique to the left of the guards and Felix the same to the right side. When Felix saw Tony kneel down and raise his weapon, he followed suit. Felix would fire when he saw or heard the almost silent sound of the suppressor on the 9 mm Glock.

  A split second after Felix heard the unmistakable sound of the weapon, he fired at his target. Both guards fell down on their backsides dropping both their weapons and cigarettes. Walking up being a bit leery, they found the two guards very dead. Next Tony went to work on the fuel line to shut off the vital supply of life to the large diesel generator.

  With a heavy duty set of pliers, Tony found the fuel line and tracing it where it wasn't so visible if someone came looking, squeezed off the flow. Meanwhile, Felix had dragged the two guards behind the generator out of sight; mostly out of sight except for the very curious.

  They waited behind the generator knowing that somebody would come looking to see what had happened to the generator. Tony thought two would come. It didn't take long before the generator began to sputter and the light flickered. Tony thought right as two men came running around the corner just as the generator stopped altogether. However, both guards had flashlights which they snapped on just as the lights went out. Tony and Felix waited until both guards were within about 10 feet then it was lights out for those two guards.

  If the count was close, there'd be about four more guards around front. Slowly Tony and Felix stood up waiting to see if someone inside would come out the back door to check on the lights.

  Directly above the rear door, a window a/c stopped running when the power went off. Tony knew that room probably held the boss man Che Costa. Chances are he woke up when the place went silent.

  As a matter of fact, Che did wake up when the a/c went off. At first he thought the generator probably had run out of fuel or had a dirty fuel filter. Next to him lay a young teenager who had been chosen as his play toy for the night. She heard him swear that nothing worked right in this rotten country. She pulled the covers up under her chin scared to death as to what he might do. Che waited a few minutes to see if the power would return. Other than that is was all quiet until he heard shots being fired from the front of the warehouse. That's when he realized they were under attack. He quickly put on some pants and grabbed his trusty 45 caliber pistol. Actually he wasn't sure it even worked anymore. He hadn't fired it in years.

  Out front of the warehouse, when the lights went out, night vision goggles on, the 'merry men' began shooting at the guards. However, these guards weren't rookies. They'd hit the ground and sprayed the area with bullets. All felt the bullets pass overhead at just about two feet above the ground.

  Robert had one guard in his sights and he saw him roll over grabbing his chest. Wade, not far away had his sights on a quick low runner scurrying away from the warehouse to flank the invaders. A smile crossed Wade's face as he saw his foe tumble to the ground and not get up. It was two down and nobody was sure how many left.

  Meanwhile, Tony and Felix circled around the warehouse at opposite ends. Nobody had come out the back door. When Tony peeked around the corner, he could see one guard laying flat on the ground waiting for a muzzle flash or some sign of a person that had come to do him harm. Tony, once again using his stealth mode, came within about ten feet of the prone guard. Tony gave him a pissst and when he turned to see what, shot him in the neck.

  Felix coming around the other side saw at least two more guards on the ground firing off an occasional burst of bullets kicking up red dirt out there in no man's land. Felix aimed at the closet one and shot him dead. The other guard rolled over and fired back at Felix who'd ducked behind the corner. The steel warehouse caught most of the bullets.

  It was then another Seal saw the action and put the guard down with two shots from his weapon. After that an eerie settled over the warehouse. Ten minutes later the 'merry men' and Robin declared the outside secure. Tony and Robert went to the front door that stood not far from the giant roll up doors. The door opened up freely. No shots were fired. Like the outside the inside was pitch black.

  Tony went in first and then Robert. Wade was right behind when all hell broke loose. F
lashlights came on illuminating the team. Wade took a hit to the shoulder and went down hugging his left side. Robert let loose with a burst of Uzi type weapon seeing a flashlight fall to the floor. The remainder of the team spread out rolling on the cement floor trying to stay away from the shots being fired. Tony took one guy out and then slid to his left and forward shooting another guard. In less than two minutes, four guards on the inside were dead and only one wounded of the 'merry men': Wade.

  Upstairs they found a very scared Che Costa holding his 45 that was pointed at the floor. Using flashlights, while Robert went to the generator to squeeze back the fuel line to at least let some fuel in, they found a shaken Che who then started begging for his life. Tony saw a young native girl clearly frightened with eyes wide open. Wade, who was standing next to Tony, asked her in Portuguese if she was okay?

  "She said she was alright, but the man had hurt her between her legs. Tony was clearly angry as Wade told him what she said. It was then the lights came back on, albeit dim, as the generator was at half speed. Tony said, "Drag the bastard outside while we look the place over. Find something to cover the poor girl up with."

  The warehouse was gone over finding cash and product along with gasoline for washing or processing. "Burn the place down," said Tony.

  Outside Che Costa stood with his arms hanging down and his chin on his bare chest. The young girl had taken some money Tony had given her and ran off home. Felix had the tattoo gun and Tony went to work on Che's chest with a 'Robin was Here' tattoo. Then he sliced the boss mans dick off and handed it to him. "Throw the bastard into the river and let him be fish food," said Tony with disgust as he walked towards the boats.


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