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Back To Good Page 18

by Laura Benson

  Suddenly, the spoon in my hand clattered to the table, rousing Matthew from his daydream. “Um, we should go,” I sputtered, rushing to stand and turn away from him before he caught the blush in my cheeks.

  I heard his chair scrape back, and I risked a peek back at him. He threw money down on the table and gave me a wistful look that froze me solid.

  Talking to Dad went about as well as I had expected. It took nearly two hours, but I finally managed to get through him that there was nothing going on between me and Joey. The pictures were unfortunate, and the timing sucked, but it was what it was and we’d do everything we could to minimize damage.

  I met Matthew at the offices of the record label. He was dressed to kill in what I suspected was an Armani suit, or Tom Ford. Matthew definitely knew how to clean up. He was on his phone when I walked up to him. Holding his finger, gesturing for me to wait a minute, he turns his back to me and continues on with his call. When he finally ends the call, he presses the elevator call button.

  “How are you feeling today?” He’s looking up at the numbers on the elevator display. He doesn’t bother to look at me.

  “I’m fine,” I said curtly. I was in fact nervous as hell with this meeting. I’d expected that Joey would be here as well, but Matthew told him not to come. Finally, the elevator arrived and we waited until people stepped off before we walked on. Since we were hitting one of the top floors, I strode to the back of the box.

  “So do you want me to tell you how this is going to go down?” he says, still not looking in my direction. I turn my head to see his jaw pulsing with what…anger?

  “Why don’t we wait and see what they have to say before you barge in with a renegade attitude?”

  He chuckled at that. I have to admit, the thought of Matthew rushing in and telling the suits what was what, seemed thrilling, but when dealing with someone’s livelihood, it’s best to take baby steps and ease your way in. A gung-ho attitude would ruin everything.

  Once we got the floor, we walked to the receptionist who seemed ready for us. I could see her eyeing Matthew, and I rolled my eyes at her flagrant body check of him. Hitching my bag higher on my shoulder, I followed both the receptionist and Matthew into the conference room.

  I’d never noticed before, but the walls were lined with platinum, gold, and silver records, pictures of artists holding Grammy was even holding an Oscar. It was a lot to take in and seemed a bit indulgent. I wonder if the show of success was to scare people or make them think they had a chance in the industry.

  I took my seat on the left side of the conference table and pulled out my laptop and the documents I needed. There was a pitcher of water set in the middle of the table, so I reached over and poured myself one.

  “Want one?” I asked Matthew who was busy texting on his phone. He doesn’t even look at me, just shakes his head and murmurs no. We waited for about five minutes before the executives of the label stroll in.

  Matthew sticks his phone in his pocket and clears his throat. “Gentlemen.”

  The older of the bunch holds his hand out for Matthew to take. He obliges him and then they all sit down into their seats.

  “We were really happy with the way that things went last week. The show was well received, and we’re even talking about recording a live album.” The other guys in the room looked at each other and said it was a good idea. I guess this was their way of telling us that they’d keep Joey on the label.

  Mr. Oliver, the chief executive, hardened his steely blue eyes in Matthew’s direction. “We’ve decided that we need to see more from Joey. He’s going on tour soon; we want to add some Asian dates to that.”

  Matthew said nothing, just wrote things down.

  “As for you, Charlie. You’ve done great work with Joey until…”

  I closed my eyes and knew he was going to bring up that stupid kiss.

  “Joey and I have discussed this,” Matthew interrupted. “But we’d be happier if we could end all ties with this label, effective immediately.” He pulled out some papers from his bag. There were three piles in all, and he slid them to the gentlemen across from us. “Those are from my lawyer who says that we can break said contract after five years and there was no non-compete, so if you’d just sign where I flagged. I’d say this meeting is done.”

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath because with the murmuring going on in the room, someone was about to explode.

  Mr. Oliver picked up the phone in the room and hit a few buttons. He demanded someone come into the conference room. “You don’t mind if I have my attorney look over the documents before I sign?” Mr. Oliver said.

  There was a knock on the door, and suddenly an attractive woman came in to the room.

  “I was working up contracts, David, I hope this is important.”

  “Victoria, this is Matthew Johns, Joey Carino’s manager. Charlie Banks, publicist.”

  She just folded her arms over her ample chest, tapping her stiletto onto the rug. “It seems that Joey Carino wants out of his contract. Matthew was kind enough to bring his lawyer’s documents for us to sign.”

  “Wait, what?” she cried.

  Matthew stood to face her. She was extremely attractive and probably had a few years on him, but I didn’t see a ring on her finger, and I was wondering if Matthew would make a play for her. Obviously after the meeting, but still a part of me wondered.

  “We want out. It’s simple. He’s been part of this family for five years, and his contract stated that after five years, he had the right to pull the plug when he wanted. We just wanted this in writing so there was no backlash.”

  Mr. Oliver handed Victoria the document. She gave it a cursory glance. “I’m going to need more than five minutes to look this over.” She looked over to Matthew. “You knew that we do this all in-house, so why did you go outside of us?”

  “It gets a bit messy when you’re in bed with the opposition. So I thought it safer to see someone who was completely independent of our dealings.”

  “Smart,” she murmured.

  I was taken completely by surprise. Perhaps blindsided was the perfect word choice for this debacle. The three men were conferring amongst themselves as I just watched everything in the room happen. Matthew sat back down watching as Victoria more thoroughly looked over the document.

  “No buyout?” she asked, her brow line creasing.

  Matthew just shook his head. “We just want the rights to the songs reverted back to us.”

  Victoria also shook her head. She flipped page after page, her facial expressions articulating surprise. When she was finished, she sat down at the head of the table.

  Everyone stopped what they were doing and paid attention to her. “Well, Matthew’s document is pretty airtight. All they want is the rights back to the original songs.”

  I just realized I was holding my breath as Victoria spoke. If they could get out of this, then Joey could start working on his plan of developing new talent. No tour. No slaving in the studio for hours on end recording song after song. He’d be on the opposite side of the glass this time putting his expertise on someone’s record.

  Matthew was watching the men as they deliberated in a corner. All I could do was stare at my hands.

  “Why did you do that?” I asked Matthew, turning my head to face him. For the first time today, he also turned to look at me.

  “I’d had it planned for a while, I just wasn’t sure how I could bring it up. Rather than have them rake you over the coals, I diverted the attention, and you’re all but forgotten.”

  I started to frown when the men came over and sat back down. I was feeling more and more useless today, and if they signed the document, I’d be completely useless.

  “We’ll agree to the conditions. It’ll be nice to get him off the payroll.”

  I couldn’t believe he’d just said that. A few minutes ago they were talking about recording live performances and tours to Asia. Once all three signed the document and Victoria signed
off on it, Matthew stood, placed the paper back in his bag, and strolled out of the room, leaving me sitting there for the wolves to descend.

  I was livid by the time I’d walked out of the meeting that left me looking like a fish out of water. I’d spoken to Andrew so he could talk me down from the murder I wanted to commit as soon as the taxi took me back to Matthew’s office. Did Matthew even realize ending this contract with the label, also effectively ended my job there and possibly at the company my father owns. This would not go over well with my dad. Just thinking about it more and more, I became more incensed.

  Once I’d finally arrived, Debbi looked up at me and knew that something was wrong. I really wasn’t in the mood for a chit-chat, but she stood up to stop me before I tore through the doors.

  “He came back in a mood, never said anything to me and once he got to his office he slammed his door shut the whole floor rattled. What happened?”

  I just shook my head. “Matthew happened. Has Joey called in yet?” She shook her head then proceeded to hit the button to let me in the corridor. I walked by my temporary office and placed my computer bag and purse just in the doorway.

  I was pissed off, livid wasn’t even a strong enough word for how I was feeling. Barging into Matthew’s office, I tried to slam the door just as hard as he had when he came back.

  “What the fuck, Charlie?” Matthew looked up from his desk. He was furious, but so was I. What he’d pulled in the meeting was a low blow to me and my father’s company, and I was going to let him know exactly what I thought of his devious machinations.

  Folding my arms against my chest, I started: “What the fuck, Charlie? Oh, I don’t think so, Matthew.” I stalked predatorily over to his desk, placing my hands down so it looked like we were on equal footing. Whatever he’d been doing was tossed aside after I charged into his office. Staring at him hard, I noticed he’d taken his jacket and tie off and unbuttoned several of the buttons near his neck. He watched me as I fought to keep my expression neutral. Matthew stood up and mimicked my stance. I’d just noticed that his shirtsleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and I could see the tension in his muscles as he leaned toward me. I knew exactly what Matthew was doing. Staring me down, hoping I’d back down first, but I wouldn’t. I couldn’t.

  “You made me and my father’s company look like fools in that meeting.” I hissed through clenched teeth.

  “I did what was best for Joey and his career,” he retorted.

  “Without telling me?” I cried.

  “It was better to leave you out of the loop, so to speak.” His voice dropped to menacing levels. I could feel the shiver of coldness sliver down my spine.

  “I thought we were supposed to be working together. We both want what is in Joey’s best interest!” I finally stood straight, crossing my arms across my chest. Matthew stood and walked over to where I was standing. I found myself backing up away from him. The look on his face was pure predator.

  “I needed to minimize the damage caused by your inexperience of dealing with the paparazzi. I needed to make sure that any information they would’ve used against you and Joey was nipped fast and sure.” I kept backing up until I hit the wall beside the office door. Matthew caged me in with both arms on either side of my head.

  “And you didn’t think to tell me? Matthew, you left me there after you walked out! How do you think things went after that?”

  Matthew closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose. I tried to break free from his jail, but he was too quick and placed his hand back on the wall. “That was just unfortunate.”

  “Unfortunate.” I laughed wryly. “I guess everything about me is unfortunate, huh?”

  Matthew’s eyes darkened as he bent down to graze my ear with his lips. “Nothing about you is unfortunate, Charlie. What is unfortunate is that you’ve been placed in this position.” His lips caressed my outer ear. “What is more unfortunate is how much I want to be inside of you right now.”

  Before I could even make a move or push him away, his lips crushed down onto mine, his tongue sweeping across my bottom lip tantalizing it, begging me to open up to him. I placed my hands on his chest to push him back, but feeling the hard planes of his body, messed with my head and before I knew it, my mouth was devouring his. His hands un-tucked my shirt from the skirt, fingers skimming along my ribs to the underside of my breasts.

  “Jesus, Charlie.” He moaned into my ear. I could feel the warmth and strength of his fingers gently caressing my breasts. “You feel so fucking good, baby.” He pushed the cup of my bra to the side to play with my nipple that was fully erect. Lips leaving mine, he bent down to take it into his mouth. He released a moan as he flicked the nipple with his tongue. The floodgates opened, and I wanted him right here and right now. Keeping his assault on my breast, I whimpered. The heat coursing through my body by his touch and his kiss was off-the-charts hot. Trying to pull him up, I wrapped one leg around his hip.

  He had that knowing look and grabbed my other leg so I was completely wrapped up around him. My back was still against the wall; my hands were all over him. His hair, face, neck, shoulders.

  I couldn’t take much more, I was so hot and wet and horny. He did this to me whenever he was around. “Please, Matt. Please?” I begged around his lips.

  Slowly walking backwards toward his desk, he pushed things off, his computer falling into his leather chair. He laid me down while still kissing me. I knew that this was it. What I wasn’t expecting was him to kneel down, pulling my skirt up and my panties down. He stared at my sex with a glazed look. Pushing my knee up on the desk, he started his descent. I knew once he started, I wouldn’t want him to stop. I wanted to feel his lips and tongue on me in the most primal way. His teasing fingers caressed the thin skin of my thigh. I wasn’t bald, but neatly trimmed which he hovered over, his breath causing me to lose my mind. If he blew on my clit, I was afraid that I would blow over and explode all over him.

  Once he was satisfied that I was completely worked up, he lightly flicked my clit with his tongue. A groan escaping his throat when he pushed his face further between my legs. I couldn’t stop what was happening, and I knew that right now I wanted him in me, on me, and beside me. I wanted him to fuck me and do it hard and rough. I bucked my hips when his tongue slid inside my wetness. He was lapping me up like a kitten takes to milk.

  I was so breathless I could barely speak. “I’m going to come, Matt.” As soon as I said that he slid his fingers into my vagina. One, two, I’m not sure how many, but all I knew was that I was in a state of agonizing bliss. His curved fingers found that spot that had me practically shooting off his desk.

  “Come for me, Charlie,” he whispered. I looked down at him and caught him watching me. Gauging my reactions for him.

  “Fuck me, Matthew.”

  A chuckle. “I thought that was what I was doing.” I could feel my body spiraling into that vortex that would have me screaming out his name in thirty seconds. The pulsing and the spreading of heat started in my belly, radiated over to my back, and I came in an exquisite finale. My body was primed and tighter than a newly tuned piano. Sliding his fingers out of me, I still managed to shudder from the glorious after-effects of the orgasm.

  I opened my eyes and watched as Matthew’s hooded look drank me in. He took the two fingers he’d had inside of me and stuck them in his mouth. I licked my lips like I was sucking my juice off his fingers. Because Matthew’s pants were tighter, I could see a visible bulge that I knew would need to be taken care of sooner rather than later.

  Pulling me up and cradling my head against his chest, I sighed.

  “Come home with me, Charlie.” He asked so softly and sweetly, I knew I’d take his hand and try to run out of there.

  I took a deep breath and looked up at him. For the first time I saw him looking at me like the one person he couldn’t live without. I saw pride, happiness, and one that I’d never expected to see from Matthew. Love.

  I connected with his blue eyes and nodd
ed my head.

  And with that, I got the most dazzling smile I’d ever seen.

  We’d cleaned up and left the office soon after our tryst. I was starting to regret my decision to go back to his house. Considering I’d never been before, I wasn’t exactly sure what I would find. Knowing Matthew, it would be a normal bachelor pad. This made me wonder if it would be clean.

  Matthew didn’t live in an auspicious section of L.A., but the neighborhoods we drove through still screamed money. We didn’t speak in the car, yet our fingers were entwined together. His thumb lightly brushed the back of my hand. He pulled onto a street that looked more like a cul-de-sac and drove into an opening garage. His house was modest. A small bungalow that was nestled between similar homes on either side. His front lawn was meticulous, and the rose bushes were in full bloom. I noticed a few rhododendrons leading toward an arched doorway that must lead to the backyard.

  I wasn’t able to inspect more of the outside because we were quickly in a garage and the door was closing behind us. Matthew got out of the car quickly and walked over to my side, opening the door for me. His garage was big enough for three cars, but I only saw the car he’d originally picked me up in. Besides that, he had a work bench with various power tools, which surprised me.

  Matthew put his hand on the small of my back and led me through the garage to the main part of the house. The garage led to the kitchen, which was a chef’s dream. The house boasted state of the art appliances, beautiful granite counters, and bleached wood throughout.

  Once we were in his living room, he put his hands in his pockets and rocked on his toes. He seemed nervous having me here. The living room was decorated pretty much the way I’d expected. Huge flat screen TV on the wall, black leather couches, ottoman, side chairs, and a gas fireplace. I’d noticed he’d had a lot of black and white photos hanging on the walls. Some were professionally done and others looked like they were taken by an amateur. However, they were all incredible. I could tell that some of them were of Joey performing with the crowd blurred out around him. It was amazing.


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