His Virgin Bride (Interstellar Brides: The Virgins) (Volume 2)

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His Virgin Bride (Interstellar Brides: The Virgins) (Volume 2) Page 7

by Grace Goodwin

  “You’re still dressed. Your cock isn’t inside me. Obviously, I haven’t pushed you far enough.” I loved when he dominated me, overpowered me. Yeah, I shouldn’t want to be bossed around. I never had before. I would have kicked any other guy in the nuts, but Bryn? No, I needed his cock to work. Right now.

  I shifted, arching my back off the bed to bring my skin, my breasts, closer to his mouth.

  His dark eyes flared. “The next step to claim you is fucking your ass. Have you thought of that?”

  “I have thought of little else,” I countered.

  “Playing earlier was fine, using your arousal to help ease my fingers into you, but it won’t work with my cock. I’ll hurt you.”

  I dropped my back onto the bed and just smiled up at him. He didn’t know it, but he was sweet, not that I would ever tell him that. He was thinking of me. He was always thinking of me, even if I didn’t agree. Like now.

  “I can help with that.” I twisted my wrists in his hold and he let me go so I could bend to the side, lean over and grab my small bag off the floor. He groaned as I moved, my core grinding against his hard cock, my legs still locked around his hips as I looked over my shoulder at him.

  I reached into the bag and pulled out the small box I’d taken from my suite back on Everis. “Here.”

  He took the container. It was about the size of a cigar box, but a dark metal with the Touchstone symbol on it. Shifting to sit back on his heels, he left me lying before him, opened the lid, glanced within and then lifted his eyes to mine.

  “Lube. You need lube to claim my ass.” I lifted my chin. “It’s in there, along with some other stuff I don’t recognize. It was in the bedroom at the Touchstone. I assume it’s to help with claiming. They’re sex toys, I know, but none like I’ve ever seen.”

  Bryn’s tongue flicked out, slowly licked over his bottom lip. “If I didn’t know you were a virgin, I’d wonder what you’ve done with sex toys.”

  I held up a hand. “Nothing. I’ve done nothing. But I’m not naïve. I just don’t have any personal experience with—those.” I pointed at the box, suddenly a little unsure of myself.

  Bryn reached into the box, took out the lube. I knew what that was. A small, clear bottle of the stuff. He tossed it onto the bed beside me. As he did so, the corner of his mouth tipped up and his whole body relaxed. A fraction. Not his cock. I believed it grew bigger. He reached in again, pulled a few other things out, dropped them to the bed as well. Then he tossed the box, and my bag, onto the floor before turning back to me.

  “So, mate, we must do as Styx says and keep your pussy unclaimed. It is to my advantage then that claiming your ass is next. Do you want that?” His voice was deep. Stern. It made my pussy clench and my skin go hot.

  I nodded. Just as he said, the Hyperion men would know if he took my pussy, but it wasn’t next anyway. Not in the sacred order of Everian claiming. And for once in my life, I wanted to do something the way it was supposed to be done. I liked the way Officiate Treva had explained the sacred order when all of the Interstellar Brides first arrived on Everis. I loved knowing the reason the pussy was considered sacred, and last to be claimed. I was a rule-breaker by nature. But not about this. I wanted it done right. I wanted it to matter. To him. I needed this to mean something more than a quick fuck, I needed this to mean something to him.

  “I didn’t want it to be like this, Katie.” His hand lifted to cup my face and I leaned into the gentle touch. His words hurt, but his touch hurt more.

  “I don’t understand you.” I frowned. I felt silly being mostly naked before him while he was completely clothed, so I scooted on my knees as close to him as I could get and reached out to tug his shirt from his pants. “I want you, Bryn. I want you to claim me and this is the next step.”

  He shook his head. “If I claim you, and I don’t survive...” He dropped his hand to his thigh, real pain in his eyes.

  The change in topic slowed my thoughts, but I gave up on his shirt and reached between my breasts, undid the clasp and shrugged the stupid bra off to the side. I was bare to him from the waist up. I didn’t care about his noble intentions. I didn’t care about possible future pain. I only cared about him. Here. Now. “If this is all I get, Bryn, just this, it’ll be enough.”

  “That’s the only reason you want to do this here? Now?” His hand came up and he ran the back of his fingers over one nipple. It hardened instantly. I arched my back, pressing harder into his touch.

  “Do what? Take off my bra?”

  “Give me your second virginity, Katie. Let me take you that way.”

  “I want this, here and now, because I want you,” I admitted. I did. “I want to be yours, Bryn. Really yours.” I imagined it would hurt a little, but if every female on Everis did it, it had to be good. And Bryn knew what he was doing and I trusted him. He’d made me come with his mouth and fingers more times than I could count and I had no doubt he’d make me come again when he was deep inside me. “And if you don’t want me, if you aren’t going to claim me—” I shrugged to hide my pain. “Then it’s time for me to move on. Find someone else.”

  “No.” His hand dropped to the bed, picked up two metal rings. They clinked in his grasp. Fiddling with one, it opened. He took my wrist and put it on. A bracelet. I raised my other bare wrist to him for the other one. They were cool against my skin, but warmed quickly. They were slim and light. “It won’t be easy for you the first time. You will do as I say.”

  I glanced up at him through my lashes and nodded.

  He arched a dark brow. “Why don’t I believe you?” With a swipe of his thumb over one of the bracelets, my wrists came together with a strong pull like a magnet, then a clink. They weren’t bracelets, they were handcuffs.

  I tugged at the bonds. There was no give and my entire body stilled with anticipation, with raw hunger. While the bracelets weren’t tight—I could easily slide my pinkie finger between the band and my wrist—they weren’t coming off. I had no idea how they worked. I could see no buttons, no key holes. Nothing. I was bound, and my body pulsed in response, my core aching and empty.

  God, I hoped he wasn’t just teasing me. I needed him to take me like this. Hard and hot and fast. Without apology or mercy.

  “In fact, I’m very sure I don’t believe you,” he added, studying my bonds. “These will help you remember who you belong to, in case you remain confused.”

  Oh, he was angry. He finally let it show, just a hint, and the shiver that raced down my spine was pure sin. I’d wanted him incensed. I’d meant to push his buttons by flirting with Styx. And now? God help me, it was too late to take it back. “Bryn.”

  My mate lifted his hands to my breasts, stroking and pinching my nipples as he spoke to me. “Styx’s talk of tying you to his bed, of spanking you, fucking you, making you beg—you liked it. Didn’t you?” he asked.

  “No,” I lied, this time with a bit of pout to it as I tugged on the cuffs. But I didn’t look him in the eye. I couldn’t. He would see too much. See the truth. He twisted both nipples just enough to make me gasp and my thighs began to shake. My whole body shook as his entire demeanor changed. He loomed over me like a conqueror and my entire being melted in response. Went weak. Pliant.

  So damn needy I was ashamed of myself, but couldn’t stop the wet heat gathering between my legs any more than I could control the racing of my pulse or the shallow panting breaths I took as the air in the room got too hot.

  I couldn’t think. Couldn’t breathe.

  With a hand between my breasts, he pushed me and I fell onto my back. I gasped, the feel of falling strange with my hands bound in front of me. But the bed was soft and besides my breasts swaying for him, I was no worse off.

  Bryn spoke as he worked off my boots, then my pants and underwear. “You’re mine, Katie. Do you understand?” he asked.

  “Not yet.” The challenge was deliberate. I wanted to say, duh, but I doubted he’d understand the Earth term. And besides, I couldn’t agree, couldn’t give in
so easily. I didn’t want him tame and completely in control. I wanted him to be as wild and desperate as I was. I wanted him to feel, to stop hiding from me. To admit that he was mine. That he wanted me. Needed me. Otherwise, all of this, my time in jail on Earth, the leap of faith I’d taken choosing the Interstellar Brides Program, choosing him was wasted. Foolish. Nothing more than a single breathe of air lost and nameless in a hurricane of wind.

  “You’re mine. Not just for fucking, mate. For everything. Your body. Your laughter. Your happiness and pain. If you need me to tie you up to prove it, I will. You will never look at me like that again.”

  Damn caveman, bossy pants, know-it-all. “Like what?”

  “Like I failed you. Hurt you.” He lowered his head and placed a slow, reverent kiss just above my heart. “Like I don’t want you.”

  “Prove me wrong, Bryn. So far, all you’ve done is talk and push me away.” I squirmed. “I don’t think Styx will push me away. He seems to actually know what he wants, and not be afraid to take it.”

  “You’re mine.” With a none-too-gentle tug, my pants came off and I was naked before him, wrists locked together, and so hot for him I had to focus not to rub my thighs together to ease the ache. Yes, yes, yes!

  “So fucking beautiful,” he murmured, his gaze raking over me. “This is all mine, Katie. Your breasts, your pussy.”

  Reaching down, he took hold of my knees and pushed them back, parted me so I was completely exposed. The light in the room was bright and he could see everything. My trimmed curls, my arousal. I was wet. I could feel it on my swollen flesh, my thighs.

  “No one else will touch you. No one else will see your passion, hear your pleasure. Feel your hot pussy clenching around their cock.” Leaning down, he ran his tongue along my slit, flicked my clit with the tip as I jolted up off the bed to meet him. More. I needed more. “Their fingers.” He slipped one inside me as he nuzzled my clit with his tongue in blatant ownership. My pussy clenched down like a fist and I moaned, my head thrashing as I lifted my cuffed hands to the back of his head and tried to press him down, hold him in place, force him to continue his erotic assault on my senses.

  “You will obey me, mate. Here on Hyperion.” His hands slid up and down my inner thighs, thumbs brushing closer and closer to my pussy each time, but not touching. “And once I take you home to Everis.”

  “I’m not your mate.” It was a lie, proven by the way I held my thighs open wide, bared myself to him. Willing. Eager. A flicker of hope that I’d finally broken through to him, pushed him hard enough to claim me at last. Well, if not me forcing his hand, then Styx’s. I’d have to thank the arrogant leader later. He had to have known what it would do to Bryn to see his fangs graze my skin. To listen to Styx talk of tying me to his bed and fucking me. To watch me, his marked mate, become aroused by the dominant demands, his sensual thoughts so concisely spoken by another man. A man who wanted me and wasn’t afraid to show it.

  Bryn ignored me now, slowly moving his finger in and out of my wet core as he spoke to me. “I will claim your second virginity, not only because I am so fucking desperate to have you, but so you will know exactly who you belong to.”

  I remained silent as his thumbs slid over my outer lips even though inside I was screaming for him to hurry.

  My eyes met his and my stomach twisted in knots at the raw hunger burning in his gaze. “Who do you belong to?”

  “No one,” I said, “Not yet.” The answer both challenge and threat. I was done playing by his rules. If he wasn’t going to claim me, wasn’t going to make me his forever, then it was time to cut bait and move on. I was tough. I’d lived through hell. And I’d learned the hard way that people didn’t change. If he didn’t want me now, he never would, and I’d have to find a way to live with that, even if it broke my heart. Even if it meant staying here on Rogue 5 and starting a new life. Again.

  At least on Rogue 5 I would understand the rules, know how the game was played. All the trust and laughter and loyalty of Dani and Lexi back on Everis was hard. So much harder to trust than to walk away. So painful to watch Bryn’s commander, Von, claim Lexi like she was his air, his life, like he couldn’t live without her all while Bryn pushed me away.

  I was tired of hurting. Tired of hoping. Tired of having faith in the mythical, magical love connection of a marked mate. Either he was mine, or it was all bullshit. And too often, of late, my long-life experience was pushing me back to the old me, the one who didn’t trust, or believe in fantasies like true love.

  Love wasn’t real. People lied. They only loved themselves. My parents had proven it. My brother. Everyone in my life. And now Bryn, whose mission, whose duty, whose honor was more important than everything else. More important than me.

  Bryn was watching me, his gaze unblinking, as I pulled myself from the dark thoughts that consumed me too often of late. “I don’t like that look in your eyes, mate.”

  I blinked, slowly, fighting the tears, fighting to hide the truth of my feelings from him, knowing it was too damn late. “Then make it go away.” It was a plea. A demand. I heard the pain in it, knew he did too when he winced, his mouth tightening into a fine line.

  His hands left me to grab one of the mystery sex toys from the bed. He held it up. It was the size of a quarter, a matte black and had two small arms that came off the sides and curved down. As I started to close my legs, he met my gaze, shook his head. “Open, mate. Your pussy is mine.”

  All softness was gone from his voice, which was fine by me. I didn’t need tenderness. I needed power, not indecision.

  I opened my legs wider, held them as he stared at my glistening pink pussy, as he breathed me in.

  With deft fingers, Bryn placed the small object directly over my clit and tucked the arms against my outer folds, which held it in place.

  “It’s not hurting you?”

  I shook my head. It was clipped to my pussy lips but it didn’t hurt. Not really.

  With another touch of his finger, it came to life. Oh god, it was a vibrator. A really good, space vibrator.

  Bryn rose to his full height, his palms landing on my open thighs holding me wide, trapping me beneath him as he watched my breasts heave, my pussy clench and open around…nothing. Empty. God, I was so damn empty, but the pleasure built inside me, rocketing through my body from the device he’d settled over my clit. My back arched. I tried to move, to shift, to get closer or farther away from the vibrations, the jolts of electrical shock that made my entire body quiver. But he held me down, his eyes devouring every moan and shudder, every expression as the orgasm built. “Bryn!” I cried.

  He turned it off, and I whimpered in protest.

  “More?” he asked.

  More? Holy crap, I was going to come. It was exceptional. I had no idea how it knew exactly the right amount of pressure, where to apply that perfect touch.


  “That’s how I want you. Mindless.”

  He reached down and flipped me over onto my stomach. With my mind still doused in lust, drunk on the promise of pleasure, Bryn easily tucked my knees beneath me. He unlinked the cuffs, grabbed my hands and pulled them behind my back. Relinked the cuffs so that I was bent before him on the bed, my cheek pressed to the thick mattress, my ass up in the air on display. And through all of that, the vibrator attached to my clit didn’t shift one bit. It remained still, a torment, an assurance of more.

  A big hand stroked over my bottom and I knew he was caressing his mottled handprints from my earlier spanking. The thought made me moan and bite the soft, silky blanket with my teeth.


  I whimpered.

  I felt his shift over me, felt the softness of his clothing against my arms, my butt. His warm breath fanned the back of my neck just before he kissed me there. Ran his tongue along my heated skin, nipped at the side of my neck.

  “You want to come?”

  “Yes.” Please. Please. Please.

  He chuckled. “Not until
I’m inside your tight ass, mate.”

  His words were softly spoken, in a soothing voice, but deep and laced with authority. “That’s what I want.”

  “What, Katie? What do you want?”

  “You. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

  “You have me.” He kept kissing and nipping at my skin, from one shoulder to the other, along my jaw.

  I whimpered again. “Not yet. You’re not mine. Not yet.”

  He swatted my ass and the sting traveled through me with a jolt that made me grind my teeth to keep from begging. “I am, you just haven’t seen it yet.”

  I saw him grab the bottle of lube, felt the cool drizzle of the slick oil between my parted cheeks.

  “You were such a good girl and opened for me earlier.”

  His fingers found my back entrance again, began to circle and work the lube over the hole he was going to soon claim. It didn’t hurt. He turned the vibrator back on and my toes curled. I couldn’t hold back my soft cries as he fucked my tight ass with his fingers as he had earlier, the vibrations on my clit ebbing and flowing, peaking then lessening like the ocean, bringing me to the edge, but not over.

  It was almost too much. Sweat bloomed on my skin, my toes curled until my feet cramped and I welcomed the pain. One more sensation. More. I wanted more. His fingers slid into me easily and he continued to drip more and more lube so he could work it into me.

  I lost track of time.

  “I’m going to come,” I said.

  “Shh,” he crooned. “Let it simmer. Let the pleasure hold you in its grasp, right at the edge. That’s it. Settle into it. Let your mate make you feel good. Give yourself to me. Your orgasm is mine. Your body is mine. Your pussy is mine. This beautiful ass is mine.” He thrust three fingers inside me to accentuate his words and the new stretching sensation pulled me back from the brink of release. Just. Barely.

  “God. Bryn,” I murmured, my fingers clenching the air behind me. I was bound and trussed. He could do anything to me. Anything at all. But I trusted him not to hurt me. That trust made me burn hot. Hotter than I’d ever been before.


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