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Vengeance (SSU Trilogy Book 1)

Page 33

by Kier, Vanessa

  She couldn’t have hurt him more if she’d stabbed him through the heart. Whatever her plans were for the future, they didn’t include him.


  He shoved away from her and jumped to his feet.


  He barely managed to push the words past the glacier in his throat. “I’m going to grab some sleep until it’s my turn to watch Percone’s house.” Feeling like he’d left his bleeding heart behind, he stalked into the bedroom and slammed the door shut.


  Tears leaked down Jenna’s face as she lay on the floor. Dammit, she hadn’t meant to hurt Niko. But she couldn’t tell him about her plan to kill Alvarez. He’d try to stop her.

  And now that she’d decided Alvarez had to die, she needed to do it herself. No matter the danger.

  The cold tile underneath her bare skin made her shiver, so she pushed slowly to her feet. Ever since she’d left the SSU compound her life had been spiraling out of control. And whenever she tried to take back control, she ended up making things worse. She swiped angrily at her tears.

  Stop it! No self-pity allowed. You have a new mission. Focus on that.

  Right. She grabbed her clothes off the floor and headed toward the bathroom, her heart dragging on the floor behind her.

  A long, hot shower washed away the sorrow and regret. She wrapped a towel around herself and walked into the sitting room. There was only the one bedroom. If she wanted to sleep, her only option was the couch. Which wasn’t a sofa bed.

  She glanced at the bedroom door.

  What she really wanted was to sleep next to Niko.

  She gnawed on her bottom lip. Why not? He was asleep. He wouldn’t kick her out. And if she didn’t make it back from Alvarez’s, she wanted her last memory of him to be sweet, not sour.

  Mind made up, she opened the bedroom door. Niko was sprawled on his back in the center of the bed. He’d removed his cargo pants and was covered only by his boxers and the bright white bandages across his thigh and forearm.

  His chest rose and fell with each breath and his legs were slightly spread. The vulnerable position made her realize how exhausted he must be.

  As she tiptoed closer, she saw the lines of fatigue around his mouth, the dark circles under his eyes, and his drawn-in cheeks. She felt a new stab of guilt. How could he still want her when she’d brought him nothing but pain?

  Careful not to wake him, she dropped her towel and lowered herself onto the bed until she was lying on her side, facing him. He muttered something she didn’t catch and turned toward her.

  One thick arm landed across her hip.

  She held her breath, afraid that he’d wake up and push her away. But in sleep, at least, he trusted her.

  Reassured that he wouldn’t rise and kick her out, Jenna inched closer until she was snuggled against him.

  Content, she dropped into sleep.

  Chapter 32

  Saturday, Night

  Cozumel, Mexico

  Niko blinked into the darkness, trying to figure out where he was. A clock radio’s glow threw dim light on an unfamiliar bedroom. He’d been asleep a little over two hours.

  Jenna’s head was a warm weight on the center of his chest. She clutched his right arm between her breasts like a security blanket.

  Her breathing was even, but her lips moved as if holding a conversation with someone in her dreams. He raised his right hand and smoothed it over her head. He loved touching her short hair. Stroking her was like petting a cat, the contours of her head fitting sensuously into his hand. As he ran his hand over her bare nape, she smiled slightly and snuggled closer to him.

  He wanted to stay like this forever. But that was a fool’s wish.

  Jenna had as much as admitted she wasn’t going to stay with him. Proving his suspicion that she planned to go after Alvarez. Alone.

  His cell phone rang.

  He slid out from under Jenna and scrambled to find his pants. He grabbed his phone out of the front pocket just before the call rolled into voicemail.



  Niko’s voice pulled Jenna out of the drowsy haze she’d been drifting in. She stretched, already missing his warmth.

  “He’s alive?”

  Niko’s sharp tone made the hairs at the back of Jenna’s neck stand on end.

  She bolted upright. “What’s wrong?” Had Kai taken a turn for the worse?

  Niko opened the door and stepped into the hallway, so the rest of his conversation was lost to her. Yet from the tension in the bare muscles of his shoulders, she knew the news wasn’t good.

  She told herself not to jump to conclusions. The call wasn’t necessarily about Kai. But she couldn’t shake a deep sense of uneasiness.

  She jumped out of bed and hunted down her suitcase. Whatever was going on, she couldn’t face it naked.


  She flinched, then turned around slowly, afraid of what she’d see on Niko’s face. But his expression was carefully neutral. She moistened her lips with her tongue. “What?”

  “That was one of the guards from the hospital. Last night, a man disguised as a doctor entered Kai’s room.”

  Jenna’s knees gave out and she sank onto the bed. She clenched her hands together on her lap as Niko continued.

  “The fake doctor switched the drugs in the intravenous line for a mix that would slowly kill your brother. By the time the guard double-checked the man’s credentials and learned he wasn’t legit, the impostor had left. The guard heard Kai’s voice during the fake doctor’s visit, so we suspect the man questioned your brother about the chip. We have to assume Alvarez now knows Percone’s location.”

  “And?” Her heart threatened to pound out of her chest.

  “I’m sorry, Jenna. Kai is in a coma.”

  Jenna jumped to her feet. “I can’t…I have to…” She couldn’t lose Kai now! Niko’s image wavered through the tears brimming in her eyes. “I have to go. Can you help me get back to him?”

  Instead of the sympathy she expected, Niko looked her over with contempt. “Jesus, you’re a good actress. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you actually cared about your brother.”

  His words slammed into her with the impact of a tire iron. “I…I’m sorry,” she gasped. “What did you say?”

  “Come on, you admitted you wanted to kill him, Jenna, so cut out the concerned sister act. There’s no way I’m letting you anywhere near the poor guy. If this attack didn’t have all the markings of Alvarez, I’d think you’d set it up.”

  Her mouth dropped open, then snapped shut on a fierce surge of anger. “How. Dare. You.” She took a step forward and swung her fist at the side of his head.

  He caught her hand easily, then dropped it like she had a contagious rash. “What? Suddenly all’s forgiven? Excuse me if I find your change of heart suspicious.”

  She stepped up to Niko and shoved him. “Yes. I tried to kill Kai.” She shoved Niko again. “I raised my knife and drove it toward his heart. But I couldn’t do it. My hand spasmed and I dropped the knife.” She pushed Niko so hard, he fell back onto the couch.

  “I thought he’d ordered the hit on my family and yet I realized I still loved him.” She took a deep breath and explained about hearing Kai’s voice. “But now I know the truth. He’s innocent. Alvarez confessed Kai’s voice was just a recording.”

  Only now she might lose Kai. She had to go to him, even though it meant giving up her revenge against Alvarez. Kai needed her. The living had to come before the dead.

  “I swear to you,” she said. “I don’t want to kill Kai any longer. I really do love him. He’s the only family I have left.” Her voice caught on the last syllable and she turned away, afraid she was going to cry again. She tried to tell herself she wasn’t going to lose Kai, but she knew life could be that unfair.

  “Now will you help me get back to San Diego?” she demanded, turning back to face him.

  Niko studied her for a tense moment, then no


  Sunday, Early Morning

  Cozumel, Mexico

  Jenna watched the blocky airport buildings appear on the horizon. In a few minutes, she’d be airborne, headed for San Diego and Kai. She glanced at Rafe. His hands were sure on the wheel, expertly steering their car clear of the road’s numerous potholes. Niko had called Rafe off his surveillance of Percone’s house, then told his brother to drive her to the airport and make sure she got on the SSU’s plane.

  She was disappointed that Niko wasn’t driving. Before she’d left, she’d stepped forward to kiss Niko good-bye, but he’d backed away. He’d tipped his head in a curt nod, then left her alone with Rafe.

  She’d almost run after him. Had actually bit her lip to stop from calling out, “Be careful.”

  If Kai hadn’t been in critical condition, she would have turned around and confronted Niko. Because she couldn’t accept that the caring had only been on her side. Not after the way he’d looked while worshipping her body last night, as if she was the most precious thing in his life.

  Jenna pulled her t-shirt away from her chest, trying to create a small breeze to dry the sweat from her skin. Dawn was still a few hours away, but the heat coming in through their open car windows was already oppressive, and the car’s air conditioner was broken.

  They passed the main terminal building, heading toward the part of the airport that catered to private aircraft. Rafe swerved out of the way of a black limousine speeding in the opposite direction and pulled onto the tarmac near the SSU’s plane.

  “Don’t worry,” Rafe told her as they got out of the car. “Your brother is tough. He’ll pull through.” He moved around to the trunk and unloaded Jenna’s suitcase.

  Down the road, the limo slammed to a halt with a squeal of tires. Jenna narrowed her eyes as it reversed toward them at a fast clip.

  “Run, Jenna! Get to the plane!” Rafe dropped her suitcase and knelt behind the open door of their car, weapon out and pointed at the approaching limo.

  But Jenna’s feet wouldn’t move. She heard a shot and saw the limo’s back tire blow out, sending the limo into a skid.

  The limo spun almost one hundred eighty degrees before it screeched to a halt. As its doors opened, Jenna burst into motion, sprinting toward the plane. The sound of machine gun fire made her stumble. She glanced back. Rafe lay facedown on the tarmac, blood already darkening the back of his shirt.

  “Rafe!” She screamed. Pivoting, she ran back to him. She was still a few feet away when a body slammed into her from the side. Her head smacked into the pavement with enough force to rattle her teeth. Then there was nothing but blackness.


  Mark Tonelli stepped off the private jet Jamieson had hired to take him to Cozumel. It had been sheer luck that while in the hospital parking garage he’d overheard a doctor calling Alvarez and telling the crime lord that Paterson had given up Percone’s true location. The man hadn’t realized that the acoustics meant even whispers carried. Now all Mark needed was the exact address and he’d finally learn where to find Nevsky’s damn microchip.

  As Mark walked across the tarmac, he saw a black limousine driving away on a flat tire, and a pilot from another plane rushing toward a figure crumpled on the ground.

  The pilot called out for help, but Mark ignored him. He didn’t have time—

  Wait. He was close enough now that he could make out the features of the person on the ground. It was the other man he’d seen with Jenna. Rafe Andros.

  Mark hurried over. The pilot knelt next to Andros, trying to stop the bleeding from several gunshot wounds.

  “Jen…na,” Andros murmured.

  “Sorry,” the pilot answered. “The men in the limo took her.”

  “Andros,” Mark demanded, bending down so the man could hear him. “Where’s your brother? Where’s Percone?”

  Andros opened his eyes. “Who’re you?” he slurred.

  “Mark Tonelli, CIA. I’m the one who saved your brother’s life in Acapulco.”

  “S’right. What’re you…doin’ here?” Andros’s voice was barely audible.

  “I’m assigned to the team looking for the microchip. What’s Percone’s address?”

  Andros mumbled directions. “Warn…Niko…Alvarez…coming.”

  “Sure.” Not on his life. Mark didn’t care if Alvarez and Niko slaughtered each other. He just needed the damn chip.

  Mark straightened up and turned to leave.

  “Hey!” the pilot protested. “Don’t just leave us here. At least help me get him on the plane.”

  Mark ignored him. He ran for the main building and the car Jamieson promised would be waiting.

  Chapter 33

  Sunday, Early Morning

  Cozumel, Mexico

  Jenna emerged from unconsciousness to the sound of a melodic female voice singing quietly to her in Spanish. Though her eyelids were too heavy to open, her mind was alert and processing data from her other senses. She heard the faint splash of water followed by dripping, as if a cloth was being wrung out. Felt the cool glide of damp cotton across her face and soft sheets under her body. Smelled a woman’s heavy gardenia perfume.

  All the data indicated she was safe, so Jenna forced open her eyes. She was in a small room with unadorned, whitewashed walls and dark, wooden beams.

  The woman sitting by her bedside was striking, with the arrogant bone structure of Spanish aristocracy. Her thick black hair was slightly silvered and pulled back into a simple bun. Yet her eyes were ancient, brimming with despair and untold pain.

  When she saw that Jenna was awake, the corners of her mouth lifted tiredly in welcome, as if a full smile was beyond her strength. She placed a washcloth back into the water held by a china basin sitting on a small wooden table next to her.

  “Who are you?” Jenna asked. “Do you speak English?” Her mind was too muddled to translate her thoughts into Spanish.

  “I am Madalena Andros,” the woman answered in perfect American English.

  “You—?” As if cued by her voice, a headache stampeded through Jenna’s skull, leaving such pain in its wake she saw stars. But there was something important she wanted to say. She squinted her eyes and took shallow breaths until she felt capable of speech. “You’re…Niko’s aunt.”

  The woman blinked in surprise. “Yes.” She glanced fearfully over her shoulder at the door. “And you are the woman they found in the jungle.” She pointed at Jenna’s cheek. “I was there, in the corner of the room, when Alvarez cut you.”

  The note Jenna had found before she surrendered had been to Niko from Alvarez. Offering to trade Jenna for this woman. “But…I thought you were Alvarez’s prisoner.”

  Madalena leaned forward. “I am. It is most unusual for him to have put you in a guest room and let me tend you. You have a bloody lump on the back of your head and I suspect you have a slight concussion.” She bit down lightly on her lower lip and glanced at the door again. “Whatever Alvarez’s reasons for putting us together, they cannot be good.”

  Jenna tried to sit up, but only managed to raise her head an inch or so off the pillow before the pounding in her head forced her to lie back.

  That’s right. She remembered now. She’d been at the airport. Someone tackled her. And before that—

  “Rafe!” Jenna tried to sit up again, but Madalena pushed her gently back down.

  “I fear my nephew is dead.” Madalena’s voice trembled with sorrow. “When Alvarez’s men took you, they left Rafe’s body on the tarmac.”

  Oh, God. Not Rafe with his laughing eyes and teasing smile. It would kill Niko.

  A door slammed somewhere close by. The sound of boots on tile echoed down the corridor.

  “Listen to me.” Madalena squeezed Jenna’s hand. “Alvarez is coming for you. Whatever it is that he wants from you, give it to him. Immediately. I cannot emphasize this enough. That cut on your face is only a small measure of the pain he is capable of inflicting. Do not fight him and it will go easier for you

  “And if that means giving up information that will lead him to Niko?”

  “Do it. My nephew can take care of himself.”


  Niko lay on his stomach in a clump of flowering bushes, looking down a slight hill and across the street to the front door of Percone’s house. Twenty minutes ago, a taxi had dropped the man off. Literally. The cabbie had opened the door and shoved Percone onto the flat strip of sandy dirt that served as parking space in front of his rundown bungalow. It had taken Percone almost ten minutes to drag himself over to the fence and use it to leverage himself to his feet.

  He then proceeded to stagger through the gate and up his front walk, tracing an erratic serpentine. The only reason the man had managed to open the door was that it hadn’t been locked. No lights had gone on since Percone entered nine minutes ago, so Niko wondered if the man had passed out on the other side of the door.

  Or maybe coming home shit-faced was so common the man could find his way to bed in the dark.

  Niko glanced at his watch. Rafe should be back from dropping Jenna at the airport in another hour. He’d promised his brother he’d wait so they could question Percone together.

  Niko raised his night-vision binoculars and swept the area around the house looking for other watchers. But the yard and the surrounding area were clear, as was the portion of beach visible behind the cottage.

  This area of town had long ago been abandoned by the locals in favor of homes closer to the commercial center. During the tourist season these bungalows had a waiting list, but it was off season and from what Niko could tell, Percone’s was the only inhabited cottage on the entire street.

  All remained dark and silent.

  To hell with it. Niko’s instincts told him not to wait.

  Enough time had passed since the attack on Paterson for Alvarez to have flown in from Acapulco. The one advantage Niko had was that Paterson hadn’t known Percone’s address. But the island was small and even at this hour it wouldn’t take long for Alvarez to rouse someone who could point him to the right house.

  Niko backed up until he was deep in the jungle that crowded this shallow hill. Then he sent Rafe a text message, letting him know of the change in plans.


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