The panther dropped down. Head on his paws, he looked at her with sad eyes.
“I still hesitated, and that hesitation cost Derrick his life. He took the bullet Lucy had intended for me. In the end, she told me how I was just like her; how I destroyed all I loved. Derrick died in my arms, Linc, just like my dad. Both of them died in my arms to give me life, and what have I done with it?”
Angry, Lexia balled up her fists dropping to her knees. She locked eyes with the angry cat. “I threw it all away, Linc. I proved her right. I didn’t see your pain. The one person who loved me through everything and I destroyed him. I destroyed you. Please don’t let that be true,” she choked.
“I was sitting in my room. Lola was asleep next to me, and as I was staring at her, I realized she’d never know who her father was. She’d never know the joy of a father’s hug. She’d never know what it’s like to have a father love you so unconditionally that they’d give anything for you to be safe, even their life. But she could have that. She could have a father, a home; she could have you.”
Crawling to him, she begged, “I’ve been punishing myself, Linc. I live with a constant gaping hole inside of me. A pain so crippling, it’s what I deserve. I’ve done unspeakable things. I have changed beyond recognition. I’m nothing like the girl who fell in love with you. But don’t Derrick and my dad deserve to have given their lives for something?”
The panther dropped from the rock, prowling toward her. Lexia continued, ready for her life to end if that was what he chose. “I promised Derrick as he died that I’d live, but what I’m doing isn’t living. That gaping hole, that crippling pain, it’s all caused by your absence. You see, Linc, throughout the longest of days and the darkest of nights, when I was at my worst, I still loved you. Our love is the strongest power anyone could come up against. Lucy tried every day to break it, but she never succeeded. I’m still lost. I still have no idea who I am, or where I fit in this world, but I know one thing. I might have changed. My soul might be tainted with blood, but the one thing that has never changed, the one thing which survived from my old life, is you. Our bond, our love.”
On her knees, she looked the panther in the eyes. “I’ve hurt you. I’ve thrown you away, but you still loved me every single day. Please, Lincoln, forgive me. Come back to me and be the father to my daughter. Let’s go home, to the pack we were always destined to lead.”
With her face inches from his, she spoke in a bare whisper. Tears rolling down her face, pain etched on her every feature. “Please, my pretty panther, let’s go home.”
Lincoln shifted, falling against her. Wrapping her arms around him, Lexia absorbed his heat, his strength. Gripping to him as if he may just be a dream, she ran her lips over his bare skin, kissing her way to the face she’d thought she’d never see again.
Slowly, he stripped her clothes, touching her body as if a mirage. Kissing her with a hunger, a passion, that had no equal.
“I thought I’d lost you,” he murmured against her neck. “All I ever wanted was to save you and I failed.”
“No, no, Linc.” She gripped his face, holding him gently, making sure he looked at her as she spoke her next words. “You saved me. It was your love that I clung to, even when I didn’t realize it. You saved me.”
Their bodies touched, skin met, breaths mingled in passionate gasps. It had been so long, yet it felt as it always had, soul wrenchingly perfect. A love not even the darkest of evil could break.
Lexia sunk into the hot water of the bath she’d just run. Releasing all of her tension in a long sigh. Even though all of her skin had healed and her hair had grown back to just above her shoulders, she hadn’t quite fully recovered. A hard day’s work made her muscles ache and joints creak, yet it was nice to feel a little human again.
Lincoln’s childhood home was finally starting to feel lived in, and there were plenty of people living on pack land now. Shifters and Hunters alike. Though there where days the two races clashed, mostly they got along, and some even becoming friends.
They’d spent the day finishing one of the log cabins they’d been building for the new pack members. Slowly she could see the light and hope returning to her friends eyes; she didn’t think any of them would truly be able to leave behind the horrors of their pasts, but she supposed that’s why they were all together.
Making the most of the alone time she’d been given, Lexia rested her head back, and relaxed, briefly smiling as she heard Lola’s excited shriek.
After finally taming the beast that was their child, Lincoln opened the bathroom door in search of his mate. Her body glistened in the candlelight as she stepped from the bath and turned toward him. Every curve highlighted the heaviness of her breasts, the plump curve of her ass and the ripple of muscle down her stomach. She was perfection and she was his.
Smiling that smile – innocent and seductive all at the same time – her eyes glazed with desire. She arched her back, baring that curvy, sexy body to him as she held out a hand.
“I’ve put Lola to bed,” Lincoln told Lexia as he took her hand. “She kept pulling up on the side of the cot and squealing.” He chuckled.
Smiling fondly, she stepped a little closer to him. Lincoln glanced at the masterpiece in front of him a second longer before pulling her against his chest. Running his hands over her slick wet body, he bit back a moan as his body came to life.
“God, you are perfection,” he breathed against her neck. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” Lexia replied softly.
Pulling back, Lincoln looked into her eyes, the fear of losing her still fresh even after two months. “You can never leave me again. I won’t survive.”
Her hands cupped his face, eyes glistening with all the emotions she felt and demons she carried. +“Never,” she whispered. “Never.” Pulling his lips to hers, Lexia poured all she felt for Lincoln into her kiss and slowly the fear of her leaving faded.
She never planned to leave. Lincoln was her heart, her home.
About the Author
Rachel was born and raised in N.E, England and then moved to New Zealand in 2008. She now lives in Queensland, Australia with her husband, three children and the family dog and horse. She is currently working on the next book in The New Dawn Series a YA Paranormal novel.
Rachel would love to hear from you, and would love you to leave a review on Goodreads and Amazon or where ever you purchased the book, you can find her at Twitter : @Rach1986UK or email
Holocaust (The Deadwood Hunter Series Book 3) Page 27