Forgiving Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 2)

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Forgiving Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 2) Page 23

by Victoria Johns

  “Really, when?” I’m totally shocked. This isn’t a spur of the moment thing, this is what he wants. I am what he wants.

  “I popped over and asked a couple of days ago, he wasn’t really surprised, but he said that your mom would appreciate being part of this particular tradition and it would go a long way to me showing her I was the Christopher Hales she used to know. It feels like the right thing to do and it’s important for your parents to be happy. Besides she needs to know before my mom. My mom will be on the first plane and become the wedding planner from hell, I figured you’d want to get used to the idea before that tornado hits town.”

  We laugh together, I am beyond happy with the way my day has begun.

  “As a pre-wedding present, I’ve also decided to make some changes to the furniture round here too,” he says.

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means new sofa, new dining room table and new hot tub. Out with the old and in with the forever.”

  Chris senses the confusion I’m trying to work through and waits for the meaning in his statement to become clear. He doesn’t want our new life together to be tainted with the history and memories of his old one. “I am absolutely on board with that,” I tell him.

  “Good. Get choosing, your first task as Mrs Hales-to-be.”

  And that was the last normal thing that happened on my special day.

  The craziness took over and it was all Chris and I could do to hold on.

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  I bounced out of bed with an energy and excitement level high enough to rival the energizer bunny on the Duracell advertisements. I was so desperate to share with my sisters and I wanted Dolly to be in on my joy straight away.

  Chris however, was not down with that plan. He moaned that he’d already gone ahead without my mom’s permission and that wasn’t right. No amount of cajoling or promises of sexual favors would deter him either. So I opted to send a quick text to Dolly instead.

  Me: All good here, better than good in fact. Freaking amazing. Talk later.

  I received an instant reply.

  Dolly: Glad all is freaking amazing, see you later.

  I wasn’t impressed with her less than excited response, so I sent another.

  Me: I have news!

  Dolly: OK. See you later.

  Seriously, she’d best be screaming with joy and excitement when I did see her later.

  Unfortunately, Chris caught me dropping text hints and wasn’t happy. In order to prevent a leak of information to my unaware mom, he decreed I was going to wait for him at Mudjoes and not tell anyone, whilst he went and faced my mom’s wrath. His tone didn’t hide the fact that he was shitting himself. His Mudjoes logic was born out of it being public, so I would be safe from the deepening Vans crisis and he knew I wouldn’t share it with anyone but Dolly first. I also reminded him that he was safe as long as Dolly didn’t show up in town.

  So I was dumped at Mudjoes with coffee and cake.

  Twenty minutes into my new fiancé imprisoned coffee sentence Ross enters the shop and heads straight for my table.

  “Neely, listen fast. Come with me and do exactly as I say. Act like you’re up for a fucking Oscar and don’t blow my cover.” I’d never heard him talk in this clipped authoritative voice before, but I figured he was a federal agent and he needed my help and I should roll with it.

  Oh boy, did he need my help.

  This time it was my turn to be the bait and I could not believe that Chris and Jonas had agreed to this.

  As soon as we leave the coffee shop his demeanor changes and he roughly grabs my arm and starts dragging me along the sidewalk, whispering, “Go with it.”

  I was hustled at speed and insistence to a huge hummer with heavy tinted windows. Ross opened the door, roughly helped me up the huge step to get in and then follows right behind me. Just as the door is closing I hear Lottie’s voice shouting my name as she’s trying to cross the road to come to my aide. Ross looks pissed off.

  “Drive Marco,” I hear from the passenger seat in a Hispanic voice, “This her?”

  “Yes sir,” answers Ross.

  “You weak American men, always led around by pussy, hopefully this one will be less of a pain in the ass. The other bitch is proving troublesome still.”

  “Sir, Penny will get the message soon enough,” Ross tells him.

  “I hope so, for her sake,” is the chilling response from the guy.

  It’s clear whoever this man is, he’s a big player and he makes my skin crawl, but Ross has involved me for a reason. Whatever that is I’d like to figure it out and get the fuck out of his way. The atmosphere doesn’t feel good and I want out.

  “Ross, why am I here? And who are these people, where are we going?” Ross ignores my questions. “Take me back to Mudjoes, take me back now,” my voice is getting louder and I’m prepared to keep going until I get some answers. “Will someone fucking answer me?” I shout.

  “Miss Prince, I am a man who is used to getting what he wants in life. I very much want your boyfriend’s property. His previous girlfriend failed to deliver it for me, but then I don’t think she had the same hold on him, I haven’t seen him enjoy fucking her as much as he did with you last night. I believe you will have more success in getting Mr Hales to agree.”

  “You sick fuck. You watched us have sex?”

  “Ah, I see why you wanted this one Ross, I also understand why Mr Hales needs to spank this one to keep her in line. I must say, I admire his style and tastes. I too have ways of making you comply Miss Prince and they will also make you scream. I only hope you figure this out quicker than Polly because you don’t want to see that side of me.”

  This I can totally believe. Whoever he is, he is a mean bastard and as much as Polly deserves her punishment, I would prefer she receive that at the hands of the law in a jail cell rather than whatever he’s into.

  In my fear driven state, I’m trying my best to remain calm and sensible. Acting like I’m scared isn’t proving a challenge. I’m trying to keep an eye on our location and figure out how the hell I’m going to get out this. It would be stupid of me to rely on Ross alone, if they figure out he’s a federal agent and playing them, he’ll be as good as dead.

  “So in answer to your earlier question,” dickhead says, “You’re going to come and be my guest whilst I wait for Mr Hales to come round to my way of thinking.”

  “You’re kidnapping me? Ross! What the fuck? I thought we were friends?” I scramble across the back seat and try to open the door of the Hummer, it doesn’t take long of me pulling at them like a mad woman to figure out they’re locked.

  “Let’s not call it kidnapping, let’s call it a dinner date and if you’re lucky more and if you’re very unlucky, a lot more,” he sneers.

  “A dinner date usually ends with both us going home afterwards,” I mumble.

  “And you will be allowed to go home, once I own the Hales property.”

  Feeling all the anger well up inside me, I clench my fist together and throw a punch at Ross, he wasn’t expecting it and even though it was probably nothing, it caught him off guard when it connected with his cheek. Marco the driver and the dickhead burst out laughing and are still laughing when we turn into a field where a helicopter is on the ground in a clearing of trees.

  I’m dragged out of the Hummer by Ross who gives me his best behave glare and the four of us climb into the chopper. “Wait, I forgot my purse!” I try and stall for time.

  “No need for purses Miss Prince... or cell phones.”

  “Fuck,” I shout and am only greeted with more laughter.

  “Oh yes, I completely understand the lure of this one,” he mutters to Marco.

  I’m strapped into a seat in the chopper next to Ross and Marco the driver, now becomes Marco the chopper pilot. Within minutes we’re rising into the air and after a short flight I see the Nolefax distributions warehouse come into view, the one Oli, Chris and I found before on our tunnel adventure.

>   This is not good, we already know this place is armed and protected by the criminal equivalent of the National Guard. I’ve got no fucking cell phone which means I’m relying on Ross to step in and fight for me or I’ve got to figure a way out of this myself.



  “Oli, what’s up?”

  “Who do we know with a Hummer?” he barks back down the phone.

  “No one why?”

  “Lottie’s here, says she just saw Ross pushing Neely into the back of a hummer on Main Street.”

  “Tell me you’re kidding,” I stop on the spot, this doesn’t sound good.

  “I was afraid you were going to say that,” Oli mumbles.

  “I’m calling Jonas right now and he’d best know what the fuck is going on.”

  I hang up the call and immediately dial my best pal. All sorts of things are going through my mind, none of them good, but until I hear someone confirm anything, I won’t panic.

  I refuse panic.

  “Chris,” Jonas says on answering and I decide fuck it, I am definitely going to panic.

  “Why the fuck is Ross putting my woman in the back of an unknown hummer, when I don’t know about it. I left her safely surrounded in Mudjoes.”

  “Fuck, that does not sound good. I don't know man, sit tight and I’ll try and get an answer,” he hangs up and I pace outside Neely’s parents place. I thought I was fucking tense before asking her mom for her to consent to marry Neely, but that was nothing compared to how tense I am now.

  I try and call her cell phone. Nothing. Shit. The grip I’ve got on my cell phone feels like I could crush it in my hand and then I feel it vibrate and start ringing.

  It’s not Neely, it’s Jonas, “Well?”

  “It’s not good news and it’s not bad news either, I can’t get Ross on the phone which makes me nervous, I have to assume he’s making a play and didn’t have time to let me know.”

  “Making a play. MAKING. A. PLAY. With my fucking woman. You track that motherfucker down and do it now Jonas. I’m coming to your place and you’d best have news when I get there.” I snap my cell phone off and remember where I am, I cannot lose my shit here, in front of Mark and Maiara. I do my best to walk calmly to my truck and climb in.

  My cell phone rings again, displaying an unknown number and I answer it.

  “Mr Hales, I have something of yours and you have something I want. My associate will be visiting your ranch this time tomorrow with some papers and I’ll be obliged if you’d sign them and give me what I want.”

  “You’ve got some fucking nerve, where is Neely? She has nothing to do with this, It’s me or rather my ranch you want, let her go and we’ll talk.”

  “I can’t do that, I’m very much looking forward to dinner with Miss Prince and getting to know her better, especially since I know she is so receptive to discipline.”

  “You motherfucker, you touch her and I will dedicate my life to ending yours,” I shout.

  “Ah, touching, until tomorrow Mr Hales,” the voice says smugly and then the line goes dead.

  Well fuck trying to appear calm, I start the truck’s engine and launch it down the drive feeling nothing but fear and adrenaline.

  Whoever that cock sucker is, he’s going to die for taking my woman, but one other thing is for sure I’ll make Ross suffer just as much.

  Chapter Twenty Nine

  A Lincoln town car collected us from the landing site and wasted no time in accelerating me towards my doom. Ross was silent unless he was spoken to and he was either as terrified as me deep down or a fucking amazing actor and undercover operative.

  As soon as I arrived, dickhead wandered off with multi tasking Marco, leaving Ross with instructions to put me in my room.

  I had a fucking room? Why the fuck did I have a room?

  When we got to it Ross gave me a look and did the smallest shake of his head. He turned back to shut the door and whispered, “Cameras.”

  “Neely, I’m sorry you’ve been dragged into this but it is what it is. Mr Cortez has a requirement for Chris’s land and Henry tried to acquire it peacefully. You’re going to need to dress for dinner. The closet is over there, take your pick of the outfits.”

  “Why are you doing this?” I ask in a panic stricken voice, understanding that he requires me to play ball for the cameras.

  “I just fucking explained, don’t be dumb and do anything to upset the boss. Dress for dinner and I’ll be back to get you later.” He turns and heads for the door and even though I know he’s on my side, the thought of what is happening still scares me.

  “Ross, Please!” Right now only a tiny bit of this is the acting drama queen in me, most of it is the realization that I’m really living this nightmare and he’s leaving me in this room. His step doesn’t falter and he slams the door on the way out, I hear the noise of locks turning and then the silence is awful.

  Running to the windows, I find they are nailed down and with nothing but a bed and closet full of clothes I reside myself to my fate, it looks like I’m going to dinner so I’d best see what clothes are on offer.

  Holy mother of designer Gods!

  Dior, Valentino and Versace live in this closet and all in my size with shoes to match.

  Lots of questions rumble around my head, should I shun the evening wear and go as I am? Should I play the part and dress for dinner to keep me out of more trouble? And when I escape can I take all the dresses and shoes with me?

  A loud banging hits the outer side of the door, “Dinner will be in fifteen minutes Miss Prince. I’ve been told to advise you, that you’ll either be wearing the clothes kindly provided by Mr Cortez or no clothes at all.”

  Fucking hell. Decision made. I grab the red Dior dress that is slinky and made of silk. It has spaghetti straps and a fitted bodice. The floor length gown has a single split on the right hand side from the hem to the thigh. It’s dangerous, it’s exquisite and it’s very, very me. Attached to the hanger is a skimpy thong. Shit, this man has thought of everything. Creepy Freak.

  I arrange myself so I am as close to being inside the closet as I can get and in a flash I get my own clothes off and the dress on. I shimmy into the thong last because no freaky security men are getting a hard on watching me change tonight.

  The lock clicks and the door flies open with no warning and Ross is stood there all clean and changed. His eyes flash appreciation of my outfit, he likes what he sees. “Dinner time Neely. You look amazing.”

  “And you look like a betraying bastard. Let’s get this shit over with.” I snap and Ross struggles to hide the smile on his face, he’s impressed, it would appear I am doing well on my assignment.

  We walk down a series of hallways and Ross whispers at certain times, “When I say duck, do it.” We turn another corner, “When I say run, do it and follow me. Don’t fucking stop.” At the next turn we enter the elaborate dining room. It’s like something from a 1980’s Dynasty TV shoot, it’s so false it’s ridiculous. A huge table is set with copious amounts of glasses, china and cutlery. Dickhead is sat at the table head and I’m planted down next to him, with Ross seating himself beside me. It would appear that we are expecting other guests.

  “Can I offer you a glass of Champagne whilst we wait for our other guests Miss Prince?”


  “I must say, you look magnificent in the Dior.” Does this guy think I’m going to thank him for his compliment? Not. Going. To. Happen.

  “Ah,” says Dickhead, “Our other guests have arrived. Henry, please take a seat. Can I ask where Polly is, I was expecting her company.”

  “Mr Cortez, sir, Polly isn’t feeling well, she was hoping to be excused from dinner this evening,” he replies. Henry does not look in good health. The pressure this guy has put himself under is showing all over his face, he looks like he’s on the edge of cracking.

  “No. No it’s not OK, excused or executed, her call, Marco, please go and get Miss Vans.” Marco does as he’s told and a few m
inutes later a visibly badly beaten Polly is forced into the chair next to her father.

  “Jesus Christ, Polly are you OK?” I ask.

  She doesn’t look at me, but I hear a broken voice reply, “Yes.” Her arms are bruised and her wrists have bloody welts on them that give away she’s being restrained. Her face is also bruised and cut and her hair is all rank and matted with something. Whatever they’ve done to her has turned her into a ghost. She is a shadow of the girl I’ve enjoyed sparring with recently.

  When she finally looks at me, I offer her a smile and it causes no reaction in her whatsoever. Whatever they’ve done to her has turned her into this thing with dead lifeless eyes.

  “Don’t feel sorry for her Miss Prince, she learned the price of disappointing me and after all, she is a rival for Mr Hales’ affections.”

  “So because of that she deserved to be beaten? What kind of monster are you?” My question is so direct that I think my eye lasers must be broken, surely they should be burning through his skull by now.

  “Polly shouldn’t promise things that she can’t deliver, you don’t strike me as someone who will disappoint me though and yes I’m afraid I can be a monster when I feel... disappointed.”

  Just like that, he’s closed me down and the power he wields is clear for all to see. Nice things, expensive tailor made suits, designer dresses and body guards who fly helicopters, but his clearest message is facing me. Polly Vans has been beaten and Henry, who is a fucking grown man, has been unable to do anything about it. He has been unable to stop bad things happening to his only child.

  Our first course is delivered and it’s a shrimp salad. I really don't think I can stomach anything now and looking at the other guests, neither can anyone else, apart from dickhead. His temper finally starts to show when the rest of us don’t tuck in with enthusiasm.

  “You ungrateful bastards, if you people don’t fucking eat this meal, then heads will roll. In fact, fuck it, let’s roll some FUCKING HEADS,” he roars and takes a gun from a shoulder holster neatly hidden beneath his suit jacket. He points the gun at me and I immediately start shovelling food into my mouth. “That’s better, oh Henry, not hungry, oh well,” and he pulls the trigger.


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