Red Moon Demon (Demon Lord)

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Red Moon Demon (Demon Lord) Page 7

by Blayde, Morgan

  At the casual dropping of my name, the supernaturals in the room went deathly quiet—for some reason. Only the humans with their normal, weak hearing were oblivious. The tension around the kitties got thick enough to carve with a katana.

  I met Rhino’s cold, dark stare. “Heard what?” I asked.

  “There’s strange folk in the city, making the rounds.”

  Took a sip from my drink, testing the flavor. “Wolves?”

  He shook his head. “No, humans, but tough bastards all the same. They’re well strapped, and don’t seem to like your kind.”

  Angie offered a comment, “Maybe some kind of government taskforce, or spooks, looking into PNs?”

  Just what the preternatural community needs.” Just what I need; something else to look into. I slid Rhino a hundred. “Thanks. You hear anymore…”

  He smiled, flashing that gold-capped tooth. His meaty palm slapped over the bill. “You’ll be the first to hear.”

  I raised my voice, wanting the kitties and other shifters in the bar to pick up on what I had to say, “By the way, you hear of a succubus working my territory, I want to know. She’ll have two abducted women with her. I’m offering fifty K for information leading to their recovery.”

  Several PNs hurried from the room, wanting to get a running start on that reward. Word would go out. Fast. Even things that go bump in the night need cash. My work here was done, but I lingered over my drink.

  The werecats finished their drinks and ordered two more. One of them got up. Circled Angie at a respectful distance, and came around to my other side. “I want to thank you for the drinks,” her voice had the faintest suggestion of a purr to it.

  “No, problem.”

  “You’re Caine Deathwalker,” she said.

  “I know.”

  “I mean, dude, I thought you were just made up, an urban legend or something.”

  “That too.”

  “Look, normally I mind my own business—”

  “Good idea,” Angie growled.

  Eyes wide, on me, she ignored her. “—But seeing as how you bought us drinks and all…”

  “Get to the point,” I suggested.

  “Yes, Sir, I thought you outta know, these strangers in town, they’re not feds. Word is they’re looking for some kinda stolen artifact, and waving around some woman’s picture.”

  “Interesting. That all you know?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “You have our thanks and mayest now leave our exalted presence.” I waved her away. Too bad I didn’t have a ring for her to kiss. I think she’d have been thrilled. It is good to be the king.

  We finished our drinks and moved on to few more bars. The one I saved for last was going to be tricky. I parked the car across the street and turned to Angie. “I don’t think this is a place where you want to be. You should wait here for me.”

  She looked out the window at the club. Above double doors painted crimson, a black panel sported neon lettering; Pandemonium. The first three and last three letters were yellow. The word demon in the middle was rendered in red. The bouncer outside was dressed like an old black-and-white movie version of a vampire. He had slicked-back hair, a widow’s peak, a dark Victorian suit, white gloves, and a red-lined, black cape.

  “Isss that a vampire?” Angie slurred.

  “Probably not. They have too much pride to do so lowly a job. That’s probably a human with plastic fangs. There will be a lot of wanna-bes inside, and a few of the real thing feeding on them discretely. The place serves a great Bloody Mary.”

  “You think I can’t handle a few Vampsss?”

  “You are rather drunk,” I said. “And I’d like to get you back to William in one piece.”

  She blinked at me. “I’m in one piece.”

  “So far,” I said. “Look, just stay here, and if you feel like throwing up, open the car door and stick your head out. I just had this vehicle detailed.”

  “I wanna go in and get another drink.”

  “Stay here and I’ll buy you some beef jerky.”

  “Don’t want beef jerky. Wanna drink.” She opened the door and slid out, tottering toward the door.

  I got out and went around; closing the door she’d left open. I hurried after her. She was halfway across the street where a ‘62 cutlass convertible low-rider had stopped. The vehicle was full of Latinos wearing black and gold bandanas. One of them stood up in the back, making beckoning motions toward her. “Hey, chica, c’mon, come party with us. We’ll treat you right.”

  Angie pointed at the club. “I’m going in there for a drink.”

  The man in the front passenger seat held up a twelve pack of Tecate beer. “I got your drink right here, chica.”

  By then, I’d caught up to her, taking her arm, pulling her back from the car’s grill. “Lady’s with me,” I said.

  “Fuck you,” the driver said. “We saw her first.”

  I looked at him, warming up my Dragon Voice tat, feeling meat hooks yanking on my spine. I growled through the blinding pain and shouted, “Go drive into a street light.”

  My voice shattered the windshield. The driver‘s eyes glazed over. He floored the gas pedal and the car peeled rubber, tearing away. I steered Angie for the nightclub door, figuring I’d better keep her somewhat near me.

  We’d just reached the bouncer, cutting to the front of the line, when the sound of a car crash reached us. A moment later, there was an explosion. A fireball rose in a cloud of oily smoke. Finding this hilarious, Angie had a fit of giggles.

  “You can’t cut the line,” the bouncer told me.

  I handed him a hundred.

  He pointed at Angie. “Don’t you think she’s had enough already?”

  I handed him another hundred. He started to say something else. I opened my coat and showed him one of my guns. “If you say anything else but ‘come in,’ I’m going to empty a clip in your face.”

  He moved to the side and waved us in.

  Who says you can’t get good service anymore.

  The décor reminded me of an old school insane asylum; cracked concrete walls, lanterns swinging on chains, chains and manacles on the walls, a bedlam of voices, and bartenders in straightjackets with the sleeves torn off. There was a girl band on stage with pink and green hair, orange coveralls, matching lipstick, heavy black and purple makeup around the eyes, and spiked dog collars. The lead singer was hot with a body made for sin. She wore combat boots and a diamond chip on the side of her nose, and razorblade earrings. Unfortunately, her voice sounded like she’d gargled with Drano. Her lyrics stabbed through the haze stage lights, the mash of screaming guitars, and thudding drums:

  Broken dreams cut my feet,

  Ill winds drive me into the street,

  Sanity’s just a mask I wear—

  Take some pain— I’m glad to share—

  Angie started dancing, her boobs bouncing pleasantly as she jerked and weaved about. I let her go, figuring if I made it fast, I could get back quickly and round her up. As the crowd absorbed her, I went to the bar and caught the eye of a bartender with a handlebar mustache.

  “What can I get you,” he asked.

  “Tell Adrian I want to see him.”

  “And you would be?”

  “Just tell him to move his ass. I’m in a hurry.”

  “Hurry to die,” the bartender said. “You stay right there. I’m passing your message on verbatim.”

  “Reading the dictionary again?”

  He flashed fangs at me that were real. “I just hope they leave a little of you for me to taste when they’re through.”

  I smiled at him. “Can we just get this party started? It’s been a long night.”

  Like smoke from a fire, vamp goons appeared on both sides of me, taking my arms. They squeezed so I’d feel their unnatural strength and tremble. Vamps like their prey scared. It’s supposed to enrich the flavor of blood. They hustled me to a private room where a small part was in progress. Three scantily clad girls were strewn
on a long table, eyes glassy, throats ripped out. At the head of the table stood Adrian, a Champaign glass filled with blood in his hand. He wore a black suit, with red shirt and pocket handkerchief.

  A female vamp hung on him like a barnacle. She had black hair, too red lips, and pallor borrowed from a corpse. Her dangerous curves had been shimmied into a little black dress. She eyed my throat hungrily.

  Adrian smiled without baring his fangs. He understated what he was, having a distaste for the usual posing that’s so much a part of vamp culture. “Caine, didn’t I tell you that the next time I saw you I’d put stakes through both your eyes?” The passion in his voice told me he meant every word.


  “There’s a razor thin line between

  dancing and dying if you do it right.”

  —Caine Deathwalker

  “Yeah, I missed you too,” I said.

  He waved his goons off me.

  They went about their business.

  Adrian said, “Are you here to get yourself killed, or are you finally going to admit this is my city?”

  I grabbed a chair and took a seat, putting my feet on the table. “You couldn’t handle running the city if I gave it to you on a bed of roses. The older vamps would continue ignoring you, and without the Old Ones approval, no master of the city can do his job.”

  I wasn’t pure demon, not a demon at all, but the demons followed me. They feared me. That had been enough to bring the Old Ones over to my side as well, that and Gloria’s support.

  I continued, “Not only that, but all the big bads I keep out would swarm in for a piece of the pie. Take this new succubus that I’m planning to kill…”

  His eyes brightened with interest. Vampires love gossip on other vamps, even those of a different species. “There’s a succubus in town? I hadn’t heard.”

  “No contacts in the street. Another reason you can’t do my job. Face it; you’re good for all-nighters, but being the master of a city means being available all the time. Trust me, it’s a headache.”

  Adrian twitched a finger toward the door. Most of the vampires left in a blur of movement, but not the hot number draping herself all over him, and not the whores spread out over blood puddles on the table top. “You still have a gift for annoying me.” Adrian’s eyebrow shot up. A small amount of red glazed his pale blue eyes. His eyes-of-flame trick was nothing compared to Gloria’s. “What do you want, Caine?”

  “The succubus. She has taken two humans who were under my protection. To save face, I must be the one who gets them back. The succubus is my prey. I want to be sure you know this. Don’t side with her, don’t get in my way. I know all you vamps like to stick together.”

  “Do not compare that creature to our kind,” the lady vamp attached to his hip glared at me.

  I think she felt threatened by those of us sexually superior to herself, namely the succubus and me. I hate being immodest, but I am an urban legend for many reasons. I met her vamp stare easily. My protective magic prevented her from rolling my mind like a drunken sailor.

  I shrugged. “Well, you suck blood and she sucks life force. You both use sex as a weapon of male destruction, and … oh yeah, you’re both bottom feeders going after the weak. Did I get any of that wrong?”

  The vampire girl blurred. She had a lot of speed on me, but my tats were faster. My shield turned itself on, and she was thrown back, her lovely vamp nose broken. I got up and activated the tats on my legs that let me match vamp speed temporarily, a gift I’d pay for in an hour. As she surged back to her feet, I caught her by the throat and lifted her off the carpet. She grabbed my arm, straining to snap it.

  “You want this in one piece?” I asked Adrian.

  He shrugged. “Getting a little tired of her actually.”

  I snapped her neck and dropped her body. She’d wake up when her neck healed, hopefully with a great deal more restraint.

  I strolled for the door. I was almost there when Adrian spoke up, “How’s she doing?”

  “The bitch on the floor?”

  “No. Gloria.”

  “Your mom’s just fine, but you should call her. I’m sure she worries about her stupid son.”

  I stepped out of the room. The two vamp goons that had escorted me in were at the edge of the dance floor, telling Angie she couldn’t take her drink onto the dance floor. They were having difficulty getting this across because she was so drunk. They didn’t seem to mind explaining this to her slowly, while staring at her boobs. Finally she got it, throwing back her drink and handing them an empty glass.

  By this time, Angie was swaying on her feet.

  “You don’t look so good,” Goon One said. “Why don’t we show you a place where you can lie down for awhile?”

  Goon Two took her arm, smiling, oozing vamp seduction. “Come this way.”

  I reached them as they turned my way. “It’s late, Angie.

  Let’s go. You can be a blood donor some other time.”

  “Night’s young,” Goon One said.

  “Party’s just getting started.” Goon Two gave me a look meant to back me down. They had a drunken wolf and knew it. Shape-shifter blood has a kick human blood lacks. They wanted a pint or two.

  I smiled and shot them a look of world-weary innocence. “C’mon guys, don’t make me kill you.”

  They bared fangs at me.

  I pointed down at my right foot.

  They stared down at my steel-toed boot.

  The magic I’d used to enhance my speed was still running. I swung my foot, a hook kick across their faces. Broken teeth fell to the carpet as they reeled back and were swallowed by the dancers. I picked up the teeth to add to my collection. I pushed Angie toward the door as a fight erupted behind us. Apparently, the vamps had been overly rough trying to escape the crowd and had given offense. By the time I got to the door, a full blown brawl was underway. Somehow, I knew Adrian would blame this on me.

  We got outside and crossed the street to the car. Already, Angie’s werewolf metabolism was neutralizing the alcohol, taking the stagger out of her walk. I just hoped she wouldn’t puke in my car.

  “Hey, Caine?”


  “Did the vamps agree to help you out?”

  “I didn’t ask them. I made it very clear they were not to get involved, that the succubus is my prey, a matter of honor.”

  She looked at me over the top of the car as I went around to the driver’s door. “So, they’ll do what you want them to in order to spite you, and they’ll think it’s their idea.”

  “Yeah. I love being me.”

  We got in and drove off. Half a block from the club, police had taped off a section of street where a car had wrapped itself around a streetlight. EMTs had responded, but there was no hope. The passengers were all crispy critters. Up on the side walk, the twelve pack of Mexican beer had been thrown clear and had miraculously survived. The beer was being taken into custody as material evidence, but doubted I would reach the evidence locker at the station.

  Seeing the crash made me happy. I turned on the radio as we continued on. Angie did a sort of dance with her upper body in the seat next to me. It was fun watching her large breasts bounce as she clapped, and tried to sing along to the songs.

  “I’ll drop you off at William’s place. You can explain to him how you got in this state.” I said.

  “No, I wanna go to your place.”


  “I’m your liaison to the wolves. You’re stuck with me until this whole mess is over. And William might yell at me.”

  I took the ramp onto the highway. “Aren’t you afraid I’ll take advantage of you?”

  “I’m a wolf,” she said. “I can’t even spell fear.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me, but I’d rather not have you underfoot.” At my house where you can pry into my secrets.

  She stuck her head out the open window, enjoying the wind stream, smiling and waving at the traffic in the slow lane. As we went along, more of he
r scooted out the window, and she started lifting her shirt, flashing her boobs. One driver gave her a thumbs-up. Another honked encouragement. After a while, she just left the shirt up, and let her tongue wag in the wind. If I had a dog, this experience would have been much the same.

  “Oh, hell, at least you’re a happy drunk.”

  We reached my house as the sun began to gray the eastern sky. I pulled into my garage and parked. The garage door lowered, and multiple locks automatically activated. I led Angie to the kitchen door entrance. In the kitchen, she peered at every little thing, following me from room to room. Going through the living room, I pointed at the couch. “You can curl up there if you’d rather not share my bed.” Why a hot chick wouldn’t want to share my bed, I didn’t know, but I offered her the choice, gentleman that I am, not bothering to mention I had empty bedrooms available.

  She stopped to stare at the couch as if she’d never seen one before. I kept going. In my office, I went to the bar and hit a button on the master remote I’d left there. All the windows went dark. The curtains closed. The room lights dimmed to a soft yellow glow. A whirl of black fog condensed into a feline shape. I heard soft paws and hard nails approach as I made myself a pitcher of drinks.

  “Hey Leona, Old Man’s done with you?” I asked.

  “For now. He’s going to be with Hiro during the day,” she said.

  With Leona a step behind, I carried my pitcher back out to the living room. I’d intended going straight to my room, but seeing each other, Leona and Angie went rigid. There was tension in the air like a storm about to break. The scene was made ridiculous by the fact that Angie still had her shirt rolled up.

  “Some kind of problem here?” I asked.

  Leona’s tail lashed. “You didn’t tell me you’d brought a slut home with you.”


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