
Home > Other > Spiked > Page 24

  Sounded good to me. I opened the jar and scooped a little bit of the clear gel on two fingers. Then I set the jar to the side and reached back. Triarius’ gaze was like a caress, watching me intently as I pushed both fingers deep inside myself. His hold tightened on my hips and his cock swelled beneath me. I thrust my fingers in and out, eyes closing. Then two of his joined them, all four pushing deep, stretching me.

  "Fuck!” I threw my head back and rode our fingers, the need for more surging, strong and hungry. “Now. Oh, fuck, now!"

  Our fingers were quickly replaced by his cock and Triarius tugged me down, impaling me in one hard, swift thrust. I shouted, hands going to his chest to brace myself as I rode him. He gripped my ass cheeks and spread them open, hips pushing him deep, over and over. I couldn't catch my breath, couldn't speak. All my senses honed in on him—his scent, the relentless strokes driving into my body, the way his very presence enveloped me.

  Shadows circled my cock and began stroking, timed to the rhythm of Triarius’ thrusts. Caught between the two overwhelming sensations, I was lost. Triarius flipped me and growled, fangs sinking deep into my throat. I bucked and clawed his back, pleasure and sharp pain shoving me over the edge as I came. Triarius followed, his cock throbbing and heat pouring into me, filling my body in a rush.

  Breathless and shaky, I collapsed. He licked the wounds and kissed his way back up to my mouth, tongue slipping between my lips. I moaned and tangled my fingers in his hair, the flavor of blood strong. With a flick of his tongue to a fang, he added his own blood, the two mixing until I could no longer tell them apart. Whatever this was, I was powerless to stop it. Hell, a part of me wasn't even sure if I wanted to.

  * * * *

  We went down to the dungeon, though a part of me sure as hell didn't want to. I'd been in castle dungeons before, but this place was far different. The stench of death was strong. Old death. Pain and despair, rage and madness—it all permeated the rock around us. I couldn't shake the dark feeling that much more went on down here than mere imprisonment.

  Triarius and I were joined by several guards, and it occurred to me that, other than Dai, I was the only human down here. One of the guards who led the way, stopped at a door and I peered around him, curious. The door, made of wood and banded in iron, looked heavy, and it emitted an ominous groan as the guard opened it. The smell was even worse, the rush of stale air exhaling out of the hallway before us, nearly knocking me over. I felt Triarius’ hand on my shoulder, steadying me, but it was little comfort as we started down the corridor.

  I didn't know what I expected, but silence certainly wasn't it. It was so quiet, that for a moment, I wondered if Dai was even still alive. The lead guard unlocked a cell door and stepped inside. When he stood to the side to allow Triarius entry, I realized Dai was definitely alive, but there was a madness in his eyes that I hadn't seen before.

  Dai was chained to the wall, his wrists in rusty iron manacles. His hands gripped the chains and I thought I saw dried blood tracing a line down one arm. He was standing, his ankles shackled as well, and his clothes were in tatters, like someone—or something—had shredded them. More blood—some fresh, some dried—showed through the rips in the fabric. His eyes were wide and held an air of wildness and rage that made me take a step back.

  "David Bristow, you will appear before the Elders to answer to the crime of attempted assassination of Lance Shaw."

  Triarius nodded to two guards and they stepped forward to unlock the manacles from where they were attached to the wall. Dai's ankle shackles were unhooked from the floor and linked together, effectively hobbling him while allowing him to walk with tiny steps. Triarius tapped my shoulder and I followed him out of the cell. Instead of heading back toward the door, however, we went farther down the hall. When we reached another door, he pushed it open. I was surprised to see several other vampires sitting around a crescent-shaped, stone table. All eyes were on us as we entered.

  "Go sit,” Triarius said, nodding to two empty seats near the center of the table.

  Nervousness prickled at my skin as I went around and sat down, yet no one paid me any mind. They were all watching the doorway as the guards dragged Dai into the room. Only then did he start shrieking and screaming. What made it worse, was that his curses and venomous rage were directed at me. Not at Triarius—but at me.

  Triarius took the seat next to mine, directly in the center of the table, and leaned forward, hands folded on top of the smooth stone. “Dai, you know why you are here."

  "Fuck you!” Dai snapped. Then he shot me a look full of hate. “I'd do it all over again if it meant getting rid of you."

  I swallowed, but kept my mouth shut. This whole thing was well out of my league.

  One of the other Elders spoke up. “So you do not deny the charges against you?"

  "No,” Dai snarled. He jerked against the chains and lunged for the table. A hard tug hauled him back into place, the guards gripping his arms so tightly, the skin turned white around their fingers. “You stole my place! You fucking mortal, you stole my position with him!"

  I glanced down and saw Triarius’ hands tightening where they were linked. Without hesitation, I put my hand down on his thigh, just to let him know I was there. Instinct made me do it; something made me leave it there. His hands eased a bit.

  "Why did you do it?” he asked Dai, with much more calm than I expected.

  Dai sneered. “I had everything—your ear, your bed, every fucking perk being a master's ghoul. Then he came here. In one goddamn night, I lost everything."

  "That as it may be,” another Elder said, “you attempted to kill your master's chosen."

  I blinked. Surely I didn't hear that right. I looked over at Triarius, but his gaze was fixed solely on Dai. Chosen?

  "And I'd gladly try again!"

  Triarius rose so suddenly, that it nearly threw me off balance. “Enough! Your greed and jealousy has gained you nothing. I trusted you once, but that time is past."

  Shadows seeped in through the front corners of the room, sliding across the floor like vaporous, black serpents. Dai's eyes widened and he struggled against the firm hold on him. The closer the shadows got, the more desperate he became. The smoky tendrils slithered up to form a mass in front of him. Then he screamed.

  I watched, my blood running cold as ice, as the shadows invaded his body through his mouth. He thrashed wildly, but the guards held on. Dai's eyes turned dark and black lines began forming under his skin. His eyes rolled back in his head. Without warning, Triarius had my face buried against him, obstructing my view. I tried to push away, but then Dai let out a scream that I would never forget.

  A split second later, an explosion shook the room. I fought against Triarius when I felt wetness splatter my skin. My heart pounded, nausea overwhelming when the undeniable smell of blood and dead flesh filled me.

  Darkness consumed us and when it faded, I shoved away from Triarius, only to find us back in his chambers. Far away from the dungeon.

  I stumbled backward until I slammed into the wall, then I slid down to the floor. I couldn't stop shaking, couldn't get that scream out of my head.

  "You said you were going to starve him!"

  Triarius didn't approach me. “That was the intention. Had he been misguided. But he was in full control of his thoughts and actions."

  "He...” I shook my head. “How could you do that? How could you just ... tear a man apart?"

  "I told you before. My world is far different from—"

  I jerked to my feet and stalked over to him, shoving him hard against the wall. “Fuck your world! You're a butcher!"

  "Yes!” He pushed me back until I landed on the bed. Then he towered over me. “I am a butcher, and a murderer, and a thief. I am also lord of this Brotherhood, and as such, it is my duty to mete out punishment as it fits the crime."

  I stared at him, hating him all over again.

  "If I soften every time my lover grows squeamish, then I lose the respect of those around me. T
hat ... is not an option.” Before I could respond, he turned abruptly and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

  I stayed there for what seemed like ages. The events of the past several days played out, over and over, in my mind. What had possessed me to dig so deep into the Inferi Brotherhood that I ended up a prisoner of the leader?

  I didn't get very far in my thoughts before the door opened again. I was surprised to see the same woman from before—Victoria—enter the room. She smiled and set a tray of vials and fruit on the nearby table.

  "Triarius thought you might be hungry."

  "Thanks,” I grumbled. I fell back onto the bed.

  "He is not an easy man to get along with at times,” she said, coming up to stand at the foot of the bed. “But he is a good leader—fair. Brutal at times, yes, but fair."

  "He's a monster."

  "Aren't we all?"

  I looked over at her.

  "I came to the Brotherhood, not at his bidding, but of my own will. Triarius and I have always butted heads, over some matter or another, but we respect one another. He knows I am good at what I do, and I know, as a leader, he will never steer us wrong."

  "How long have you known him?"

  She shrugged. “I don't know—thirty years? Long enough to know that the man needs a Valium every once in a while."

  I laughed at that. “Yeah. No shit."

  "Look, whether he admits it or not, he cares greatly for you."

  "I'm sure he does, in his own bizarre, twisted way."


  Sighing, I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, yeah. He's a good man, good leader, hot as sin in bed, blah, blah, blah. Tell me something I don't know."

  "Okay. How about: he needs you?"

  "Uh. Nice try. He needs a lot of things, but I seriously doubt I'm one of them."

  The bed post creaked when she leaned against it, arms crossed. “You're his Chosen."

  "Okay. What the hell is a Chosen?"

  She chewed on the corner of her bottom lip for a moment, then nodded. “A Chosen is a companion, a lover. The only soul a vampire would die for if need be. A soul mate, if you will."

  "Die. Somehow, I don't see Triarius ever putting his life before mine."

  "You would be surprised. Why don't you go to him?"

  I grumbled and rolled onto my stomach, partly to get more comfortable, partly to escape that knowing look directed at me. “He's pissed."

  "He'll get over it."

  I snorted.

  "I'm serious. Go to him, try to accept him—his beauty and his faults. Allow him the benefit of a doubt.” When I didn't answer, she sighed. “I have to go. Think about it, and eat. There are two vials of his blood as well. You'll need them."

  I stared at the tray of fruit, or rather, the vials of blood. I didn't want to believe that Triarius and I were so wrapped into each other's lives. Getting involved—especially with a vampire—had been something I had effectively avoided for a long time. Too much bullshit, too much headache. But I was also stuck here, caught between death above ground, and the devil below.

  This was why I never got into relationships.

  When Victoria left, I got up and went over to the table. The last time I'd stood here, with fruit in front of me, I hadn't known that I was his ghoul. Now, I knew. Somehow, it made food less appealing. I scowled at the vials, my fingers itching to touch them, to uncap them and swallow every precious drop. Instead, I picked up an apple.

  Ignoring the vials, I sat back down on the bed and ate the apple, though I didn't really taste it. I never realized before how much the brain controls taste, but I knew now. Every thought strayed back to Triarius’ blood, sealed in thin, glass tubes, beckoning silently. I looked down at the half-eaten apple.

  I stood and walked over to the table. The apple in one hand, I picked up one of the vials. There was power in this blood, an end to hunger that no food could ever appease. I set the apple down and opened the vial. Eyes closed, I inhaled deeply, and then turned the vial up.

  The sweetest fucking torment was the way this man could take over my senses without even being in the same room. His blood rushed over my tongue and down my throat, blessedly warm, rich. I shuddered and dropped the vial to the tray, then picked up the other. I drank the second one just as quickly, and mourned the loss when it was empty.

  I had to find him.

  * * * *

  I caught a servant in the hallway. “Where is Triarius?"

  "Master is in the baths, I believe. Do you know the way?"


  He smiled. “This way."

  We continued down the hall and he stopped just outside a door. “In there, down the steps. Be careful, as they might be slippery."

  I nodded. “Thank you.” He left and I opened the door.

  Heat and steam wafted up the stairwell, making me sweat within seconds of closing the door behind me. A hand on either wall to brace myself, I took the steps slowly, wary of the water. Soft, golden light bathed the bottom of the stairs and when I made the last step down, I found myself in a large room of stone and marble. An oval, yet natural pool was in the center of the room, and in it, Triarius.

  I walked over to the edge and sat down, pulling up my pants legs to dangle my feet in the water. It was surprisingly warm, though I figured magic had a good bit to do with the heat more than anything else.

  Triarius floated on his back, arms spread out, eyes closed. His mask lay on the edge nearby, as did his clothes. His muscular form captivated me, the scars on his face only adding to his otherworldly beauty. If one could call it that. I certainly saw it as such, I now realized. Despite his questionable morals, the man had captured me in more ways than one.

  "Why are you here?"

  I started, unaware he'd even known I was there, though I immediately felt foolish for even doubting he would know. “I wanted to see you."

  The lower half of his body sank down and I saw that the pool wasn't as deep as I'd first thought. He stood there in the middle, arms crossed over his chest, regarding me with something between curiosity and irritation. I couldn't help but want him, no matter how much the man infuriated me.


  "What?” I looked up at his face.

  He smirked. “Are you going to sit there all night? Or are you going to get in?"

  I scowled at him, pissed that he knew, without a doubt, how he affected me. “Arrogant prick."

  Triarius sighed. “Must we revert to such things, Mr. Shaw?"

  Jaw tightening, I stood, but instead of undressing, I started for the door. “This was a mistake."


  The use of my name, instead of the formality of Mr. Shaw, stopped me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. He was a proud, monstrous son of a bitch ... but that didn't stop me from falling.

  Goddamn it.

  Arms slid around my waist and a wet body pressed up against my bare back. I didn't lean, but I didn't pull away either. “What am I to you?"

  "My Chosen.” The words were whispered in my right ear and Triarius kissed his way down my neck. “My lover."

  I shivered and barely managed to bite back the moan when his lips found a particularly sensitive spot on my neck. “Triarius..."

  "Join me.” His hands descended, deft fingers working open my pants. They slid down my legs and pooled at my feet. “I would never harm you, Lance."

  His hands almost burned where they touched the front of my upper thighs, just close enough to my crotch to make me bite my tongue to keep from begging. I knew he wouldn't hurt me. I didn't know why I knew that; I just did. Oh, God, I wanted him...

  "Come,” he murmured. “Join me in the water, let me prove myself to you."

  "You don't need...” My eyes rolled back when he cupped my balls in one hand, rolling them gently. I tried to finish, but couldn't remember what the hell I was going to say. I spread my thighs and pushed back a little, groaning when I felt his cock, hard and hot, pressing against my ass.

  I stepped ou
t of my pants and let him walk me back toward the pool. Then he turned me around to face him. He studied me just as intently as I did him.

  "You are stubborn and have an uncanny knack for irritating me."

  I laughed and shook my head. “Like you're one to talk."

  He smiled at that. “I won't deny it. I know I am not an easy person to deal with at times."

  "I guess we're evenly matched in that regard, then."

  Triarius cupped the back of my neck, pulling me a little closer until our lips were a breath apart. “That we are."

  Impatient, I closed the distance, kissing him hard. So what if he drove me insane? So what if he killed? We came from very different worlds, and yet that didn't stop me from falling in love with the man. A step back and we both hit the water. I caught my breath at the last second before going under, and then swam back up to find him waiting for me. He pushed me against the edge and kissed me again, hands on either side of my face, keeping me from moving.

  Like I really wanted to be anywhere else but here.

  I sucked on his tongue and was rewarded with a low groan. His cock throbbed alongside mine, and I wrapped one leg up around his hip, tugging him closer. Both of us gasped into the kiss as our cocks pressed tightly together, the friction beyond words. Triarius pulled back for a moment, rocked his hips into me, and then crushed our mouths together again. I dug my fingers into his shoulders, and then relied on the water and his strength to hold me up as I wrapped both legs around him.

  "I have nothing to slick the way,” he mumbled.

  "Don't care.” I just wanted that cock inside me—now. “Please."

  Triarius reached down and rubbed the head of his prick over my hole. Holding my ass cheeks apart with his hands, he thrust up, driving his cock deep inside me.


  "That's the idea,” he grunted, hips pumping that thick cock in and out of my ass.

  All I could do was hold on, watch his eyes. Everything was there—every fucking bit. He didn't need to say it; I just knew. I threw my head back, breath leaving me as he filled me over and over. I wanted to beg for more, and I wanted to beg to come. His strokes were deep and hard, but at a torturous, slow rhythm. I couldn't get enough friction to get myself over the edge. Then he sank his fangs into my throat.


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