Right Kind of Wrong

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Right Kind of Wrong Page 2

by K. Renee

  “God, get yourself together.” I chastise myself when I think about what I was just doing.

  He smells amazing; I can only imagine what his big body felt like pressed up against mine. Shaking my head, I try to erase all thoughts of Sawyer out of my head. No. I can’t start thinking about him as being a sexy guy. He is just the man protecting me from some unknown threat. In a few days I’ll be going back to my boring life, wishing that I had a date for the company party in a few months.

  Every year at work we have a huge St. Patrick’s Day party. They go all out on everything. The owners are from Ireland or something so it’s a big deal to them that we celebrate it.

  Wait, how am I going to get to work? I know for sure that he didn’t pack me any work clothes. Oh and I don’t have my car either. How the hell am I going to do anything?

  Instead of thinking about work tomorrow, I go into the bathroom and search for a garbage or a bag to throw his garbage in. Checking under the sink, I find a gun, some ammo, and a few towels. Nope, not in there. Looking by the toilet, I see a garbage can so I grab it and take it with me into the other room to start throwing the bottles away.

  Once I get a majority of the room clean, I hear someone coming towards the room. There are muffled voices, but I can’t make out any of the words. Walking over to the door, I open it slightly peeking out. I see Sawyer standing there talking to some girl.

  She has her hands on his chest. She is clearly trying to push her fake breasts up into his face. He runs his finger down her cleavage and I feel a pang of jealousy. “Why can’t I come in?” The girl pouts.

  “Because I have shit to do. Run along.” He grabs her ass and pulls her closer, I can’t help but wish that was me that he had his hands on.

  “Later?” He nods his head, but doesn’t say a word. His mouth lands on hers, I’m pretty sure he just fucked her mouth with his. Closing the door, I turn, walking over to the bed and taking a seat. Part of me wants to puke after that display of affection. The other part of me wants to hit him with something.

  Childish sounding? Probably, but he almost kissed me before he left. If that is his girlfriend, then it is definitely not going to ever happen. I won’t be someone’s second best, ever. I’m never going to be his anything.

  When the door opens I see him rubbing his jaw with his hand. He looks up at me and then looks around the room. “What the fuck happened in here?” He asks walking towards me. He takes a seat next to me, reaches around me and grabs my waist, pulling me into his lap. Before I can even sit on him, I am off of him and already across the small room.

  “What’s up your ass?” His words kind of hurt, but I try not to let it show.

  “I heard you outside with your girlfriend. Don’t try and get close to me.”

  He throws his head back and starts to laugh. Not like a chuckle, but full on laughing. I think he might actually choke from laughing so hard right now.

  “Baby, that bitch ain’t nothing but a whore. Do I fuck her? Yeah from time to time she gets me off when I need it and I do the same for her. She also fucks my brothers.” My eyes widen and he starts to laugh more.

  This time he gets up and comes walking towards me. I back up until I hit the wall. He puts his hands on either side of me. “I don’t just make any bitch my ol’ lady.” I feel goose bumps rise up on my arms. I know that him being this close to me is trouble.

  “I want a classy bitch that ain’t afraid to throw down for her man. I like my women feisty and ready to have fun at any moment. You know anyone like that?” I shake my head no and he grins at me.

  “That’s too bad. I was hoping that we would get to have some fun while you were under my protection.” My heart starts pounding, I’m almost certain that he can hear it too.

  He moves one of his hands from besides me and puts it on my heart. “This is turning you on, you just can’t admit to it. By the time you leave here, you’ll be begging for my dick.” He crushes his mouth onto mine and kisses me.

  After Sawyer left me speechless and panting, he gathered up the garbage and the dirty clothes, taking them who knows where. I can’t even form a word let alone ask him where he’s going.

  One kiss from him and I’m already tongue tied.

  Once I know the doors closed, I put my fingertips to my lips and close my eyes. I replay everything over again; I still don’t know how I let that happen. After seeing him with that girl a few minutes ago, I knew I wouldn’t let him touch me, but I let him kiss me. Well I didn’t really let him; he just kind of did it.

  When the door opens again, Sawyer is strutting in like he’s the hottest thing since sliced bread and I want to punch him. He has his phone to his ear, he’s talking to someone. “Yeah baby girl. You know I won’t let anything happen to her.” He pauses for a second, closing the door to the room before turning his attention towards me. “Hold on a second.”

  He passes me the phone, his hand slides under my shirt and I feel his skin against mine. He pulls me close to him, and I can feel his body heat. Putting the phone to my ear, I try to pull out of his grip, but it’s no use. He’s so much stronger than me.

  “Sage?” I can hear the hesitation in my voice, I know she will to. She can always tell when something is wrong just by the tone of my voice.

  “Hey Danni. How are you? Is everything okay? Has anyone tried to hurt you?” I close my eyes and smile to myself. Of course she’s more worried about me than herself.

  “I’m fine. Are you okay? What’s going on? When can I go home?” My voice sounds desperate; I wish I could tell her how badly I just want to get out of this place. I don’t like the idea of being someone’s property.

  When Sawyer finally lets me go, I walk across the room towards the bathroom and take a seat at the desk that still has some garbage on it. “I can’t tell you about it. I really wish I could, but this is the only way I can keep you safe. I love you Danni and I’m so sorry that you are being drug through this. Just know that I will do everything in my power to make sure that you are protected. Saw is an amazing guy and would do anything to keep someone he cares about safe.” I scoff at that and I can hear her whispering to someone else.

  “Trust me Danni, if I had to choose someone to be on my side he would be it. Don’t let his rough nature fool you. He’s really a great guy.”

  “Did you, you know?” I hear her laughter come through the line, I don’t know how to take it.

  “No Danni. Let’s just say Sawyer wants a girl more like you than me. I think that he would get a little pissy if I was his ol’ lady because I can probably kick his ass.” I start to giggle. When I look over at Sawyer he has an eyebrow raised at me.

  “He’s a man whore, but I know that when he finds the right woman he’ll give it all up.” It’s almost like she’s hinting at something.

  “How do you know that?” I ask, looking away from Sawyer as I wait for her answer.

  “Just know that I wouldn’t leave you in the hands of someone who would hurt you. I think that you’ll both be good for each other. Sometimes you can’t question it; you just have to trust that I won’t let anything happen to you. You’ll probably have to call into work for a few days until Sawyer can make sure everything is safe and that you’ll be protected while you’re there.”

  My eyes find his again; he has an unreadable expression on his face. He motions for the phone and I hand it back over to him without saying anything else to Sage.

  “You get the package I sent?” He’s all business right now. I can’t help but watch his movements. He runs his fingers along his jaw again; it’s almost like a nervous habit of his.

  “Yeah, I got it. You don’t need to tell me shit. I claimed her so she would be off limits.” I hear him mutter something under his breath, but I don’t quite catch it.

  “No Sage. Just let me deal with shit on this side. I won’t let anyone touch her. She will be safe here at the clubhouse.” He grumbles a few more answers. I just wish that I could see her right now. Maybe then I wouldn’t be freaking
out that something bad is going to happen to her.

  “Yeah I’ll tell her.” He puts the phone back into his pocket when he’s done, while I wrap my arms around myself. I don’t want him to know what she said to me, but judging by the look on his face, she must have said the same thing to him. Or at least something similar.

  “Your sister loves you.” Closing my eyes, I think back to the last time I saw her. I can’t help but smile at the memory. We spent the whole day eating, doing silly things like painting our toenails and having makeovers. I don’t care how old you are; sometimes you just need girl time.

  “I know,” I whisper. He gets up and comes walking towards me. He leans down in front of me and cups my face.

  “I’m sure you don’t really know if you should trust me, but know that I would take a bullet for your sister and I would take one for you too.”

  Letting my guard down, I nod my head and he kisses my forehead. When he gets up I watch as he walks over to the bed and takes a seat. “Why did you run out of here?” I know I probably shouldn’t ask him questions about it, but I am curious.

  “There was someone outside.” He doesn’t say any more than that. He lays back on the bed and I watch his breathing.

  “Where am I supposed to sleep?” I know for sure that the both of us won’t fit on that tiny thing he calls a bed.

  When he pats the bed next to him, I frown. “Right here with me.”

  Maybe he fell and hit his head somewhere along the way when he was coming back into the room. “No, I can’t sleep in here with you.” He sits up on his elbows and smirks.

  “Yeah baby, you can. It’s easy. You bring your scrawny ass over here and get under the covers with me. I promise I won’t bite your sexy ass.”

  I feel the heat creep up my cheeks. I try to tell him that there is no way I’m sleeping in the same bed as him, but I can’t get the words out.

  “Stop thinking so hard. You’re going to get tired of sitting on that shitty ass chair sooner or later and I sure as hell ain’t moving. I’m fucking tired and I’m sure you are too.” He grins at me and crooks a finger, calling me over to the bed.

  He moves so that he’s at the top of the bed and I just wait. If I go to lay on the bed now, I am going to have to crawl over him, who knows what he’s going to do when I do that.

  He shrugs his shoulders and goes back to lying down. I wait for him to close his eyes before I even think about moving. I watch his face for a few more minutes; it almost looks like he’s peaceful right now.

  When he got off the phone with Sage he seemed a little on edge, but now he seems relaxed. There’s a soft knock on the door, causing me to look between Sawyer and it before deciding on just answering it. What if it’s important?

  Getting up from the chair, I tiptoe over to the door and open it as quietly as I can. I see the girl from earlier standing there in a tiny skirt and a half ripped looking shirt. It’s almost like she got in a fight or something. I don’t understand how she would ever think that that is stylish at all. Plus who would pay for something like that?

  “What are you doing in there?” she asks snottily. She eyes me and gives me a dirty look before trying to push past me.

  She pushes me out of the way, while making her way towards the bed where Sawyer is laying and she gets in it. She starts to rub her body against his like a cat in heat.

  “Mmm, so you finally decided to give in?” he murmurs to her. Shaking my head, I can’t watch this. I need to get out of here. Instead of watching her little show, I make my way out of the room, towards the bar area that I saw when we first got here this morning.

  When I finally find it, there is barely anyone in the bar area. So I pull up a stool and the guy behind the bar comes over to me, leans against it while checking me out. I don’t think I will ever get used to men openly checking me out the way these guys do.

  “Where’s your ol’ man?” he asks with a grin.

  “Probably having sex with that girl who pushed her way into his room,” I shrug my shoulders.

  “Well if you need a bed, I have one you can borrow until I get off.” I look up at him and see that he’s really trying to be nice to me.

  “That would be great. I’m so tired.” He walks around the bar and helps me off the bar stool.

  “Come on.” He leads me towards another hallway with more rooms. When we come to a stop, he opens the door and I walk in.

  His room is ten times cleaner than Sawyer’s is. I actually think that I can sleep in here without wanting to disinfect the whole place first. “The room is all yours. Saw will be pissed when he finds you in here, but I think it might be fun to watch,” he grins.

  “Why are you being nice to me?” I ask, looking over my shoulder at him.

  “Because I like your sister. She’s one of a kind.” He doesn’t say anything more than that. Part of me wants to ask him questions about her, what he knows about what’s going on, but I keep my mouth shut.

  “Thank you”

  “I’m Pen. It’s nice to meet you.” I smile at him and he goes to walk out the door.

  “I’m Dannicka. Thank you again for letting me stay in here.” He nods his head and closes the door without another word.

  Walking over to the bed, I check it for any weird surprises before I actually sit on it. When everything looks clean, I get under the covers and lay back on the pillow.

  I don’t know why I’m here or how all of this is going to work out, but I’m going to trust my sister. She wouldn’t put me in harm’s way.

  She knows better than I do about what’s probably going on, I’m just going to try and not let thoughts of Sawyer invade my brain. He’s hot and all, but judging by what was about to happen in that room, I know for a fact that he isn’t the type of man for me. Even if I kind of hoped he would be.

  Closing my eyes I try not to think about anything that has to do with Sawyer or anything else that is going on right now.

  I don’t know how long I’m out before I hear the door fly open and hit the wall. “Saw, chill the fuck out.” Someone says causing me to open my eyes.

  “Fuck you. You know she’s God damn off limits and you still come in and try to save the fucking day. Stay the fuck out of it.” Sawyer is pissed, I can’t even begin to try and understand him. Why does he care where I sleep? He had his little girlfriend or fuck buddy or whatever when I left the room.

  He grabs my arm and all but pulls me out of bed. I try to pull my arm out of his grip, but it’s no use. “Let’s go,” he growls.

  When I’m standing up, I stop and don’t let him just walk all over me. I won’t let him be pissed just because I was asleep in here. “No Sawyer. I was asleep.” I cross my arms. I can see the anger all over his face. He looks back at Pen and then at me again.

  “You were supposed to be in my bed.” The anger is flashing through his eyes and I move back a few steps.

  “Someone else decided on filling it instead.” Just saying the words leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, I can’t for the life of me figure out why I even care. I’m nothing to him yet it feels like maybe that’s not exactly the case.

  “You let that bitch in.” He states like I didn’t know what happened when I left.

  “Well actually she pushed her way in, but that’s not the point.” I say giving him some sass. I won’t let him try and tell me what I can and can’t do. I don’t belong to him.

  He walks over to the door, pushes Pen out of it and slams it shut. When he turns his attention back towards me I get a little nervous. His stare is almost burning through my skin, I can’t even imagine what he’s about to say to me.

  He walks closer to me, grabs me around the waist pulling me to him. “You’ve been mine since I banged on your door in the middle of the night. I don’t want that bitch that was in my room earlier, I want you.” My eyes widen as the words start to sink in.

  “What?” I ask dumbfounded. I am not even sure what he means by that. How can he want me when he knows nothing about me?

p; “I want you. I only took this job because over the last few years every time I’ve seen or talked to your sister, all she could talk about was you. I feel like I’ve known you all my life and I’ve been watching over you for months.”

  I push him away, but he doesn’t move. He’s been watching me. Oh my God.

  “Don’t push me away. Trust me when I say you need me. The people your sister is in trouble with are bad people. I can’t let you leave without protection. They almost found you a week ago, but I stopped them.” His hand cups my face, as he looks into my eyes.

  For the first time, it’s more like he has hope and maybe lust in his eyes when he looks at me. The broody biker persona that he typically has is gone; the man standing in front of me is not the same guy I’ve dealt with all morning.

  “Why were you watching me?” My voice breaks, I can feel my heart beat going what feels like a million beats a minute.

  “When Sage first told me about her little sister, I was intrigued. The way she described you was almost everything I’ve ever wanted in my ol’ lady. You’re smart, you're fun, you have drive, and would do anything for someone less fortunate than you. Every story that I’ve heard over the last few years has made me feel like I know you.” He moves the hair out of my face, and I can feel his breath on my skin.

  “But I know nothing about you,” I whisper.

  He smiles a crooked little grin, his lips gently move over mine. “I want to change that. I want to be the one man you think about when you fall asleep at night and the first one you think about when you wake up.” When he kisses me, I lose my breath. Every word that has come out of his mouth has been perfect. I don’t even know what to think right now.

  Pressing my forehead against his lips, I take a deep breath. “What happens when you don’t have to protect me anymore?”

  “Nothing changes.” His hand curls around the back of my neck, and he forces me to look up at him. “Everything stays the same.”


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