Twelfth of Never (Book 3 of the McKay series)

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Twelfth of Never (Book 3 of the McKay series) Page 17

by Hestand, Rita

  "Letty told you that distance sometimes made the heart grow fonder. My heart was already fond of you. I wanted to go slow with you. To make you fall in love with me. I wanted to tell you before Chad came home. But I thought it too soon. Then when he did come home I was afraid it was too late…"

  "Oh Mike…I never really loved Chad. I know that now. I was caught up in his excitement of being home. I let him dictate how I felt."

  Mike smiled. "I'm very glad you said that. That you realized it, on your own. The only way I'd take you away from Chad is if you really wanted it. I hoped that was how you really felt, but I wanted to hear it from you. And all this grandeur, the apartment, and all is to let you know, I'm not marrying you for your money. I make plenty. I don't need yours. It's you I want…"

  "For some reason, I never thought about money around you." She kissed him once more, and there was nothing but loud breathing for long minutes. But she finally pulled away long enough to smile and cuddle against him. "I guess I need to go take a shower and start getting ready…."

  "Yes you do. I got your dress size from Letty. And I think you'll like it. She's known about all this since the first time you called me here. She told me what you said, that's why I was so aggressive with you when you knocked on the door today. I felt I had waited long enough. The dress is on the bed…everything you will need. Oh…and if you don't mind, Letty and Hank decided since they are going to be here, and since they want to get married, that they would make it a double wedding. Do you mind?"

  "Oh…that's wonderful. That will be something to remember forever, me and my sister will have the same anniversary. I'm thrilled and this way they can be here and get married and it won't interfere with his mother's illness. I'm so happy for them and for us…."

  He kissed her, on the nose, the eyelids, around her ear and back to her luscious lips. When he finally came up for air, he smiled into her face. "I love you, Sandy. I'm not trying to rush you, but I'm really in a hurry to get married."

  "Are you?"

  He growled and latched gently on to her ear, where he whispered so many sweet things. "Now…get ready, and I'll meet you downstairs in the ballroom. I'd join you in the shower, but…honey, when we come together, it's going to be the right way, as man and wife. And I want you to know; I planned this…because I can't wait any longer to show you how much I love you…"

  "I've never…." She blushed.

  "I know that. It's part of what makes you so beautiful to me. I know it doesn't make sense, but I instinctively know a lot about you, honey. And although I fell in love with you a long time ago, I didn't want to compromise you. I knew I had to be gentle with you. Problem was, when Chad came home I felt as though I'd been too gentle. For the first time in my life I wanted to rip my brother apart."

  "I caused that…" Sandy admitted. "I shouldn't have let him just walk in and take over. But Mike, what I felt for Chad is nothing like what I feel for you. You are the only one I ever missed like this. The only one I knew instinctively that I could trust. Please, don't ever leave me again…"

  "Honey, walking away from you was the hardest thing I ever did. I'll never leave you again. When I go on location, you'll go with me. And when we have kids, they'll be there too. I promise you. And just for the record, I knew you were caught up in his whirlwind. But I also got to know you pretty well before he came and I felt like sooner or later you'd see it for what it was and we would be together then. The only time I felt really bad about it, was the night you announced your engagement to him. That hit me hard, very hard. I'd never been drunk before in my life…I'd never felt such a hopeless loss in all my life."

  "You know what's funny?" She giggled.


  "I never wanted to jump in bed with a man before in my life, but that night I came home and you were in my bed. When I looked at you, I wanted you," she admitted with a shy smile. "Don't be offended, but dear God you were sexy."

  He laughed and hugged her to him, kissing her on the forehead.

  "I've got something else for you before I go get dressed and go downstairs."

  "What?" she shrieked.

  "This…" He pulled a small black box out of his jean pocket and opened it. It was a beautiful silver and sapphire engagement ring. Not too big or flashy, but just the right size. She gasped again as he put it on her finger. "Don't ever take this off unless you mean it."

  "Oh Dear God, I'll never take it off, it's so lovely…." She cried now. "How could you know so much about my likes and dislikes? How can you so second guess me?"

  "Because I love you Sandy McKay with all my heart." He smiled into her happy face. "Do you know the words to the song, 'The Twelfth of Never'?"

  "Yes, I love that song," she whispered. "In fact, if I remember correctly it was playing on the radio that first time we went out on the radio. I remember that. I was doing my best not to get too serious about you, and then it came on…and after that I had a hard time the rest of the night. If you'd have kissed me then, we would be married by now."

  "Don't tell me that. But I want you to know, that the words to that song, speak for me. It's exactly how I feel…about you." He smiled and kissed her once more, sealing that love.

  The End

  About the Author

  I’m a professional writer of romance and children’s books. I’m also a poet and short story writer. I’m working on another historical western right now, one mid-grade book and just finished two historical westerns. You’ll find a lot of facts in my historical western romances not the run of the mill romances. Check them out.

  I’m also a grandmother and great-grandmother.




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