Peltz, Nelson
Penberthy, John
Penn, William
People’s Budget
Peter, Daniel
and milk chocolate
and Société des Chocolats au Lait Peter
Peter, Julian
Peter, Rose Georgina (daughter of Daniel Peter)
Peter Paul
Peter-Cailler et Compagnie
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
Philadelphia Centennial Exposition
Philanthropy See also Social reform
Phillip Morris
Phillips, Timothy
Pickford, Justice
Pledge Money
Poor Laws
Portuguese colonies, slave trade in
Portuguese Labor Decree of 1903
and globalization
Poverty: A Study of Town Life (Rowntree, Benjamin Seebohm)
Poverty in England and Wales (Joseph Rowntree)
Poverty line
Price, Fanny
Public Assistance Institutions
Pure Concentrated Cocoa
Pure Confections by Steam
Quaker capitalism See also Capitalism
Quaker firms
and antislavery movement
merger of
during World War I
See also Cadbury; Fry; Rowntree
Quaker Line
and antislavery movement
and banking
and business failure
and business guidelines
and business influence, loss of
and Cadbury
and codes of personal conduct
in contemporary society
and Fry, Joseph Storrs
and gambling news
and material prosperity
and meetings
and pacifism
and poverty
religious persecution of
and Rowntree, John Wilhelm (son of Joseph Rowntree)
and wealth
and worker welfare
during World War I
Quakers and Business Group
Rainforest Alliance
Rapin, L.
Ration Chocolate
Ration K chocolate
Reckitt, Sir James
Reckitt family
Reformed Mennonite Church
Rhodes, Cecil
Ritzema, Thomas
R.J. Reynolds
Robinson, William
Rockefeller, John D.
Rosenfeld, Irene
and Fairtrade
and General Foods
and sustainability
Roussy, Auguste
and advertising
and Aero patent
and Alpine Milk Chocolate
and antislavery movement
and Cadbury
and Canada
and General Foods
and Jacob Suchard
as limited liability company
and Mackintosh of Halifax
and Nestlé
and product development (see also individual products)
and Quaker firms, merger of
and recovery, post-World War II
sales figures
and Tanner’s Moat factory
and television advertising
during World War I
during World War I, post-
Rowntree, Arnold (nephew of Joseph Rowntree)
Rowntree, Benjamin Seebohm (son of Joseph Rowntree)
and poverty
and Quaker firms, merger of
and worker welfare
Rowntree, Henry Isaac (brother of Joseph Rowntree)
and chocolate business, decline of
death of
Rowntree, John Wilhelm (son of Joseph Rowntree)
Rowntree, Joseph
and advertising
and chocolate business, decline of
and Dutch chocolate
and employee welfare
and factory, modernization of
and Haxby Road factory
industrial espionage by
and model garden village
and pension fund
and poverty
and product development (see also individual products)
and Quaker firms, merger of
and trusts
and Van Houten cocoa press
and worker welfare
Rowntree, Joseph (father of Joseph Rowntree)
Rowntree Charitable Trust
Rowntree Social Services Trust
Rowntree Trusts
Rowntree Village Trust
Rowntree’s Black Magic
Rowntree’s Homeopathic Cocoa
Rowntree’s Rock Cocoa
Royal Bank of Scotland
Rules of Discipline
Ruskin, John
Ruskin Hall
Rutter, Joseph
Salt, Titus
Sanderson Fox and Company
São Tomé
Schmalbach, John
Schweppe, Jean Jacob
Schweppes See also Cadbury Schweppes
Scientific management
Selly Oak Colleges
Shareholder capitalism See also Capitalism
Shield Chocolate
Shilling Cocoa
Simbel, Abu
Slave trade See also Antislavery movement
Slavery Abolition Act of 1833
Snavely, Frank
Snavely, Joseph
Snavely, Martha “Mattie” (aunt of Milton Snavely Hershey)
as volunteer candy wrapper
Social reform See also Philanthropy
Société des Chocolats au Lait Peter
Société Générale Suisse de Chocolat
Soluble Cocoa
Somervell, John
South Africa
South African Conciliation Committee
South America
Spanish conquistadors
Spirit, of a business
Spitalfield works
Spring Garden Steam Confectionery Works
Sprüngli, Johann Rudolf
Sprüngli family
libel lawsuit against
Standard Oil
Steam Engine Committee
Steam engines
Stephenson, Marmaduke
Stevenson, George
Stitzer, Todd
and Cadbury Hershey
and Cadbury Schweppes de-merger
and capitalism
and Fairtrade
and greed
and Hershey
and Kraft Cadbury
Stober, Matthew
Stockton and Darlington Railway
Strasser, Peter
Suchard, Philippe
Sugar candy
Sugar plantations
Sugar rationing
Sunderland, John
Sweating (Edward Cadbury)
Sweeney, Catherine “Kitty” (wife of Milton Snavely Hershey)
Swift, Gustavus
Swiss chocolate See also Lindt, Rodolphe; Nestlé, Henry; Peter, Daniel
Swiss milk chocolate See also Milk chocolate
Tallis, William
Tangyes Brothers
Tanner’s Moat factory (Rowntree)
r, Elizabeth “Elsie” (second wife of George Cadbury Sr.)
and Bournville Village
and husband, death of
and orphans
and philanthropy
during World War II
Taylor brothers
Television advertising See also Advertising
Temperance Movement
Terry, Joseph
Thackray, Edward
Thatcher, Margaret
Theobroma cacao
Thompson, Henry Richard
3 Musketeers
Tobler, Jean
Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform (Howard)
Trade Board’s Act of 1909
Trade unions
Travelling salesmen
Treder, Rev. John
Trident gum
Truman, George
Cadbury (see also Bournville Village Trust)
Hershey (see also Hershey Trust)
Tucker, William Jewitt
Tuke, Samuel
Tuke and Company
TV advertising
Tyler, Mary (first wife of George Cadbury Sr.)
Unger, Otto
Union membership
Unite trade union
United States
obesity epidemic in
Unto This Last (Ruskin)
Urban, C. Emlen
Valle Flor, Marquis de
Van Houten, Casparus
Van Houten, Coenraad
and alkalized cocoa
and cocoa press
and Dutch cocoa
Victoria, Queen
Wadkin, Candia
Wage gap
Waite, Harold
Walter Baker and Company
Watkins, Henry
Watkinson, Lord
Watt, James
and Quakerism
“Wealth” (Carnegie)
Wedgwood, Josiah
Welwyn Garden City
West Africa
West Indies
White, Francis
White, William
Wilberforce, William
Wilhelm, John (son of Joseph Rowntree)
William Cadbury Trust
Williamson, George
Wilson, Emma (second wife of Richard Cadbury)
Wilson, Sir Erasmus
Wilson, Woodrow
Women’s Work and Wages (Edward Cadbury)
Woodbrooke College
Woodlands for crippled children
Worker welfare
and Carnegie
and Fry, Joseph Storrs
and Hershey, Milton Snavely
See also Labor reform
World Health Organization
World War I
Bournville factory during
Bournville Village during
Cadbury during
Dairy Milk during
Fancy Boxes during
Fry during
Hershey during
Nestlé during
Quaker firms during
and Quakerism
Rowntree during
and sugar rationing
World War II
Bournville factory during
Bournville Village during
Cadbury during
Hershey during
Mars during
Nestlé during
Wrigley, William, Jr.
York Peppermint Patties
About the Author
Deborah Cadbury is a writer, award-winning documentary producer for the BBC, the author of seven books, and a relative of the famous Quaker family who gave their name to one of the world’s most famous brands of chocolate.
PublicAffairs is a publishing house founded in 1997. It is a tribute to the standards, values, and flair of three persons who have served as mentors to countless reporters, writers, editors, and book people of all kinds, including me.
I. F. STONE, proprietor of I. F. Stone’s Weekly, combined a commitment to the First Amendment with entrepreneurial zeal and reporting skill and became one of the great independent journalists in American history. At the age of eighty, Izzy published The Trial of Socrates, which was a national bestseller. He wrote the book after he taught himself ancient Greek.
BENJAMIN C. BRADLEE was for nearly thirty years the charismatic editorial leader of The Washington Post. It was Ben who gave the Post the range and courage to pursue such historic issues as Watergate. He supported his reporters with a tenacity that made them fearless and it is no accident that so many became authors of influential, best-selling books.
ROBERT L. BERNSTEIN, the chief executive of Random House for more than a quarter century, guided one of the nation’s premier publishing houses. Bob was personally responsible for many books of political dissent and argument that challenged tyranny around the globe. He is also the founder and longtime chair of Human Rights Watch, one of the most respected human rights organizations in the world.
For fifty years, the banner of Public Affairs Press was carried by its owner Morris B. Schnapper, who published Gandhi, Nasser, Toynbee, Truman, and about 1,500 other authors. In 1983, Schnapper was described by The Washington Post as “a redoubtable gadfly.” His legacy will endure in the books to come.
Peter Osnos, Founder and Editor-at-Large
Copyright © 2010 by Deborah Cadbury
Published in the United States by PublicAffairs™,
a member of the Perseus Books Group.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Cadbury, Deborah.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
eISBN : 978-1-586-48925-0
1. Chocolate industry—History. 2. Cadbury Ltd.—History. 3. Cadbury family. I. Title.
HD9200.A2C33 2010
10 987654321
Chocolate Wars Page 39