Give Me You

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Give Me You Page 12

by Caisey Quinn

  I won’t fuck her. Not like this. Not right now. But I am going to make her come with my mouth until she can’t walk. I’ll carry her to the cab and get her a wheelchair at the airport.

  Grabbing her roughly around the waist, I remove the towel in one swift tug.

  Somewhere angels are singing as Corin’s naked body is revealed to me. Taut, toned skin covers every inch from her delicate collarbones to her full, firm breasts, and down to her petite little toes. My mouth lowers to the pink peaks at the tips of her breasts and they pebble against my tongue. Corin’s answering cry is a mix of pleasure and pain as I suck them hard.

  “Skylar,” she begins but cuts herself off with a loud moan.

  “Tell me your mom isn’t here,” I command.

  “She’s not,” she informs me and I do an internal fist pump while lowering her back onto the table. “What are you doing?”

  I place my hand flat on her chest and press her gently backward. “I’m eating breakfast, Red. But if you want me to stop, at any time, just say the word.”

  “I-I don’t want you to stop.”

  Thank fuck.

  I spread her knees slowly so she’s fully exposed to me and I’m rewarded with the sight of glistening pink folds. Her pussy is bare and I can’t help but wonder if she shaved recently and if it was for my benefit.

  There are freckles on her inner thighs. “Later, when we’re not in such a hurry, I’m going to count each and every one of these,” I tell her while tracing them with my fingers.

  “O-okay.” Her legs are trembling slightly so I place my hands firmly on her knees.

  “I got you, baby. I promise. Just let go for now, okay?”

  Her head falls back against the table as she’s does as she’s told and her knees fall slightly further apart. My dick is using my zipper as a punching bag, but he’s staying put.

  Sorry, buddy.

  This is for her. It should have always been for her. And I will not ever be another guy who just takes from her.

  I slide my index finger directly down her clit and into her throbbing cunt. She’s wet and tight as hell but I slide in a second finger as my mouth descends on her sweet pink flesh. Her keening moan and the way her walls clench down on me tells me she’s still with me. Answering pain grips my balls tightly, because now I know just how good Corin would feel wrapped around my cock, but I do my best to ignore it.

  The combination of her scent and taste knocks me punch drunk and I swirl my tongue in every crevice to gather her juices. I’m drunk on Corin and I suspect I’m going to become a raging alcoholic for her flavor.

  When her pussy starts to grind against my face, I know she’s close. I fuck her harder with my fingers, curling just enough to hit her g-spot while sucking her clit.

  “Skylar, Skylar, fuck. Wait. No. Fuck. Oh my God. God, don’t stop.” The rest of it is an endless string of incomprehensible sounds as Corin comes apart in my hands and on my tongue.

  “That’s it, baby,” I murmur against her pulsating pussy. “Come for me. Come hard, baby.”

  Two hard licks of her clit and her back bows completely off the table. A long, deep-throated mewling sound escapes her and I feel like the King of the Fucking Planet.

  She’s literally dripping wet after coming so I lick her gently back down to Earth before sucking her slickness off my fingers. Her eyes are wide and glazed over as she watches me from below.

  Corin sits up looking as dazed as I feel. Her smile is shy, shier than I’ve ever seen her look.

  If I died right now, it would be okay. Because we all have a destiny and I’m pretty sure I just fulfilled mine.

  “You are the best best friend, ever,” she declares quietly.

  I let out a low laugh before kissing her on the mouth—chastely—so I don’t get carried away. “I could do that all day. And one day I will. But today we need to get on a plane very soon or my sister is going to remove all my fun parts before you get to experience them.”

  And I need to go jack off in the bathroom. Quickly.

  “Okay, okay,” she says, reaching for me to help her down off the table. “I’m going. I’m going.”

  She pulls her towel back around herself, which seems silly but I don’t judge. “Hey, Red,” I ask on my way to the bathroom.


  “We good? I mean, that was okay, right?”

  She crosses the room and touches my face with a gentleness I don’t expect.

  “Skylar, that was so much better than okay I don’t even know if I have words. It was hot fudge sundae in bed on a Saturday morning during a marathon of Gilmore Girls good. Which, in my book, is pretty fucking amazing.”

  You’re pretty fucking amazing, I want to say but don’t. I’m just glad it’s not going to be weird and that I didn’t cross any lines she wasn’t okay with.

  Baby steps. I get that now. Corin’s experience with intimacy is not good and so trust matters. A lot. I can do this. I can be patient. Most days. So this morning was kind of a giant leap but I needed to show her that I didn’t feel differently after last night. In fact, I want her more. My dick has decided it’s his mission in life to erase all memories of any other piece of shit dude she’s been with.

  Corin kisses me gently on the lips and I realize I’m going to need to kiss her every day, everywhere, probably for the rest of my life.

  Not gonna lie, I did not see this coming.

  After I finish myself off in the bathroom, we move into high year in order to get to the airport. Corin’s standing with her black and white striped overnight bag slung over one shoulder and her backpack on the other.


  She glances at me as I shoulder my gym bag. “To leave New York? I was ready years ago.”

  “Do you need to say goodbye to your mom or anything? Call her?”

  Corin scoffs at me. “Didn’t say goodbye last time. No reason this time should be any different.”

  Okay then. “Let’s roll.”

  Corin opens the door and her face goes about five shades whiter. “Eddie.”

  The enemy she’s been expecting around every corner has finally arrived.

  And I am ready for this motherfucker.

  “Hey, Ginger,” an Italian-sounding male voice responds. “Heard you were in town. Thought I’d pay you a visit. Lookin’ good, babe. Miss me?”

  I’ve never seen Corin speechless but she’s just standing there gaping at him like he’s something out of a horror movie.

  I step out from behind the door and in between them. He’s a big enough guy. I’m taller but he’s broad. Good thing I have an entire night’s worth of pissed off to unleash.

  “I’m Skylar. And I’d say it’s nice to meet you, but since Corin has made it clear she’d like you to stay the hell away from her, it isn’t.”

  Eddie whistles low. “Well, well, Corin. What have we here? Move to California and got yourself a pretty boy, huh?”

  Corin looks as if a million ants are crawling beneath her skin. “Go to hell, Eddie. Or go anywhere. Just go.”

  “Aw, don’t be like that, sweet—”

  He doesn’t get to finish his sentence because we’re late and I’m over this shit. My fist connects solidly enough with his jaw to knock his head back. He rebounds quickly enough though and comes at me hard. He’s too slow and I’m too amped up at the memory of him hurting Corin in all the ways she detailed less than twelve hours ago. My fist connects a second time and he hits the ground.

  “Jesus, Sky. You knock him out cold.” Corin’s mouth is open in a small o of surprise. “I mean…not that I didn’t know you were capable, but you’re so laid back usually and…wow.”

  I shrug and take her bags, ignoring the throbbing bone-shattering pain in my hand. “Blame it on O’Brien. I think some of his crazy has rubbed off on me.”

  With that, we close and lock the door and step over Eddie on our way out.

  We don’t get on the next flight out but we were able to get on standby on the one after that. Both
of us doze on and off as we make our way to the other side of the country at thirty thousand feet. I’m too tired to even make a joke about joining the mile-high club. I keep a bag of ice the stewardess so helpfully provided on my knuckles until it melts. I make a mental note to ask O’Brien how he keeps from breaking his hands on people faces every time he loses his temper.

  Home, I think somewhere between layovers. We’re going home. Mine and Corin’s—because even though she’s from New York, I’ve seen the way she recoils into herself there.

  That’s not home for her.

  Maybe it never was.

  Things have shifted between us—major things. And not just due to the in-flight cabin pressure.

  Skylar takes my hand easily as we slide into a black Lincoln town car at the airport.

  I don’t flinch or jerk away. In fact, it feels nice and I suspect when he lets go I’ll miss the contact.

  About forty-minutes later, I learn that I’m right.

  The car pulls into a semi-circle of a driveway at a house bigger than my entire apartment building. I whistle low under my breath.

  “Jesus, Martin. You grew up in this place?”

  The driver lets out a small laugh, and Skylar nods. “Depends on your definition of ‘grew up.’”

  I can’t even contain my awe. If Skylar knocking Eddie unconscious surprised me, this house outright shocks the hell out of me. It’s a sprawling brick affair with an arched stone entrance.

  I feel like Cinderella as the driver helps me out of the car. “I’ll get your bags, Miss.”

  “Thank you,” I mumble, unable to tear my eyes away from the grand structure before me.

  “Come on, Red. The house won’t bite,” Skylar says, ushering me towards the door. “But I might,” he says softly into my ear. Heat rushes to my face and a few other essential places.

  He bit me gently on the inner thigh before eating me like a starving man. I don’t know how I’ll ever get that image out of my head. Not that I necessarily want to.

  Before he can get his keys out, the door is opened and a beautiful dark-haired blue-eyed woman practically yanks us inside.

  “Finally. You really like to make me insane, don’t you, little brother?” She gives me a quick smile. “Skylar, go check that the tables are set up outside and that the sound system guys are doing what they’re supposed to. Then get upstairs and get changed. Your tux is on your bed. You’re welcome.”

  Skylar sighs and nods to me. “Corin, this is my sister, Katie. Katie, Corin.”

  “The friend from New York,” she says, giving my hand a curt shake.

  “Apparently,” I say. She’s as overwhelming as this house. My gaze hasn’t even made it to the ceiling yet. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise. And you’re stunning and probably, what? A size six? I think I have a few things you can choose from. Come with me.”

  The compliment blows past quickly, and before I can thank her or ask why she needs to know what size I am, she’s linked my arm with hers and we’re moving past Skylar toward a never-ending staircase.

  “Sorry to be such a maniac, but this is a huge event for my firm, and Skylar is about as reliable as the weather,” Katie says as we enter what might be her bedroom. Or Kim Kardashian’s. I can’t tell.

  “It’s okay. I understand. I was actually ready to head back, so no worries.” In a way, Katie’s event saved my ass. I was all New-Yorked out. Skylar was bummed about not eating hot dogs from a street vendor, but he’ll live. I’ll boil him one in dirty water next time I get a chance. “So what is this event, exactly?”

  My brain is still on New York time so I’m a little scattered. I feel like it should be dark outside but it’s bright and sunny judging from the light steaming in through Katie’s plantation shutters.

  “It’s a bachelor auction to benefit the Orange County Crisis Center. My firm works with them a great deal and we usually raise around a hundred or so. This year the goal is two-fifty so we have twice as many bachelors. My brother brought in ten last year alone.” She eyes me for a long second, maybe to see if I care that Skylar is about to get auctioned off to the highest bidder. The driver knocks gently before placing my bags inside the door before Katie can inquire what my feelings are on this. “Any chance you got an evening gown in either of those?”

  My chest constricts with nervous tension. “Um, doubtful.”

  She nods. “I figured. I could’ve had something ordered if I’d known you were in New York and you could’ve picked it up. Oh well. I had a few of my favorite designers brought in and you’re pretty close to my size.” She opens the closet door and once again, my jaw drops and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. Playing it cool is not my thing apparently.

  “I’m wearing the red Vera,” Katie says gesturing to where half a dozen dresses are hanging on a lighted display. The red one is strapless and short and will no doubt look amazing on her petite figure. “Take your pick of the rest.”

  “I could legit live in here. Any chance you’re looking for a roommate?”

  For the first time, Katie stops and really looks at me. Then she laughs a sweet airy laugh. “Lord, I really am a head case today. Please forgive me. You seem lovely and seeing as you’re the first girl Skylar has ever intentionally brought home, I would like to get to know you.”

  “You have a lot going on,” I say with a shrug. She can’t be that much older than me and yet she has a job at a prestigious law firm, organizes charity events, and has a closet unlike anything I’ve ever seen. “And you’re the first person to call me lovely…and you’re loaning me a dress that probably costs as much as a year’s tuition at SoCal…so…we’re good.”

  Katie sits on a giant cushion in the middle of the room and looks up at me. “Ever feel like you’re in so far over your head you might never see the sun again?”

  College. Moving across the country. Getting a roommate with a deadly condition. Loving her and letting her go. Getting to know Skylar. Every second spent with him.

  “Every day,” I answer honestly.

  “So which dress are you leaning towards?”

  I glance at the row of them and there is only one I can imagine wearing. It has a low v-neckline with a high thigh slit up the side. It appears to be made of silk. Or oil. Or the skin of something expensive and endangered.

  “The black one,” I say, and Katie startles me by clapping her hands.

  “Perfect! I was hoping you’d pick that one. I have the perfect Louboutins to go with it.”

  The next hour and a half is spent with a team of people that seem to materialize from thin air. My nails and toenails are polished and painted a shiny pink opaque color that matches the necklace and bracelet Katie loaned me. My hair is blown out and straightened within an inch of its life before being slicked back and wrapped over to one shoulder. A smoky eye and some false lashes later, I look like I could walk straight onto a runway—provided I don’t fall and bust my ass in these stilettos. Looking in the mirror, I barely recognize myself.

  “Here, put some of this on.” Katie hands me a tube of lipgloss that looks like shimmery pink cotton candy is inside. I slick it over my lips and smile.

  “Damn, girl. No one would know you spent the entire day on a plane. My brother is a lucky guy.” The mention of Skylar pulls the air from my lungs. I can’t deny I’m ready to see his reaction to me in this dress. “I mean, if you’re dating him. I just assumed, because he was in New York with you…” Katie looks embarrassed so I smile at her.

  “Would you believe I lost a bet?”

  “There he is,” my dad calls out, reaching to shake my hand like we’re business associates. One of the partners in his investment firm, Dave, is with him.

  “Dad. Dave.” I shake their hands and adjust my collar. After overseeing the setting up of the tables and sound system, I barely had time to shower and down a cup of black coffee before getting ready and heading down.

  I’m hoping to find Corin to tell her to bid on me and I’ll pay whatever t
he bid is, but so far she and my sister have yet to make an appearance.

  “The soccer star,” Dave says, patting me on the back like the douchebag he is. “Good to see you again, son.”

  “Something like that,” I say. “Dad, have you seen Katie?”

  “She’s around here somewhere,” he answers, glancing around at the overcrowded room where cocktail hour is. “Running around like a chicken with her head cut off like she always is at these things. You know how she is.”

  “Skylar,” my mom practically shrieks from across the room. “There’s my handsome man.” I accept the hug that I know is more for show than anything else. Her fellow junior leaguers are here and Lord knows, appearance matters.

  I can smell the bourbon on my mom’s breath. “Getting an early start, mom?”

  She scoffs at me before turning to my father. “Katie said Skylar brought a friend. Jack, have you met her yet?”

  Like I’m not even standing here.

  “No, he hasn’t,” I interrupt. “Her name is Corin and I expect you both to be on your best behavior.”

  My mom pulls a deeply offended face. “When have we not been? Katie said she was from New York. Is she in fashion?”

  Barely resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I shake my head. “No. She’s a student at SoCal with me. She’s going into Law.”

  “Oh, like Katie,” my mom exclaims. “They’ll have things in common to chat about then.”

  The idea of that nearly makes me laugh out loud. Corin and my sister have nothing in common, other than being stubborn pains in the ass, which I’m sure both would deny vehemently.

  “Skylar,” a seductive female voice purrs from behind me. “I was hoping you’d be here.”

  Goddammit to hell. My stomach sinks at the sound of her voice. Fingernails rake across my suit jacket from behind.

  Fallon Kensington.

  Of course she’s here. My fists clench at my sides and I smile through gritted teeth to greet her. “Fallon. Nice to see you.”

  No, it isn’t. It never is. It’s a fucking dramafest waiting to happen because there is nothing this girl loves more than having an audience.


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