She was soon at her classroom. She stood outside the door, mustering the courage to push it open and walk in, in all her naked glory, in full view of her classmates. Before she was ready, Me Jones saw her through the pane of glass and beckoned her in. She took a deep breath and pushed it open, stepping through.
Complete silence greeted her. Mr Jones stared at her for a moment. His eyes flicked briefly down her body but he quickly met her eyes again. I guess not all the teachers will know how to react. Particularly the male ones. That could be fun. “I’m sorry for the interruption, Mr Jones. May I sit back down?”
“Erm... yes – yes, of course, Miss Abbott.” Mr Jones cleared his throat, stole another glance at her tits, and gestured to the classroom.
Victoria turned round. She felt that overwhelming urge again to cover her body as best she could. Every eye was fixed on her. On her body, to be precise. Guys and girls she had grown up with now knew every inch of her. She felt her nipples harden again. What is that? I’m developing a fetish for shame? Or is it just embarrassment?
She slowly walked forward. Can’t show my embarrassment. My excruciatingly real humiliation. I wanted this, as far as they should know. A guy raised his voice. “Looking good, V!” Then a wolf-whistle. The guys must be loving this. Victoria knew how they all looked at her, wondering what was under the little skirt, the tight cheerleaders uniform. What were the girls thinking?
“Slut.” Well, there is the answer. Victoria couldn’t tell who has said it, but as she raised looked around she could see the girls scowling and the guys drooling. After what seemed an age, she reached her desk a few rows back. She carefully took her seat, flinching slightly as the cold plastic pressed against her labia. It was the first time she had sat down. This will take some getting used to. Oh God, am I going to leave a mark? She shuddered. Just as she had thought the humiliation couldn’t get any worse.
Mr Jones blinked dumbly a couple of times, then cleared his throat again. “Well, um, where were we...” But before he could get any further, Ralph piped up. He was sat to Victoria’s left and was staring right at her, chin resting on his clenched fist.
“Sir, we all heard the Principal’s announcement. We have to be welcoming and understanding of Vick’s new beliefs. Can I ask her some questions?”
Mr Jones almost seemed relieved. I guess he would have struggled to teach without confronting the elephant in the room. The young, smooth, nubile elephant. “Yes. Good thinking, Mr Smith. Um. Way to live the Templeton spirit. Please, go ahead.” He sat down and buried his face in a textbook.
Ralph fixed Victoria with an intense stare. “So, V, did I understand right? You’re naked because you want to share your body? Because you want people to see and comment?”
Victoria looked around the class. Every eye was fixed on her, hanging on her every word. Of course, there was only one answer she could give and still maintain the pretence. Not only to protect her place in school, but to try and retain some dignity. She remembered how Brad’s attitude had changed when he had realised she was mortified by her nudity. She didn’t want the whole class to see her like that. Brad was bad enough. “Yes, Ralph. You’re right. I believe the human body should be free and shared with anyone who wants to see it.”
“Great, thanks for the confirmation. I’m glad I had the right idea. So... care to follow through? Stand up, give us a twirl.” He smiled, nodding his head.
Victoria looked around again. The guys were all leaning forward expectantly. The girls were leaning back, arms folded beneath their breasts, scowling, rolling their eyes. But again, a refusal risked blowing her cover. Victoria forced herself to smile back, and slowly stood. She took a step towards Ralph, out in the aisle, and spun through 360 degrees.
Not too fast, and not too slow. She closed her eyes. She knew every eye in the room was on her. She tried not to think about it. But the thought made her more aware of her erect nipples, of the unfamiliar air blowing past her crotch as she turned. She turned once more, giving herself a chance to compose herself.
She faced Ralph again, stopped, opened her eyes, and held her hands out in a “ta-dah” pose. Ralph was starting directly at her pussy. He shook himself and looked up at her. She raised an eyebrow at him. It’s crazy how much power I have over them. If only I didn’t have to be butt-naked to exercise it.
Ralph finally found his voice. “That’s great, V. Your body is unreal.” A snort came from elsewhere in the class. One of the girls. Understandable. I would have reacted the same way. Victoria wondered if any of the girls would still talk to her. She sensed she wouldn’t have any trouble finding male friends, however. Ralph looked round and frowned, trying to figure out who was spoiling it. When he turned back, his confidence had returned. He smiled up at her.
“OK Vick. Now, put your right foot up here on my desk.” He tapped the table for emphasis. “And keep your left on the floor. Show us those cheering moves.”
Victoria froze. That would open her pussy up completely for his perusal. And he knows it. He looked up at her, smiling, but there was a wolfish hunger in those eyes. She lifted her leg. It felt like she was moving through treacle. As she did, there was a scraping of chairs. The other guys crowded behind Ralph, trying to get in position to share the view.
Her foot hit the desk and there was a sharp intake of breath from the guys who had secured a view. Victoria could imagine the sight. She had practised her stretches in the mirror enough time. She had seen her pink pussy spread wide. She could feel a hint of moisture forming again. Please, not now. If I start dripping here I’ll just die.
“Very nice, Vick. Loving the razorwork. Or do you wax? Anyway, an unrestricted view is ideal.”
Victoria blushed. “I, uh, I get it waxed. It’s smoother, and lasts longer.” Why say that? Well at least it’s better than standing in silence. I have to appear to be taking part.
Ralph raised an eyebrow. “I see. Well, thanks for the info I guess.”
A few other guys called out. “Great stuff, Vick!” “Do you take other requests?” “Can I examine with my tongue?” “Haha, more like with my cock!” She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to block them out.
At that moment, the bell rang. Saved by the bell. Mr Jones slammed his book shut and jumped up. “Class dismissed! Everyone out!”
Ralph looked up at her. “Well V, I’m loving your new belief system. I’ll back it to the hilt. Looking forward to finding out more about it.” He winked at her and sauntered out of the class. Victoria watched everyone file out, frozen in place. The guys grinning, the girls blank-faced. Suddenly she was the only one left. For some reason she still had her leg up on the desk. She quickly lowered it and hurried out. That had been the last class of the day. Should she go back to her dorm and hide? But would that seem at odds with her claim? Careful...
As she walked past Mr Jones, he had his head in his hands. “Christ, I need a drink”, he muttered. Victoria couldn’t help but smile as she exited the classroom.
Victoria rushed through the halls. All classes had finished for the day, and the halls were packed with students heading this way and that – some back to their dorms to start on homework, others heading outside to hang out in the sun. It was unseasonably warm for February, but Victoria felt it was probably too cold for her outfit. When will I next go outside? She hadn’t even thought of that. She would be cheerleading at the football game that Friday. Would she be naked for that?
Think about that closer to the time. Let’s just take this day by day. She pushed through the crowd. Some students hadn’t noticed her but, when they did, their eyes went wide. Soon most eyes in the hall were on her again. As she pushed on, she felt a hand grab her butt and squeeze. Then another got even friendlier, stroking right between her cheeks, brushing a finger over her butthole, making her jump forward. She didn’t want to turn round and know who it was. What good will it do? I can’t very well protest – I’m a believer in sharing my body, after all. She doggedly pushed on, and before long the halls had cleared. She
reached the door to her dorm room, and found her best friend Claire waiting outside. Oh, God. How is she going to react?
Claire shrieked when she saw Victoria. “Oh my GOD! I heard the announcement but thought I must have heard wrong! Then Dani said she’d seen you in the crowd downstairs, and I had to wait and see for myself! V, what the actual fuck! What’s going on!” Claire giggled with laughter and shook her head, golden hair swinging around her face. Her low-cut blouse showed her chest heaving with laughter. At least she is still talking to me. I guess it would seem funny from the outside. It’s support, of a sort. Victoria relaxed and leaned on Claire shoulder, taking a breath. Claire continued rambling.
“You’re sharing your body or something? How gloriously New Age of you! Well, you’ll definitely be getting more attention than me now. Not that you didn’t before, you hot piece of ass! If anyone has the body for this, you do! I’d join you, but wouldn’t want to upstage you of course!” She laughed again. She’s ditsy but I’m glad I still have her. Victoria smiled and hugged Claire. “I’m glad you’re ok with it, babe. The looks the other girls have been giving me – if looks could kill, I’d be looking like a murdered stripper right now!”
Claire cackled again. “Don’t worry about those jealous bitches V. Come on, let me change and let’s head down for dinner. Guess you’re all set, huh?” She grinned at Victoria and headed through the door. Victoria followed, with a wry smile. You’ve got that right.
Victoria sat on her bed, at a loss for words. She held the note from housekeeping in her hand, reading it over and over, barely believing it.
Miss Abbott,
Your clothes are in school storage at the request of Principal Johnson.
Of course, she couldn’t have worn them, but it just brought the reality of her situation crashing down. She trusted the housekeeping staff – Anita who looked after their dorm had got suspicious stains out of her clothes before – but she couldn’t help worrying all her pretty dresses would end up creased beyond rescue. Well, have to put a brave face on it. I should be pleased my clothes are gone, remember?
Claire was going through her own wardrobe, searching for something, chattering away. She was completely naked too. After four years together, the girls had no secrets left. Slightly shorter and plumper than Victoria, she was still considered one of the prize scalps at Templeton for any guy who could get her to go over. Her tits were bigger but still perky. Victoria suspected that wouldn’t last – they were just the wrong side of too big for that – but her ass was great. When the two of them were out together, they were hot stuff and they knew it.
“HERE it is!” Claire withdrew from the wardrobe and quickly pulled an outfit on. “Whaddaya think?”
It was the tightest white belly-top imaginable, and Claire had clearly decided a bra wasn’t necessary. Her nipples poked proudly out under the tight cotton. She had paired that with a short denim skirt. If she were to bend over, there wouldn’t be much left to the imagination, if anything. “I thought it would be a way of showing solidarity! Joking aside... I don’t have the guts to go all the way like you. I wish I did, but...”
Victoria ran up to Claire and hugged her, almost smothering the shorter girl in her cleavage. “You’re such a good friend, Claire. Come on, I’m hungry.” She took a breath and prepared to head back out into the corridors full of gazing eyes.
The two of them walked down the halls, arm in arm. They were mostly deserted – everyone would be in the dinner Hall – but they ran into someone. Sabrina and Hayley. Their rivals for Queen Bees of the school. Sabrina saw them first and pointed.
“Well well, if it isn’t Slutty and Sluttier. I really never thought you’d stoop to this level, Abbott, getting those saggy tits and that loose vag out. And you Richards, you’re trying to be a cut-price version of her as usual? Except this time, you’ve somehow managed to look less cheap. Mind you, when she’s striding around like America’s Next Top Tramp, that’s not hard.” The two girls giggled.
Victoria was fuming. She didn’t mind the abuse for herself – she was resigned to it – but she wasn’t going to drag her best friend down with her. “Fuck off, Sabrina the Teenage Bitch. You just wish you had the body to pull this off. Take a good look, this is the closest you will ever get to seeing the perfect body. I know you don’t see it in the mirror. I saw that cellulite at cheer practice last week. Maybe you need to start sticking your fingers down your throat again, huh?”
Sabrina spluttered and stormed off, with Hayley trailing behind, patting her back. Victoria smirked. “That’s right! Gonna hit Queen V, better kill Queen V!” The bulimia was just a rumor, but Sabrina had turned things nasty first. She had asked for it. Victoria and Claire smiled at each other. They were at the entrance to the dinner hall now, and pushed the doors open together.
The Templeton dinner hall was crowded as usual. Virtually the whole student body was there. And they’ll all see my student body. Victoria cringed inwardly. This was by far the most exposed she had been so far. She grasped Claire’s arm tighter and steered them towards one of the empty tables. They took a seat at the bench against the wall, looking out over the hall.
Not many people had noticed her quick entrance but the ones who had were giving her their full attention. Her breasts were clearly visible above the table. In a way, it draws more attention to them. Frames them, almost. She could see that several groups of guys had practically abandoned their previous conversations and were looking over, nudging and grinning at each other. Claire took a look up at the counter. “Looks like cobbler. Again! Don’t those cooks have any imagination?”
Victoria sighed. She had forgotten that she would have to go up to the counter for her food. It was all the way across the hall. She couldn’t ask Claire to go for her, though. It would spoil the pretence and, in any case, was not allowed. “Come on then. Yummy!” She smiled at Claire, trying to act braver than she felt. They got up again and headed across the hall.
“There she is! HEY, VICK! LOOKING GOOD! I’VE ALWAYS WANTED THEM TO SERVE FISH TACO HERE!” The hall erupted in laughter. Landon, the class clown, stood up looking very pleased with himself. “How about a taste, Vick?”
Victoria ignored him, but remembered herself in time. Welcome the attention, or this was all for nothing! She turned back. “One day, Landon, maybe. She gave a quick jiggle of her tits to settle it, and turned back. A chorus of cheers and wolf-whistles followed her. Despite herself, she smiled. Every girl loves being the center of attention, right? Then she saw some of the girls glaring at her. Wish it was all the right sort though.
Claire had noticed them too. She steered Victoria quickly past them, cutting off the chance of any more nastiness.
They were at the counter now. They each grabbed a tray and got their portions from Mrs Banks, the head dinner lady. “Miss Abbott! Well, I can see you are eating properly! Curves in all the right places!”
Victoria smiled at her. She liked Mrs Banks and knew she was sincerely concerned about all of the students’ diets. “Thanks, Mrs B. Glad to put your mind at ease.”
“How are you finding it? I would never have done it at your age, but of course I didn’t have the body for it – it must feel good to be able to live out your convictions!”
Victoria felt herself starting to blush. “Yeah, it does. I bet you were a hottie back in the day though Mrs B!”
“Oh, go on you!” Mrs Banks smiled and mock-waved her spoon at the girls and they walked off, giggling. However, Mr Irving, that evening’s dinner supervisor, stopped them.
“Miss Richards, I’m afraid that attire is not appropriate for communal areas. I’m going to have to ask you to go back to your dorm and change. I will ensure there is some food saved for you.”
“Sir, are you kidding me? Look at V! I’m showing solidarity!”
Mr Irving frowned. “You know as well as I do that Miss Abbott is being afforded special treatment and concessions due to her... beliefs, dubious as they may be. Now, unless you are telling me that you have the
same deeply-held beliefs and are willing to prove it, please return to your dorm and change.”
Claire stood there for a moment, then huffed and stormed off. Of course, who in their right mind would take the option of strolling around school naked? Victoria looked at Mr Irving. He was running his eyes down her body. “You have a very attractive physique, Miss Abbott. Please, don’t let me stop you.”
“Thank you, Sir.” Victoria headed back, all alone. She was sure she could feel his eyes on her swaying ass as she did. The attention from the teachers was still hard to read. Were they perving on her or just paying compliments per Principal Johnson’s instructions? She sat back down at the table, on her own. But not for long.
Brad came over and sat on the bench to her left. Rather closer than necessary. His two buddies, Steve and Antonio, dropped down opposite. “Hey, Vick. No one should eat dinner alone. Hey, careful not to get any on your shirt!” He laughed, and his fanclub dutifully joined in.
“So how is it going? Still feeling great about just being yourself?” He had a twinkle in his eye. He can release my secret any time he wants, and he knows I know it.
Victoria gritted her teeth. “It’s great, Brad. I’m loving the attention. I just don’t know who to thank.”
“Guess things just work out sometimes.” Brad’s hand was slowly making its way up her inner thigh. She thought about stopping him. But what could she do? She was supposed to want to share, and he could really fuck things up.
“I guess so. You certainly hit the jackpot with me... that one time.”
“Vick, it was one night but you know it was more than one time. Guys, why don’t you give me and V a minute? Go reserve the pool table or something.” His boys nodded and left, casting glances back at her tits. She watched them go, and at the same time Brad’s finger stroked up and over her pussy lips. She gasped. She hadn’t realised how on edge she was. Brad’s touch was bliss. “Brad, what... wait...”
Naked In School - The Pretend Exhibitionist Page 2