Savory Deceits

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Savory Deceits Page 12

by Heart, Skye

  “Nena just told me a little while ago. I could kill Chris for this! He’s supposed to be my friend!” I growled angrily. It was becoming harder for me to control the rage I felt building up inside me. Frustrated, I turned to my right, and knocked over his cheap ass floor lamp. Then, Naima shook her head.

  “I’m so pissed right now, that all I want to do is get the hell away from here, before I catch a charge. Right now, I don’t even want to be on the same planet as those two!” She said bitterly. After she bagged the rest of her personal items, she picked up her bag, and headed for the door. I did not attempt to stop her, because I understood all too well, how she was feeling. Two of the people we cared most about in the world, had stabbed us both in the back. Before she made her exit, Naima stopped, and turned to me. “Regardless of how I feel about Nena right now, and as much as I hate her fucking guts right now, she’s still my sister, and that’s still my little niece or nephew she’s carrying. So, if you hurt her in any way…” then she stopped, and shook her head, unable to finish her threat.

  What Nena and Chris did must have really fucked her head up, as it did mine. “You know what? I have a flight to catch.” She said, and turned to leave. As I watched her leave the room, I was tempted to go after her for some revenge sex, but decided against it. Soon after, I heard the front door slam shut, and she was gone. I decided to stick around Chris’ apartment for a while, and wait for his ass to show up. I looked up at the clock on the wall, which read half past eight. Then, I made my way back to his living room, and contemplated what I would do to him, when he showed up. Yes, I was premeditating the hell out of this situation, but I am sure a good lawyer would be able to argue temporary insanity on my part. The more I thought about Chris and Nena together, the more I wanted to put his head through that sixty-inch flat screen, hanging on his wall. My best friend; someone whose back I had no matter what went down, betrayed me.

  “Fucking asshole!” I said aloud, and then took a seat on his couch, and waited. Then, I began to look around, and wonder. Was this spot the very place they had sex, or was it on the bed that I shared with her trifling ass? The thought of it made my blood boil. Fitly, I sat back and closed my eyes, willing the thoughts of Chris and Nena together away. Then, sometime later, I somehow drifted off to a time, where Nena and I were happy. I could see the way her face lit up, every time I walked in the door. Next, our wedding day came into view, and then our honeymoon. Before long, visions of Nena and I discussing having a baby, soon followed. The baby, I thought again. Then, without warning, a visual of Chris surfaced in my head. Next, I saw Nena turning away from me, running straight into his arms. Chris then smiled at me, and lowered his head to kiss her. That infuriated me. Suddenly, I heard a distant ringing. The ringing got louder and louder, until it awakened me, from what I now realized was just a dream. A dream? I quickly sat up, and saw that I was still in Chris’ apartment. I must have dozed off. I glanced at the clock, which now read a quarter past one in the morning. That dreadful ringing started again, and I searched for the cordless phone that never seemed to be on its receiver. When I finally found it, without a second thought, I answered.

  “Hello?” I said.

  “Hello? Tony? What are you doing at my house, and why are you answering my damn phone? Where’s Naima?” Chris demanded.

  “You got a lot of fucking nerve coming at me like that after fucking my wife!” I shot back with fury.

  “Look man, I really don’t have time for this right now. I need to talk to Naima. It’s about Nena.” Chris replied, totally disregarding how serious I was. I chuckled, shaking my head at his gall.

  “I’m sure by now; it’s safe to say that Nai is not the least bit interested, in hearing what that bitch has to say.” I said coldly. Then, this dude had the nerve to get angry with me.

  “Hey! You had better choose your words carefully regarding Nena! Tell Naima that Nena’s in the hospital, and if I find out that you are the one who put her here, you and I are going to have a lot more than problems! Got it?” Before I could utter another word, Chris hung up. I looked at the phone enraged, when I heard the dial tone.

  “Motherfucker!” I screamed, hurling it at the flat screen.



  I made my way through the lobby of the MSN airport in Wisconsin, searching for Starr. She, unlike Nena, has been a real friend to me over the years. When I called her from Virginia upset, she managed to talk me down, and stopped me from doing something crazy, that would have probably landed me in jail for murder. Although she had no clue as to whom or what I was mad at, Starr still managed to convince me to take the high road, and just walk away.

  “Nai! Over here.” I heard Starr shout through the crowded airport. I followed her voice through the masses, until I spotted her short, half Black, half Puerto-Rican frame, with huge triple D-sized breasts bouncing up and down, as she frantically waved at me. In addition to me, her loudness along with her plunging neckline top caught the attention of the men, and women around her. I snickered at the angry wives of those men, who were staring at my friend, and proceeded through the crowd towards Starr.

  “Hey girl thanks for coming.” I said, as soon as I reached her. Starr gave me a hug, and smiled.

  “Of course. How are you?” She asked, taking one of my bags to carry for me.

  “Pissed.” I answered, rolling my eyes at the mere thought of Nena. Starr gave me an empathetic look, and said, “I know, chica. C’mon, we’ll talk.” I followed her through the airport, and out to the short-term parking garage. I looked around for her car, but when she stopped near a luxury sedan, I gaped at her.

  “What happened to the Taurus?” I asked in awe of her new ride.

  “I upgraded.” Was all Starr said, when she hit the automatic unlock button on her keys.

  “To a Bugatti though? That is some upgrade, Starr!” I said, gawking at the freaking cream-colored bucket seat interior, with a state of the art navigation system, and not to mention the wood paneling, with an amazing panorama sunroof! Starr laughed at my astonishment, and took my other bag from me, to place in the trunk. Then, she got behind the wheel, and I settled in the passenger seat.

  “Starr, don’t you think this is a bit much?” I asked her.

  “Not at all. Eric knows I like nice things.” She beamed. Fascinated, I touched the smooth leather interior.

  “Girl, your vagina must be made of gold, and dipped in platinum, to incite this kind of gift from him.” I said. Starr laughed, and then flushed a little.

  “Well, what can I say? He’s very generous.” She said.

  “And he’s also married.” I added, turning to her.

  “Relax Nai. We’re just having fun. Besides, he bought this car for me free and clear, fully paid for, and it is in my name, so chill out. I know what I’m doing. Just relax and enjoy the ride, because baby, it’s a smooth one.” She said, and then winked at me, before putting on her designer shades. Starr started the car, then pushed a button above our heads, to open the sunroof, and slowly began to back out of the parking space. Soon, we were on the freeway. I pulled out my phone, and started to turn it back on, but decided against it. I did not want to deal with Chris, or Nena’s, ‘I’m sorries’ right now. During my flight, I had thought of a hundred different ways to kill them both. Between the two, I could not figure out who deserved the most painful kind of demise. Although they both were equally as responsible, for their actions, Nena’s betrayal hurt me the most, because we were sisters. At least I thought we were. How could she do this to me? Incredulous, I shook my head, trying to forget about their insignificant existence. If I never saw Chris’ ass again, it would be too soon.


  “Please Nena be okay.” I prayed, standing helplessly outside her hospital room, watching the doctor and nurses work on her. Although I was tired and exhausted, from having been there all night, I could not leave her side. I had to make sure that she, and the baby, were all right. I have never been so scared in my life. When
the phone went dead last night, I panicked. I could have flipped my car ten times over, going a hundred miles per hour like that, but I did not care. I just wanted to get to her. She was my heart. Now, watching her lie helplessly on that hospital bed like that, I prayed for her to be okay. However, another part of me was angry that she was here in the first place. Tony had better pray that she, and the baby, made it through this. Just the thought of him pissed me off. What was he doing in my apartment anyway? Who in the hell did he think he was, answering my goddamn phone? The only person who could have given him access to my apartment was Naima. Where in the hell was she anyway? Nena and the baby’s life could be in danger, and I must have left her sister a dozen messages, but still no word from Naima.

  “Sir,” someone said from behind me, interrupting my thoughts.

  “Yes?” I answered, walking towards the man dressed in blue scrubs.

  “Hi. I am Doctor Payton. Are you family?” He asked me.

  “Yes I am.” I lied.

  “Is she going to be all right?” I asked him.

  “Well, right now, she’s resting. She suffered a minor stroke.” He told me, and my eyes got bigger. “It’s a good thing you called the paramedics when you did. That is most likely what saved her life. Though her condition is critical, she’s stable.” The doctor explained to me, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

  “So does this mean that she’s going to be okay? Can she come home?” I asked, hopeful.

  “Unfortunately, we cannot release her at this time.” He said to me.

  “What? Why?” I asked alarmed.

  “She has a severe case of preeclampsia, or high blood pressure, which is what caused her stroke. Unfortunately, this condition is common in most high-risk pregnancies, but can have fatal effects later on in her pregnancy, if not treated. The only way to treat preeclampsia, however, is to induce labor, and deliver the baby. But at her stage in pregnancy, the likelihood of the fetus surviving at just twenty-two weeks, if delivered, is very small. Right now, we have put her on bed rest, and are closely monitoring her condition. I’ll know more in a couple of days, after running some more tests.” He told me.

  “Can I see her?” I asked worried.

  “Sure, but only for a few minutes, because she needs her rest. Any undue stress can be detrimental to her life, and the baby’s.” The Doctor warned.

  “Okay. I understand. Thanks.” I said heading for Nena’s room.

  “I’ll be back later to check on her.” The Doctor replied, making his way to the elevators. I slowly opened the door to Nena’s room, and went to her bedside. Then, I sat in the chair near her bed, and took her hand in mine. She looked so peaceful sleeping, that I just wanted to wrap my arms around her, and never let go.

  “Nena,” I began, staring at her face. “You gave me quite a scare woman. I almost killed like a dozen people trying to get to you last night.” I joked, hoping to get a response from her. When she remained uncommunicative, I closed my eyes, and tried not to fear the worse. “You mean so much to me, and I am going to be here when you wake up. I will do everything in my power to make sure that you and the baby…our baby…make it through this. I love you so much, and I am so sorry if I was the reason for you stressing much.” I glanced up at the beeping monitors above her, and tried to keep it together. Seeing her lay there helpless struck an emotional chord in me.

  “I don’t want to leave you here alone, but I have to go back to work. I am going to try to take leave though, so I can be with you. Get well soon, baby. And you too baby.” I said, lightly placing my hand on her belly. Then, I kissed her hand, and stood up. When I turned to leave, I immediately stopped. Right away, my heart started racing, and I could feel my adrenalin pumping again. There Tony stood, near the door, glaring at me. I wondered how long he had been standing there, and how much of what I just said to Nena, did he hear. Oh well, the cat was out of the bag anyway. I eyed him just the same, and the silence in the air was thick. Granted, what I did to my best friend was wrong, but he did not deserve Nena. He never did. I prepared myself for the worse, as I watched him stand there in silence, seemingly ready to charge me at any moment. I started to say something to him, but stopped, when I heard grumbling coming from behind me. Then, I turned to see Nena opening her eyes, and I quickly took my seat by her bed, willfully aware of Tony’s presence.

  “Nena? Can you hear me? It’s me Chris. Please, wake up baby.”


  The nerve of that son of a bitch, I thought. All I could think of now, was putting a bullet in my so-called best friend’s head - the man I trusted with everything, even my own life! Loyalty was our code, and he annihilated that. I felt the urge to beat the shit out of Chris right here in the hospital room, but my attention turned to Nena, and the obvious pain she was enduring. Soon, her groans turned into a cry, as she clutched her stomach.

  “Oh my God, is she okay?” I asked. Even though I hated her, my heart still ached for her. Chris ignored me, and then rushed out of the room. For a brief moment, I wanted to go to Nena’s bedside, and hold her. Comfort her even. Carefully, I took a step towards her bed, and then immediately stopped, when she said, “Chris.” With her eyes still closed, she called out his name again. Then, within seconds, a doctor and a couple of nurses rushed into the room, with Chris in tow.

  “I’m sorry, but you two have to leave.” A nurse said to Chris and me. We then left the room without protest.

  “What’s wrong with her?” I asked Chris, as soon as we were in the hall.

  “I should be asking you that.” He replied, with hostility in his tone.

  “What?” I asked defensively.

  “She calls me crying and shit, telling me that you all pissed off, and then she blacks out over the phone! I get over there, and she’s passed the fuck out, and you are nowhere to be found!” He said seething.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up. I know you not trying to step to me with this shit! I find out you been fucking my wife, and you got the nerve to stand there and question me, like that is your girl laying up in there? Dude, I should drop you where you stand!” I threatened, ready to knock him on his ass.

  “I’d like to see you try.” Chris replied taking a step towards me. I balled my fists ready to swing on him, when a nurse quickly rushed over to where we stood.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you both to leave.” She said.

  “What! That’s my wife in there!” I protested.

  “Well then Sir, please go to the waiting room, and the doctor will be with you shortly.” She said to me. Scathingly, I looked back at Chris, and then slowly nodded my head at him. For I knew, that he knew, it meant that this was not over. Seeing red, I had to walk away, before I ended up going to jail today.


  After Tony retreated, the doctor emerged from Nena’s room, and came straight to me.

  “How is she?” I asked, as soon as he approached.

  “She’s under sedation right now, but if her condition does not improve, we’re going to have to deliver the baby.” He said.

  “What? No! You said the baby might not survive!” I reminded him, in a state of panic.

  “I know, and that’s still a possibility, but our concern right now is for the mother. This can kill both she and the baby, if we do not deliver him, should her condition worsen. It’s better to save at least one of them, rather than lose them both.” The Doctor explained.

  “Him?” I questioned.

  “Yes him. It’s a boy.” The Doctor replied with an encouraging smile. “We’re monitoring her around the clock. I promise we will do everything we can to make sure that she and the baby make it through this okay.” He assured me.

  “Thanks doc.” I said, turning to watch Nena, through the glass window on the door, as she slept. I started for the elevators, but then stopped, and headed for the waiting area instead. Tony quickly stood, when he saw me enter the waiting room. Then, I stopped short in front of him, and said, “Do you know where Nai is?
I’ve been trying to reach her, but it keeps going straight to voicemail.”

  “Can you blame her?” Tony said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

  “Look man, I don’t have time to get into this with you right now. Nai should be here. Nena would want her to be. Her condition is life threatening, not just for her, but for the baby as well.” I explained, annoyed with his bitch-ass attitude. Then, I watched the expression on his face change from fury to worry. Good, I thought. At least his punk ass still cared enough about Nena to be concerned for her life.

  “If you speak to Nai, tell her that Nena needs her.” I said, and then left.


  As much as I hated Chris, and wanted to beat him into the ground, my concern for Nena was greater. Her condition was life threatening? It cannot be. In search for answers, I made my way back to the nurse’s station.

  “I need to talk to a doctor about my wife’s condition.” I said, as soon as I approached the desk of the same young woman, who just saved Chris from an ass whooping. She stared at me, and looked confused, then picked up the phone, and paged Nena’s doctor. I waited patiently, until she replaced the phone back on its receiver.

  “The doctor will be with you shortly.” She said.

  “Thanks.” I replied making my way back to Nena’s door. I peeked inside through the little window, and watched as she slept peacefully once again. Even laying there like that, hooked up to machines, she was still beautiful. What could possibly be wrong with her? I thought. Could I have done this to you Nena? Reprehensively, wrapped up in my own anger, over her confession, I failed to take heed to the fact that she was pregnant. I remembered watching my own mother go through a lot of stress, when she was pregnant with my little sisters, over my father. She was always very upset, and highly emotional, throughout those nine long months over my dad working so late, and never making it home in time for dinner. I felt a sudden pang of guilt over those memories, and wondered if the way I reacted to Nena’s confession, is what brought her here.


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