Shifting Currents

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Shifting Currents Page 3

by Lissa Trevor

  “I’m…not…feral,” he wheezed out. “Too…long…as a bird.” He was starting to get his voice back. “No such thing.” He cleared his throat. “Feral Shifters are what mamas use to scare kids into being good.”

  Bethany blinked up at him for a few moments, but when the man didn’t do anything else but look at her, she went to the icebox and pulled out a precious canned soda—they didn’t come in cans anymore—and a jug of water. She offered both to him. He looked puzzled but after a moment took the water. She sat down on the bed and cracked open the can, guzzling half. It was stale, but it reminded her of her childhood, and was a comfort—even more than booze—in strange situations. He tilted up the jug and took several long swallows. She watched his neck muscles move in fascination. When he finished the jug, he set it on the dresser he had been perched on and strode toward the bed.

  Bethany slammed her eyes shut. Maybe she was dreaming. But the bed slanted with his weight, and she opened one eye to peer up at him.

  “We’re no more feral than any other human. Thank you for helping my sister.”

  “Your sister?”

  Fluffy barked happily.

  “Lisa,” he said inclining his hand to Fluffy, who bit at his hand playfully. “And I’m Lucas.”

  “Bethany,” she said feeling like she was having an out-of-body experience with this big, handsome man exuding warmth and the crisp smell of pine, sitting next to her.

  If it weren’t for the fact that he was a Shifter, she would have sworn this was one of the Techs’ idea of a joke and she was being filmed. But a Shifter wouldn’t do that. Would he?

  “I know. I’ve been listening ever since you rescued Lisa. It’s why I decided to show myself to you.” He took off the collar and harness. “There is enough silver in the buckle, it stopped her from shifting.”

  Bethany felt herself grow even redder, and Lucas chuckled in a way that made her heart start to pound. I never even thought to check.

  “You’ve been following me for a long time.”

  “Have I?”

  Bethany nodded. “I’ve seen you on the Bluffs”

  “Have you? I’m certainly not the only Shifter who has chosen to stay a bird instead of dealing with humans.”

  “I was told,” she said, hesitantly. “That the longer you spend shifted, you lose your humanity.”

  Lucas rolled his eyes. “They say the same thing about a Tech who channels too much energy.”

  “That’s just nonsense,” Bethany said, then grinned when she got his point.

  “It can be difficult to shift back if we spend a great deal of time in our animal form. But we can always come back. If we want to.”

  “My brother, Daniel, did some terrible things. He killed livestock. And they said he ravaged an entire caravan who came to sell with us.”

  “Livestock? It happens.” Lucas shrugged. “A lazy hunter would go for an easy prey. But tell me, was your brother a murderer on two legs?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Then he wasn’t one on four legs either.”

  Bethany drew a shuddering breath and felt tears prick her eyes. She knew that deep in her heart. Why did it take a stranger to tell her that? “But the change, it doesn’t drive you crazy?”

  “It just hurts like a bitch. I’m not saying there aren’t any psychopathic Shifters. They exist, just like their human counterparts. I’m saying it’s not the change that breaks their minds. Most Shifters feel that they’re finally complete when they change the first time. It’s not any more unnatural to us than funneling energy to run that radio of yours is to you.”

  Bethany put her hands over her face to hide. She was crying. She was smiling. She wanted to hug the stranger on her bed. And that wasn’t all she wanted to do with him. Bethany sighed and scrubbed her face.

  “Then why? Why did they say he turned feral? Why did they hunt him?”

  “My guess is he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. That’s what happened to me and my sister. Your brother didn’t kill those people, but maybe he saw who—or what did.”

  Lisa’s cold nose on her leg brought her attention back to the dog.

  “Are you and Lisa in trouble? Is that why she won’t change back now that you’ve taken the harness off?” Bethany said.

  Lisa barked.

  Lucas looked away. “It is not your concern.”

  Wrapping her arms around herself, Bethany refused to feel the pang of hurt.

  “She can leave here with me.”

  Bethany eyed his sheet. “Speak well of me, when they ask you where your clothes are.”

  “I’m not leaving just yet. I owe you Lisa’s purchase price.”

  “Why you?” Bethany looked at the dog.

  “She has nothing you want.”

  “And you do?”

  He looked at her with that hooded gaze, and she began to feel like a mouse again.

  Bethany reached into her pack and slowly brought out her hand. Lucas’s entire body tensed and then went deathly still. He relaxed when she showed him the orange. “My friend gave me this. She didn’t ask for payment. Just because we can barter for something doesn’t mean we have to.”

  “What you bartered with that moron farmer is more than just picking an orange off a tree.”

  Bethany smiled. “Not many people believe that. They think the Techs can just call the energy forth, like a good belch.” She peeled the orange and offered him a slice.

  He took it with a smile. Bethany tossed a slice to Lisa, who snapped it out of the air.

  “Most people are idiots when it comes to recognizing skill. And the more talented a person is, the more effortless it seems. I know the value of what you offered to that farmer. It puts us in a great debt. Especially since the time you will spend paying Lisa’s debt, you will not be able to barter for your own needs.”

  “I’ve got strangely few needs. My tribe is very good to me. I’ve got food and water and a warm place to stay at night.”

  “You don’t sound very happy about that.”

  There it was again, happiness. “I just found out my brother might be alive.”

  “I know.”

  “You were listening.”

  He nodded.

  “Well, I’m beginning to see that life around Keith and his new bride may not be as comfortable as I’ve been used to. I don’t have a lot of friends in the tribe. Business acquaintances—I’m very useful. But not a lot of friends. I think that’s my fault. After my brother…well, I’ve been a little distant. I want to change that. I want to start building relationships again. And by doing that, you put yourself out for friends. So, no charge.”

  “But we’re not your friends. We’re strangers.” He said it kindly, but Bethany still felt his words like sharp cuts into her heart. Figures. She was even weird to Shifters.

  “Fine then. What are you offering to repay this debt you insist on taking on?”

  “I saw that you lost a bed partner today. I could take his place.”

  The dog started making puking sounds, as Bethany leaped to her feet. “No. No. That won’t be necessary.” Her face was flaming hot, and she slammed down the rest of the soda, choking on the last half of it as it went down the wrong pipe. “I could use a couple of wool blankets, some dried fruit and meat for the winter, maybe a donkey.” Bethany caught a look at her wild-eyed hysteria in the mirror and attempted to reel in her babbling.

  He looked confused. “Are you in love with that idiot?”

  “Oh no.” Bethany laughed, realizing with relief she was telling the truth.

  “Then why not?”

  “Do you do this a lot?”

  Lucas’s eyes narrowed, and she felt a thrill of fear at the naked anger in his eyes. “No, are you worried about my expertise?” He stalked over to her with a deliberate hand on the sheet. “I assure you I’ve had no complaints, but if you require a sample before deciding.”

  Lisa nosed open the door and padded out of the room. Bethany didn’t blame her.

>   “Ack!” Bethany said, grabbing his hands before they could undo the makeshift toga. His hands were warm and rough, and Bethany thought her eyes would cross in embarrassment. “Wait, I didn’t mean to insult you. It’s just that men like you don’t offer themselves to women like me.”

  “If it makes you feel any better, it’s not an offer but a repayment of debt.”

  “Actually, no. That doesn’t make me feel better.” Bethany wished that just once a man would want a roll in the hay without it being about payment or reimbursement.


  “Let me see.” Bethany pressed her fingers to her wrist. “I still have a pulse. So that would be a resounding hell yes.”

  “You’re the only one standing in the way of this.”

  “I don’t need sex for payment.”

  “That’s debatable. I’ve seen what you had.”

  “That’s not nice. Keith was…” Bethany was at a loss. She didn’t want to defend Keith, especially to a gorgeous pinup model currently in her room. Bethany blinked up at him. “He was…” Fun? Hell no. He was a bit of a bore. Exciting? Hardly. His idea of a good time was jerking venison or cleaning fish. Loving? What was the old joke, what’s foreplay to a hunter? Brace yourself!

  “Stop thinking about him,” Lucas growled.

  “I’m just not comfortable with this.”

  She sat back down on the bed, deciding that if she couldn’t touch, she sure as hell could look. “I don’t want you to sell your body.”

  “Why?” he said. “Do you think less of me for offering?” His voice was flat and emotionless.

  “No,” Bethany reassured him. “No, I understand not having anything and using whatever skills you have to get by.” She finished up the rest of the orange and wiped her sticky hands on her pants.

  “So you admit that I have skills in this area?”

  “Honey, I hope so,” Bethany said. “Life’s not that unfair.”

  “I wouldn’t disappoint you,” Lucas said and ran his fingers up her arm.

  “Yes, you would. Everyone does,” she said.

  “Maybe it’s you then.” He dropped his hand.

  “Maybe it is,” she agreed.

  “Are you trying to drive a hard bargain?”

  She looked down his body and felt a slow burn. Why shouldn’t she take him up on his offer? Keith was enjoying his wedding night. Lem was probably facedown in Maya. The night was going to be long and lonely.

  “Having sex with strangers is not something I do.”

  “Always a first time,” he said and let the sheet fall to the ground.

  Bethany was entranced at the sheer maleness of him. She traced her fingers over his stomach, delighting in the hard ridges of his abdomen. He let out a satisfied growl that had her snatching her hand back in surprise.

  “And after the first time, we’ll no longer be strangers.” Lucas dipped his head and brushed his lips over hers softly.

  The sweetness of the kiss made her legs weak. Keith liked to kiss hard. Bethany put her arms around Lucas’s neck and returned his kiss, adding a quick flick of her tongue between his.

  “You taste like oranges,” he said, smiling against her cheek.

  “Part of me wants to take the high road and not trade my services for sex,” she said.

  Lucas took her hand and laid it on his hard cock. He felt like hot velvet. “What’s the other part want?”

  “You,” she said and started to stroke him, feeling him get even harder in her hand.

  “I am yours.”

  If only.

  He kissed her again. His soft, sensuous mouth was persuading hers to open wider. She did and let him explore her mouth with his tongue. She slid her hand up and down him until she was swallowing his growls and his kisses became frenzied.

  He started to unbutton her shirt. She broke off the kiss. “Not yet.”

  Lucas made a frustrated sound.

  “You’re mine, right?”

  “Oh yes,” he said and buried his face in her neck.

  Bethany felt her eyes roll back, and pleasure shot through her. He felt so thick and good in her hand. She loved that he hadn’t pounced on her yet. She wanted to make this last.

  “How long?”

  “How long does it feel?” Lucas wiggled his hips.

  Bethany smiled. “How long are you mine?”

  “Tonight, and then when I come back, three months.”

  Her hand stopped. “Where are you going?”


  That statement shocked her out of her anticipation. “As a fish?” Because there isn’t a good route on the land.

  “Can we talk about this later?” He pressed kisses down her throat.

  “Definitely,” Bethany said, dizzy from the quick passion.

  “Let me take off your clothes.”

  “Not just yet.”

  “As you wish,” he muttered into her ear and groaned softly when she stroked him faster.

  “I want to feel you, touch every inch of you.” She leaned in and licked his nipple.

  He grunted, grabbing the back of her head to stop her from doing it again. “Do you want me to come in your hand?”

  “Yeah,” Bethany said. “Look at me. Don’t close your eyes.”

  She picked up the pace, locking gazes with him. He twined his fingers in her hair and jerked her head up to him. The predator was held in check by his bargain, by her hand, and by the sheer pleasure she saw in his eyes.

  “You have the touch of an angel,” he whispered. “I need to kiss you.”

  Bethany felt him tremble. “Not yet,” she murmured.

  “Please,” he gritted out between his teeth. He closed his eyes in bliss.

  “Look at me,” she said sharply. She had enough issues to think he was pretending to be with someone else if he looked away from her. But when his eyes flickered back open, she saw hot desire and the need for her.

  “Yes,” he sighed as his body released. Wet and hot, it covered her hand, which was about to cramp.

  Bethany traced a path up his stomach. “Did you like that?”

  “It’s hard to remember I’m the one paying you.”

  “Then let’s not mention payment again.” Bethany felt hot and out of sorts. He was leaving after tonight. Sure, he said he’d be back. That was what they all said.

  “May I undress you now?”

  She almost sent him away. Even though she was aching for him, for a release. Even though she would be alone, for a moment she almost called the whole thing off. He wasn’t any different from Lem or Keith. Well, aside from being so handsome he made her stupid. While she thought about it, his fingers made quick work of her shirt, and when his big hands clasped her breasts, all thoughts of stopping fled her mind.

  Lucas massaged them. It felt decadent to stand topless, while his hands lavished affection over her breasts. She liked it. Moaned a little when his thumbs pulsed over her nipples. Nearly screamed when his tongue touched the sensitive peaks. Gripped his hair when he began to suck on them. Lost her mind when he darted his head back and forth between them. All her insecurities burned away in the passion of his touch.

  His hands jammed her jeans down to her knees, and she danced out of them. Grabbing her legs to wrap around his waist, he drove her down on the bed.

  It protested against the added weight of him, making the creaking sounds Bethany always equated with hot sex. After sliding her hands over the tight muscles of his arms, she held his head closer as he worshipped her breasts. Each pull of his mouth made her open her legs wider. It wasn’t enough. She needed his hot body inside her.

  “Want something?” he asked but covered her mouth with his before she could answer. His mouth was warm, and she forgot to breathe as their tongues clashed and their bodies ground into each other.

  “Tell me what you want.”

  “Everything,” she murmured between kisses. “All of you.”

  He rolled to the side, keeping her body close to his. When his fing
ers slid in between her legs, she opened up for him eagerly. He started out just tickling, exploring the wetness and where she was sensitive. Bethany clutched at him.

  “I like playing with you,” he crooned in her ear.

  She bucked against his fingers when he began to tickle her clit. All the while, his mouth was kissing her, tasting her. Bethany loved the feel of his mouth on hers, his broad shoulders under her hands. His talented fingers played her to a crashing orgasm that had her slamming her thighs together to keep his fingers inside her.

  “Wow.” She sighed, shuddering from the aftermath.

  Lucas nuzzled her ear.

  As she caught her breath, Bethany hooked her leg over his. His fingers traced her spine as she cuddled in closer. She thought about what he said. California was a long way from here. Daniel always said he wanted to go west, to see what the meteor had done. To see if there were more survivors.

  “Isn’t California under water?” Bethany asked, unable to stop herself.

  Lucas sighed but seemed to know she was distracted enough not to fully enjoy what would come next. “The conversation you almost stumbled upon in the woods. The men were talking about a mission. They’re looking to hire people away from their tribes.” Lucas looked back at her, and she was unnerved by his bird-of-prey eyes. But she nodded for him to continue. “California came popping back up from the sea a few weeks ago.” At her shocked look, he elaborated. “Well, not all of it. Just bits and pieces. But enough landmass that the looters are in a frenzy to get their teams in there first. The financiers you heard talking are here at the conclave to get together a group. My sister and I need to be in that group.”

  “What’s in California?”


  “Why don’t I think that’s the only reason?”

  “It’s not.”

  Bethany waited, but he didn’t elaborate.

  “Perhaps we can barter for the information?” Bethany began to kiss her way down his fantastic chest.

  He stroked her hair, and his voice was amused. “I’m not so easily led to give up secrets.”

  She licked his belly button, and his hips twitched.

  “On the other hand,” he started to say, and then his breath caught in a strangled moan when she slid her lips over the tip of his penis. His fists clutched the bedsheets. “You have a way with me.”


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