Shifting Currents

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Shifting Currents Page 15

by Lissa Trevor

  “That’s the GPS. Touch it to download the data.”

  Bethany did and was jolted as information became sensation. Pleasure flooded through her as the coordinates superimposed over the windshield. She dialed the radio to catch a wave in the big band area and then took off after Vera’s truck. Their tires bounced along on the ruts and roots, but when they hit blacktop that hadn’t been pulverized by the meteorite or ruined by Mother Nature, they flew into the night, turning back reluctantly when they outdistanced the horses.

  “Do you see how beautiful it is to become one with the machine?”

  “Yes.” A little warning voice in Bethany’s head was trying to tell her all the bad things the prolonged exposure was likely doing to her, but she didn’t care. She was driving, just like they did pre-Meteor. Well, maybe not just like it. But close enough.

  “Slow down. Tell her to slow down,” Lynn said, and her voice was hysterical.

  So human. So frightened.

  Chapter Eleven


  Six days out in the open was grating on everyone’s nerves. They caught up with the Techs each night and kept watch. So far their luck was holding. Any nomads who heard the electric trucks held their position and watched them pass by. A few got close enough to see that no one was driving, and that spooked them bad.

  Lucas was in a bad way. He was in a healing trance. He’d either come out of it alive, or he’d stay in the coma until his body died.

  Bethany didn’t come out of the truck except to eat and take care of bodily functions. She looked like the walking dead.

  “Things will get better once we hit Colorado,” Karen said.

  “I hope so. I’m sick of thinking so much. Can you hold on to the reins a bit?” Jesse handed them to her. “I’ve got some business to take care of in the wagon.”

  “Uh, yeah, sure,” Karen said. “I thought you get motion sickness.”

  “Only if I try to sleep,” Jesse said and winked at her, closing the heavy tarp flap behind her. When Karen and Lisa weren’t fucking, they were plotting a way to rook some poor horny guy out of whatever loot he was carrying. Lisa was with her brother right now, so Jesse figured it was time to take matter into her own hands with Lem.

  He was pretending to sleep on a makeshift bed of leather and fur. Jesse yearned for him. Lem would never be the lover Clark was. But she had a gut feeling he’d be the type of man Lucas was. Steady. Faithful.

  Sitting down next to him, Jesse unbuttoned her heavy canvas shirt. She had caught Lem looking and knew the attraction wasn’t only one-sided.

  “I know what you’re wanting, Karen, and I told Lisa I don’t have anything you’d want,” Lem said with his arm over his eyes.

  “That right?” Jesse said, tossing her shirt to the ground. Leather piled up next to them, and the smell was intoxicating. Karen had hitched her team to Jesse’s wagon so they could travel faster and stick together. They divided the goods between both wagons so there was room to rest.

  His hand came down on hers to stop her when her hand unbuckled his belt.

  “You don’t take no for an answer do you?” Lem opened his wicked brown eyes that were full of laughter. His smile fell off his face when he saw her. “Jesse,” he gasped, when he realized she wasn’t wearing a top.

  “Like what you see?” she asked. “I’m offering to suck your dick and let you feel my titties. You say no, I’ll go back up and see if someone else is interested.”

  “What’s in it for you?” Lem asked cautiously. “I don’t have nothing I want to trade.”

  “I’m going to get off.” Jesse shrugged. “It’s been a while and I’m tired of playing with myself, thinking about your ass.”

  Lem’s mouth opened wide.

  “So what do you say?”

  Lem smiled. “Let’s see what you can do, woman, and maybe I can get you off better than yourself.”

  Jesse’s fingers shook as she unzipped his jeans. “Lord, you got a big package.” she said, easing it out of his underwear. “I’ve been dying to do this for days,” she whispered.

  “Stop talking about it and do it,” Lem urged, kicking off his pants and shoes.

  She was on him before his last boot hit the wagon. Jesse held him tight with one hand, while her mouth clamped on the tip. When his hand cupped the back of her head, she moved her mouth down his shaft, then pistoning it fast and slick.

  Lem made choking noises. “Wait, wait,” he begged. “I’m going to…”

  Jesse swallowed hard a few times and then lifted her head up. “Come.” She grinned. “Damn, you taste fine.”

  “I didn’t mean for it to be so quick,” Lem said, a dull color crawling up his cheeks.

  “Let’s see if you can return the favor,” Jesse said, crawling up to his face. His hands reached for her pants, but she took her nipple and traced around his lip with it. Tentative, his mouth was feather soft.

  Jesse’s eyes rolled back as lightning zinged through her.

  “Give them a good suck,” Jesse urged with her hand on his cock. She plastered his face between her breasts, rubbing their softness over his cheeks. Her hand jerked him back to hardness in seconds.

  “Not used to this.” His voice was muffled.

  Jesse lifted herself up, letting his cock press against her belly. “Fucking?” she asked.

  “My tribe’s chief,” Lem said. “She played with me some. Not like Lewis and Clark play with you.”

  “You got a problem with that?” Jesse slipped off her pants.

  “It’s not fair,” he said, with a grin. “Those mean bastards get all the prime ass. Leave nothing for us normal folks.”

  “Am I prime ass?”

  Lem stroked the curve with a shaking hand. “So much so I’m afraid I’m going to disappoint you.”

  “I like what I see.” She straddled him, trapping his hips with her thighs. His cock was hot like a brand against her wet slit, but he was passive. Placing her hands on her tits, she slid up and down, wetting his cock with her juices. But still he wouldn’t take the hint and thrust inside her.

  “Tell me about this chief. Make me all hot. Pinch my nipples.” Jesse threw her head back. “Oh yeah, Lem. Like that.”

  “Maya.” He cleared his throat. “That’s the chief. Kept me strung along. I couldn’t touch her without permission. I was only as good as my tongue.”

  “You can show me that a little later.” Jesse bit her lip. “You can get a little rough with my tits. I like it.”

  Lem groped her but froze when she let out a loud moan.

  “What?” She giggled.

  “Karen might hear.”

  “Oh, like you don’t jerk off listening to her and Lisa.”

  Lem blushed again and grew even harder underneath her.

  “Okay, cowboy,” she gasped. “Damn, you’re sexy. This is your last chance. You want to fuck?”

  “Take me,” Lem said.

  Jesse cheered and guided him inside her. They both hissed between their teeth.

  “You are so big,” she grunted.

  His fingers dug into the meat of her ass. “So wet and tight. No wonder why he’s obsessed with you.” Lem pumped into her. “Oh, but your boyfriend isn’t here, is he?”

  “Who?” Jesse’s voice was wobbly as she used the wagon’s bumpy ride to further her enjoyment of Lem’s cock.

  “Come for me first.” He grabbed her swaying breast and sat up suddenly.

  Jesse toppled back, and Lem covered her. Clutching her tits together, he sucked and nibbled on both nipples while Jesse went wild underneath him.

  “I like you on your back,” Lem said, grabbing her ankles to put them on his shoulders.

  “Oh, honey, I need this,” Jesse said.

  “So do I.” And he plunged his fat cock inside her.

  She arched into him as he pounded away, gripping her legs. “I like watching your tits bounce when I fuck you harder,” he said and picked up the pace.

  Jesse closed her eyes and nodded. “Yes,” she s
aid in a small voice. “Oh hell yes.”

  “This live up to your fantasies?” he gritted out, looming over her.

  “Gods, yes,” she sighed and hung on as he grabbed the railing for leverage and continued to ram himself inside her. She loved the slap, slap sound their bodies made when they came together. “I used to put my hands in my pants and get myself off while I watched you. You never saw me.”

  His hips were pistoning into hers, and the wet heat made slurping sounds as she let him have his way with her.

  “If I saw you, I’d have fucked you.”

  Her vision blurred when she tensed and screamed his name. He released and filled her. Their bodies spasmed together in the aftermath, and he collapsed on top of her.

  “You don’t ever need to play with yourself again,” he said and kissed her until they were both breathless.

  “Lem,” she said. “I want to be your girl.”

  “You’re just saying that because your boyfriend isn’t around.” Lem pushed away from her and lay on his back, his face sullen.

  “I’ve got nothing else to offer this caravan,” she said. “But when we get to California, my deal is over. I want a new deal. With you.”

  “I’ve got to babysit Bethany and take her home.”

  “I’m not going back to another tribe.” Jesse shook her head.

  “It’s all that I know.” He held her to him.

  “You’re more than that. You’re better than that.”

  “Says the woman who’s paying for her ride sucking cock.” Lem kissed her forehead to take the sting out of his words.

  “I suck pussy too,” she said sweetly and laughed when his cock twitched. “Maybe Lisa and Karen and I could put on a show for you?”

  “I don’t think I’d survive it,” Lem said. “I’m just a simple man. I’m a farmer.”

  “I bet there are farms in Nevada or maybe in whatever part of California that’s floating around.”

  He trailed his fingers up and down her arm. “I gave my word to Maya I’d bring Bethany back.”

  “Is this the same Maya that wants you only because you suck pussy?”

  Lem shrugged. “It’s a living.”

  “Doesn’t have to be,” Jesse said. “Not once we’re in California.”

  “It ain’t the promised land.” He pushed her on her back again.

  “It might be. What are you doing?” she asked.

  “All this talk about eating pussy is making me want some.” He spread her legs wide. “I tell you what.” Lem traced the folds of her vulva. “You’re so damn pretty. I want you in my bed, not that asshole Clark’s. What do I have to do to keep you there?”

  He exposed her clit, blew on it.

  Jesse’s legs began to tremble. “That seems like a good start.”

  “Mmmm.” He licked the length of her.

  She tangled her fingers in his hair when he tongued her swollen bud.

  “Lem,” she sighed, then moaned as he sucked hard on it.

  Stars exploded as he took his time, exploring her sensitive spots with her tongue. “Maya let you go?” Jesse said, incredulous.

  He wagged his tongue in quick, hard strokes.

  “Fuck,” she ground out, tugged on his hair.

  Lem stopped.

  “Finish it,” Jesse cried hoarsely.

  “You want me? You stay faithful to me. Don’t fuck Clark again.”

  “My contract…” Her voice trailed off at his fierce expression.

  “I don’t give a damn about your contract. He’s got fifty other people to fuck. You want this? You want me to consider breaking my word to my chief? You save this pussy, this ass, those luscious tits, and that sweet mouth just for me.”

  Jesse fist pumped her elation. “Hell yeah.”

  “Good,” he said. “Now, let me get serious.”

  Jesse shrieked so loud when she came that she was afraid the Shifters would think they were being attacked.

  Chapter Twelve


  Colorado station wasn’t anything like Bellevue. It was civilized. After days of endless dirt and scrubs, Lisa rubbed her eyes to make sure this town wasn’t an illusion. It was a boomtown. There were buildings made of logs and scrap, but unlike the emptiness of New York City and the abandoned hell that was Ohio, this place looked like civilization had a chance.

  “I need two rooms,” she said, walking up to a man behind a well-stocked bar. His leathery skin wrinkled around his eyes and mouth. Missing a few teeth and the tip of his nose, he’d never win a beauty contest, but he seemed amiable enough. A quick look around showed Lisa that the security, however, was no joke. The guards were burly guys with no sense of humor, holding long bats with barbed wire wrapped around the tops.

  Lucas was carrying Bethany, who was unconscious and breathing shallowly. Lem and Jesse were keeping him calm, because he was not handling his emotions well, after coming out of the healing trance to find his mate having an out-of-body experience. Karen had dropped them off to see if she could get a spot in the trader’s section.

  The bartender spit a wad of something into a crusty old pot. Lisa cringed. He ran his hand through his greasy hair and stared at her like he wanted to see her naked. “Whatcha got to trade?”

  Lucas growled deep in his throat. Lisa shot him a warning look. Bethany took that moment to gasp a moan, and thankfully his attention diverted back to her.

  “We’ve got leather goods.”

  “I’m not really looking for material things. I’m more into service, if you understand my meaning.” He licked his lips and stared at her breasts.

  Controlling a shudder, Lisa plastered on a smile. “My friend Lem back there is a mean cook.”

  The bartender blinked in surprise, and his eyes left her chest to flick over at Lem. “How good?”

  “I’ve got skills,” Lem said. “Depends on what you’ve got in the kitchen. My specialty is game meat stew. With some potatoes and other root vegetables I can feed this tavern. I even have some sourdough starter for fresh bread.”

  The bartender took one longing look at Lisa, but his stomach won over his prick. “Three meals a day for every day you want to stay. That’s one room.” He leered back at Lisa. “What are you offering for your room, honey? You could share my bed.”

  Lem and Jesse are just going to have to stay with Lucas and Bethany.

  “My girlfriend and I are staying with her leather wagon. The room is for my brother and his m—woman.” Lisa almost said mate. The less anyone knew about them, the better.

  The bartender grunted and nodded to one of the guards. “Hans will take you up. Do you need a doctor for the girl?”

  “I hope not,” Lisa said. “But where can I find one just in case?”

  “We got a hospital down by the farmers’ market,” he said proudly.

  “Really?” Lisa’s mouth dropped. “What else you got around here?”

  “What are you looking for?”

  Bethany whimpered.

  “Hold that thought,” Lisa said. They followed Hans up a rickety staircase. She had to marvel at the construction. This was the first two-story building she’d ever been in.

  Hans was a lot better-looking than his boss, once you got over the scars and the large weapon he carried. She liked his muscles and the bulge in his pants. He’d be a great source of information about the town, as well as a good time.

  He opened a door to one of the rooms in the hall. Lucas wasted no time tucking Bethany in bed.

  “I’m going to go check out the kitchens,” Lem said. “You coming?”

  “I’ll go,” Jesse said.

  Lisa shook her head. “I’m going to see what trouble I can get into.”

  Lucas shot her a warning look, but she just laughed.

  Catching up to Hans as he strode back down the hallway, she touched his arm to get his attention and found herself thrown against the wall, with his forearm against her throat. The tiger in her leaped to the foreground, but she pushed her back. Hopefully, her eye
s hadn’t changed.

  “Whoa, big guy,” she said. “I just wanted to ask you some questions.”

  “About what?” He removed his arm but loomed over her.

  It was turning her on. She hadn’t had a cock in her mouth in too long. Luckily, Karen didn’t mind as long as Lisa came back home to her at the end of the day.

  “I’m new in town,” Lisa began.

  “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  “Buy me dinner and a bottle of booze, and I’ll blow you.”

  Hans stared down at her. “Is this a joke?”

  She caressed his cock through his heavy denim pants. “Nope. You want to go somewhere private, or should I drop to my knees here?”

  His cock swelled under her palm. Grinning in anticipation, she rubbed him. He caught his breath. “In here.” He opened up a room a few doors down and locked it behind him.

  Glancing around, she noticed the room was decorated almost identically to the room they were just in. There was a large urn of water on a table by the bed. Turning back, Hans was watching her as if he was expecting her to change her mind. As if.

  Unbuttoning his pants, Lisa slid the zipper down. She held his gaze when she reached in and pulled him out. Thick and hard for her already. Sinking to her knees, Lisa took his pants to his knees.

  “Take off your shirt,” he said just as her mouth was going to cover him.

  “You want to feel my tits on your legs when I suck you off.”

  He nodded.

  Lisa pretended to consider it. “For that you’ve got to talk to me over dinner. Give me all the dirt on this place. I want to know who the movers and shakers are.”

  “You got it,” Hans said, quickly.

  Hiding her amusement, Lisa shrugged out of her leather vest, setting her breasts free. She held them in her hands. “My girlfriend’s are bigger, but I think these get the job done. Don’t you think?” Playing with the nipples, she noticed his breathing getting shallower. This was going to go too fast. Maybe, she’d think of something else she wanted, and he’d fuck her.


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