Alexa O'Brien 03 - Only Vampires Cry Blood

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Alexa O'Brien 03 - Only Vampires Cry Blood Page 10

by Trina M. Lee

  “Well,” he clapped his hands together and shifted in his seat. “Since you mentioned it, there is something else. I'd like to alter the terms of our little arrangement, if I may.”

  I sighed dramatically and huffed. “Go on.”

  “I want an exchange of service. Mine for yours. I help you and you in turn, help me.”

  “I'm not killing for you.”

  “Why is that the first thing that you assume?”

  “What else would you want from me? I'm not really in the service industry, you know.”

  The smirk he wore never wavered. I was dying to slap it off his face.

  “Aren't you? As far as I know, you get paid to kill your own kind.” His tone was flippant, and I knew an insult when I heard one.

  “And yours,” I spat back at him.

  “Which is exactly why I know you could do it, if it was ever needed.” Harley was beating around the bush, and we both knew it. I had half a mind to spin on my heel and head for the exit. “I want you to provide me with your lovely abilities, should I ever need them.”

  “Care to elaborate on that?” My stomach twisted with unease. I had a feeling I knew what he wanted. I wanted to hear him say it.

  “A man like me has his share of enemies, Alexa. Should I ever require some powerful backup, I want to be able to call on you. If I teach you about your power, I want access to it.”

  He watched for my reaction, and I knew he expected me to lose it. That was exactly what I wanted to do. It took all of my self-restraint to bite back the “fuck you” that threatened to spill through my lips.

  Taking a deep breath, I spoke through my teeth. “I don't think so. You don't have that kind of say as far as me or my abilities go. I'll find someone else to help me. Somehow.”

  “It'll be your choice,” his words came out in a rush. “But don't forget … any danger that comes my way makes Arys a target, too. He is mine after all. And, as much as you might hate to hear it, I don't plan on leaving this city any time soon.”

  “Why not?” Damn. I sounded far too disappointed. “Please don't tell me you are staying on our account. Arys and I were doing just fine before you got here. Better, in fact.”

  Harley shoved his chair back and stood up. “Now, now. No need to be petty. My reasons for staying are none of your concern.”

  “It is if you're knowingly attracting trouble.”

  He chuckled then, slowly crossing the space between us. My nerves were already frazzled. Each step he took stirred my wolf, and I grew defensive.

  “Any trouble that finds me will in turn find you and Arys. Don't tell me that you're so ignorant to that fact that you would endanger yourself and your loved ones. Honestly, I fear no one. Yet, if trouble comes knocking, don't for a moment think it won't end up on your doorstep, too. As much as it may kill you to believe it, you are linked to me by blood and power through Arys. Think carefully about what I'm asking you.”

  Another step brought him within touching distance. I sucked my breath in and held it, afraid to say or do something I'd regret. I hated that he was likely right. I was tied to him through Arys. As much as it ate me up inside, it was something I had to think about on a deeper level.

  Slowly exhaling, I struggled to remain calm. He was just a step away from invading my personal space. Being in the same room with him was enough to ignite a response within me. When he was two feet away and exuding that heavy, inviting energy, it was damn near impossible to resist him. It fed my hunger and stoked the flames of power waiting inside me for the right touch. I swore softly. Between the bloodlust and the power hunger, my resolve was fading fast.

  “If you bring trouble to my town, I will drive you out of here. Even if it means ripping your heart from your chest with my bare hands.” The words were a struggle, but I meant every one.

  Ignoring me, Harley held a hand close to me, touching my aura but not my body.

  Lucky. I glared at his hand, ready to bite his fingers off.

  “You are your own weakness,” he said thoughtfully. “If you weren't so stubborn, you would have a substantial amount of control over your power … and your hungers. You need to leave.”

  That was surprising. “What?” I asked, unsure if I'd heard him correctly. I shivered as I felt the growing energy between us ripple. He was vibing off me as strongly as I was reacting to him.

  “You shouldn't have come here with the bloodlust plaguing you. It causes your entire metaphysical being to be compromised. That in turn speaks to me, calls to me. You have no idea how powerful your allure is.” As he stroked a hand along my aura, it created a fluttery sensation in the pit of my stomach.

  “I don't need blood to live. I'm not like you.” My mouth was dry, and the words came out breathy and soft. It sounded like I was trying to convince myself rather than him.

  “A useless argument.” Harley moved in a slow circle around me. The feeling of his energy touching mine grew, and I had to focus hard on staying calm. “Can't you feel it?

  How easy I could have you.”

  Adrenaline flooded me, and my heart increased its pace. Again, I was reminded of how stupid I was for coming here, trusting him on any level. He stopped directly behind me, blocking the doorway. I tried to respond, but the words wouldn't come out. I gasped for breath, feeling like the air had been sucked from my lungs.

  “Please, don't.” It was all I could manage. His power was magnetic, drawing me to him in unnatural ways. I was caught in the middle of the turmoil, fighting to deny the many urges that taunted me. Why did giving in have to be so wrong?

  I gasped when he touched me. His hands were warm from his recent feed. It was like being zapped with electricity. The crackle of our power meeting was startling. Like the last time Harley had physically touched me, I ached for more of him. I knew it was the illusion of his power; his touch was meant to stir the wanton desire coiled deep inside me.

  Yet, I wasn't supposed to react like every other victim he claimed.

  Harley ever so slowly slid his hands down my upper arms to my elbows and then to my wrists. His fingers wrapped around each of my wrists in a grip that was sensual and commanding but not controlling or binding. My resistance continued to fade. This was all kinds of awful. He was taking me down faster than he had the time I'd been here against my will. If I'd learned anything from Harley, it was that I was a weak fool with a lot more to learn than I'd thought.

  “Consider this your first lesson, lovely lady,” he murmured low, his lips close to my ear. “Your power is your weapon, no different than fangs or claws. Weakness is your first enemy. Don't ever walk into battle unprepared unless you're ready to die your mortal death.”

  I shuddered, and though I longed for it to be disgust, it was pleasure. I found some solace in the fact that I was bonded to Arys. Harley couldn't bind me or kill me.

  However, that only ruled out two of the things he longed to do to me. There were many others.

  His grip tightened around my wrists until my heart pounded. I knew I had to pull away. I could throw him off me with no more than a thought. I didn't do it simply because I didn't want to. He held me under his thrall, and I didn't want to fight it. Fuck that. I had to.

  “Tell me, Alexa, do you want me to stop?” He released my wrists suddenly. With one hand he entwined his fingers through mine, sending a shock of power through me. I was ready to melt into a puddle at his feet, just that fast.

  With his other hand, he swept my hair to the side so that it no longer hid my neck.

  Alarm bells went off inside my brain. My voice was steady, but my knees were weak.

  “Yes. I want you to stop.”

  It was partly true. I really did want him to stop. He'd once told me that I was more powerful than he was. The difference was that he knew how to use his and very well at that. His abilities were rooted in desire and pleasure in its many forms. It came second nature to him. I longed to control myself with such ease.

  “Then stop me.” He nuzzled my hair, deeply inhaling my sc
ent. He groaned, and I knew that it wasn't only my control being tested now. This could get messy.

  I concentrated hard on pushing him away. I felt his resistance like a brick wall behind me. He chuckled at my failed attempt. The touch of his fangs against my bared neck was as heavenly as it was horrifying. I was definitely afraid, and still, a part of me wanted him to bite me. Harley's bite was powerful, almost as intoxicating as Arys'. This man knew the taste of my blood, my essence. It couldn't come to that again. I was stronger than that.

  Our joined hands provided the link I needed. I'd hurt Harley before. I could have killed him if Arys hadn't stopped me. He trusted me, too. The knowledge was sobering.

  Focusing on our physical connection, I pushed power into him with the intent to hurt, just enough juice to warn him that I wasn't a willing victim. I wasn't there to play.

  He reacted by jerking me hard against him so that I stumbled. My legs were like jelly. I was surprised that they held me at all. The sharp points of his teeth pressed into my flesh, and I waited for that second when they would plunge through the surface. With a groan, Harley gave me a push, releasing me entirely.

  “Go on, Alexa. Get out of here now before I do something you'll regret later.” His eyes were wild and solid black. “Next time you come, don't make the same mistake. You weaken yourself and affect the will of every metaphysical being around you by doing so.

  And God, how I ache to hurt you right now.”

  Harley was as unpredictable as a rabid dog. I knew that, so I ignored the wicked voice in my head that wanted to dare him to try to hurt me. His power was so much like Arys' and my own, yet it wasn't. His wasn't a part of me. We weren't bound. It was like the slightest taste of forbidden candy; how could I not want more?

  Taunting him into losing control was the last thing my rational mind wanted. The rest of me could just shut up and suffer. I had learned something in my brief visit. My own physical state was directly tied to the metaphysical. And, it could affect others. That could be useful if I could manipulate it at will. It was something I certainly planned to keep in mind.

  Harley stepped away from the door, crossing to the farthest side of the room. I hadn't been aware of the extent of the effect I was having on him. I should have though. Kale’s hungry, needy power called the same way to me. It was dreadfully hard to resist.

  I refused to think of anything else but putting one foot in front of the other. The sound of the blood pulsing through me was loud in my ears. I threw my energy into blocking out the tantalizing energy coming from each closed door that I passed. Maybe doing this in a vampire bar was a bad idea. Then again, maybe The Kiss was the perfect place to gain the stronghold I needed.

  No sooner had I stepped outside into the crisp night air than I felt the cool presence I'd know anywhere. I fought the urge to glance around. I kept moving, each step bringing me closer to my car.

  There he was, leaning against my Charger, arms crossed and absolute fury all over his perfect face. Arys looked up expectantly at my approach. His eyes brimmed with rage and something else … pain. I was speechless when he said, “I hope it was worth it.”

  Chapter Eight

  “Arys, I-,”

  “Don't try to explain this away! You knew how I felt about you coming here, and you didn't give a damn.” He shoved away from the car so that he stood close enough to touch. I had to crane my neck to look up at him. “I never thought that you were this selfish.”

  My mouth dropped open, and my temper began to simmer. I was many things, and selfish may be one of them at times. But, who the hell was he to talk?

  “That's not fair,” I replied, struggling to keep my voice calm. If we both got yelling, it would get out of control fast. “I came to you, Arys! I told you what I needed. I'm trying to find a way to live with myself, with your power running around inside me, trying to control everything I feel and do. Why can't you understand that?”

  “And why can't you understand why just the thought of you being here with him terrifies me so much?” He shouted the words at me, and I took a step back. He didn't like that, and he closed the space I'd made by grabbing my upper arms.

  Arys' energy was pushed to the breaking point along with his temper. It scalded me both inside and out at his touch. My wolf went on full alert, and suddenly I was growling up at him with eyes blazing and fangs bared. Clawed fingers prevented me from forming fists to clock him one.

  “Maybe we don’t quite understand one another here, but losing it isn't going to help.”

  I tried again for some kind of rationale despite my wolf's territorial desire to claw his eyes out. “Can you just back off and calm down?”

  “No.” He shook his head vehemently. “Not until you abandon this dumb ass idea of consorting with Harley.”

  I was positively infuriated. Nobody had ever gotten away with speaking to me like this, except for Raoul. The thought made me livid. I tried to shake him off, but Arys held tight. It almost hurt.

  “I am not consorting with him! How the hell can you say that to me?”

  “I know him, Alexa! He doesn't do anything without getting something in return.

  What did you promise him?” Arys' voice dropped low with menace, instilling fear deep in me. “Sharing you with the wolf pup is one thing. I know he's your other half. But, Harley is my past and my business. You don't want to do this.”

  My body vibrated with the overwhelming power as our two individual energies combined the way it only could with Arys. That was not something I was prepared to deal with.

  “I'm not stupid enough to make promises to a fiend like him. Give me a little credit.

  All he wants is extra firepower if he gets himself in any trouble. I told him that I'm not doing anything I don't agree with. Now could you calm the fuck down?”

  With my words came a flash of power that knocked Arys back a step, breaking his hold on me. I wasn't so caught up in my defensive anger to miss the fact that I was immensely stronger with him than when we were apart.

  “It's you,” I said, the words tumbling out as I sought to make sense of it. “I have more power and control when I'm with you. The power of the dead. Don't you see? We have to deal with this together. We are part of each other now. There's no changing that.”

  Arys made no move to touch me again. He stood there, staring at me with eyes that bore into my soul. “You'd like to though, wouldn't you? Change that?”

  I didn't understand his recent insecurity; I'd never seen that part of Arys. Human emotion wasn't his forte. Weak ones were unheard of.

  “No, Arys.” I shook my head and took a step toward him. He took one back. That stung. “As hard as it is for you to hear, I'm in love with you. That's something you can't keep avoiding. Believe it already so we can deal with this shit and move on. I wouldn't change anything between us.”

  His hard gaze didn't waver. He wouldn't budge. “I had no link to the human world before you. You touched a side of me that I didn't know still existed. That is why you have to stay away from Harley. The thought of him even laying eyes on you is enough to make me want to tear his limbs off. The idea that you're even willing to be in the same room with him, much less negotiate with him, kills me. He's going to warp your mind.

  And, then you won't be mine anymore.”

  Arys' pain was sharp with negativity. It crawled around inside me until I was consumed with the pain he felt. I hadn't known it was so strong. His fear of losing me was heavy within him. How could I not have known? This was more than territorial Arys being his vampire self. This was the man inside him struggling to come to terms with his feelings. Clearly, he hated it.

  I boldly took another step toward him, and this time he didn't move away. “I will always be yours. Do not ever think otherwise. I am a part of you. Literally. You can't just undo that. And even if I could, I wouldn't.”

  I wanted to kiss him, but I was afraid he would push me away. My ego couldn't take a blow like that. I stared into his amazing midnight eyes and searched for
a sign, something that indicated that we were going to be ok. The sick sensation engulfing me felt like a warning, an assurance that this chaos wasn't over.

  Arys was silent, and I waited, allowing him a moment to process his thoughts. Now more than ever, I was tempted to touch his mind, to get inside him. I didn't.

  The silence was killing me. It was tough not to break it, to say anything just to be saying something. The sound of vehicles passing by on the street nearby and the occasional loud voice from a neighborhood bar filled the quiet. Clenching his fists, Arys paced around the parking lot. At last, he stopped in front of me and spoke.

  “I just don't understand how someone so strong and unrelenting can do an about face like this. You persecuted Raoul, your own pack Alpha, when you didn't know for certain if he was a murderer or not. Now, just like that, you can walk back into The Wicked Kiss and expect to learn something from Harley. That is beyond fucked up.”

  I hated that he was right. Still, I didn't entirely see it the same way that he did. “It's not fair to bring up Raoul. That was completely different.”

  “Oh, because he's your past?” Arys sneered. “Fancy that. It's ok for you and not ok for me. Don't be a hypocrite, Lex. It's not like you. Don't tell me that Harley's getting to you already.”

  I let out a frustrated little shriek. It was getting more difficult to resist pulling my own hair out. “Ok, you win! Is that what you want to hear? I am wrong and you, all knowing vampire extraordinaire, are right.”

  “Goddamn it woman, why can't you see the reality here? You heard Harley. He wants you for himself. Where do you think I fit into that?”

  I didn't want to do this anymore. It was breaking me down. I didn't do well with this kind of conflict. Give me something that I could kill, no problem. Put a man I loved raging in front of me, and I was all kinds of broken.

  “He's nothing to me. You know that, Arys. Why are you so unwilling to give me the same understanding that you're asking for?” I pleaded, feeling like I was split in two. I wanted to stop the argument by letting it go and leaving it alone, but the stubborn side of me couldn't let him think he was one hundred percent right. I had valid feelings, too.


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