Alexa O'Brien 03 - Only Vampires Cry Blood

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Alexa O'Brien 03 - Only Vampires Cry Blood Page 14

by Trina M. Lee

  Instead, I left him a note in case he stopped by after work and found that I wasn't home.

  Even though I didn't want to, I stopped by Arys' house again, hoping against hope that maybe he would be there. I shouldn't have been surprised to find that he still hadn't made his way home, but I was. The disappointment was heavy and painful.

  Why was he doing this? Was it just to punish me or was this something bigger than that? I was starting to get the feeling that Arys had issues that I had never been aware of.

  Whatever they were, I'd pushed him over the edge.

  I didn't go through the back door when I got to The Wicked Kiss. It didn't feel right.

  It was creepy and unwelcoming. It wasn't as if I were a VIP member or anything. So I strode through the front door of the club with only one thing on my mind: to get to the bottom of this mess with Arys. By avoiding me, he was only making matters worse for both of us.

  There was no hesitation when I pulled the doors open. The bouncer at the door didn't stop me, as he once had, to ensure that I wasn't carrying any kind of weaponry. I breezed by him, ignoring the girl next to him at the cash register, who stared after me with shock when I didn't pay the cover.

  The lobby was in a quiet little hall, separated from the main club area by a set of double doors. Once I yanked those doors open, the loud music and myriad of scents hit me. I paused, momentarily hesitant. I drew a substantial amount of attention right away, most of it from the vampires that mingled amongst the human patrons, seeking their next willing victim.

  Lucky me, most of them knew who I was and didn't bother to approach or harass me.

  The one vampire that did have the balls to wave hello from his place buttering up a blonde across the room was Shawn. He'd helped me out once when I was here looking for Kale, and because of that, he was on a safe list that many others would never be on. He was under my protection, and therefore Arys'. I knew I could count on him to come through for me in the future if it was needed, which could be soon at the rate I was going.

  My instinct was to charge straight for the heavy black curtain near the bar that led to the back rooms. I moved slowly though, not wanting to rush through like a total maniac. I surveyed the room as I went, my gaze landing on Kale at a nearby table.

  I shouldn't have found it surprising to find him there, yet it caught me off guard. He sat next to a young brunette, holding her hand as he pressed his lips to her wrist. His head snapped up suddenly, and his mismatched eyes fixed on me.

  Something like alarm flashed across his face. With a brief word to the woman with him, he was on his feet and headed my way. I raised an eyebrow in question when he crossed the distance much faster than I felt was necessary. My suspicions were immediately raised.

  “Alexa? What the hell are you doing here?” Kale came to a stop directly in front of me, blocking my view of most of the club along with the back room entrance.

  “I'm not allowed in here? It's a public place.” I had to look up to meet his eyes because of his close proximity. “What's going on anyway? Why are you so jumpy? I didn't come to drag you out this time. Feel free to continue whatever it is you're doing.” I waved a hand dismissively, indicating the table where he'd been sitting.

  He shook his head, and a sudden sense of dread hit me. Kale knew something.

  “Please, trust me when I tell you that you need to leave. You just … really shouldn't be here right now.”

  “What the fuck is going on? You know something. I know you do.” I started to shove past him, and his firm grip on my shoulders stopped me. That confirmed it. “Get out of my way, Kale. I want to see Harley.”

  “I can't let you do that.” His tone held a deadly calm that almost frightened me. His hold on me tightened ever so slightly.

  My wolf wasn't happy with his dominating action. However, a part of me found it to be delightfully intriguing. Kale was hungry for more than one thing. I could taste it in his energy. Though my instinct was to react aggressively, I held my temper in check.

  “Why not? I don't give a damn if he's busy. Get out of my way before I move you out of my way.”

  “Do it then,” he challenged. “I'm trying to stop you from making a big mistake here.

  You don't want to do this.”

  I shook my head and stared deep into him until he began to look uneasy. “What I don't want to do, Kale, is this.”

  The power went out from me, straight into him. The fact that he was physically touching me made it that much stronger. I didn't want to hurt him, but to some degree, I had to. He was starting to become a real pain in the ass.

  When Kale stumbled back a few feet, I completely expected it. What I didn't expect was the grin that spread across his features and the arousal that his energy oozed. Damn vampires. They were always so unpredictable.

  Rather than give him a chance to come at me, I shoved by him and almost ran to the black curtain. I could feel him hot on my heels, and I poured on the speed. The bartender looked up in surprise when I flew by him, through the curtain. When he saw Kale in pursuit of me, he shrugged and turned back to the line of customers.

  “Alexa, stop!” Kale's voice rang out behind me. I sprinted down the red-carpeted hall; the door to Harley's room, far but in my sights.

  I ran straight into a wall of energy, thick and pulsating. It stopped me dead in my tracks. Arys. He was here. My gut had already known it, but my head didn't want to see. I couldn't deny it now. I could feel his power running high and hot like it was crawling all over me, through me.

  If it had belonged to anyone else, it would have crippled me. As it was, this power was a part of me. It sought to draw me in, and that's when I felt Harley's energy running at a high frequency, mingled in with Arys'. It was weaker than the power Arys commanded. Our union had given him strength greater than that his own sire possessed.

  Harley had been right when he said I held more power than he did. I hadn't been able to feel it then.

  Kale came to a halt beside me but kept his distance. “Don't go in there, Alexa. Trust me on this. You don't want to be here right now.”

  “Why not?” I whispered, my voice low and near inaudible.

  He said nothing, merely shaking his head solemnly. Kale's pity was not something I wanted. The closed door before me was nothing but a minor barrier. It would be so easy to see what was on the other side. I knew already in my very soul that it was bad. Really bad. Yet, I couldn't walk away blind.

  I could have stormed into the room like a raging bull. I could have even tossed a blast of power at it and blown it right off the hinges. What I did was take slow, steady steps until my hand wrapped around the doorknob. I didn't think; I just shoved the door open, revealing a scene that I'd only seen inside my mind when afflicted with memories belonging to Arys.

  For a moment, my brain didn't fully process what I was seeing. I could feel Kale at my back, bracing for my reaction. I struggled to make sense of what played out before my eyes.

  All of the action in the room was happening on the king size bed. The scent of blood was heavy and the power ran so high that it was almost suffocating. It had to be why they hadn't sensed my approach.

  Arys and Harley each hovered over the relaxed form of a dark haired woman. Her wrists were bound, but she didn't struggle, not anymore anyway. She was completely nude, and they were both clad in little more than silk lounge pants. Arys' fangs were buried deep in her throat; his hands, lost in her thick tresses. Harley crouched between her legs, delving into her pink folds with both fingers and mouth. My stomach turned, and the bile rose in my throat.

  I stood frozen as my heart dropped, unable to look away. I barely felt Kale's cool hand on my arm. This is what Arys had been doing? He blocked me out so that he could revisit his past with Harley, and from what I could see, he was enjoying it.

  The shock hit me, and it felt like time had stopped. When Harley lifted his head and looked at me, reality really hit home. His smile was pure evil. He didn't appear to be all that affected b
y my presence in his suite.

  “I knew you'd come,” he purred in a low, seductive lilt.

  I hated him. I hated every single fiber of his being. He loved this moment. A part of me wanted to crawl onto that bed with them, to taste that rich human blood they were spilling. Knowing that side of me was linked to Harley through Arys made my blood boil.

  Arys lifted his head suddenly, as if just noticing my presence. Blood stained his fangs and lower lip. His eyes were wild, glowing with a feral light. There was no semblance of my Arys in those eyes. All I saw was a vampire lost in the throes of passion and death. The man who had confessed his love to me was absent.


  My name was a growl on his lips. I'd seen enough. I couldn't stand to look at him another moment. I took a step back, stumbling into Kale who steadied me. Turning, I ran from the room, intent only on the rear exit door at the far end of the hall. Kale called my name, but he didn't pursue me. I ran, and I never stopped running until I reached my car.

  The honking of horns and shouts from angry drivers when I darted across the busy street never phased me. I was in another world.

  Driving was a horrible idea. I was a menace on the road. I knew I had to stop somewhere, but I had to get away from The Wicked Kiss. The very building seemed to laugh and mock me as I sped away. I went to the only nearby place where I knew I could be safe and alone with my thoughts. When I pulled up to the building where my office was, I was grateful to find it dark and empty. If anyone had been there, I wouldn't have gone in.

  I let myself in, leaving the lights off. Though I was tempted to hit up Jez' office for the bottle of vodka I knew she had stashed in there, I went straight to my own office. I felt like I couldn't breathe. The need for air was almost panic inducing. I was an idiot, a blind fool who had made the mistake of falling for someone who wasn't able to handle it.

  What I'd seen had hurt me more than I wanted to acknowledge. Arys was a vampire.

  What had I expected from him? More than that, a voice inside my head whispered. He said he loved me.

  I shivered despite the warmth inside the building. The pain seared me, filling every part of my being. It flashed me back to the only other time I had ever hurt like this. The first time Raoul had slept with another woman after I'd been with him. Yet even my starry-eyed youthful heartbreak paled in comparison to what I felt when I laid eyes on Arys and Harley.

  The image of that woman and their hands and mouths all over her made me want to scream. So, I did. Childishly, I threw random objects and punched several gaping holes in the wall before falling to my knees. I wept with full, gut wrenching sobs that sapped my strength.

  I hated Harley with a passion that I hadn't felt for a foe in a very long time. The worst part was that I loved Arys, but I desired the ability to hate him as well. This was all my fault. I had let my power hungry nature and lust draw me into bed with Arys without a second thought. This was the price I had to pay for that. Now I was bound to him until one or both of us ceased to exist. The consequences were overwhelming.

  I'm not sure how much time passed before I heard a key turn in the front door. I'd locked it behind me so the only person that could come in would have to have a key. Shit.

  I wasn't ready to face any of my friends or colleagues. Not like this.

  Pulling myself to my feet, I gripped the edge of my desk so tight that the wood cut into my hands. I dug my sharp claws into it, feeling the wood chip away in flakes. Kale's cold vampire energy reached me before he appeared in the open doorway.

  My back was to the door, but I knew when he stood there. I didn't turn to face him. I could only imagine what a mess I was.

  “Alexa? Can I come in?” Kale asked softly. When I didn't respond, he entered the room and came to a stop a few feet from me. I knew he was surveying the mess I'd made.

  “You knew he was there,” I murmured, my voice thick with tears. “You didn't tell me.”

  He was quiet for a moment before replying. “I'm sorry. I couldn't.”

  He didn't explain further, and I didn't prompt. It wasn't his fault. My tears fell silently, but they didn't stop. I was overcome by the despair that settled deep within me.

  Kale's undead energy was comforting in ways that I didn't understand. When he moved to wrap his arms around me from behind, I didn't stop him.

  Kale pulled me against him, my back pressed to his chest. I stiffened, uncertain whether I should allow such a bold move or resist. The truth was, I didn't want to resist.

  Being in Kale's arms felt like that forbidden fruit. The one you're not supposed to eat but can't help but do so because it tastes so damn good. Wrong … it was so wrong. And, I didn't care, not after seeing Arys tonight.

  “God, you feel so good.” His whispered words in my ear sent a warm shiver down my spine. “He doesn't deserve you.”

  I wiped my tears, grimacing at the thought of how blood smeared my face must be.

  This strange moment with Kale had been coming for some time now. Go figure that Arys had led us to it.

  “Kale,” I murmured. “This isn't right.” Despite what I'd said, I made no attempt to pull away. His power reached to touch me on every level, and mine was quick to respond.

  “It feels right.”

  I swallowed hard, trying not to notice how our power mingled and grew hot. “Which is exactly why it's so wrong. It shouldn't feel like this. If you give in to this temptation, you'll regret it. We both will.”

  A wave of heat swept through me, and I trembled. My power wanted him so bad. I could have him, in every way, take all he was giving and use it as my own. Kale slid a hand up my arm to my neck, playing in the loose tendrils of my hair. This wasn't the best day to have worn it up.

  When I didn't shove away from him, he grew bold. His lips brushed against my ear as he deeply inhaled my scent. I felt him shift into predator mode, matching the bestial pull within my core. He was feeling it, too. Of the two of us, I was willing to bet his control would slip first. Of course, that was assuming I had any left after the emotional turmoil of the evening.

  Kale's warm lips brushed the sensitive skin beneath my ear. A soft gasp came from me as a tingle shot straight to my groin. No, no, no. I could not react to him like this. The desire that filled me was accompanied by guilt.

  Push him away! Now, before it's too late. The voice inside my head screamed with a panicked edge. When had I become so weak willed? If I was as strong as Harley insisted, this kind of thing should not be able to overwhelm me.

  I was in serious denial. Harley had imparted much wisdom to me, though whether that had been purposeful or not, I wasn't sure. Through Arys' incubus blood, I was a succubus. My power preyed on people like Kale and even Harley. The promise of blood and power through sex was the driving force. Fighting it was only hurting me, denying the true nature of my power. I didn't want it to be true. It was so shameful.

  The moist touch of his tongue on my skin made my knees weak. Kissing and licking my neck, Kale made an animal-like sound low in his throat. Would it be so wrong to take what he was giving? He seemed to need it as badly as I did.

  Only when his hands found their way beneath the hem of my corset did I forced my brain to work and my lips to move. With Kale's hands on my bare stomach and his lips on my throat, I was beyond blown away. Why did the things that were so wrong always feel so damn good? Fuck!

  “Kale,” I squeaked. “Please.”

  His chuckle was unexpected and downright sexy. I quivered in his embrace.

  “Please, what? Anything you want, name it. Let me give you what Arys never could.”

  “And what's that?” I feared his response, but I wanted to hear it anyway.


  I had nothing to say to that. In many ways, he was right. I wanted solace. I found it in Shaz for my human and wolf sides, but the blood hungry side of me had no peace, no quiet moments of serenity. Yet, who was I to feel entitled to solace when I had willingly brought all of this chaos upon myself?<
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  Kale was moving awfully fast, giving in to whatever he'd been holding back over the past few months. That could be potentially dangerous. I didn't trust him to leash his savage side and keep from killing me. Yet, his touch was soft and sensual, loving almost.

  On some level, that was more frightening than if it had lacked emotion.

  He sucked at the throbbing vein in my neck, plumping it nicely. Oh, I knew what he wanted, and I wanted him to take it. The protesting voice in my head grew quieter, ceasing to hold much sway over me. I could see that image of Arys with his fangs deep in the pale flesh of the victim he shared with Harley, and I let go.

  “If you really want me to stop, Alexa, I will. It will be hard, but I'll walk away.” He delicately stroked me as he spoke, daring to caress lower until the top of my skirt stopped him. He paused, waiting for my command. “Tell me to stop.”

  It was a clear order; he was waiting for me to say it. I shook my head, the words caught. I didn't want to.

  “I can't,” I admitted. My words carried the tone of defeat, but I felt empowered.

  It wasn't what Kale had expected to hear. He bit lightly at my neck, causing me to suck in my breath. His hold on me tightened, and I leaned back into him, angling my head to better bare my neck.

  “Alexa? Tell me to stop.”

  Ever so gently, his fangs grazed the surface of my skin. The promise in that action spoke volumes. I was struck with eager anticipation, wanting him to cross the line and set us both free.

  I reached up to wrap an arm around his neck, holding him close. My fingers sank into his silken hair, and I whispered the word, “No.”

  If anything, Kale wanted me to stop him because he knew he could never do it on his own. He hungered for my blood and judging by the way he touched me, he wanted more than that. Once that last word was uttered, he quit holding back; the power rushed forth to capture us in its inescapable thrall.

  Kale slid his hands over the smooth velvet of my corset and around to the back. With deft fingers, he pulled at the strings that held me tightly bound. The corset loosened just enough to allow him to work it down, beneath my breasts.


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