Billionaire Benefactor (Steamy Erotic Sleep Story)

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Billionaire Benefactor (Steamy Erotic Sleep Story) Page 1

by Natasha Hunter

  Billionaire Benefactor

  (sexy sleep erotica)

  Natasha Hunter

  copyright © 2017

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced in any format without prior consent of the owner and publisher of this book.

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  I barely remember the first time I was introduced to Cloe, it being over ten years since I had last seen her. She was the daughter of my then-girlfriend, Simone, who brought Cloe to my beach house to spend her summer break with us. Of course, I didn't mind, but I didn't go out of my way to spend any time with the girl. I mean, she was a child, and I had always been uncomfortable in the presence of children.

  Simone was a French actress who had moved to America for a part in some movie or another, and we met by happenstance at a coffee shop of all places. I asked her out and we began dating exclusively within a week. I was smitten, head over heels for. I even entertained the idea of marrying her. She was everything I was looking for in a woman: beautiful, exotic, and charming. She had an alluring way about her and I was utterly captivated. We dated for a year until Simone died in a boating accident with Josh Traver- her co-star whom she was having an affair with.

  My world turned upside down and to this day I am still plagued with lingering feelings of resentment and betrayal. I loved her more than anything in this world, but that wasn't enough for her to remain faithful. Those dark days after her death are still a blur, a miasma of despair.

  However, I wasn't alone in my grief- Cloe was left motherless, and alone in a foreign country. She had no one to return to in France, no other family members except a great aunt who was too old to take custody of the girl. Despite my overwhelming feelings of hurt and betrayal for Simone, I couldn't let her daughter be sent into the American foster care system. Not that I planned to be a father to her either, but I reasoned I could throw enough money at the problem to get it sorted. Legally, I became her guardian and set her up at the beach house. I hired an au pair and enough staff to oversee her well-being, and that was that. My conscience clear, I moved back to New York and tried to put that horrible ordeal out of my mind.


  "Goodnight Mister Somner," cooed my assistant, Ashly, as she dropped her elegant hands against my shoulders and gave a soft squeeze. The scent of her expensive perfume filled the air.

  "Good night, Ashly."

  "You work too hard. You should go out and have some fun," she said, the invitation in her voice evident.

  "Duly noted."

  She gave a little sigh as she pulled her hands away. "See you in the morning," she said at the doorway.

  "Bright and early," I said automatically, waiting for her to leave.

  A look of disappointment washed across her enchanting face. Granted, the woman was beautiful, but I just wasn't interested. It was never a good idea to mix business with pleasure, and Ashly was the best assistant I'd ever had-despite her flirtatious nature. It was, however, a powerful tool when not directed at me- she had helped me close more than one business deal with that lethal dose of sensuality.

  As the door closed, I spun my chair around and glanced out of my office window, absently staring at the city skyline. I loosened my gray tie and contemplated a drink before heading home. I was in no hurry. There was no one waiting for me.

  I checked my email on my iPhone and frowned. Another email from Lindi, the au pair I had hired to care for Cloe. Typically Lindi would email every few months or so with an update on Cloe, though I barely paid them any heed. If money was required, I would send it. Otherwise, the updates on the girl's life went unread. I wasn't her father or family- a benefactor at best.

  Tapping my finger on the mail, it opened to a lengthy response from Lindi. My first inclination was to skim it like I had all the others, but something in the first paragraph caught my eye. With a scowl, I read every detail. Twice.

  Mister Somner,

  First off, I want to say that I have done my best by Cloe, having spent these years raising her as if she were my own child. Despite my efforts, she has been acting out lately. She has sneaked out twice to go to parties that I know that you wouldn't approve of. I've punished her, but she keeps pushing the boundaries. I think it has to do with her birthday, and the fact that she just turned eighteen and can 'do what she wants, with whoever she wants.' Her rebellious nature is trying, and honestly, I am at my wit's end.

  Her graduation is in a week. I don't know if you have plans to be here, but I have to let you know that with her graduation, our arrangement is over. As she departs for college in the fall, there is simply no reason for me to remain.

  I regret to inform you that I have sought employment elsewhere. This is my two-week notice.

  Sincerely, Lindi Grace

  I raked my fingers through my hair and sighed with annoyance. So the chit thought she was an adult. Though eighteen was legally an adult, I doubt she would be out of my 'care' for good. I vaguely remembered an email or two from Lindi about money for college and had forwarded those emails to my accountants, to let them sort it out.

  Guilt reared in the back of my mind as I remembered the girl with the big brown eyes and caramel-colored curls. She was a miniature of Simone. Of course, it wasn't Cloe's fault that I could barely think of her without remembering her cheating whore of a mother. Frustrated, I closed the email and made plans to travel to LA.

  It was time to face my demons.


  A thousand memories rushed through my mind as I climbed the steps to the beach house. I paused by the door and deftly tapped in the security code to let myself in, assuming the staff would be asleep at this hour. I slipped inside and quietly placed my suitcase in the foyer.

  In the dim light, I examined the living room and noticed nothing much had changed in the past ten years. I thought of the countless hours Simone and I had spent cuddled up on that very same sofa, talking, laughing, and fucking. An unwanted surge of desire pulsed through me as I remembered Simone's lithe little body settled in my lap, her legs wrapped around my waist, my cock buried hilt deep within her heavenly depths.

  I pushed the unwelcome images to the back of my mind and continued my exploration of the house. The bottom floor was mostly open with lots of windows, showing off a spectacular view of the moonlit ocean. It was what drew me to the house originally.

  After retrieving my suitcase, I climbed the steps to the second floor and shoved my suitcase onto my old bed. To my dismay, the room hadn't changed much either. The entire house felt like a mausoleum of old, painful memories. Feeling restless and a bit jet lagged, I decided to take a midnight walk. I desperately needed to clear my head and thought the Pacific Ocean air would do the trick.

  As I headed back to the staircase, I paused as I noticed a door half-open on the right. Moonlight streamed through floor-to-ceiling windows, illuminating the wide, open bedroom space. I pushed the door open to get a better view and realized this was probably the one room in the entire house that had changed. Cloe's bedroom wasn't what I would have expected. Instead of girly pink and stuffed animals, the room was tastefully done in muted grays, with one wall filled with black and white framed photographs.

  For some reason, I never thought about Cloe as an adult. In my mind, she was still the eight-year-old girl I had left behind.

  'Abandoned', my inner-demons taunted.

  I shook my head and reasoned with myself. I provided for her. She wanted for nothing. Hell, she wasn't even related to me, yet I made sure she had the best of educations and lived in my favorite house, filled with staff to see to her every whim.

  My eyes trav
eled to the bed on the opposite side of the room. Cloe lay there, sleeping on her side, her legs half-tangled in creamy white sheets. Her spaghetti-strap nightgown had worked its way up her hips and settled onto the curve of her waist. My gaze roamed the length of her tanned legs to her uncovered, bare bottom. My cock twitched at the visceral wonder before me. So, the little chit didn't wear panties when she slept. My mind raced with unbidden thoughts of why she didn't wear anything to cover herself. Did she like the feel of satin sheets against her bare skin? Was it easier to have nothing in the way while she pleasured herself with those dainty little fingers in the middle of the night?

  Suppressing those wanton desires, I neared the bed and gently lifted the sheet to pull it up over her body. She gave a soft sigh in her sleep and rolled over onto her back. I waited for her to blink her eyes open, figuring I would scare the daylights out of her- a stranger in her room, hovering over her bed. I was ready to introduce, and, explain myself, but she never woke.

  I watched the rise and fall of her chest, noting that she was still fast asleep, which gave me time to visually explore her body. I knew I should have felt ashamed, but I was too curious. Physically, she was so like Simone. Long and lean limbs. Her hair was full and lush, dark curls tangled across the pillow. Her lips were soft pink and full. I remembered the way Simone used to pout with me, knowing full well I couldn't resist her. Cloe had the same upturned nose and scattering of freckles across her cheeks. Her sooty lashes were long and wispy.

  My gaze lowered and I feasted on the outlines of the hard, little nipples poking against the cotton fabric of her gown. I was tempted to pull the strap down her shoulder a bit so that I could get a glimpse of those perky little buds. The thought of leaning over and wrapping my mouth around one of her young, plump tits raced through my mind, and I couldn't help but wonder if she would enjoy it as much as Simone had. I could feel my cock stirring as I let the fantasy play out for a few seconds longer. I'd twirl my tongue around her nubile, taut nipples and graze my teeth against them.

  A rush of unwanted images played through my mind. I thought of pushing those plump tits together and sliding my cock between them, jutting the tip against her pouting lips. I imagined her darting her tongue out to taste me. I imagined her eyes- Simone's eyes- staring at me intently as I worked my way down her perfect body with my tongue. I desperately wanted to taste her.

  Frustrated with my debaucherous thoughts, I mentally shook the images away, though that didn't stop me from slanting my gaze even lower to have a look at her pussy. It was shaved or waxed- completely hairless, with a fleshy plump mound at the top. Her legs were slightly parted and I could see the pink of her slit. My mouth watered at the view, and all I could think about was lowering my head and giving her sweet young pussy a lick. I wanted to split her legs open and shove my face against all of her pinkness, slither my tongue between those delicious folds. I wanted to find her clit and suck it between my teeth, to hear her moan and call out my name.

  Without even realizing that I had stretched my hand out to touch her, my fingertip lightly trailed over her slit. She whimpered in her sleep and her legs shifted on the bed, parting wider- as if in invitation. That soft little moan reminded me too much of Simone.

  What the fuck am I doing?

  "Goddammit," I muttered under my breath as I dropped the sheet, covering her lithe body before storming out of the room. It pissed me off to lose control, something I hadn't done in ten years.


  "Mister Somner," Lindi smiled at me from across the breakfast table the following morning as I sat down. "I trust your trip was pleasant?"

  "Miss Grace," I gave a polite nod of my head to the au pair, "Indeed, thank you for asking."

  She pushed her plate aside and stood, "Well, if you will excuse me, I have some packing to do. I will be leaving for the airport just after the graduation ceremony, if that is all right with you?"

  I nodded, "Yes. And, I want to personally thank you for all that you've done, Lindi. If you need any help in the future, references, or anything, do let me know."

  "I'll keep that in mind, thank you, sir," she said just before leaving.

  "Morning..." a shy voice spoke from the door. I turned my head to see Cloe stepping into the room. She smiled at me as her large dark eyes locked with mine, "I remember you."

  Guilt assaulted me for not having visited her earlier, "Truly? I would have thought you would have forgotten me after all this time."

  She giggled, "No chance. How could I forget my knight in shining armor who played princess tea party with me?"

  The memory flashed through my mind, admittedly, it was something I had completely forgotten about. Simone had an interview and her nanny bailed on her at the last minute. She begged me to watch Cloe for the afternoon. I had reluctantly agreed and spent the day doing the bidding of 'Princess Penelope,' a name she had given herself.

  I chuckled, "I had forgotten that."

  "I never did," she said as she took a seat at the table. "You were wonderful. Still are, I think."

  I inwardly cringed, knowing I could have done better by the poor girl. 'Woman', I quickly amended. She was eighteen, after all. "I hardly think so."

  She flashed me a dazzling smile, "Of course you are! You have taken care of me all of these years, after all. I mean, who else would've taken in the daughter of a woman who had cheated on him?"

  My brows furrowed, "You know about that?"

  "Of course. I googled her. I saw the tabloids. I can't believe she did that to you. You must have hated her for it."

  I felt uncomfortable talking about it, especially to her own child, "I don't believe this is something we should be discussing."

  "Why not? I've been so curious all of these years about you and her... and you and me."

  My brow quirked, "You and I?"

  She continued, "I mean, who does that? Any other man would have sent me packing back to France. But, you provided for me and allowed me to live in this amazing house and go to the best schools. I just want you to know that I am deeply grateful for all that you've done for me."

  "Despite what happened, I cared about your mother. I wouldn't have abandoned her only child into the foster system. And, I couldn't send you back to France. You didn't have a home to return to."

  "And so you created one for me here. I thank you for that, Monsieur Somner."

  "Please, call me Michael."

  "Michael," she repeated my name with a whimsical smile curling the corners of her mouth.

  Her smile was infectious. I smiled at her in return, "So, tell me your plans for tonight." It was her graduation, after all.

  "I thought we could go out for dinner after the ceremony?" she suggested, her expression hopeful.

  "You and I?" I asked, surprised.

  "If it isn't an imposition? I know that you're terribly busy, but it would mean so much to me. "

  "No, not at all. I would be delighted. I will make the reservations. For how many?"

  "Oh, just the two of us."

  "There is no one else you'd like to invite?" I asked, perplexed.

  "Not at all. I want it to be just the two of us. I want to get to know you, Michael."

  Something in the way she said it sent a shiver down my spine. I thought of her semi-nude body from last night, then pushed it from my mind. "Very well then, I look forward to it."

  "Did you sleep well?" she asked just before taking a sip of orange juice.

  "Very," I lied, having spent most of the night plagued by thoughts of her sweet, perfect body down the hall.

  "Mmm. Me too. Though, I have always been a heavy sleeper. Lindi says a hurricane could come through and I wouldn't wake up." A twinkle in her eye and the curl of her lip made me think she had a secret... could she have known I came into her room and was teasing me about it?

  "I'm envious. I never sleep that soundly, I think."

  "I mean, someone could walk right into my room in the middle of the night and I'd never know it. Even if they bounced up
and down on my bed I'd sleep right through it!"

  "Interesting," I said, wondering what she was implying.

  She gave a little shrug of her shoulders, "Just saying. Anyhow. I think I'll go for a swim. I have an hour to kill before my hair appointment." She stood up, "Care to join me?"

  No way in hell. "I have a few things to tend to this morning, unfortunately. But, I will be here before you leave for the ceremony. Perhaps we can ride together?"

  She nodded with a grin, "I'd like that very much, Michael."


  I answered a few emails upstairs before deciding what to do with my morning. Before leaving New York, I had cleared my calendar and had nothing pressing for the next couple of days. Not that I was going to tell Cloe that. I needed an excuse not to go swimming with her. I didn't trust myself being around her in a bathing suit. But I couldn't help myself from wondering what kind she'd wear.

  Mere minutes passed before I gave myself permission to glance out the window and have a peek. She was in the pool below, doing laps from one side to the other, her strokes long and languid. The water glistened beneath a sunny, cloudless day. Cloe pushed herself up onto the side of the pool, then stood and stroked her fingers through her wet hair, smoothing it away from her face. Water ran in rivulets down her svelte body. I took note of her lime-green bikini and the way it hugged her curves. She squeezed her hair, forcing excess water from her long, caramel colored strands, then settled down onto a lounge chair.

  Her head rolled to the side after she tucked an arm behind her neck. She wiggled around in the chair, obviously trying to get comfortable, then untied her bikini top. The lime-green material fell to the side, exposing two perfectly shaped tits.

  My cock lurched to attention as I ogled her, a voyeur in my own home. No doubt she had assumed I had left already and had no idea I was here, watching her sunbathe topless.

  Or did she?

  No. There was no way she could see me through the tinted glass. She couldn't know I was visually feasting on her hot little body. I stared at her for what seemed like forever, absorbing every tiny detail I could from this vantage point. Her legs were long, slender, and tanned. Her stomach was flat and smooth, tits perky and tanned as well. She must always sunbathe topless, I presumed.


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