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Demon Lust

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by Raisa Greywood

  Demon Lust

  Sinistre Ange

  Raisa Greywood

  © 2019 Raisa Greywood and Sinistre Ange

  All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise - without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is unintended and entirely coincidental.

  For mature readers only. This book contains adult language and adult sexual situations only suitable for adult readers. All characters in this book are over the age of 18. This book is intended for adults only. Any activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book, intended for adults, should be interpreted as being advocated by the author (who is an adult), editor (also an adult), or any other artist (all adult type people) involved in its creation.

  Cover art by Bianca Sommerland. Editing provided by MJ Edits.


  Sinistre Ange


  Raisa Greywood

  The Devil’s Doorbell

  Sinistre Ange

  One Damned Fuck

  Sinistre Ange

  We Invite You In

  Sinistre Ange

  The Monster Under the Bed

  Raisa Greywood


  About the Author


  Sinistre Ange

  Chapter 1

  Lyana finished drawing the symbols on the floor of what used to be her home, the smell of charred wood and flesh still filling her nostrils, even though it was two days since the raiders had come and gone. Tears dripped down her cheeks, not from the pain in her arm where she'd cut herself for blood to draw the symbols, but from the emotional havoc that still tugged at her soul.

  Only nineteen years old, she was the last one alive from a village of almost a hundred people, the only one to escape the carnage of the raiders. They'd hit in the afternoon—hard and fast. There hadn't many of them, but they’d been unexpected and well-armed... Lyana had been far away when they first came, gathering her favorite kind of mushrooms deep in the forest. It wasn't until she glanced up and saw smoke rising above the trees that she even knew anything was wrong... hurrying back towards her home, as she got closer she could hear screams.

  There had been nothing she could do, she'd hidden in the forest, watching in horror... the men were strewn about, their bodies hacked and bleeding. Some of the older woman and children were already dead... the women of the village who were still alive were being used in a brutal fashion. Lyana sobbed quietly into her dress, unable to take her eyes away from the men who were taking turns between her older sister's legs, beating Bryanne as they raped her.

  There had been nothing she could do... that's what she told herself, even now, but part of her still felt guilty. She'd waited in the woods, untouched, unscathed, until the last of them had gone... and then she'd rushed down to the limp body of her sister, but it was too late. Bryanne didn't even recognize her, her mind was lost to the horrors that she'd lived but that Lyana had only witnessed. Crying, Lyana had held her older sister as she died.

  At first, Lyana thought she would go mad, alone in that village of rape, torture and death... she'd wandered the streets... then, in some house, she couldn't even remember which one, it was almost as though she'd been led to this book. This strange book with the gold markings on its front cover. She didn't know what had prompted her to look inside, she definitely hadn't had much interest in anything... but she did look inside and found herself looking at instructions for summoning various demons.

  Suddenly, there was life in her again. Perhaps the book wouldn't work, perhaps it was just a trick or just someone's overactive imagination... but what could it harm her to try? She'd looked through it, choosing her demon carefully, because the book emphasized how once a demon had been summoned, that was your one chance... and demons were easily angered if their time was wasted. Lyana considered Sonneillon, the Demon of Hatred... and Alastor, the Executioner... but she wasn't sure they would be able to provide her with what she wanted. Perhaps Alastor could kill the men who'd raided the village, but she wanted to do it herself.

  She found herself staring at the page for Leonard, the Master of Black Magic and Sorcery. Lyana didn't hold any illusions. As a woman there was no way for her to fight the men she wanted revenge on, she was weaker and they would just use her and kill her the way they had Bryanne. But with magic… if this worked... she would have her own weapon, much more potent than anything they could dream up, and she could wreak her vengeance upon them.

  The Summoning wasn't complicated... it required her blood to draw the symbols, the death of a small animal—and it was easy enough to catch one of the stray chickens, almost pathetic in its relief at finding someone alive, and a desperate need for this particular demon. Lyana needed him. She had nothing else left.

  Crouching naked in front of the symbols, she carefully pulled the chicken out of the cage it was clucking in.

  "I'm sorry," she whispered, feeling a little guilty that yet another innocent life had to be taken, whether it was a dumb chicken's or not. But revenging her family was more important. Stopping the slaughter from happening to others was more important.

  She snapped the chicken's neck, and gently placed it in the space provided by the symbols.

  Bringing herself to her knees, and drawing herself upright, Lyana spread her legs apart slightly and glanced at the book, even though she already knew that she'd memorized the words.

  "Leonard, Master of Black Magic and Sorcery, I call you. With my blood I call you. With this death I call you. With my need, I, Lyana, call you forth."

  It hurt. She hadn't been expecting that... it felt like something was inside of her, burning her insides until she screamed... it felt like her blood was on fire. Writhing in front of the symbols, crying with pain, her skin felt swollen to bursting, and she was sure she was going to die.

  Slowly the bubbling sensations of pain started to subside, and her pain-wracked movements were able to stop. Sobbing she lay on the floor, her skin covered with a sheen of sweat. Turning carefully to her side, she pushed herself up on one arm, forcing her eyes open to blink at what her words had wrought.

  Standing in the center of the symbols, where the chicken had lain, was a tall, muscled, humanoid thing... Lyana's breath caught in her throat with fear. It was naked, its body proportioned like a man's, between its legs hung a cock much larger than any of the raiders, but it didn't have any testicles. Dark shiny skin that wasn't quite black, but at the same time seemed to drink in light, almost as though the demon was a hole which no color could come out of it... it was pure darkness.

  Looking over her young, luscious, naked body, the demon's tongue slicked out of its mouth and over its lips... long and forked. It stepped forward and she could see a long tail swinging behind it. Everything about Leonard screamed intimidation and darkness, and for a moment Lyana almost forgot why she had even summoned him, she was so paralyzed by her fear.

  Leaning forward, Leonard smiled, sharp teeth not doing anything to reassure her, "You have summoned me Lyana, what do you need?"

  Taking a deep breath, Lyana spilled out her story, too frightened to even cry. At the end of her tale the demon just looked at her.

  "So what do you need, Lyana?" the way it hissed her name made her shudder, it trickled across her skin like a strange caress

  "I need magic," she whispered, staring up at him, her anger at the invaders starting to return and mute her fear, "I need magic and sorcery to take my revenge... I need to hurt them like they hurt me, I need them to feel the fear and pain before they die at my hand... I need what only you can give me."

  Leonard's smile broadened, "And what do you offer in return?"

  She took a deep breath, but there was no choice... the book had warned her what the price would be, and it hadn't taken her long to decide it was worth it to her.

  "I offer you myself, my body in this life and my soul in the next."

  "You are a virgin?"

  Lyana nodded, suppressing the sob that suddenly threatened.


  Leonard leaned down and kissed her, suddenly seeming very male, very frightening. Lyana stiffened as his tongue invaded her mouth, long and wiggling to the back of her throat... his hands gripped her arms and brought her to her knees, as he pulled his lips away. His cock, long and thick, was in front of her.

  "There are rites, Lyana," he hissed, "And at the end of this, you will have your magic... and I will have you, whenever I wish, till the end of time." His hands covered her breasts, gripping them tightly, "Open your mouth."

  Obedient, Lyana's lips parted to admit entry, her jaw stretching painfully to fit around the wide head of his cock, and he squeezed her breasts hard enough to bruise. Tears welled in her eyes at the pain in her breasts and the tight fit of his cock in her mouth. Her tongue pressed against the intruder, almost as if she could push it out. Leonard stared down at her, hands roughly kneading her breasts, his claws digging in just enough to draw a little bit of blood, making her wince.

  Slowly his entire cock pushed into her mouth, down her throat, she felt like gagging but for some reason her body never rebelled completely despite the discomfort. All she could do was accept the huge cock as it filled her mouth. Long, hard... it was wet with her saliva as he pulled it most of the way out and then pushed back in, using her breasts to tug her back and forth... they burned with the abuse.

  Lyana felt strange... despite the pain, despite the discomfort, there was a fire burning between her legs. Leonard stared down into her eyes and she felt like he was looking into her soul. Somehow, she knew her arousal was his doing, that he enjoyed making her both hurt and feel pleasure at the same time. She cried out as he pinched her nipples tightly, hurting the tender buds, at the same time his cock pushed deep and the inside of her pussy spasmed with need. Trembling, she found herself eagerly swallowing his cock, the first one that she'd ever touched.

  It seemed to grow larger in her mouth, and suddenly the demon thrust all the way in, holding her head tightly, her lips pressed against his groin. Lyana struggled a little, sure that she was choking but she wasn't. Something poured down her throat, burning a little, into her stomach, and she wondered what it was. She was old enough to know about sex and understand sex... and while she knew that taking a cock in her mouth was deviant, it was something that she'd heard of. But she also knew the demon had no balls, and so she had no idea what was entering her body... only that it felt hot, and she started to feel a little light headed.

  Leonard pulled from her mouth, leaving her gasping and panting... her throat and stomach still feeling tingling and burning.

  Turning her around, he lay he down so that her back was on the symbols she'd drawn with her blood... they still felt a little sticky and wet on the floor and she was slightly disgusted. Laying down between her thighs, Leonard's long tongue swiped up her pussy, and Lyana's hips lifted in surprised pleasure. His textured tongue rubbed against her wet pussy lips, she could feel that pleasant burning again, even though his hands were as rough on her thighs as they had been on her breasts.

  Looking down the length of her body, she could see the bruises and cuts on her tender breast flesh, down to where the dark, smooth head of the demon was between her thighs, feasting on her pussy. Lyana shuddered and moaned, hands pressed against the floor as she discovered the meaning of gratification. Her pussy grew wetter and wetter, and she gasped as the demon's tongue actually entered her body, only stopping when it reached her maiden's head.

  Pulling its tongue out of her pussy, the Master of Black Magic and Sorcery pulled her legs up, pressing its monstrous cock into her virgin hole. Lyana gasped and moaned as it pushed into her, spreading her wide, stretching her in a painfully pleasurable way. The burning in her throat and stomach increased, feeling as though it was pulling down through her body, trying to reach where the cock was thrusting into her.

  When he reached her maidenhead Leonard paused, for just a moment, as Lyana writhed on the floor in front of him, her own blood started to coat her back and blur the symbols drawn there. Then, he burst through with a single thrust, and Lyana shrieked with the pain of it as he buried himself inside her, blood coating his cock as he passed through the entrance to her body. It felt as though his cock went on forever, actually reaching up through her body to meet the burning darkness that seemed to have filled her throat and belly. Gasping, Lyana tried to pull herself away, but Leonard had a firm grip on her hips, and he pulled her back to him, her body flopping almost like a rag doll as he began to thrust in and out of her deflowered hole.

  Lyana cried out, pain flowing with pleasure as his thumbs rubbed her hips in a circular motion, and she was sure he was using magical means to induce her lust and pleasure. Her body felt overstimulated in every way possible, his hips thrusting, cock pushing in and out of her. Her pussy burned with abuse and need at the same time.

  Leaning forward, Leonard's long tongue flicked out and slapped hard against her nipple, awakening the sensitive nerves that had already been abused by his rough fingers. Lyana groaned and whimpered. Even though her pussy was starting to become used to the assault, it seemed as though Leonard preferred not to make things easy for her. Coming forward even more, Leonard smiled wickedly at Lyana as his mouth came down on her breast. For a moment he was gentle, tongue caressing her sore nipple, and then he bit down on her tender flesh with his sharp teeth.

  She screamed, writhing beneath him as the rush of pain slammed through her, feeling blood well... part of her knew he hadn't even bitten her very hard, that if he'd wanted to, he could have literally taken a bite out of her. Instead, he released her breast and then turned to the other, sinking in his teeth, all the while continuing to drive her body into the ground as he fucked her hard.

  The darkness in her throat and belly seemed to fill her breasts, and blood trickled out of the wounds, which he lapped at with his tongue. Both breasts had a perfect imprint of his teeth on their pale surface. Lyana moaned and tried to cover them with her hands, to stop him from licking at her blood which was both perverse and erotic. Leonard took her wrists and held them above her head with one hand, his other squeezing her abused breast, almost as though to squeeze more blood from the bite... laughing, he thrust hard into her, making her shriek as he licked at her bloody chest.

  It seemed to go on for ages, him thrusting into her, filling her pussy, lapping at her blood, and all the while her passion seemed to rise, even through the pain. Hips moved up to meet his punishing thrusts, her ass slammed back down to the floor as he filled her... darkness seemed to coil inside her belly... burning in her throat... waiting....

  Lyana writhed and thrashed beneath him as she started to cum, her orgasmic juices mixing with the blood from her maidenhead on his cock, her euphoria taking her past the point of pain and into a delirious bliss. Never had she known such pleasures were possible, and she shook with the rapture that filled her core.

  Leonard thrust hard into her, and she screamed with ecstasy as she felt something emptying from his body into hers... the burning sensation in her throat and stomach was now echoed in her pussy, seeming to fill her completely. She could almost feel darkness coiling at the center of her being.

  Withdrawing from the exhausted girl, Leonard turned her over. Lyana moaned as his tongue licked the blood off of her back, she fel
t overwhelmed with sensations, not only the pleasure that had filled her pussy, but the strange sensation of something foreign inhabiting her body. Something dark. Then she cried out in protest as she felt Leonard's huge cock pressing at the entrance of her ass.

  "These are the rites," he hissed in her ear, "You have started them, you must complete them, or I take you to Hell with me now and we'll complete them there, without your revenge."

  She sobbed and screamed into the wooden floor as he pulled her hips up, pressing his monster cock into her ass. It felt like he was shoving a log up there. For all she'd heard about sex, this was the most perverse, deviant, unimaginable act... she hadn't even known it was possible. Not really. It hurt unbearably, her ass snapping closed around the head of his cock, but still straining to stretch over the girth of his shaft, lubricated only with the blood and her cream from her pussy.

  The demon didn't make it easy for her either, he treated her tender, shocked ass in the exact same way he had her pussy. A long, slow, hard stroke in, filling her ass completely, and then starting his hard thrusts in and out. Lyana shrieked and bucked, her ass trying desperately to close, but it only increased her discomfort and torment as it tried to tighten over the girthy rod. All the while she could feel his tongue on her back, licking at the blood from the symbols on the floor.

  Just as she thought it could get any worse, she felt something nudging at her entrance to her pussy... it was his tail, blunt and easily as thick as his cock, pushing into her. Lyana felt impossible full, and she opened her mouth to scream. Black smoke poured out from between her lips, and she could feel the darkness inside of her coiling again. It was in her throat, her belly, her breasts, her pussy... the pumping action going on behind her stirred it, making it move inside her body.


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