Demon Lust

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Demon Lust Page 10

by Raisa Greywood

  "Take him into custody." The King's voice was deep, heavy, and for a moment Lyana's heart ached for him. But he had chosen to turn a blind eye to what his son had become, he had chosen to give his son men to do his will, and this was what came of it. The King nodded at the Ambassador, ignoring his son's screams of rage and protests. "He is yours. His men will be dealt with."

  The King left the dais, his shoulders bowed with grief as the Ambassador gestured at the guards who had bound the Prince's hands. A sacrifice to prevent war.

  "Are you satisfied?" asked a deep voice in Lyana's ear, hands settling onto her shoulders despite the spell that she'd put in place to keep her from being touched by those around her.

  Turning, Lyana tilted her head back to look up into Leonard's strange eyes. The red fire that burned in his strangely black orbs seemed gentler somehow, more like a hearth fire that one might settle next to for warmth rather than the blazing inferno that she'd glimpsed so many other times before. All around them the crowd was still moving, swirling as the gathered people chattered excitedly to each other, the official standing at the front of the dais and frantically trying to gain back attention, but it was as if Lyana and Leonard were in their own little bubble, drifting away from reality. The sounds muted to a humming buzz, the colors dimming, and Lyana found that she couldn't focus on anything but Leonard's cruelly handsome, almost human face.

  "Almost," she said. "I'll be more satisfied when I find out what happens with him. And the rest of his men."

  "The men will be sent to the quarries in your country and the Prince will be sent back to his father, after your country has been paid a hefty sum. At which point he will be locked away in a madhouse and forgotten." Leonard grinned at her, his arms sliding around her body and pulling her close to him, pressing her softness against his unnaturally muscled length. She had to tip her head back quite a bit to keep her eyes trained on his, making it look as though she was asking for a kiss. Pressing her hands against his chest she tried to wriggle away, just to ease the strain in her neck, but he didn't let her. "Does that satisfy you?"

  She thought it over for a moment, lowering her head to press it against Leonard's chest between her hands, one of his hands slipping up into her hair and removing the pins so that it fell down her back. As he massaged the back of her head, she closed her eyes and pursed her lips thoughtfully before nodding. "Yes, I believe I'm satisfied."

  The men under the Prince's command would spend the rest of their lives performing hard labor, toiling away for the benefit of others. There was never escape from the quarries, especially once people learned why they were there. As for the Prince, while she had hoped for something more... bloody, she could understand why her country couldn't execute him. Plus, the idea that he would be locked away and forgotten was quite nice. No glory for him, not even under false pretenses. He had become an embarrassment and he would spend the rest of his days in ignominy, knowing that everyone had turned their backs on him. "He will not be comfortable there will he?"

  Raising her eyes back up to Leonard, she was surprised to realize that they were no longer in the palace. No... they were in a masculine bedroom that looked vaguely familiar.

  Leonard chuckled as she looked around. "No, he will not be comfortable there at all."

  He loosened his grip on her as she turned, looking around the room. It had no windows or doors and not much in the way of furniture. A large mirror on one wall, a comfortable looking brown leather armchair, and a very large bed with red silk sheets and hung with red velvet drapes. It was the bed that tickled her memory.

  Chapter 9

  "I've been here before," she murmured, noticing that his hands were now on her stomach, fingers gathering the fabric of her dress and drawing the skirt upwards.


  "Where are we?"

  "This is where I live."

  "In one room?"

  The deep chuckle that went through his chest vibrated through her back. Air flowed around her legs which were almost completely bared now. "There are other rooms. I just have no desire to leave this one at the moment."

  A trickle of excitement went through her, her thighs pressing together as she shivered with anticipation. It was a little humiliating to know that just his words could arouse such a response in her, and yet she found she no longer cared. The times when Leonard wasn't punishing her were extremely pleasurable and she craved that bit of happiness in her life.

  "Lift up your arms," he growled in her ear.

  She obeyed immediately, feeling the rush of cloth against skin as he pulled her dress from her, leaving her bare in front of him. Lyana turned in a slow circle to find that he was naked already, and hugely erect, his eyes glittering with lust for her. Part of her felt slightly panicked, worried about the punishment that she worried was coming, and yet she suddenly realized that Leonard never punished her when he appeared to her in this form. Plus, it was still day time and so far, she'd enjoyed everything that had happened between them during the day.

  "You have nothing to fear," he said, as if he could read her mind although he was probably just reading the expression across her face as they went from anxious to relaxed to anticipatory. Dropping her dress to the ground, he reached out his hand and grasped her arm, pulling her to him so quickly that it almost seemed to push the air from her lungs. "I'm very glad you made the decision that you did."

  "What decision?" she asked, running her hands up his chest and feeling the tautness of the muscles that moved beneath. This was the first time that she'd really touched him back, and she thought that he seemed to like it. "You kept saying that... make the right decision... what decision?"

  "You don't know?" he laughed, shaking his head as he began to move so that she was forced to walk backwards, heading for the bed. "What you did today. Taking revenge without taking a life. Without torturing. Without darkening your own soul more."

  "I didn't want to be punished anymore," she murmured, suddenly understanding. Leonard smiled and bent his head, kissing along her neck as all the pieces started to fall into place. The punishments... they had gotten worse because Leonard hadn't wanted her to keep killing. Truthfully, she hadn't wanted to either, but she might not have stopped if it hadn't been for how brutal he'd become. She'd retaliated upon the soldiers and he'd retaliated upon her. It was a cycle of violence that could have continued until there was no one left for her to revenge herself upon. "Does that mean you're not going to hurt me?"

  "Oh, I wouldn't say that." Sharp teeth grazed a particularly sensitive spot on her neck and Lyana shivered, clutching at him a little. "We both like it when I hurt you. But I prefer not to be forced. And I prefer to have an alternative when I so choose. If you had kept on the way you were, I would have been forced to spend eternity punishing you."

  "And now?"

  "And now I spend eternity doing whatever I want with you." Pulling back from her neck, Leonard sought out her lips, holding her flush against him and kissing her nearly breathless, his tongue dancing with hers, invading her mouth. Despite the possibly threatening aspect of his words, Lyana found herself fairly reassured. Leonard didn't want to spend all of his time sexually torturing her, although he hadn't promised not to completely, and she'd already found that there was plenty of pleasure to be had in his arms.

  Ending the kiss, Leonard tossed her onto the bed, right in the center. The soft sheets slipped against her skin as she positioned herself, feeling suddenly quite exposed as he stared down at her, practically looming over her. It was only then that she realized she wasn't feeling any more of the after effects from last night's torturous punishment.

  "It doesn't hurt!"

  "What doesn't?" Leonard asked, his voice a low growl as he crawled onto the bed, heading towards her on all fours with rather predatory movements. A tingle of excitement flared under her skin as she inched away from him, feeling both excited and a little hesitant.

  "Anything... nothing hurts anymore."

  Reaching her foot, Leonard grasped it
in his hand and kissed her ankle, tickling the sensitive part with his tongue. Lyana gasped as a flutter of sensation traveled up her spine. She hadn't realized that her leg could be so responsive.

  "Why would I want you in anything but perfect condition when I begin to play with you?" Leonard asked as he began to kiss his way up her leg.

  Lyana blinked, surprised by the answer. Thinking back... she'd always felt in perfect health, or very close to, whenever Leonard showed up, whichever form he was in. It seemed as though he liked to start with her body as a blank slate, no matter what he was going to do with it. With all of her anxiety over his appearances, she'd been paying more attention to what was being done to her than how she felt before he started.

  His teeth grazed over her inner thigh and she moaned, startled out of her memories. Looking down at the man-like demon between her legs, spreading her creamy thighs open as he looked with anticipation at her dewy curls and shiny pink female flesh, Lyana felt a little bit dazed. What had her life become?

  "So what happens now?" she asked.

  With one swipe of his tongue up the center of her wet slit, Leonard enjoyed her moan and the lift of her hips before he began to work his way up her stomach.

  "Now..." he repeated thoughtfully. "Normally I give my souls over to one of my brothers, one who enjoys constant punishment." Fear tightened her body as he licked at her nipple, two fingers rubbing over the slick flesh at the apex of her thighs. His body pressed down on hers, keeping her in place. "You're the first to call on Black Magic for anything other than selfish reasons... and the first to use it in a manner that gives me an option of what to do with you." The fingers thrust up inside of her, roughly parting her flesh and invading her body and Lyana gasped, her back arching as her breasts thrust upwards. "So I've decided to keep you."

  "Oh!" Lyana didn't know if she was responding to his words or to the delicious sensation of him sucking her nipple into his mouth as he continued to force his fingers back and forth inside of her.

  When she'd made her decision, she'd known that she was giving her soul over to a demon... but she hadn't expected it to end quite like this. She'd expected... well eternal torment. Not this. And certainly not Leonard.

  The gentle lover and frightening tormenter seemed to be combining, as his teeth nipped at her flesh and his fingers pleasured her wonderfully. She was caught in the mix, her body responding to both with a surprising rush of erotic excitement as Leonard's teeth became rougher, tugging at her nipple painfully. Moving her hips, she rode his fingers, her hands grasping at his head and shoulders as she began to writhe with the pleasure of it.

  Switching his attention to her other breast, Lyana groaned and mewled as he tormented her, using his fingers to set a firm, slow pace, his teeth pricking the sensitive flesh of her breast and nipple. The hard length of his body on top of hers, the press of his cock against her thigh, increased her excitement. She wanted him on top of her, thrusting, filling her farther than his fingers would. When his thumb found her slippery nub she moaned louder, finding that she could finally allow herself to relax into the sensations. Her mission was complete, and she had nothing to distract her from his touch.

  Leonard curved his fingers inside of her and she cried out, her insides rippling and clenching as he stroked that sweet spot, his thumb making lazy circles around her sensitive clit. The biting suction on her breast only increased her need as her legs moved, trying to close around his body, and her hands tightened their grip in his hair. She cried out as she came, her body rocking with his fingers as the shuddering climax overtook her, sweeping the tension from her body. Leonard moved, releasing her breast from his mouth and covering her lips with his own, drinking in her cries of pleasure.

  When the last spasms of her climax had departed and her cries had been reduced to moans, he pulled away, rolling onto his back and taking her with him so that she was straddled over his body. It struck her as quite strange to have him beneath her, looking up at her. The dark eyes with their reddish flickering now longer seemed quite so threatening, however. Something hard and hot probed at her slick folds and Lyana was surprised to find that she still wanted him inside her, that she was hungry for more.

  "I should feel guilty," she murmured.

  "Why?" Leonard took her wrists and began to wrap black rope around them, tying them together.

  Letting her weight settle on top of him, Lyana found that the length of his hard cock wedged quite nicely between her nether lips, the head of it peeping out from underneath her body. "My family is dead... I should be mourning."

  "You've avenged them," he said simply. "And they are in a good place."

  "How do you know?" she asked, blinking as he tossed the long end of the rope upwards into darkness; her arms began to be pulled upwards, hoisted above her head.

  "We are in a room with no windows and no doors," Leonard said with a dark chuckle. "Where else could we be but the afterlife?"

  "Am I dead?"

  "Yes and no. It hardly matters at this point. You're mine."

  With her arms stretched out above her head, thrusting her breasts out, and her knees on either side of him so that his cock was nuzzled between her pussy lips, Lyana couldn't refute that last statement. "Can I see them?"


  Leonard smoothed his hands up her body and cupped her breasts, she winced as talons dug into her skin, but she couldn't deny that the bites of pain into her soft flesh excited her. It was as if he'd conditioned her body to respond this way to him, with the heady mix of erotic torture and sensual pleasure that he'd heaped on her the last few days. But his reassurances about her family were what finally allowed her to relax. So far, he had never lied to her and he had no reason to do so now.

  Besides, there was no point in arguing. Her body, her soul was his, promised to him in exchange for the means to avenge her family. And she had done so.

  "Ah!" she screamed as something sharp pricked the side of her nipple.

  "You're not paying attention to me, pet," Leonard murmured. One hand on her breast held her completely still as the other pinched her nipple, she could feel something sliding through her flesh, almost as if the sensitive bud was being pierced with a needle. Tears sparked in her eyes and began to trickle down her cheeks.

  It hurt awfully.

  And yet her lower body throbbed. The excitement on Leonard's face was unmistakable as well. This was what he had meant earlier. While he might not have to punish her, that didn't mean that he wasn't going to occasionally cause her pain. It excited him to do so, and she couldn't help but recognize her own body's responses. While she might not want to be in pain, her pussy was getting wetter as the sliding, burning sensation pushed all the way through her nipple, as if it was meeting his finger in the other side.

  When he removed his fingers, the ache didn't subside and she looked down to see a thin gold hoop hanging from her nipple, which was wretchedly hard.

  "Now the other."

  "Please... no," she begged as he pinched her nipple and then let out a small cry as the piercing sensation began again. This time a few more tears trickled down her cheeks and she actually started to feel a little faint and dizzy. He was holding her breast firmly enough that her movements did nothing to stop him, her hands were secured far above her head. The most she managed was to rub her sweet cream all over his cock as she wriggled and thrashed, unable to pull away from the flaming pain and the throbbing ache in her already pierced nipple.

  "Beautiful," he murmured as he released her other breast, leaving her with two golden rings in her tender nipples. Lyana whimpered as he squeezed her breasts. Strangely, a bit of the pain subsided, and she looked at him, startled, to meet his grin. "They're more fun to play with when they've healed a bit."

  Then he sucked one piercing into his mouth and tugged on it, making it pull at her nipple and Lyana discovered what he meant. If he had done that before helping to heal the hole he'd made, it would have been like salt on a wound. Now it hurt, but in a good way that went
straight down to her core and made her writhe for him. The jewelry felt cool against her hot skin, and as he sucked her nipple into his mouth, she could feel him playing with the metal with his tongue.

  At the same time, Leonard's hands spanned her waist and lifted her upwards. She clutched at the bindings on her wrists to help pull herself up, her arm muscles straining as he began to lower her onto his cock. The broad head pushed at her body, just as she felt something else nudging against the entrance to her ass. Lyana moaned, remembering the twined pleasure that he had brought to her only yesterday... but this time he felt much larger and she was going to have to sink down onto him herself.

  The hard rods pushed at her entrances, his hands removing their support as he lay back down, tucking them behind his head as he watched her with glittering eyes. All of her weight was now on her wrists, she was too far up to support herself with her legs, and her arms trembled as she felt the crinkled hole of her anus open a little. Whatever portion of anatomy was pressing against it was slick, making it easier to slide into her tight hole although her body burned and protested as the ring of muscle was stretched further. Her arms weren't able to hold the strain much longer and she sank downwards, his cock pushing into her wet hole and the other rod pushing into her ass.

  Lyana groaned at the twined pleasure and pain, her tight asshole protesting even as her pussy demanded more. Now she was down far enough that she could rest on her knees, half of his cock embedded inside of her.

  "Keep going," he murmured, removing his hands from behind his head to pull at the rings he'd put in her nipples, tugging them downwards. As her tender buds stretched, the pain them becoming sharper, Lyana had no choice but to sink lower. The walls of her pussy clenched and rippled with excitement even as the burn of her slowly filled ass caused her to squirm with discomfort. His tugging was relentless, not allowing her to pull herself back upwards to give her a moment to adjust.


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