Demon Lust

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Demon Lust Page 21

by Raisa Greywood

  The very air seemed charged with some kind of energy, some kind of foreboding that this was not a normal night. Over and over she told herself that she was being silly, that her imagination was running wild and that she needed to get over this stupid fear that always affected her at home. The doctors didn’t think she had anything to fear. Now that she was all alone, they’d be proven right. Tomorrow she would know and maybe she’d be able to go home.

  It felt like lies, but she wanted to believe it so badly. Danielle kept trying, she really did, but the moment she closed her eyes the feeling of being watched, of being threatened, increased exponentially. So her eyes would immediately pop back open, searching the shadows of the room, and finding nothing.

  See? Nothing there. The doctors are right. My parents were right. There’s nothing there. I’m just crazy. But tomorrow I’ll know I’m crazy and so I won’t be crazy anymore.

  Stubbornly, she closed her eyes again, squeezing them shut as her heart rate increased, her breath coming short and fast. She wasn’t going to open her eyes again. She just wasn’t. The sedative was going to really kick in any moment now and she’d fall asleep, and when she woke up it would be morning. She’d have spent an entire night alone and know that there really hadn’t been anything out to get her from under the bed.


  Just the building settling. No reason to get worked up. She could feel moisture gathering under her eyelids and beginning to trickle down the sides of her face, because her body didn’t believe the lies her mind was trying to sell her.


  Nothing to be afraid of. Except that the sound was coming from directly beneath her. The floorboards right under her bed. Danielle’s hands fisted as more adrenaline shot through her. The sedative was still working, but her body was working hard to counteract it.


  Oh god… something touched the covers, she knew that something had just touched the covers…

  Despite her best efforts, Danielle’s eyes flew open and she screamed. At least, she tried to. Her vocal cords weren’t working correctly and it was more like a croak.

  The creature beside her bed stared down at her, one claw-like hand resting on her top sheet, staring down at her with deep set, coal-black eyes that flickered with red heat. It was at least seven feet tall, with a mouth and nose that was almost like a snout, curling horns that pointed at the ceiling, and scaly grey skin. A huge cock pointed straight at her, thick and erect.


  Another creature, identical in every way to the first, other than the slight reddish hue to its grey scales, slid out from under the bed and rose up next to the first creature. Dreaming. She must be dreaming. She had closed her eyes and fallen straight into a nightmare unlike any she’d ever had before. She had to be dreaming because no monster could move like that, like it didn’t even have bones. This couldn’t be happening. The doctors had told her that there was nothing to fear under her bed. They weren’t real.

  They were just delusions conjured by her mind because she was alone in her room.

  Reaching out, the reddish one grabbed her covers and jerked them off of her in one swift, violent movement.

  More tears trickled down from her eyes as she tried to scream again, but her voice wouldn’t respond. Nothing… there was nothing she could do. No one was coming to help her. No one would even check on her for hours. They would assume the sedative Nurse Rachel had given her would have it handled.

  Maybe this was just a side effect of the sedative?

  The creatures cocked their heads, their expressions somehow giving the impression of patronizing amusement despite the fact that their mouths were distorted by their snouts. It almost looked like they were smiling at her, in a terrifyingly cruel manner.

  “Go away,” she tried to whisper. “I’m dreaming, I know I’m dreaming, just leave me alone… please…” But it didn’t feel like a dream when the grey one reached out and grabbed her arm.

  Its skin was hot, hotter than any human’s, almost enough to hurt when it touched her. She tried to scream again as the claw-like hand wrapped around her arm, yanking her towards them. Her body jerked, trying to kick, but her limbs were too heavy, too useless. The other monster bent over her, using its talons to rend her gown, yanking the fabric from her. Her nipples stood to attention in the cold air, she gulped in sobbing breaths as more tears rolled down her cheeks, dripping onto her bare breasts.

  The grey one easily hung onto her arm as the red one grasped her shoulders and pushed her to her knees. Everywhere they touched her, her skin felt heated, almost to the point of burning, and she struggled against the reality of it even as some part of her was almost overjoyed that she wasn’t crazy – that she had been right.

  Danielle would rather she was insane.

  Naked and on her knees, she was horrified as the grey one turned its hips towards her, its twelve-inch cock jutting out in front of it, thick and angry looking. It was shaped just like a human cock but it looked like it was covered in tiny grey scales, the tip of it weeping a clear reddish fluid.

  She turned her head away and the reddish one planted its hand across the top of her skull, forcing her to turn towards the grey one. The grey one pinched her nose with its scaly fingers. She gasped and gulped in air and the creature thrust its hips forward, pushing its hot cock into her mouth, causing her to gag as it burned her tongue. The texture was strange; she’d never licked a snake but that was the only thing she could think of to describe the surface of the strange cock, like a long, hard snake.

  Relentlessly, it pressed forward, choking her as it forced its way into her throat. The creature behind her lifted her arms above her head, passing them off to the grey one so that it could use them to force her back and forth on its cock, using her mouth like a human man would use her pussy, and ignoring her gargling and muffled screams as she struggled against it. It held her wrists easily in one hand, the other coming down to rest on top of her head, talons curving around the back of her skull to control the movements of her head. She was concentrating so hard on trying to breathe, on trying to get away from the burning cock that was shoving into her throat, that she didn’t realize where the reddish one had gone until it was spreading her knees apart and sliding between her legs, underneath her kneeling body.

  Something hot flicked along the sensitive lips of her pussy and she screamed again as the cock in her mouth thrust deep, squirming her hips to try and get away. Hot, huge palms covered her buttocks, forcing her vulnerable pussy onto the creature’s snout and tongue. It licked her with long, intimate swipes, teasing her clit, as if savoring the taste of her. It forced her to ride its mouth, her juices welling between her pussy lips even as the heat and slight nips of its fangs caused little bites of pain between surges of pleasure.

  I can’t be enjoying this, she thought, feeling almost faint at the way she was responding now. She knew what sex was, even though she hadn’t had any experience. This wasn’t anything like what she’d ever imagined. She didn’t want it to feel good, not any part of it, but even as she had the thought, her lower body shuddered and clenched and she moaned in denial. Her breasts jiggled in the open air, nipples achingly hard, much harder than could be explained by mere cool air.

  Then the grey creature thrust hard, grunting with pleasure as her moan reverberated up its cock, and it forced the entire length into her mouth. Her nose was pressed against the scaly groin, her throat spasming around its length as she tried to pull away. For a moment she thought that this was how she was going to die, choking on a demon-monster’s giant cock.

  Fortunately, neither of them wanted her dead and it pulled out far enough to let her breath. Her stomach heaved as she sputtered, and then it was shoving back in again, all the way, its thrusts timed to allow her just enough air to keep from passing out. Underneath her, the reddish creature licked and sucked, occasionally nipping. She’d almost gotten used to the feeling of heat beneath her, making her pussy feel as though it was melting, when the creat
ure’s tongue slid further back and its hands pressed her forward.

  Liquid heat lashed against her sensitive anus and she writhed as its tongue forced its way into that virgin orifice. The heat scalded the bundle of nerves around the rim of her hole, pushing inside of her made her feel as though her bowels were on fire. It was incredibly uncomfortable, incredibly strange, and for some reason her pussy wouldn’t stop leaking cream.

  The one with its cock in her mouth surged forward, shoving its cock in deep, and Danielle found herself swallowing burning fluid, her throat working automatically as the hot liquid shot straight down her throat and to her belly. She couldn’t even try to scream or she would have drowned in the fiery assault.

  When the creature finally released its hold on her head and pulled back, she gasped and sobbed, hanging loosely in its grasp even as her pussy pulsed with unwanted erotic need. Blinking through tear-blurred eyes, Danielle moaned in denial as she stared at the monster’s cock.

  It was still as hard and thick and long as if it had never sent a burning deposit of cum right into her belly. Reddish fluid still wept from its tip, coating the head slightly, and she could taste the bitter, acrid flavor of it on her tongue. Watching as she bounced slightly on the other demon’s mouth, the greyish one cocked its head again and reached out to grasp one of her jiggling breasts. It squeezed, hard enough that Danielle let out a strangled scream through her sore throat, and then pinched at her nipple. The sensitive bud was on fire with pain and heat, and she writhed, trying to get away and only increasing the sharp bite of agony that was lancing through the pleasure the reddish one was creating in her pussy.

  Her fear was pulsing wildly, strengthening the demons even further though she didn’t know it.

  Making a guttural noise, the greyish one began to lift her up and away from the reddish one, leaving her pussy wet and aching from the creature’s ministrations. Danielle whimpered, hating herself for the disappointment that swept through her.

  The reddish one stood up and positioned itself behind her, so that she was leaning back against it, with her wrists high in the air held by the grey one, and each of her legs in one of its large hands, holding her spread wide and vulnerable. She could feel the reddish one’s hard cock digging into her back, impossibly long and thick, as the grey one stepped forward. Danielle began struggling again as the creature positioned its dick at her vulnerable, virgin pussy, to no avail. Sobbing, pleading, there was nothing she could do or say that would make the slightest impact.

  Lining the head of its hot cock up with her pussy, the creature flexed its hips and thrust forward, pushing a burning path into her body and easily breaking through the thin barrier of her hymen. It hurt, a short, sharp pain that made way to a much deeper, fuller one was she was unnaturally stretched. When the creature dropped her hands so that it could replace the reddish one’s hold on her legs, Danielle tried to hit out at it. The impression that they were both amused by her weak struggles struck her again.

  Ignoring her fists against its chest, the creature pulled at her legs and she sobbed as her body opened for the hot shaft that was forcing its way inside of her. Her legs were as far apart as they could go, draped over the creature’s forearms, while its hands grasped her buttocks, claws digging into the soft flesh. She was burning up, inside and out, until her body finally came to rest against the creatures as its cock bumped painfully against her cervix.

  She hung onto its shoulders, trying to relieve the pressure that came from behind held up by her pussy on its cock, whimpering as her body slowly adjusted to the thick rod that was pulsing inside of her. The textured length felt strange and, she reluctantly admitted now that she was becoming used to its size, strangely good. As long as it didn’t move.

  To her shock, it didn’t. But she didn’t realize why until something hot and slick pressed against her anus, leaking molten lava, an iron rod that pushed insistently forward. This time Danielle almost managed a scream, as the reddish creature behind her began to push into her virgin ass. Her voice was cracked, hoarse, and barely loud enough to be heard. The grey one’s talons dug in deeper, nearly breaking skin, holding her butt cheeks apart to make the reddish one’s foray even easier. As if it needed the extra help.

  “Please, no!” she begged in a horrified whisper, clawing at the grey one’s chest as the reddish one pushed relentlessly forward. “I can’t take it!”

  She’d never felt anything like this, she was so full of demon cock, both of her holes spasming as her body stretched and adjusted to the new invasion. Not only was she no longer a virgin, but she was being thoroughly debased by the creatures. Her stomach cramped with every inch the reddish creature gained as it burrowed deeper, her muscles working to reject the intruder and failing. Finally giving up, Danielle hung limply between the two creatures as the reddish demon reached up and around her body to cup her breasts, squeezing the soft flesh roughly as it pulled her back onto its cock.

  Tears rolled down her face, dripping onto her breasts and the creature’s talons. Moaning, Danielle’s resignation actually made her body relax, making it less painful for her as the creatures began to thrust, taking turns burying themselves over and over again in her body. The burning rods pounded into her tender holes, stretching them in ways she’d never experienced before.

  As the sharp pain of losing her virginities lessened and the throbbing ache caused by the stretch of her orifices finally began to fade, Danielle found herself in a new struggle – this one with herself. To her utter horror, the pleasure the reddish creature had engendered with its oral technique was now flaring back up again. Endorphins were rushing through her system, her body’s natural defense against the pain, and sending feeling of euphoria through her that was even harder to battle.

  “Oh no, please no,” she repeated, but for once she wasn’t begging the creatures… she was begging herself.

  Almost as if they could sense her reluctant pleasure, as if they knew that something had changed inside of her, the creature’s tactics changed. The hands on her bottom and breasts gentled, her nipples burned as they were pulled and twisted to the point of being painful without stepping over the line. Danielle moaned, her fingernails digging into the scaly skin of the grey creature’s shoulders, her body writhing between the two demons.

  They moved closer together, pressing her between them, until their heat scalded her front and back, the tips of her nipples poking out between the talons and rubbing against the grey one’s chest. The press of its hot groin against her clit made the sensitive bud rub against the textured skin of his body as they rode her, making the little nubbin swell even further. Her insides clenched, pulling at the twin thrusting poles, gasping as the tension inside of her built and built to an unbearable height.

  She screamed again, this time in horrified and reluctant ecstasy as the demons forced her to cum on their cocks, trapping her even more tightly between them as her pussy rippled and spasmed. The inner heat, the hot stretch, the complete stuffing of both her pussy and ass created a much bigger, much fuller climax than she’d ever experienced. It sizzled along her nerves, wave after wave flowing through her body and limbs in chaotic explosions of rapture. Even the pain seemed to lend a sharper edge to her ecstasy, the way salt might enhance the sweetness of caramel.

  The creatures uttered guttural noises tinged with triumph, their cocks moving harder and faster. Danielle sobbed, her body caught on a thin line between pain and pleasure, her orgasm becoming almost painful in its intensity, even as the sensitive tissues of her orifices were pushed to their limit by the hot, fast-moving cock. Liquid heat spurted, deep inside of her, burning its way up into her body and she felt it like a shot of fire straight to her heart.

  Screaming, crying, her head fell back against the reddish creature’s chest and she passed out.

  The day after Danielle’s eighteenth birthday she was moved to a different ward, but not the one she’d originally been slated for. Her apparent decline upon reaching adulthood, the self-inflicted violence of
bruises and scratches when left to her own devices – despite the sedative – in order to provide evidence of her delusions, resulted in her being moved to a much more secure ward. She would need stronger medications and would be strapped down to her bed at night to prevent more self-injury.

  Despite her protestations and begging, not a single person heeded her please.

  After all, it was for her own good.


  Raisa Greywood

  Chapter 1

  Spreading her arms for balance, Lucy laughed as her surfboard bucked and tried to skitter out from under her. The chilly water off California’s northern coast did nothing to dissuade her from catching the perfect morning waves, nor did the storm brewing several miles offshore. That just made it more fun.

  Seals occasionally joined Lucy’s solitary excursions into the waves, their whiskered faces curious as they surfed alongside her. Sometimes, but more rarely, she saw sharks. Big ones, too. At the first sight of a fin, Lucy got out of Dodge. Humans might not be a shark’s favored prey, but they weren’t always discerning, and she liked her body parts where they were, thanks.

  She’d grown up not five miles from this capricious beach and knew all her moods. The ocean was like a toddler sometimes. Some days she’d be bright and sunny, and others, like today, Lucy could ride out the brief moment of calm before the ocean threw the mother of all tantrums and hurled her hapless toys against the rocks below the cliffs.

  As the storm front approached, the waves grew larger. Lucy turned her board to catch one more before she had to head to shore. Bigger than the others, it crested white at the tip, as if considering forming a pipeline, but the familiar shape didn’t congeal. She bent her knees as the wave lifted her aloft and grinned.


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