Henry & Sarah

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Henry & Sarah Page 44

by Kadrak, Suzanne

  Outside on deck the air was crispy, and the rigging clattered and rattled in the strong breeze. But apart from that, the sun was shining down from a clear blue sky, and the overall mood of the passers-by—noble people who were quietly enjoying the Sunday morning on board—was bright and optimistic.

  Henry stepped over to the rail and looked out onto the sea.

  “It is marvelous, isnʼt it?” Oscar remarked, equally taken aback by the sight of the vast horizon which stretched on infinitely in the distance.

  “It is indeed,” Henry answered, absent-mindedly watching a flock of seagulls which was elegantly gliding in circles above their heads.

  He had only known from hearsay what the ocean looked like. Seeing it now by himself surpassed everything he had ever envisaged about it; the vastness of it, its brilliant blue, the roaring waves.

  “As nice as it might be, though, I do not think that I can bear that sight for very long. It gives me a slight feeling of nausea...” Oscar mumbled and quickly turned his face away into the direction of two ladies who were standing a little bit further down the deck at the rail and whose sweet girlish laughter had caught his attention.

  His eyes grew huge.

  “Uh oh, that is an even better view...”

  Henry had by now come to the conclusion that Oscar had to have some kind of built-in radar, which enabled him to detect the presence of any female in his vicinity that was lonely and might enjoy his presence.

  “Gorgeous...” Oscar let out a sigh. One of the ladies, who wore a green satin dress and whose long red hair fell down to her waist in little curls, smiled coyly at him when she realized that he was looking over to her. The other woman, whose hair was pitch black and pinned up and who wore a yellow dress with ribbons, flirtatiously played with her fan.

  “Why donʼt you go over and talk to them?” Henry asked. “They appear to be interested.”

  “Interested in you, as it seems,” Oscar said, noticing that the girls had caught sight of Henry and secretly eyed him up and down.

  “What is it about you, Henry, that all the most beautiful women fall right at your feet without you lifting a single finger?” Oscar remarked.

  Henry laughed out loud.

  “I actually havenʼt been aware of that..”

  Oscar smirked at Henry.

  “Well, you can say what you want: women adore you. They smell your potency. ”

  “What? Come on, you are fooling me!” Henry exclaimed.

  “Not at all,” Oscar added. “In all seriousness, it is biological. You might not notice it yourself, but believe me; women can subconsciously sense it for miles, just like a bloodhound its prey. It is in their system. It is all about reproduction, about securing the survival of our species. God, isnʼt it all so primitive?”

  Oscar let out another sigh.

  “May I remark that I find that you are just talking utter nonsense because you are a little bit desperate,” Henry said with a grin.

  “Is it really so obvious?”

  “It is. I donʼt need to be a doctor to see that. I actually think that you should go now and talk to these two, before you miss a chance to finally get to know someone who is really serious with you and who wants to share a life with you. Didnʼt you tell me that this is in fact what you want?”

  “You are quite right, my dear friend,” Oscar answered, smiling softly at Henry. “Well, I hope that it is alright with you if I go and try my luck; even though it seems to be really you who these two women want. But maybe they will also make do with me.”

  “It is quite alright, indeed,” Henry answered, sniggering. “I will go back to the cabin and check on Sarah.”

  Henry turned around, about to leave.

  “Er... Henry,” Oscar suddenly said. “If this here with these two ladies should not work out, I might have a coffee in the bar instead. And maybe I will also go to the library and read something. What I am saying is, I will not be back in the cabin for letʼs say the next couple of hours at least, if you know what I mean.”

  Henry grinned sheepishly and even blushed a little.

  “I think I know what you mean,” he replied.

  Oscar winked at him, then straightened his jacket and marched over to the two women who already seemed to anticipate him and welcomed him with shy giggles.

  * * *

  When Henry returned to the cabin, he found Sarah curled up in bed.

  Seeing her sleeping so peacefully, he had to smile to himself and came to the conclusion that it wasnʼt any wonder that Oscar gradually fell victim to his hormones. Sarah was an incredibly pretty girl, something which, as he guessed, Oscar was surely aware of even though he was just her uncle. And now he saw himself permanently trapped between her and Henry and the obvious electricity between them. Henry truly wondered how Oscar managed to cope with all that sensual bliss around him, whereas he himself was alone and longed to be with someone, too. Preferably forever.

  If only I could help him... Henry thought, hoping that Oscar would be a little lucky with one of the two ladies he had just encountered.

  Henryʼs glance fell on a plate on the nightstand. He remembered having left a half-eaten sandwich on it, remnants from breakfast. Now the sandwich was gone.

  He sat down on the edge of Sarahʼs bed and carefully pulled some fringes out of her face.

  “Henry...” Sarah mumbled drowsily.

  “I am here...” Henry whispered.

  Sarah slowly opened her eyes.

  “Were you watching me?” she asked, amused and slightly embarrassed.

  Henry grinned at her.

  “For a little while, yes. Did you eat that?” he asked, nodding his head at the empty plate.

  “No, the mice snatched it.”

  Sarah yawned and stretched her arms before nestling her head on the warm pillows again.

  “When did you eat it?”

  “I donʼt know, I have lost my sense for time and space...”

  “Have you brought it up again?”

  Sarah shook her head.

  “No, but it might happen any moment...” she said gravely.

  “Are you cold?” Henry asked.

  “A little bit.”

  “Do you want me to warm you up?”

  Henry cast Sarah a flirtatious look.

  She nodded and blinked at him with one eye. Henry took off his jacket and climbed into bed. Sarah lifted the covers and let him cozy up next to her. He noticed that her nipples slightly showed through the fabric of her nightgown. He reached out and touched them with his fingertips.

  “Are you not afraid that Oscar might come in?” Sarah asked.

  Henry shook his head.

  “No, he is… well, busy. He told me he wouldnʼt be back for a while,” Henry answered and carefully opened the buttons of Sarahʼs nightgown. Then he let his hand slide inside her dress and began to stroke her breasts.

  “I missed that so much...” Sarah sighed.

  “I missed it too, Sarah...”

  Henry felt his agitation immediately build as her nipples got hard under his touches.

  “Thank you so much for rescuing me and for enduring so much pain for me, Henry” Sarah whispered. “I regret so much that you needed to fight so hard and that you were hurt so badly...”

  “Itʼs alright...” Henry replied and sealed her lips with a kiss. His lifted her dress and stroked her bare belly, which carried his child.

  My child...

  He was just about to lie on top of Sarah when suddenly a terrible pain ran through his chest.

  “Oh, bloody hell...” he cried out and rolled off her again, gasping, waiting for the pain to ebb. “I am sorry, Sarah... I canʼt...”

  Sarah quickly sat up, a sad and emphatic look on her face. She gently stroked his cheek with the warm palm of her hand.

  “You should not move, Henry. Your fracture must heal,” she said, tenderly kissing his forehead, his nose, his eyes, and his mouth.

  Henry let out a little moan; not because of pain this time but
because of pleasure.

  “I want to thank you, Henry...” Sarah whispered.

  “You said that before, Sarah, believe me it is alright. I enjoyed playing the hero. Donʼt worry about me so much,” Henry mumbled.

  Sarah put her finger on his mouth to silence him.

  “What I mean is, I am asking you to give me a chance to thank you properly, Henry,” she breathed. “Let me pamper you a little bit. Do not move, alright?”

  Henry watched her curiously as she sat up, took off both her knickers and her nightgown and straddled him. Then she closed her eyes, and with a pleasurable moan began to move on top of him.

  Incredibly strong waves of pleasure ran through Henryʼs body. He buried his fingers in Sarahʼs thighs and pressed them hard as he slipped inside of her, impatiently moved inside of her and waited for those eagerly anticipated spasms to come.

  It was a terrific eruption, accompanied with the utter joy about the fact that he was allowed to stay inside of Sarah until the sweet sensations of climaxing ebbed and gave way to a blissful state of relief and inner calm.

  “Oh Sarah... Sarah... what are you doing to me?” he breathed when she had come shortly after him. She nestled her head on his chest and he held her and stroked her hair until they both fell into a slight slumber.

  Only later, when they had got dressed again and Oscar had returned, Henry noticed to his merriment that Sarah had completely forgotten to bring up the leftover sandwich which she had eaten earlier on.

  And he was far from reminding her of it.

  Chapter 17 – New Horizons

  At some stage, Sarah felt in the mood to get up and go for a little walk. Henry decided to take her outside and show her the sea, which she had never seen before.

  “Are you ready?” he asked when they were standing on the deck.

  “I am,” Sarah answered.

  “Are you certain?”

  Sarah chuckled.

  “Yes, I am certain.”

  Henry carefully opened the knot of the scarf with which he had blindfolded Sarah before leaving their cabin in order to make the experience a surprise for her. When he took the scarf off, Sarahʼs chuckling ebbed and her face adapted an expression of utter awe. She didnʼt speak as she was taking in the sight of the vast ocean, as she was inhaling the smell of the salty air, as she was listening to the sounds of the waves.

  “I would have never thought that it would be so beautiful...” she whispered.

  A happy smile on his face, Henry took her hand and squeezed it gently. He was just about to bend down and give Sarah a kiss when suddenly Oscar approached, his two new acquaintances, Deirdre and Shannon, on his arms—one lady on his left and one on his right side. The women were laughing madly at something that Oscar was telling them.

  “And then the flea says to the six-legged dog, ʻHavenʼt I told you so?ʼ” Henry heard Oscar say when the threesome came closer.

  “You are so hilarious, Dr. Scott!” The woman with the red curls burst out into laughter yet again.

  Then Oscar took notice of Henry and Sarah standing at the rail.

  “Oh, may I introduce you to Sarah, my niece, and her husband, Henry Abbott?” Oscar said to his two lady companions. Henry felt pride and joy when he heard Oscar so naturally refer to him as Sarahʼs husband.

  As if it had always been like that...

  “Sarah, Henry,” Oscar went on, “may I introduce you to Miss Deirdre and Miss Shannon Kavanagh—the two loveliest sisters from the whole of Ireland.”

  “Oh, Dr. Scott,” the woman whom Oscar had introduced as Deirdre remarked with a lovely Irish accent, “you are such a charmer...”

  The other woman, Shannon, playfully hit Oscar with her fan. Judging by their mannerisms and the way they were dressed, Henry gathered that the two ladies had a wealthy background.

  “We are actually only half Irish,” Shannon explained. “Our mother was born in Northumberland in England, but our father comes from Limerick in the southwest of Ireland.”

  “Very pleased to meet you,” Henry said politely and bent to kiss the ladiesʼ outstretched hands.

  With at least one part of Deirdre and Shannonʼs parents coming from England, Henry didnʼt wonder anymore why the two women enjoyed Oscarʼs company so much although he was English. Henry guessed that if the their mother had not been English but Irish, just like their father, it would have been a different story. After all, century-long heavy disputes between the Irish and English had not really added to create a common ground between the two nations. Irish people who left their country and came to England, seeking work, were most likely to end up like Thelma in some rich mansion ownerʼs kitchen or worse. On the other hand, an Englishman or Englishwoman living in Ireland ran the risk of having their house torched by upset crowds of Irish folks who felt unjustly treated by rich English landowners. It seemed to be an endless struggle to come to a peaceful solution.

  “Nice to meet you,” Sarah said and made a little curtsy.

  “There is a captainʼs dinner tonight and a dance. Will the two of you come as well?” Deirdre asked merrily.

  “A dance sounds wonderful. What do you think, my dear?” Henry asked Sarah, hoping that she would feel ready for some entertainment as he already began to envisage her dancing with him; something he had wanted to do ever since that ruined birthday waltz under Damianʼs observant eyes.

  “Of course they will!” Oscar exclaimed before Sarah had a chance to answer. “They both have not been very well lately and have been stuck in their cabin all morning. A little merriment will do them good.”

  Sheepishly, Sarah turned to Henry and whispered, “I do not have an evening dress...”

  “Oh right,” Henry remarked and helplessly peered over to Oscar. “I completely forgot that her suitcase was stolen on the way to the pier. She has hardly got anything else to put on than what she is wearing right now.”

  Liar... Henry thought, feeling slightly miserable. But he didnʼt really want to tell these two ladies the truth as he wasnʼt sure if they would understand. And somehow he was certain that Oscar had not told them anything either.

  “Stolen? Oh, what a nuisance!” Shannon exclaimed, a terrified expression on her face.

  “She could borrow one of my dresses,” Deirdre said.

  “I am not sure...” Sarah mumbled shyly. “I do not want to cause you any inconvenience.”

  “Not at all!” Shannon replied. “My sister has far too many clothes anyway, havenʼt you, Deirdre? In all seriousness, she has so many clothes that if one laid them all out next to each other, one could cover the whole world with it.”

  The two sisters chuckled in unison.

  “Why do you not come to our cabin later and we will see if we can find something for you?” Deirdre offered.

  Henry was certain that it had to feel strange to Sarah to wear somebody elseʼs clothes. After all, she was a lady of an honorable house and—although she not often behaved like one—used to having her own wardrobe of exquisite dresses. Never had she depended on alms. Still, Sarah cast the Irish sisters a grateful smile and agreed to meet them in the afternoon.

  “See you then,” Oscar said finally, taking his two ladies by the arms again. And together they continued their walk along the promenade.

  “Have I already told you the one where that hunter gets lost in the forest and encounters a speaking elk?” he asked his attentive entourage.

  “No, but you will surely tell us,” Deirdre said.

  Then the threesome slowly disappeared in the distance.

  * * *

  Later that day, Sarah visited Deirdre and Shannon in their grand 1st Class suite, and borrowed a wonderful dark green satin robe from them. It proved to be slightly too big because Sarah had lost so much weight. But Shannon gave her a beautiful long shawl which Sarah could wrap around her shoulders and which would help her cover her lean features.

  Back in the cabin, Henry assisted her with buttoning up the dress. And when Sarah turned around to face him, it struck him h
ow beautiful she was despite her thin frame and the slightly exhausted expression on her face. He believed to see that sparkle in her eyes return, the one he had missed recently, the one he had seen so often in summer when he had kissed her and had told her that she was pretty.

  Sarah took the bundle that she had brought with her and which carried the few possessions she got. She took out a little velvety etui and opened it. And in it lay, as Henry could see, the necklace he had given her as a gift for her birthday.


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