Waiting for a Girl Like You

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Waiting for a Girl Like You Page 20

by Christa Maurice

  “What are you going to do now that you’re finished with your degree?” Marc asked. “I’m going to be on tour in a few months and we’re usually on the road six weeks, then home for two over the course of about eight months.”

  The boat bumped against the garden dock giving her a minute to collect herself. Another good reason to stay in Italy as long as she could. Going home meant dealing with having nothing to do for the first time in her life.

  They walked in silence to the public park. The wide gravel paths and trees didn’t fit with her image of Venice, and that’s why she liked it here so much. These quiet surprises.

  “Maureen and Cassie join us on tour sometimes. Cassie won’t be this time, not with the baby, but if you wanted, you could. Then you and Maureen could go site seeing while we’re working. Maureen also volunteers in the school. Candy and Tessa have a gym they go to. Not that you need a gym.”

  “I’m not going to run away with my personal trainer.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  Alex smirked at him. “You didn’t have to.” She laced her fingers through his. They had passed through the meandering park area to the long path that lead back to town. After the narrow alleys and crowded streets of Venice, this felt very exposed. “I don’t know what I’m going to do. I had planned to get my masters and apply to a doctorate program, but I’m not sure that’s what I ever really wanted to do. The doctorate was just so I could work with Roger. Did I tell you Roger is teaching remedial English at a community college in Birmingham, Alabama?”

  “Several times.”

  The path ended on a street that was two lanes wide. Two little Oriental girls rode past on bikes chattering in Italian.

  “Gelato?” Marc asked.

  “Sure.” Alex waited on the street as Marc went for the gelato. Since she was a kid, she’d been busy. School and clubs, then school and work, any time gaps filled with reading, mostly of the dry academic type as she tried to get ahead or impress someone. She hadn’t read for fun in years, and the only movies she’d watched had been with Marc. All that time she’d spent making fun of Finn and his parade of police dramas? She hadn’t seen any of them.

  “Here you go. Strawberry. Your favorite.” Marc handed her a cone.

  “I have not seen a single episode of Castle.”

  “Okay, and what is this stemming from?” Marc licked his cone. His gelato looked too dark to be hazelnut.

  “You asked me what I wanted to do now, and I realized I’ve missed a lot of television and movies and books because I’ve been studying.”

  “You read Suzi’s books.”

  “Only because you had them on your e-reader on the flight over here.”

  “So you’re going to become a consumer of popular culture full time?”

  “For a while. You got a problem with that?”

  He draped his arm over her shoulders. “As a producer of popular culture, I have no problem with that at all.”

  Meet the Author

  Born in Northeast Ohio, I have lived on four different continents (including both sides of Asia) and traveled extensively. I have an extremely elaborate fantasy life and have forgotten that my bands don’t really exist to the extent that I have shooped for their albums on iTunes. I have met sheikhs, magnates, high ranking politicians and the guy who did the original production paintings for Raiders Of the Lost Ark, but I’m pretty sure the only celebrity who would make me completely tongue tied would be Randolph Mantooth of Emergency!

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  Visit Christa at http://www.kensingtonbooks.com/author.aspx/29516

  Turn the page for a special excerpt of Christa Maurice’s

  Satellite of Love

  They love each other. Will the rest of the world let them?

  Reluctantly on her way to a blind date, Maureen detours to her mechanic thanks to squeaky. He’s not there, but his intriguing brother is. Maureen can’t believe how instantly and powerfully she’s attracted to this grease monkey. But since Michael is only town for a week, she doesn't want to waste an instant.

  Michael is no grease monkey. He’s Bear D’Amato, rock n’ roll drummer. He’s leaving in a week to get ready for a world tour with his band, Touchstone. When he first meets Maureen, he just wants to have some fun. But when relationship deepens, he realizes he wants more than just a couple of dates. He wants a lifetime.

  “Read on for a special sneak peek of the next book in the Blank series!”

  On sale now!


  Chapter 1

  Maureen dropped her head to the steering wheel in front of Tony’s Garage. She was not going to make that blind date, and depending on the repair bill, might be happy about that. One of these days she had to tell her friend Linda no when she came up with another man. So far they had all been wasted evenings.

  She really needed to try to meet some decent men on her own. So far the strategy of school all day and sitting home all night planning for school the next day wasn’t working so great for the social calendar.

  At least the screaming brakes gave her a good excuse to cancel. The sign said closed, but when she pushed the door, it opened. The bay to the right was empty, but further back, in the bays behind the building, she could hear clanking and a radio playing. Tony must be working late.

  “Hello?” Maureen peered through the short hallway from the obsessively clean waiting area to the back repair bays. The far door stood nearly closed so she could only see a sliver of the room. A tire, a black fender with a piece of masking tape on it, a work light, a black hood propped open. “Tony? Are you back there? It’s Maureen Donnelly.”

  Feet shuffled and the radio’s volume lowered. What if it wasn’t Tony? Maybe one of his assistants had stayed late. Rusty or…the high school kid…Eric, that was his name. Did Tony trust his high school work-study assistant enough to leave him alone in the garage after hours? “I’m having some trouble with my brakes. They’re making a lot of noise. You probably heard them when I pulled in.”

  What if it wasn’t either one of them? What if it was some total stranger? What if it was somebody dangerous? She fumbled in her purse for her cell phone then stopped.

  What was she going to do? Call 911 so they could listen to her screams for help without being able to do anything because they didn’t know where she was? Tomorrow’s headline could read: Second Grade Teacher Slain In Garage, Too Stupid To Know Responders Couldn’t Track Her Cellphone Signal. She should have gotten one of those apps that broadcast her every move. Then she could have just posted to Facebook. Being murdered. Call Police. Tony’s Garage.

  The door to the back bays opened and a bulky silhouette that didn’t really fit Tony, Rusty, or Eric filled it.

  She took a step back toward the outside door. “Hi, sorry I bothered you. I can come back in the morning.” Teacher’s Body Found Rolled In Rug Behind Convenience Store, Cell Phone Still In Her Hand.

  “It’s okay.” The man walked through the dark hall and into the waiting area. His broad, friendly face seemed familiar. He wore his long brown hair in a ponytail and had a smudge of grease on his cheek. “I heard you pull in. You want me to take a look?”

  “No.” She bumped into the door. “I mean, you don’t have to. I’ll just leave it for Tony in the morning.” The mechanic didn’t look at all threatening, but adrenalin interfered with rational thought. Memorial Service For Murdered Teacher Tuesday, Local Garages Offering Free Brake Checks. Says Tony D’Amato, owner of the garage where her car was found Friday, “If she’d just gotten that squeaking noise checked when she first heard it, all of this could have been avoided.”

  “They sounded pretty bad. You might have worn down to the rotors. Let me take a look.” He crossed the room.

  Honestly, he looked about as threatening as the Easter Bunny. If the Easter Bunny had amazing shoulders. “It’s okay.” Before she announced that someone was picking
her up, she stopped herself. The neighborhood wasn’t the greatest and calling for a ride meant standing around in it, increasing her chances for ending up in that rug. Better the devil she had just met than the one who might be lurking in the dark. “Who are you?”

  He had been reaching out, hopefully to grab the door because his hands were filthy, but pulled back when she asked. “I’m— I’m Michael, Tony’s brother.”

  “Michael. No wonder you look familiar. Sorry. I wasn’t sure.” Too much caffeine and too many murder mysteries. She needed to lay off both for a while.

  “That’s okay.” Michael pursed his lips. Nice lips they were too. Full, red, very kissable for the Easter-Bunny-slash-killer. “You want me to take a look at those brakes now?”

  “Sure. Thanks. I know it’s after hours, but they started to sound really bad.” She held out her keys. “I guess you’ll need to put it up on the lift or something.”

  Michael nodded, ripped some paper off the roll inside the door to protect the interior of her precious ten-year-old clunker and crossed the lot to her car. She wouldn’t mind having that body in her driver’s seat. The way he filled out his coverall was a sight. Broad shoulders, narrow waist, nice tight butt. Very nice.

  She turned away from the window before he caught her staring. Good thing she wasn’t going on that date in this frame of mind. From murdered and rolled in a rug to sweaty sex on the hood of a car in ten seconds flat, and all she’d needed was his name.

  Oh. Date.

  Her phone was still in her hand so she located the latest bachelor on her list of calls as she walked through the hallway to watch Michael pull her car in. Tony didn’t like customers in the bay. He claimed it was dangerous. The only danger she could imagine was brain damage from the stench of oil, gasoline and exhaust. Brain damage be damned, she wasn’t going to pass on the chance to ogle.


  “Hi—” Crud, what was this bachelor’s name? “It’s Maureen. I wanted to let you know I can’t make it tonight.”

  “Sorry to hear that.” He didn’t sound sorry. Maybe Linda’s sales pitch hadn’t been that good.

  “My brakes are making a horrible noise. I’m sure you can hear it.” Michael had just pulled through the door and the squeals echoed beautifully on the cinderblock walls.

  “That sounds pretty bad. Um... I guess you’ll need a ride.”

  “No.” That was it. No more of Linda’s blind dates. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Okay. I guess I’ll talk to you.”

  Not if I recognize your number before I answer the phone. “Yeah. Okay. ’Bye.” She closed her phone. At this very moment she could be at home watching TV in sweats, grading math tests and deciding to bring the car to Tony tomorrow. She’d washed her hair, shaved her legs, put on makeup and dressed up for whatshisname. The sexy dark blue jersey dress she’d selected needed somebody who’d appreciate her effort. Hands on hips to hold her coat open, she sauntered behind the car. Michael was operating the lift, but he gave her a once over when she passed.

  “Well?” she asked.

  “They aren’t supposed to sound like that. I’ll have to pull the tire off to see how bad it is, but it’s not going to be good. Does Tony do all the maintenance on your car?”

  “Most of it. He told me to go to the quick lube places for my oil changes.” Lube, hehe. She really needed to mix with adults more often.

  “Has your transmission fluid been clear?” Michael walked to the front driver’s side tire, so she followed him.

  “I guess so. The guy at the lube place said I needed to have it flushed next time I go in. Why?”

  “Felt to me like your transmission was slipping.” He popped the hubcap off and used a loud tool to loosen the lug nuts.

  When she flinched away from the noise, she bumped into the car he’d been working on. It was black except for the trunk, which was orange. Just sitting there, hood up and orange trunk lid, it seemed to say, “Hey, baby, wanna ride?” She sidled toward the front. On the fender a strip of masking tape said Satellite of Love. “Is this your car?”

  Michael looked over his shoulder, yanking the tire off as if it weighed less than a duvet. “Yeah. That’s my baby.”

  “Satellite of Love?”

  “My sister-in-law’s idea of a joke. It’s a ’72 Plymouth Satellite.”

  As if that meant something to her. As far as she could tell, it was a car that might or might not run. She leaned on the Satellite’s fender. Her car always looked so helpless up on the lift. More so now that it was missing a tire.

  “You headed someplace tonight?” Michael asked.

  “A date.”


  “Naw, if I’d really wanted to be there I could have continued to ignore that squealing.” She grinned, but he didn’t turn around to see it. Another wasted effort. “So what are you doing here?”

  “I’m visiting my brother and his family.” Michael glanced over his shoulder frowning, clearly absorbed with the car thing in his hand. Men and their obsession with inanimate objects. “This is bad.”

  “What’s bad?” She stepped forward.

  “This piece?” He held up a dirty, holey piece of who knew what in his large, strong-looking hand. “This is the shoe. This is what stops your car and it works best when it isn’t full of holes.”

  Her grimace, such an attractive expression, he did see. Of course. “Is it expensive?”


  Why did he sound like money was no object to him? “Yes, is it going to cost a lot to fix?”

  “It’s not cheap, but it’s a lot less expensive than plowing into a wall or another car.” He shrugged. “Tony’s pretty busy tomorrow, but if he can’t get to it, I’m sure we can do it Sunday so you can have it back for Monday.”

  She clenched her fists behind her back. As if that would keep the money from flying out of her wallet. “Will somebody call me and tell me when to bring it in?”

  “Oh no.” Michael dropped the worn brake shoe on the floor. “You can’t drive out of here like this.”

  “If you put the tire back on, I can.”

  “No, you can’t.” Michael folded his arms, which accented those fantastic shoulders and did incredible things to the muscles in his upper arms. “I can’t let you drive this car in good conscience. You’d be a danger to yourself and anyone else on the road.”

  “Great.” Maureen stared out the bay door into the waning light, thoughts of fantastic shoulders ebbing. She’d have been better off going on the stupid date. A whole weekend without a car? The price was too high. “How am I supposed to get home?”

  “I can give you a ride or you can call a cab.”

  Her stomach growled. On the top of her To Do list for tomorrow was buying groceries. Until she could get out to the store, she was eating oatmeal and crackers with jelly. “Great.”

  “You know, if you’re hungry we could stop for pizza on the way.” Michael smiled. He had a warm, playful smile that gave her a glimpse of the little boy in this big hunk of man. “My treat since I know Tony is going to gouge you on the repair. I’ll even kick in a ride in the Satellite of Love.”

  Well, that did make the bill a little more manageable. “You had me at pizza.”

  He nodded. “I’m known for overplaying my hand. Let me clean up and we’ll get out of here.” Switching off the work light hooked to the Satellite, he set it aside and closed the hood. Then he headed toward the little hallway. “It’ll only take me a minute.”

  This had to be one of her more irrational moments. Fifteen minutes ago she’d been convinced he was going to murder her and dump her body in an alley and now they were headed out to grab a pizza? In his car yet. Insane much? “Hey, you aren’t going to turn out to be a serial killer, are you?” she called after him.

  He turned at the mouth of the hallway. “A what?”

  “Never mind.”

  He chuckled, a deep rich sound. “Don’t worry. I�
�m not a serial killer.” Then he ducked through a door in the hall that was always closed.

  She should probably be concerned about the way he emphasized the word not, but somehow couldn’t summon the desire.

  No, she was busy desiring something else.

  * * * *

  Bear stripped off his coveralls and hung them on the door of the extra locker. He’d been hoping to get a little more work done on the Satellite, but this was a lot more interesting. Pulling on the Tesla t-shirt he’d worn in this morning, he wished he’d dressed a little better. Of course, Maureen Donnelly thought he was an auto mechanic, so the old concert t-shirt and jeans might be a better way to sell the illusion.

  His phone had five messages. One from Sandy, one from Candy, one from Jason and two from Marc. Sandy was probably mad he hadn’t called in since last week. Going off the radar like he had, especially with a tour looming, must be driving Sandy nuts. Candy wanted him to do some publicity thing. Her job was getting them publicity, but she never had understood the word vacation. Jason, if Jason was still acting the way he had been for the past couple of weeks since he’d gotten dumped in People, was just calling to bitch. He called Marc and pinned the phone between his shoulder and ear while he scrubbed grease off his fingers.



  “Nothin’. When are you coming back?”

  “Ten days.” He checked his watch as if it measured days. Ten short days, until he was stuck in a room, and then a series of rooms, with the rest of the band and their melodrama.

  “Good. Jason is selling the New York apartment.”

  “Beautiful, so he’s going to be in Malibu all the time now?”

  “I guess. Ty has taken up grass boarding.”

  “What the fuck is that?”

  “Just like snowboarding, but on grass.”


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