The Sunshine Dame of Doom

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The Sunshine Dame of Doom Page 24

by Fizzotti, Marcos

  Tess also accommodated people with minor injuries in his restaurants.

  “What did you do to Drake?” Vince asked, curiosity killing him.

  “Nothing really” Tess disappointed him. “I abhor violence in any form, you know. We just scared the bejesus out of him. We didn’t even touch him. He peed in his pants though.

  “You’re kidding me, right?”

  “No. It was kind of embarrassing actually. Two of my waiters had to wear latex gloves to lock him up in the bathroom, the only place he belongs now. But I guess the real question is what’re you going to do to him?”

  “Well, we were thinking of trialing him for crimes against humanity, not only him of course, like in that Nuremberg thing.”

  “And let’s not forget about Susan’s case.” Aaron pointed out. “We also need to arrest a certain doctor in Uptown on multiple accounts of medical malpractice.”

  “But, where are you going to find an unbiased judge and jury in this neck of the woods?” Tess queried.

  “Well, there’re always the zombies.” Vince replied.

  “Do you think she’s dead?” Lily asked, examining the hole on the wall, together with Mate.

  “Well, even if she’s not, her bones will be sore in the morning.”

  “Alright, let’s get into the truck and see if our friends need some assistance.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Damn it!” Lily cursed, stopping in front of the vehicle.

  “What?” Clark mumbled scared.

  “It scratched the painting!” She rubbed a finger on the spot that hit Shane. “Daddy would be furious if he knew it.”

  “And what would daddy say about all crushes on the hull and bullet holes?”

  “Well, I guess it’s going to need a paint job anyway.”

  They got into the truck. Lily put it in reverse and accelerated. But the vehicle only burned rubber without going anywhere. The Australian looked in the rear mirror and saw Shane holding the truck in place without many efforts.

  “So much for that” Lily said. “By the way, she’s still alive.”

  Lily stopped accelerating. Shane walked around the truck toward the driver’s door with demonic, angry eyes.

  “What we do now?” Mate asked.

  “She’s awfully close to the hull. Let’s try some tickle.”

  Lily pulled the lever below the dashboard and lots of pointy spikes came out of the vehicle. One of them impaled Shane’s left shoulder. She screamed in pain.

  “Those are still working!” Clark said.

  “You’re making a fool out of yourself!” Shane grunted. “Grow up, Lily!”

  By firmly gripping the spike with both hands, Shane managed to push her body backwards, getting rid of the spike and falling on the floor, groaning. But she stood up fast and kept on coming.

  “What now?” Mate asked anguished.

  “Now, we go old school. Wait here.”


  “No matter what happens, do not leave the truck.”

  Lily opened the door all of a sudden and hit Shane’s head with it, dropping her again. Taking advantage of the favorable moment, the Australian woman jumped on her opponent and punched her face repeatedly; then again, not nearly enough to hold Shane down.

  And Lily was exhausted and extremely hurt.

  “Thanks for the massage.” Shane said and stroke another hit on Lily’s face.

  Once again, she was tossed far behind, rolling toward the roof edge, disappearing from view.

  “Oh no!” Mate shouted.

  “Why you riffraff have to be so tacky all the time?” Shane complained.

  Lily was holding on to the edge with her finger tips, not to fall off the building. In normal conditions, she would climb back up easily, but at that point her body was too punished by cuts and bruises.

  She tried to pull herself up with her right arm strength, but her broken ribs could not stand the effort. A dreadful pain caused Lily to moan, also forcing her to lower her right arm. She was now relying only on her left hand not to fall.

  Shane came to the edge. The Australian woman could visualize her knuckles being crushed by the other’s high heels and her body plunging two stories down. She considered ways to position arms and legs to better break her fall.

  But surprisingly, Shane pulled Lily up and dragged her to a wall.

  “Has your dad never told you karate should only be used for defense?” Shane asked.

  “Only when we fight honorable opponents, positively not your case! By the way, thanks for pulling me up.”

  “I just thought it would be a pity to let your many talents go to waste. Besides, it’s only two stories down, you might have survived. Everything I do is for a reason. I’m not a monster, Lily.”

  “You’re not a goddess either. And your reasons are all wrong.”

  “No, they aim the common good.”

  “A good that only serves your purposes, I have to stop you.”

  “How? Do you still think I can die?”

  “You also seem to have nine lives, but I can finish them all.”

  “I have a million lives!”

  “You bleed. Then you can die.”

  “Yet another cliché from a movie. My wounds can heal a lot faster than yours ever will.”

  “And what happens now?”

  “Well, this should be the part when I break your neck, but I’ll just break your mind instead. Once you’re in my power, I’ll make you bark like a dog just for fun. Then, I’ll find something better for you to do as my slave. Now, if you could please look into my eyes and listen to this…”

  However, a thunderous rumbling rattled in the distance, the sound of several explosions taking place all at once. Shane turned her head brusquely to the side, her eyes wide open.

  “NOOOO!” She screamed. “Hedgiest, you son of a bitch, I would’ve handled it!”

  “What just happened, Shane?” Lily asked.

  “This is all your fault!”

  “Yes but, what just happened, Shane?”

  “All walls around the city have just collapsed down due to the detonation of explosives placed in strategic places. This is what we call Termination Factor, to resolve a Delta Status situation. It’s just a bunch of code names to say that when a certain site is no longer viable, a cleaning process is initiated.”

  “Cleaning as in…”

  “That’s right. You got a big zombie problem in your hands.”

  “What happens after this cleaning?”

  “The powers that be just pack their gear and move to another site. We got similar ventures going on in other parts, here and around the globe.”

  “Except there’s no we anymore, right? By the looks of it, the powers that be don’t hold you in high regard. Why don’t we get these bastards the two of us, what do you say?”

  “I’ll get them alright, you can be sure of that. Then, I’ll start my own personal project.”

  “Listen to me, Shane! They betrayed you. We got a common enemy now! It’s still not late for us to join forces as friends and allies. Let’s take care of the zombie situation and rebuild the walls, get this community back on its feet, only this time giving the population freedom and equal rights.”

  “Sorry, honey, no can do.”

  “Come on, Shane! You’re strong, a natural leader, we can do this! What’s wrong with letting people decide their own destinies, regardless of where they come from?”

  “That’s what was killing the world in the first place.”

  “We can right the wrongs of the past, this time with more wisdom and less manipulation, eh?”

  “Truly sorry, but this is not what I programmed to do. Besides, there can’t be two of us. First, I’ll smash Hedgiest and the rest of the puppets. And you’ll help me, once I have your mind under my control. I don’t care for this people here, they may die. Now, let’s get this over with.”

  “You’re making a mistake.”

  Shane grabbed Lily by the neck and
forced the Australian to look her in the eyes.

  “Clark!” Lily shouted “Time for another metal efficiency test!”

  “Oh, alright” Clark replied.

  He moved to the driver’s seat as fast as he could with a broken arm, which hurt a lot every time he had to shift gears.

  “Ouch!” Clark moaned “My arm, my beautiful tennis arm!”

  Even so, he managed to accelerate the truck right to the girls. Shane got distracted gazing at the vehicle coming at high speed, and Lily could jump out of the way.

  “What a dick…!” Shane screamed.

  Again, the blonde woman took a direct hit from the heavy truck, this time bursting through four thick walls, to finally crash against the toilet seat of a common restroom downstairs.

  “This is really getting annoying!” She grunted.

  The impact also caused the wall on the second floor to tumble down, with huge blocks of concrete falling on Lily, also hitting and bending two spikes on the truck.

  “Oh my God!” Clark cried again. “Why this action always backfires somehow?”

  He jumped out of the vehicle and ran to his friend, almost tripping on his own feet.

  “LILY!” Mate shouted, desperately trying to take big concrete rocks off her back with his right hand. “Are you alright? Are you alive?”

  “I’m hunky-dory.” She grunted with a very fainting voice and bleeding from almost every pore. “Make a note of this, partner, let’s stop using my rig as a goddamn ram.”

  “My very thought exactly.” Clark breathed in relief with tears in his eyes.

  “Do you still have my hockey stick?”

  “It’s in the truck.”

  ACT 35

  Prashant rushed into the bar breathlessly. His only eye goggled as if he had seen a ghost.

  “So, what’s the word?” Pedro asked him.

  “It’s true, man. The walls are down. Lamebrains are getting in.”


  Everybody in the bar lowered eyes and souls. Heavy hearts pounded sadly and frightened.

  “That’s rock bottom.” Phil whispered.

  “Can we deal with the zombies?” Pedro queried.

  “We can in the Industrial Zone.” Prashant replied. “Gingerbread Dam is a natural barrier. Lamebrains can only get in a few at a time, and the barbed wire fences around the power plant are still standing. But Uptown is something else entirely.”

  “Why?” Maria asked.

  “Zombies will flow into there like a goddamn waterfall. There’s nothing protecting the city now, no obstacles of any kind. And people there won’t know what to do. They’ll be easily overrun.”

  “Then we have to go there with weapons and help them.” Maria spoke with urgency in her voice.”

  “Why?” Pedro retorted disdainfully.

  “What do you mean why?” Maria narrowed her eyes. “People are going to die! We got to help them.”

  “What did they ever do for us?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Come one Maria, you’ve been there too. Like you, I was humiliated, tortured, beaten and starved half to death. Then, I was forced into a work I knew nothing about for bread and water. I had to suffer so people in Uptown could go on living lavish lives, with running water at will and electricity to keep them warm and cozy.”

  “But they didn’t even know we existed, for crying out loud!”

  “How do you know that? As far as we know, they might have chosen to look the other way, because life was just too comfortable to be spoilt by social issues. Now, I’m the one looking the other way.”

  “Listen, I know folks there might’ve done a lot of things wrong, but it doesn’t matter now. The point is they need…”

  “It matters to me!” Tears welled up in Pedro’s eyes. “It matters a lot to me! Raul is dead, remember? He was like a brother to me!”

  “I know and I’m sorry. Then, let’s help those people in his memory.”

  “His memory means nothing to them. They just used us as stepping stones.”

  “I can’t believe I’m hearing this! Human beings are going to die and you’ll just sit here and do nothing?”

  “That’s right. You go save them if you want. As for me, I had my share of bloodshed for a lifetime. I’ll help barricading the roads to Downtown, but that’s it. If folks in Uptown want my help, they’ll have to come here and beg me.”

  “You chicken shit!” Maria hardened her look. “You can’t simply let people die! We need you!”

  “Hell with you! I’m not going to fight for people who treated me like garbage!”

  “Then, you’re no better than them! How could I ever put my life in the hands of such a small person like you?”

  “I don’t need this shit, okay? I don’t need moral lessons, not from you, nor from anybody!”

  “Hey, this won’t get us anywhere!” Phil intervened.

  “Stop this nonsense right now!” Prashant yelled at them.

  “Stay out of this!”

  But their loud voices were silenced by a powerful rifle shot.

  “Are you yakking like old ladies on me now?” Hector said. Smoke was still coming out of the barrel in his hand.

  He came into the bar accompanied by Vince and Harper.

  “After all we’ve been through together, haven’t you learnt a damn thing?” Hector continued. “We don’t help people because of what they are! We don’t care for origins, beliefs, skin or lifestyle! We help people because it’s the right thing to do!”

  Maria looked at him tenderly. Pedro lowered his eyes. Hector walked to him and said:

  “Everybody dies one day, right partner?”

  “Yeah, and it seems you’re always trying to get me killed somehow.” Pedro replied. “You don’t like me very much, do you?”

  “Well, I don’t exactly love you, but I’m starting to grow a little fond of you.”

  “If that’s supposed to change my mind, you are a lousy diplomat. But a thought just hit me, after I save the asses of those snobs, they’ll owe me big.”

  “That’s the spirit!”

  Pedro turned to Maria “I’m really sorry, chica.”

  “No apologies needed, muchacho. You’re a loudmouth. It’s part of your charm. And, unlike Hector, I love you exactly because of this. I also loved Raul. He was my friend.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I talked to Major Henderson.” Harper stepped in. “And he told me the troops are more than willing to accept me as their new commanding officer. Just say the word, my friend.”

  “Take the soldiers to the power plant and free the workers.” Hector spoke. “You may encounter resistance, not all guards there know what’s going on. Then, perhaps we can talk about work on wages with a better package of benefits.”

  “Right, this is a good idea. But I’d keep some men around this perimeter in case zombies decide to show up.”

  “Good idea, you do that. The rest of you follow me. We got a whole town to rid of zombies. Are you coming, Pedro?”

  “Oh yes, and remember this when we discuss those wages and package of benefits.”

  ACT 36

  “Hello, anybody there?” Lily carefully asked. “Hey Shane, is your nose still in the air somewhere?”

  She searched around the restroom, investigating the debris resulting from the destruction caused by Shane’s little charter flight around the building.

  “I’m surprised she’s not in front of the mirrors.” Lily thought.

  She went through the hole of one wall, then upstairs, to finally come back to the upper floor garage, crossing the remaining cracks. Lily walked to her truck, which had the door on the driver’s side open.

  “It seems she’s gone, mate.” Lily said while climbing into the vehicle. “I guess she’s probably…” That was when she realized the truck was empty. She was talking to nobody. “Clark, are you there? Where are you, boykie?”

  “Right here, sweetie” came the very well known voice from the outside. “
Boykie’s with me. And by the way, I got better things to do than hanging in front of mirrors.”

  Lily looked in the rear mirror. After a few seconds, Shane appeared, walking past the spikes protruding from the hull, one of them covered with her blood. She was dragging Clark and squeezing his throat real hard. He was gasping for air in despair, his face even redder than normal.

  “Lil…” He tried to speak, but his voice got lost due to lack of oxygen.

  “Damn it.” The Australian girl cursed to her t-shirt. “Boy, boy, boy… Hang on, mate.” She whispered more to herself. “I’m a-coming.”

  “You see, things would be much easier if you just admitted that you lost.” Shane continued, walking around the truck with Clark panting on her hands and dragging his feet. “There’s no way you can stop me. And yet, you’re not being very cooperative. Then, I decided to apply persuasion. It’s really simple actually. You come out here and let me take control of your mind, or I kill your boy. What do you say, sweet heart?”

  Shane stopped by the side of the truck and squeezed the man’s throat even harder. His face turned purple and his eyes were almost popping out. He was being slowly smothered and about to pass out for the last time in his life. Supply of oxygen to his brain was rather low at that point.

  Inside the truck, Lily looked around. She found the sheath with the hockey stick, good for nothing in a hostage situation. She caressed the boomerang in her belt, but there was nothing she could do with it as well, Shane had Clark too close to her. Mate had the two knives, but he wasn’t in any condition to use them whatsoever.


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