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Master Page 24

by Catherine Taylor

The words came easier at each lash, and as the pain increased, her body grew calmer. Her head laid cushioned in her arms, her sobbing quieter, and her bottom offered to him with no resistance.

  She had lost count and was startled when Jahn came to kneel beside her. The admiration in his face was more than she could bear and she seized him about the neck, pushing her face into his chest. He held her and allowed her to bawl against him.

  “You’ve earned your stripes, little one, and you have some good ones.”

  Lena laughed through her tears. “I didn’t say the word.”

  “No, you didn’t. I’m proud of you.”

  “I’ve ruined my make-up,” she sobbed. “Natasha went to so much trouble.”

  Jahn rubbed her back and grinned. “It’s a good thing I’m better at it than she is.”

  Lena pulled away for him, her mouth hung open. “You are not. I don’t believe it.”

  “Who do you think taught her?”

  “Why would you know such a thing?”

  “Two boys, one who wants to look like a girl.” He grinned. “It was kind of fun.”

  “Is there anything you don’t know?”

  He shrugged. “I doubt it.”

  Lena broke into laughter and she embraced him tightly. “Do you know what I’m thinking?”

  “Of course I do,” he replied. “You’re thinking how much you want me to fuck you right now.”

  She smiled, held him tighter and whispered. “Master.”


  Several blocks away from the warehouse, Jahn turned the car into an alley, parked and switched the lights off. Lena looked at him curiously.

  “This is too far. At least a half hour walk.”

  “Ten minutes if you’re running,” he grinned. “I’d rather my car was out of sight.”

  He got out and came around to open her door and as she stepped out onto the pavement, Jahn crouched down and reached under her seat. Her mouth fell open as he drew out a gun, and dropped the magazine out. He took several bullets from his pocket and pushed them in.

  “Why do you have that?”

  “Precaution,” he said, as he placed it in his inside pocket. Removing his coat, he went to put it around her but she backed away.

  “Lena, they will search me. They won’t search you. You can hold onto my coat and no one will get the gun without your say so. When I am ready to leave, you can give it back.”

  “I don’t like it near me. It frightens me.”

  “It can’t go off. The safety is on.”

  “I don’t know why you need a gun.”

  “Because it’s all different tonight. You’ll see this as we get closer.”

  She stared at him. “Tell me what’s wrong. You’ve been on edge since we left your place.”

  “Nothing that concerns you,” he assured her, smiling. “You’ll see your grandfather tonight. Your life only gets better from here.”

  Lena shook her head. “Not if you’re not in it, but I will make the most of it. Give me your coat and I’ll hold it as if it is mine, but I’m not wearing it.”

  “It’s cold.”

  “And this coat is far too big. It will hide my dress.” She grinned at him. “And I want to look to nice.”

  “You look incredible,” he smiled, pulling her towards him. “I’ll have to keep you warm.”

  She snuggled up against him with his arm around her. They walked along through dark streets and old buildings, until they reached the main street leading to the warehouse. Lena gasped as she saw the steady stream of men heading in the same direction.

  “Who are all these people?”

  “I suspect they’ve come to watch the fight.”

  “There’s so many of them. I’ve never seen this many.”

  Jahn watched them and then drew Lena back into the shadows. “It would be a shame to spoil your entrance. We’ll take the back streets until we’re closer.”

  “They are so dark,” Lena whispered.

  He grinned at her. “And I’m the scariest thing in that dark.”

  Lena laughed. “Yeah, you’re right.”

  She gripped his hand tightly as they walked until they could see floodlights outside the warehouse. Jahn stopped her again, grinned and moved her back into the darkness.

  “Ever been accosted in an alleyway?”

  Lena grinned. “I’m open to new experiences.”

  He backed her up against the wall and took the coat from her, laying it on the ground. His lips brushed against her shoulder and up her neck.

  “You smell nice,” he whispered.

  “Natasha bought me perfume.”

  “It’s not what I want. I need your scent in me, the taste of you.”

  “Shouldn’t you be concentrating on the fight?” she breathed deeply as his finger brushed against her dress, igniting the tingle of swelling nipples.

  He pulled her dress up to her waist. “Keep it up.”

  Kneeling low before her, he drew her panties down to her feet and made her take one foot out. His hands gripped her welted buttocks and Lena cried out.

  Oh, hell that hurts.”

  “Quiet, woman,” he growled as he pulled her hips towards him, spreading her legs with his elbows. “Put your foot on my shoulder.”

  Bracing herself against the wall, she kicked off her shoe and lifted her leg, resting her foot on him. Her exposed body cooled in the night air, but his breath was warm against her vagina.

  She gasped as he pushed his face into her, burrowing his mouth and nose into her deeply. His tongue lashed about within her. As she felt the pending climax, she tried to pull away, but he gripped her tighter until she groaned with release. He did not take a breath until he had claimed every drop of her cum.

  He helped her to put her trembling leg back down and back into her panties, drawing them up to her knees.

  “Turn around,” he told her quietly.

  Lena was shaking as she turned and leant against the wall for support. At that point she was prepared for him to do anything to her, but instead he simply kissed each cheek and brought her panties up and her dress down.

  She turned back to him, panting and trembling. “What was that all about?”

  He grinned boyishly. “In Thailand, they use prayer rituals before a fight. I don’t believe in any god, but if I have to worship something, then I just did. I have one more place I need to kiss.”

  He lowered his mouth against hers and kissed her passionately. Pulling away, he gazed at her affectionately. “Let’s go do this.”

  After that, it was impossible to feel miserable. Lena suspected that he had done it more for her than himself. He wanted her to look proud and strong. As they neared their destination, she straightened up, gripped his hand tighter and let him lead her to the long wire fence, where two large gates had been pulled back.

  The warehouse doors were open, and the crowd was enormous. They became part of it, but soon drew the attention of the miners, who slowed their progress as they surrounded them. The excitement was obvious on their staring faces.

  “Good luck, Jahn.” The shouts of praise and good wishes became a loud chorus, but with it, Lena heard her own name shouted out. The men were staring at her with admiration and awe. As she caught their eyes, there were smiles and nods of respect. She could hear their murmured gossip.

  “Is that Dmitri’s daughter?”

  “She looks incredible. Is that really Lena?”

  One miner moved into their path and pulled his woollen cap from his head, his face old and worn. Lena recognised the man who had lost his daughter to Radek. His trembling hand reached out to Jahn and he smiled politely at Lena.

  “You are a good man.” He clasped Jahn’s hand between his own, shaking it. “Win for us tonight, Jahn.”

  “I’ll do my best,” Jahn replied.

  The miner looked at Lena again, his face distressed. “I am ashamed. Forgive me for what we did to you. Forgive us all.”

  Lena smiled at him. “There’s n
othing to forgive, and I’m sorry for your loss.”

  With that, he broke away and disappeared back into the crowd, leaving many miners nodding and looking at Jahn with respect. The path cleared for them and they continued on to the warehouse.

  Two very tall, suited men stood either side of the entrance.

  “I don’t know these men,” Lena whispered to Jahn.

  “They will be your grandfather’s security. No doubt, there will be several more.”

  He was right. Inside they could see similar men stationed at various places or moving through the crowd. The area was electrified with the deep buzz of male voices, which only swelled as eyes fell on Lena and Jahn. The crowd was twice the size, and the warehouse had undergone many changes. Stark neon lights lit up the whole place and there was extra tiered seating around the cage.

  Lena felt frightened and moved in closer to Jahn as she scanned the gambling area for Andrei, not seeing him in his usual place. Strangers had charge of the betting, but she breathed some relief as she saw Gregor hurrying towards them.

  “Where’s Andrei?” she asked.

  Gregor frowned. “You need to go up to the office, Miss Petrenko.”

  “I asked you a question,” she demanded. “Who are all these people and where is Andrei?”

  The frown grew deeper and he eyed Jahn. “He couldn’t make it tonight. You need to go upstairs.”

  Jahn put his arm around her. “Let’s go.”

  When they reached the stairs she stopped. “I’m scared. I don’t know why.”

  Climbing a few steps, Jahn looked back over the crowd, scanning the whole area slowly. He stepped back down and looked at her.

  “How much do you trust Gregor?”

  She smiled. “He’s always been like a big brother to me. He’s been Andrei’s security for years. Why?”

  “Because I want him to take you home. It was a mistake bringing you here tonight.”

  “I don’t understand.” She began as Jahn took hold of her arm.

  She went to speak again, but three of the new security blocked their way. Jahn stopped and pulled Lena back behind him.

  “You need to go up,” one of them said.

  Lena pushed forward again, seeing the cold, dark stare on Jahn’s face. She eyed the men angrily.

  “Who the hell do you think you are?”

  “My apologies, Miss Petrenko.” The man smiled. “This is your grandfather’s instructions. You are to be brought to him immediately upon arrival. He’s waiting upstairs for you.” His eyes shifted to Jahn. “Not you. You have a fight to prepare for.”

  “He’s coming with me,” Lena yelled. She had more to say, but Jahn turned her to him.

  “Do as he says, Lena. He’s right. I have to go.”

  Her lip quivered. “Not yet. Not like this.”

  “Lena, this was always going to happen. You knew this.”

  She shook her head. “It’s all different. I though Andrei would be here. I didn’t think it would be so sudden. I’m not ready for this.”

  He smiled and caressed her hair. “You are ready. Stop doubting it and I will see you again after the fight, but I don’t want you to watch it. Stay in the office.”

  Her stare penetrated him. “You don’t think you’re going to win, do you?”

  “I do,” he insisted. “But it’s going to be rough. I have some knowledge about my opponent and it won’t be easy, but I’ll win. I promise you.”

  “This is my fault,” she gasped. “I made you do this. You’re only here because of me…”

  “Lena, stop,” he told her sternly. “I’m here because I have to be, and you are blameless in all of this. There were so many wrong things done, so many selfish bastards, myself included, but you weren’t one of them. You are the only person who deserves to walk away from this night and have a happy life, and that’s what I want you to do. Obey me, Lena. Let me walk into that cage, believing that you will do this for me.”

  Her tears fell freely, but she nodded. “I’ll try.”

  Jahn smiled at her. “Be happy, and always know… that I love you.”

  Before she could respond, he was gone, striding into the crowd and disappearing from her sight. Lena’s body shook as she sat down on the stairs and cried. The security man went to take her arm, and she bashed it away, angrily.

  “Keep your hands from me, you pig,” she snarled. “I will go up when I’m good and fucking ready.”

  He backed off, and Lena cuddled Jahn’s coat against her, breathing in his scent. She could feel the gun, but it didn’t bother her any more. She looked out at the crowd and smiled. They had come to see him, admiring and respecting him, without even knowing him. They could only see the brute power in him, and had no idea of his tenderness. Only she, in this crowd of hundreds, knew the man he truly was.

  Getting to her feet, she glared at the security man as he went to help her, and made her own way up the stairs. Wiping at her tears, she forced a smile, reminding herself that she was about to see her grandfather after three long years.

  Pausing outside the office door, she took a deep breath and knocked. Her smile waned as another security man opened the door, standing back to let her in. She felt panicky as she found more inside, and her eyes swept around the room, until she saw the first familiar face.

  He looked a little older, his hair white and his face wrinkled with folds of skin hanging under his eyes, but he was tall and stout as she remembered him, still fighting fit for a man his age, but there was something very different.

  She had always loved the way his face lit up when he saw her, and how his arms went out wide, demanding a hug. The sternness of his face was always undone with his comical expressions of delight. There was none of this.

  Two cold, watery blue eyes stared at her, his mouth downturned and his contempt obvious. Lena was sure he was having difficulty adjusting to the changes of three years. Beaming a smile, she hurried to him.

  “Didi, has it been so long, you don’t recognise me,” she laughed.

  A thin smile straightened his mouth, before he backhanded her hard across her face, sending her crashing to the floor. She lay stunned, trying to grasp what had happened. The sting in her cheek radiated through her face. Pulling herself to sit up, she trembled, panicked and confused. She saw his polished shoes step in front of her.

  “I know a slut when I see one.”

  Lena whimpered, “I don’t understand.”

  “I thought maybe you had changed, but I only needed to see you walk in with him, holding his hand, to know you have not changed at all. How many times did you fuck him, Lena?”

  Her upper lip curled as she trembled, and stared back at him. “I love him, and he loves me.”

  Makarov huffed and broke into laughter. He looked around at his men. “Did you hear her? She loves him. My granddaughter believes that love is found between her legs. She’s loved a few men in your teenage years, haven’t you, Lena?”

  She looked away, ashamed and frightened. “Didi, please don’t do this.”

  Seizing her hair, he pulled her up viciously. Lena yelled, grabbing at his arm as he pushed his face close to her.

  “You think I don’t know, about your bastard? Your stepmother had the wisdom to tell me, even if your father tried to hide it from me, sending you away while I visited.”

  She looked at him, angrily. “I love my baby, your great-granddaughter.”

  “She is nothing to me, the spawn of a black pig.” His face filled with disgust. “Vera told me how dark the bitch was. You didn’t even have the decency to whore yourself to your own country, to your own colour.”

  “He was a Maori from New Zealand, handsome, fun and really nice to me. I didn’t care what colour his skin was. She looks like him, black hair, dark eyes and yes, dark skin…”

  “And now she is gone, and you are coming with me.” His face was enraged. “Unlike your father, I will not tolerate a moment of your disgusting behaviour. As soon as my business is concluded in Moscow, we will
be moving abroad and leaving your disgrace behind. You’ve humiliated me enough.”

  “Where is Poppa and Andrei? Why aren’t they here?”

  “Your father has no further use to me. That dump he calls a restaurant is still mine, and I will get whatever pittance I can from it.”

  “You can’t.” Lena shook her head. “It’s his livelihood. Poppa and Vera are having a baby…”

  Makarov chuckled. “Vera is having my son, not your father’s, and she will be coming with us. You’ll have a baby to care for after all, a proper Russian child, not a half breed black mongrel.”

  “She is my daughter,” Lena screamed at him.

  “She is a corpse. Vera made sure that your sordid history has been buried deep.”

  Lena felt her blood turn to ice in her veins. She stopped struggling, staring without seeing, her mouth hanging open. Her loud, tortured groan swelled to a scream and her fingers flew to the face in front of her, clawing viciously, until his savage punch sent her sprawling to the floor, where she lay unmoving.


  After searching him, Jahn was isolated to the fighter’s area, a dim, windowless corner of the warehouse, partitioned off from the gambling area, and empty. There was only going to be one fight that night.

  He had no objection to being alone, needing this time to clear his head and stop thinking about Lena. He wanted to believe that the unusual tension in his gut was the price he was paying for distraction. What he needed was to assess this situation clinically. Lena was with her grandfather and safe, which was more than he could say about his own situation. It was obvious they had no intention of him leaving tonight.

  Up in the office was his gun, though getting to it was not going to be easy, and first he had to win. Makarov obviously had faith in Sasha Rabinov, and didn’t expect Jahn to emerge from the cage, but he wouldn’t count on that. There would be back up, but assassination in front of the miners wouldn’t go down well. If there was going to be a hit, it would come as he went from the warehouse, a knife out of nowhere, a stray bullet, a disgruntled gambler, anything that distanced Makarov from involvement.

  The time after leaving the cage would be extremely dangerous, and he hoped he had enough senses still about him to be on his guard. A roar from the crowd, broke his train of thought. Getting up from his seat, he wandered out to the gambling area and saw Gregor standing just outside.


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