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Master Page 28

by Catherine Taylor

  “Pick her up,” Makarov yelled at his men, but they shook their heads, and backed off.

  Oleg strode forward. “I’ll get her there.”

  Makarov pointed his finger at one of his cowardly men. “You fucking go with him. Gregor, you drive my car. Oleg, you are to stay with her. I want to know what’s happening.”

  Vera was screaming as Oleg lifted her into his arms, and carried her to the other car. One of the men ran to open the door, and then backed away, his face aghast as Oleg tried to get her in.

  “Help him, you fucking idiot,” Makarov yelled, but the man didn’t move.

  It was Makarov that had to run to assist him. Lena was watching the chaos when Gregor came up to her.

  “Get in the car, Lena,” he whispered. “I’m getting you out of here.”

  She looked up at him. “What?”

  “I won’t let them hurt you,” he smiled.

  Clutching his hand, she nodded. With the attention focussed on Vera, they climbed into the car quietly. Gregor took a deep breath, started the car and slammed his foot down on the accelerator.

  Lena turned back and watched to see what would happen. Oleg was trapped with Vera, but Makarov was out of the other car, and she could see him screaming at the other two. They started running after them, drawing guns.

  “They’re going to shoot,” she yelled at Gregor, ducking down behind the seat.

  They heard several shots, but their car remained untouched. Daring to peek over the seat, she could see they had gained a lot of distance and the other car was going nowhere. She smiled, and then grasped Gregor’s arm.

  “”I’m sorry, Gregor.”

  He glanced at her. “What for?”

  “Now you are in trouble. They’ll come after you.”

  “You think I am afraid of them?” he grinned bitterly. “They are nothing compared to people I know.”

  Lena smiled. “You’re doing this for Andrei, aren’t you?

  “He was a good boss, just a little too sentimental. He wanted to help you.”

  “Maybe if I had gone with him that day, none of this would have happened and he would still be alive.”

  “Who knows,” Gregor replied flatly. “Right now I need to find somewhere safe for you. That man, Jahn, you said he was good to you.”

  “He was.” Lena brightened. “That’s where we need to go.”

  “Do you even know where it is?”

  “I have an idea,” she beamed. “I just need to look at the map, and then I can take us to the safest place in the world.”

  * * * *

  In the darkness of the street, the Sophia Hotel shone like a beacon, the façade lit up to reveal a modern building, an eyesore between its nineteenth century neighbours. There were several cars parked out front, and suited men were in and out of its front glass doors.

  Oleysa looked at Jahn, who was watching through binoculars. “Good luck getting in there.”

  Lowering the binoculars, he nodded. “I need to know what’s going on.”

  “Would you like me to find out?” she asked.

  Jahn turned to her. “And how would you do that?”

  “With my own resources,” she grinned. “My weapons are very effective on men.”

  “No,” he shook his head. “Too dangerous.”

  “A prostitute visiting a hotel? The only danger is not getting paid.”

  “They aren’t about to let you in. My guess is that Makarov has not arrived yet. Until he does, they’re going to be wary of anyone who approaches the building.”

  “They’re not going to invite trouble by accosting me, and I’m far too beautiful to ignore. One of them will want a little action.”

  “I have a better idea.” Jahn reached back to where a large metal case rested on the back seat. Opening it he brought out a tiny, black box with a single wire sticking out from it. He showed it to Lena. “This is a wireless transmitter. If you could get this into the pocket of one of them, preferably one that looks in charge, we can listen to what they are talking about, but if they see you, you’re finished, and it won’t be pleasant.”

  She frowned. “Oh, that makes me feel much better.”

  “You don’t have to do this, Oleysa. This is my problem.”

  As they watched, three men jumped into a car which was soon speeding towards them. They shifted down in their seats and both sighed with relief as the car raced past.

  Oleysa laughed. “How do the girls in those James Bond films look so calm? I nearly wet myself.”

  Jahn grinned. “You’d make a great Bond girl, Oleysa, but this is not the movies. If you’re nervous, they’ll pick up on it and you’ll make mistakes.”

  “Then maybe you should give me a down payment on what you owe me. Nothing like relieving a little sexual tension to calm me down.”

  He gave her a curious frown. “You’re serious? You don’t feel that the danger we’re in and all the shit that has happened tonight, doesn’t kill the mood a little?”

  “Just makes me hornier,” she shrugged, as she stared out the front window. “Besides, there are two men wandering down this way. If we are going to get caught, we should be putting on a good performance.

  Jahn looked out and sighed. “You’re right. Let’s make this good. Take your panties off and give them to me.”

  Reaching under her dress, she slipped the briefs down, drawing them off her long legs and put them into his waiting hand.

  “Open up,” he coaxed with amusement. “Can’t have you screaming.”

  Looking shocked at first, she broke into a soft laugh. “You think you’re that good?”

  He smiled. “Yes.”

  His answer excited her and she sat up, thrusting her breasts out and slowly opened her mouth. Kissing the crutch of her panties, he placed them inside her mouth, and poked them all the way in.

  “Now, put your feet on the seat and open your legs… wide.”

  Slipping her shoes off, she brought her feet up and pulled her dress out from under her. She pulled the panties out from her mouth. “They’re getting closer.”

  “Don’t worry about them. Lean back against the door and hook your leg over the seat.”

  “I’m scared.”

  Jahn grabbed the front of her dress and ripped it apart, exposing her breasts. He grinned. “You should be.”

  She laughed nervously. “I meant about them, not you.”

  “Let’s see if I can make you forget all about them.”

  He pushed her back, grabbing her left leg and putting it behind the head rest of her seat, splaying her open to him.

  Her breathing was already heavier. A muffled gasp escaped as his strong, rough hands gripped her inner thighs. He shifted, and brought his mouth down, sliding one hand down to stretch her labia with his fingers.

  Oleysa’s eyes widened as his tongue glided the length of her, and his lips closed on her clit. He sucked powerfully, exciting her bud to erection, his tongue swirling about it. His fingers slipped lower and he buried two deep within her, gradually introducing a third as he thrust in slowly and deeply.

  Arching her back, she pushed back against him, gritting her teeth as the tension mounted. Her climax came to a sudden halt as she heard and felt the bang at the window.

  They were both up immediately, staring at the two suited men leering in at them on either side. The one at her window had a gun drawn. Oleysa trembled, but Jahn calmly wound down his window, glaring up at the man on his side.

  “What the fuck do you want?”

  The man still had a grin. “This place is off limits.”

  “It’s a fucking public street,” Jahn growled.

  “Not tonight. You’ll need to move on.”

  “Where do you suggest I move to?” Jahn asked harshly. “Maybe I should take her home to my wife?” He gave Oleysa a fleeting stare, and she returned the slightest nod. He turned back to the man. “Let me get rid of this boner and you can have her. You really need to experience how this slut sucks dick.”

  The man looked across at his partner, and his grin broadened. He leaned down to get a better look at Oleysa.

  “She’s fucking hot.”

  Jahn looked at her. “Show him your cunt.”

  Seductively, she leant back on the door and opened her legs, her fingers gliding down over the thin strip of dark hair at her mound, prising herself open and teasing her clit.

  “Look at that,” Jahn grinned. “I nearly had my fist up there until you interrupted.”

  “You haven’t fucked her yet?” The man asked, salivating.

  “You didn’t give me a chance, and this bitch is hot for it.”

  “Let me go first, and then you can fuck off. Otherwise I’ll put a bullet in your head.” He opened his jacket to show his gun.

  “Hey,” Jahn held up his hands. “I don’t want no trouble. The bitch is all yours.”

  The other man protested. “What the fuck are you doing, Serg?”

  “I just want five minutes. I’ve already got a fat just watching them.”

  His partner looked doubtful, but gritted his teeth and nodded. “Five minutes. If we get caught, we’re fucking history.”

  Serg pulled Jahn’s door open. “Get out.”

  Jahn got out slowly, and let Serg take his place. Once the door was shut, he looked in with feigned disgust and slowly wandered around to the other man.

  “I paid fucking good money for her,” he complained.

  “Then maybe you should have invested in a hotel and not fucked her here.”

  Jahn peered into the car and saw that Serg was leaning against the door, with his cock in Oleysa’s mouth. Looking down the street, Jahn moved fast, his fist slamming into the other man’s throat, choking him silently. Catching him before he fell, he helped to lie him down on the pavement, before delivering another blow to his temple.

  Staying low, he moved around the car, rising up at the window, where Serg had his back to him. Oleysa raised her eyes to him, and he indicated for her to lean back. Sliding her mouth from Serg’s cock, she sat up and moved back as Jahn yanked the door open.

  Serg fell back. Jahn grabbed his hair and dragged him from the car in one pull, slamming his body to the ground, knocking his breath from him. Before he had a chance to recover, Jahn was on top of him, his hand shoving under his jacket and finding the gun. His weight was enough to secure him, as he brought his mouth down to Serg’s ear.

  “Climb into the back seat.” He demanded quietly, reaching up to open the door. “Your partner is already dead. Don’t make a sound, unless you want to join him.”

  When Serg nodded frantically, Jahn shifted off but kept the gun to his head, until Serg was sitting on the back seat, his pants around his ankles. Oleysa leant over her seat to shift the case. Shoving Serg over, Jahn climbed in next to him and shut the door.

  Bringing the gun down, he pressed the muzzle into Serg’s testicles, making him yell in agony.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Jahn grabbed his throat. “If you want your fucking balls intact, then you’re going to answer a few questions. “Where is Makarov?”

  He released Serg’s throat and waited as he got his breath.

  “He hasn’t got back yet. His girlfriend went into labour.”

  “Where’s Lena Petrenko?”

  “We don’t know. She took off with one of Petrenko’s men. They’re looking for her.”

  “Which of Petrenko’s men?”

  “The big guy, bald, always with that old guy, Andrei.”

  “Gregor,” Jahn nodded with some relief.

  Oleysa smiled. “She’ll be safe. Gregor will look after her. He will want his revenge for what Makarov did to Andrei.”

  “Where is Makarov now?”

  “They’ve sent a car to pick him up.” Serg glanced at Jahn fearfully. “The boss didn’t kill Andrei. Gregor did.”

  Jahn stared at him. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “The one you called Gregor. He killed Andrei, three days ago. Said that Andrei was going to double cross Makarov and help Lena to escape.”

  “He wasn’t there that day.”

  “He was, he drove him there. When Andrei didn’t come back with Lena, Gregor killed him. He told Makarov that Andrei was going to take off.”

  Oleysa looked at Jahn anxiously. “It’s not true. Gregor was loyal to Andrei. Why would he kill him?”

  “How long has Gregor been bald like that? Was he always like that?”

  “He started shaving his head about a year ago.”

  “Any new tattoos that you know of in that time?”

  Oleysa frowned and nodded. “I fucked him about eight months ago. He had just got a swastika on his chest. I told him it was awful but he was proud of it. What does all this mean?”

  Bowing his head, his teeth were gritted, as his breathed deeply. “It means I’ve just made the biggest fuck-up yet.”


  Lena recalled the first time she had seen the building against a dark, night sky. The ominous, gloomy façade had projected the thought of a horrible fate awaiting her inside. Now it was a welcome sight, a place where she had found peace and safety.

  “Most of these buildings are deserted,” Gregor frowned. “Are you sure this is the place?”

  She nodded. “He lives on the top floor.”

  “What security has he set up in there?”

  “What do you mean?” Lena thought of how Jahn had wired the building, but was reluctant to speak of it.

  “A man like him doesn’t leave himself open. Does he have weapons, an alarm?”

  She didn’t like his demanding tone and shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. He would never hurt me.”

  “What makes you sure he would come back here?”

  “I’m not sure, but I don’t know where else to go. I don’t even know if he’s alive.”

  “Well there’s only one way to find out.”

  Gregor swung the steering wheel and drove the car down the side of the building to the car park. Surveying the area, he headed towards a dark corner and parked.

  He got out and Lena watched him go to the boot and open it. A moment later he closed it and came to her door, swinging it open.

  She allowed him to help her out, but he kept her hand firmly in his as they headed to the entrance. The stairwell sat in darkness. Pulling a torch from his jacket, he switched it on and played its light over the wall, stopping upon a switch.

  Flicking it, he grunted when there was no response. Lena watched miserably, the darkness accentuating the lack of life.

  “Are you sure you have the right building?” There was lack of patience in his question, that wasn’t helping her to feel any better.

  “I told you. I’ve walked these stairs. I know where I was, and this is it.”

  He frowned. “Come on then, let’s go up.”

  It was a long, slow climb, the torch being needed to splay over the steps to find their way. At each floor, Gregor stopped, listening at each apartment door and looking for any sign of life inside.

  “I told you he is at the top.” Lena was getting impatient herself. “What are you doing?”

  “Does he have other men with him?”


  Gregor came back to her, his face wired with suspicion. “He had that arsehole who shot Rabinov.”

  “That was not someone associated with Jahn. I don’t know who that was.” She peered at his shadowed face, looking menacing in the torchlight. “You don’t have to be afraid of him. You helped me. He would be grateful to you.”

  His face seemed to ease and he smiled. “It’s habit. I’m sorry, Lena, I’m a bit on edge after tonight, and your friend is a little scary.”

  She laughed softly. “I know what you mean, but you’re no different. Look at you, with your silly tattoos on your neck and bald head. Why do you shave it like that?”

  A strange look passed over his face before he shrugged. “It looks better, more intimidating.”

  Lena laughed. “You don’t
intimidate me, and I remember when you had hair, not that long ago.”

  “Over a year.” He stated firmly, making Lena frown.

  “Stop getting so tense. I told you, we’re safe here.”

  His smile came back. “Well let’s see this apartment.”

  Approaching the top landing, Gregor stopped on the stairs and held onto Lena. He shone the torch towards the two doors.

  “Who was in the other apartment?” He kept his voice low.

  “Nobody,” she replied, again not willing to share any more than she had to. “It’s empty.”

  “They’re all empty, but there are signs that they haven’t always been that way.” He stared at the first door. “Go up to his door and call out to him.”

  Lena was only too happy to comply, but as she got nearer, she could see no tell-tale strip of light at the base to suggest that anyone was inside.

  “Jahn, it’s me, Lena. If you’re there open the door.”

  Only silence was returned and her heart sank. “Please Jahn, please, be home, and let me in.”

  She didn’t notice Gregor come up behind her until he was suddenly kicking ferociously at the door. She gasped and went to back off, but he seized her arm. The second kick splintered the wood and the third sent it flying open. Lena was picked up and held against him, the muzzle of a gun at her head.

  “What are you doing?” she screamed. “Gregor, stop. Put me down.”

  He ignored her as he took a tentative step inside, clutching Lena painfully around her waist. His eyes darted with the torchlight to every corner of the room, and out to the kitchen. Slowly, he put her down to her feet, but kept her tightly against him.

  “What room is that?” he asked, pointing to the bedroom door.

  “The bedroom.”

  Lena was growing anxious, no longer believing that his aggressive behaviour was from caution. She offered no resistance until they were in the bedroom, and then she tried to pull free from him.

  He jerked her back. “You’re going nowhere. What are you trying to get? A gun? What?”

  She pointed to the baby doll on the bed. “I want Greta.”

  He gave her a distasteful glance, before grabbing the doll and giving it to her.


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