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Fury Page 8

by Jenika Snow


  “You shouldn’t have fucking said anything,” Birdie said and shifted on the seat. He was starting to sweat sitting in this position, the pain pretty damn intense. But he gritted his teeth and pushed past it, because his focus right now was getting to Fury and seeing what in the hell was up. When Stone didn’t say anything, Birdie looked over at the other MC member. The guy had his jaw locked tight, and the annoyance on his face was clear.

  Birdie didn’t give a fuck.

  “It wasn’t their fucking business.”

  Stone swerved off to the side of the road and threw the SUV into park. He shifted on his seat so he was facing Birdie. “It wasn’t their fucking business?”

  Birdie didn’t respond and kept his expression stoic.

  “We are a damn brotherhood, an MC, and fucking family. The club is always kept in the loop. You being a Patch means you follow the rules.”

  Birdie clenched his teeth together. “I take this shit seriously. I patched in with the club because I wanted that family connection, and because the MC is a band of hard as fuck men. I have mad loyalty for them, but this also concerns Fury, our President, and because of that discretion should be used.” Fuck, now he was getting pissed over this.

  “Yeah, he’s our fucking Prez and he ran off without telling anyone. Did you see how pissed the other Patches were? Can you fucking blame them? Fury went rogue.”

  Birdie shook his head. “He didn’t go rogue. Whatever is up with him, and why he’s done what he’s done, is for a good reason.”

  “He should have told the club regardless,” Stone said, now looking back at the road. “They won’t let this rest, just to let you know.”

  Birdie didn’t say anything, because yeah, he knew that.

  “They know where we’re headed, and they’ll follow. If you think we aren’t just as worried about Fury as you are, you’re fucking wrong.”

  He knew they cared about their president, but Birdie just couldn’t let this go. “I’m sure he didn’t tell the club because he has his reasons, but we won’t find out if we are sitting on the side of the damn road.”

  After several seconds Stone finally spoke again. “It’s a long drive to the cabin, and we don’t even know if he’ll still be there.”

  Birdie looked at the long stretch of road in front of him. “Then you better start fucking driving so we can see if he’s there.” Birdie wasn’t backing down from this, and he wasn’t going to submit just because that was the “rules” of the club. He loved the MC. He joined because he wanted to, because they accepted him for all his faults, and didn’t bat a lash when he told them his past and what he’d done. They were just as crazy as he was, and he wanted that family connection. But this concerned Fury, a man he thought of as his brother, one he’d die for … and kill for again. Nothing stood in the way of him making sure shit was right.


  He couldn’t sleep. All Fury kept seeing was Angelina pressed against the wall looking so damn innocent and primed for him. He’d been able to smell how aroused she’d been, like he was a damn animal and she was his mate all primed for him.

  Damn, now he was thinking up some fucking insane analogies.

  His cock had been hard for hours after leaving her standing there alone, and as much as he wanted to jerk off and get the pressure off his balls, he hadn’t touched himself. He also thought about tossing some alcohol back to help him sleep, but he’d already been passed out drunk while she’d been in the cabin, and drinking wasn’t sounding as appealing as it normally did.

  Pushing himself off the bed he sat on the edge for a second. He looked down at his raging erection.

  “Fuck you,” he said to the asshole, scrubbed a hand over his face and stood. Grabbing a pair of jeans, Fury put them on and headed out of the room. It was the middle of the night, but he noticed the kitchen light was on. It was when he rounded the corner that he saw Angelina standing against the sink, a bowl and spoon in her hand.

  She is so fucking gorgeous.

  What in the hell was wrong with him?

  She lifted her head, the spoon midway to her mouth, and her gaze locked on his. Her cheeks turned pink, and if he weren’t such a hard ass he would have smirked at how cute it was that he’d embarrassed her.

  “I couldn’t sleep,” Angelina said and set the spoon back in the bowl.

  “Yeah, me either,” he responded and went over to the cupboard to grab a cup. He went over to the sink, and she moved out of the way for him to fill the glass with water. “That ice cream has to be pretty damn old.” He turned his head and looked at her.

  She nodded. “I won’t lie. It was freezer burned, but it’s all you have that’s sweet, and I couldn’t sleep. Eating old ass ice cream sounded like a good enough idea.”

  He gave a nod and drank his water. They stood there for several moments without speaking, and he didn’t deny it was a bit tense. But then again this situation wasn’t ideal, and it sure as hell was confusing on his side. He still didn’t understand why she’d stayed, even if she had explained it to him, in a way. If he’d been in her situation he would have gotten the fuck away from a bastard like him.

  Fury looked at her again and saw she was staring into the bowl of melting ice cream. The fall of her black hair blocked her face partially, and he had to curl his fingers around the lip of the sink to stop himself from pushing it away so he could see her. But at the last minute he said fuck it and lifted his hand to do just that.

  Moving her hair over her shoulder, he saw her body tense a second before her cheeks became pink again. When she looked at him her eyes were wide with clear surprise.

  “Why’d you do that?” she questioned softly.

  He didn’t answer right away. “Because I wanted to see your face.” They looked at each other, and he felt the air in the room become hotter, felt his cock throb behind his jeans, and wanted to just say fuck it all and pull her in to kiss her until she was breathless.

  And then, as he felt a chill race up his spine, as he felt his balls draw up tight, and as he heard her inhale sharply, something snapped inside of Fury. He wrapped his hand around her waist, pulled her right up against his body, and curled his fingers around the nape of her neck. For long seconds he just held her, loving the way she molded against him, and the fact she was breathing harder, her arousal clear on her face.

  “I want you,” was all he said. Her response was to lick her lips and nod. And that’s when nothing else mattered but being with Angelina in every way.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Fury had her back pressed to the wall in the kitchen, his big body stopping her from trying to push him away. But the truth was she didn’t want to. This felt unbelievably good, like she was playing with fire and hoping she got burned.

  “This is insane,” she whispered, not meaning to say the words out loud, but feeling them with every part of her body.

  Fury didn’t answer right away, but kept his focus trained right on her. “Is it, Angelina?”

  She licked her lips, not sure how to answer. “I don’t know.” And she didn’t. Was it wrong that she was aroused right now, wet for Fury? Was it wrong to want a man that had done this to her, to put her in this situation to begin with?

  Or is this right where I’m supposed to be?

  Fury made this deep sound in the back of his throat, his focus going down to her chest. Angelina was breathing harder than normal, but her emotions were running high right now. She looked down, as well, and saw how hard her nipples were. But she’d known that already, had felt them stabbing through her t-shirt. Her body was showing Fury exactly what it wanted, and that was him.

  As if she was trying to be someone else right now, she found herself lifting her arm, trying to shield her chest from him, although she didn’t know why. This was what she wanted, so maybe she was playing hard to get, tempting a caged beast that was ready to break free at any second?

  “You want to hide yourself from me?” he asked, the question hanging between them. />
  “I don’t know,” she answered honestly.

  He shook his head and removed her arm from her breasts. She let the limb hang by her side once more.

  “You don’t hide yourself from me. You accept what you want, because anything less is weak, Angelina.” He smoothed his hand down her inner arm, and stopped at her wrists, placing his fingers right over her pulse point. Could he feel how fast it was beating for him? He applied a little pressure, and she found that one touch intimate, electrifying even.

  “You want me to start this, but what I don’t think you realize is that if I go through with this there’s no going back.”

  “No going back?” Her voice was soft, hesitant even.

  “You’ll be mine in all ways.”

  She started breathing harder, became lightheaded.

  “Tell me that’s not what you want and I’ll stop this, step away.”

  Could she even form words right now to tell him?

  “Because once I start I can’t stop. I won’t.” He leaned back just an inch, but still she couldn’t catch her breath. “Tell me you don’t want me.” A moment of silence passed. “Because even if you do I know you’ll be lying.”

  Her chest rose and fell as she inhaled deeply and exhaled just as forcefully. Every erogenous zone in her body tingled at the way he looked at her, at his close proximity. With each passing second her pussy became wetter, and her nipples ached from how hard they were.

  “Go on, say the words,” he whispered.

  “I want you. I want this, Fury.” Angelina should have lied, but couldn’t help the truth that came out.

  He placed his hands by her head on the wall and leaned in again, this deep, low sound leaving him. His nostrils flared, and he looked down at her breasts again. It was like he was touching her with his sight alone.

  She thought he’d touch her, do something to ease her erotic suffering, but instead he moved away from her. A chill stole over her at the fact he was leaving. Placing her hands on the wall behind her, she tried to be calm.

  “I want to see you. I want to see every part of you.”

  Maybe the smart, sane thing to do would have been to scream, fight … run. But she didn’t want to do any of those. Moving away from the way, she found herself gripping onto the t-shirt and lifting it up and off of her body. The air was chilled, and her skin puckered with goosebumps, but also because of the way Fury watched her. He looked at her as if he did own her, as if he wanted to possess every inch of her.

  Angelina felt intoxicated, drunk from her need, and she knew she didn’t want this to stop. His gaze was penetrating, like he reached out and stroked her skin, touched every part of her. She started to shake from her emotions, from the excitement and anticipation moving through her veins. This little voice inside of her head told her she should feel sick, wrong, that she wanted this with him, but this was the most freeing experience she’d ever had.

  “I want to see skin, Angelina. Take it all off.” He looked right in her eyes. “Every single piece of clothing.”

  Her hands shook as she did as he ordered, not feeling embarrassed or ashamed right now. She just felt … need.

  When she was naked before him, nothing hiding her from this man, she watched as he looked his fill of her body.

  “So fucking gorgeous.” His voice dropped an octave, and a chill raced up her spine.

  She knew what she was doing would forever change her. Whether that was for better or worse was still unknown at this moment.

  He ran a hand over his mouth as he looked at her body, lingering his gaze on her pussy and tits. She heard him breathing hard, as if he was having a hard time getting air into his lungs as well.

  Chills raced along her entire body, but not because she was cold, but because she was so damn aroused.

  Angelina started to sweat, beads forming on her forehead, between her breasts, and down the length of her spine.

  “I want you.” His voice was a husky growl, one that sounded more animal than man. He reached down and gripped himself through his jeans lewdly, the sight so damn attractive. “You see how hard I am for you, how much I want you?”

  She felt herself nodding, but it was more of an automatic response.

  Fury frightened her on a deep level, but her arousal, her curiosity for him, the fact he was the only person that made her feel alive, overrode everything else. It was a twisted situation, but her body reacted to Fury in a way it had never done to another man. She felt like she was hovering above a bottomless hole and at any moment she could fall in and never see ground. But it was that uncertainty and fear that made this so damn exciting.

  Fury walked up to her until only a foot was between them. He reached out and cupped her chin in a firm, strong hold. For long seconds he didn’t say anything, didn’t even move from his position. The air around them was hot, humid, and charged with lust. All it took for her to feel like she was owned, claimed, was a small touch from Fury.

  “You’re shaking,” he whispered.

  “I know,” she responded.

  “Why? Do I scare you?”

  She nodded and licked her lips. “But that’s what makes this exciting.” He smirked, but it was far from amusing.

  “You want to be mine, Angelina?”

  God, did she?

  Yes, yes I do want to be yours.

  She found herself nodding. “I want that really damn badly.”

  While holding onto her chin, he took his other hand and touched her shoulder. Fury moved it down her arm, his fingers rough, calloused. It felt incredible.

  He slid his hands down her outer thigh, and her pussy tingled, her clit throbbing in time with her pulse. Fury’s motions were slow, precise, and it was like he got off on seeing her want him more, right on the verge of coming for him. And she was, right on the edge of getting off.

  He moved his hands in slow but demanding movements, scraping his nails slightly into her flesh. She gasped, the pleasure and discomfort feeling incredible.

  “You like this, what I’m doing to you?”

  She nodded, not trusting her voice.

  “You like that you’re mine to do with as I please, that I took you, made you mine?”

  Angelina nodded again, wanting to tell him yes, but her throat so tight and dry.

  He was meticulous and controlled as he touched every part of her, ran his fingers over her belly, her ribs, and finally stopped on her chest, touching her breast and nipple. He never once looked away from her, and that made this situation even more intense.

  “Tell me you want this,” he demanded.

  She didn’t speak, her throat tight, dry. Angelina didn’t even know if she could have said the words if he hadn’t demanded, ordered them of her. But she wanted this, and if getting it meant she needed to push past her arousal to plead, then so be it.

  “Yes, I want that.”

  “Tell me you want to be mine in all ways.” He curled his hand around her breast, adding pressure, making it hurt, but in a good way.

  “I want to be yours in all ways, Fury,” she murmured.

  He made this deep, gruff sound in the back of his throat. “Say my name again. Tell me you want me to lick your cunt, that you want me to shove my cock in your body.”

  Another gasp of pleasure left her.

  “I want your mouth on me, Fury.” She closed her eyes and breathed through the sensations. “I want your cock in me.”

  “Yeah, you fucking do,” he growled the words out.

  And then Fury had her in his arms, his hands cupping her ass, and was striding to his room. He put her on the bed and took a step back. Time seemed to stand still as he just stared at her, not speaking, not moving, but certainly looking at every part of her on display.

  “I want you on your back with your arms above your head. I want to see you spread for me, Angelina.”

  Once she was in the position he wanted her in, she curled her hands into fists above her head, waiting for whatever dark erotic acts he had planned. Her sexual experi
ences could be summed up to having one partner, and very vanilla at that. It was hard having any kind of relationship when every boy was deathly afraid of her family.

  But the way Fury looked at her, and the type of man he was, told Angelina he was the furthest thing from plain and vanilla.

  She lay there watching as he took his pants off, the temperature in the room becoming so damn hot, yet chills racing up her body. She stared at his chest. The sight of his exposed pectoral muscles and abdomen had a fresh gush of wetness leaving her pussy. She was primed for him, so ready for his big cock.

  Lowering her gaze to his crotch, she felt her throat tighten at the sight of his huge dick. Her pussy clenched with the need to be filled by him, but she was being patient for what he had planned.

  “Do you think I’m a sick motherfucker for watching you, stalking you?” He started undoing his pants.

  She didn’t respond. The tattoos covering his body made her so wet.

  “Does it scare the fuck out of you that I drugged you, kidnapped you, and planned on making you my little slut just to get back at your father?” His voice was like a serrated knife moving over her body, dangerous yet exciting.

  “Yes,” was all she said.

  “Spread your fucking legs for me. Let me see how wet your cunt is.”

  Bracing her feet on the bed, she spread wide until her pussy lips parted for him.

  Fury moved closer, but didn’t speak, just kept his focus on her pussy. And then he reached out and smoothed his fingers over her inner thighs, moving closer to her exposed body.

  “I make no apologies for what I did, because that’s who I am.”

  She hadn’t expected anything less.

  He added pressure to his touch, his nails now scraping along her flesh hard enough there was a flash of pain mixing with the pleasure. She tried to stay still, but Angelina arched her back, needing more.

  The way he was silent, just watching, touching, was more attractive than any dirty word he could have spoken to her. Fury moved even closer until he was leaning above her, his mouth so close to her pussy. His warm breath moved along her exposed folds, and a shiver worked through her. She made a soft sound, not caring that the noise had left. But Fury didn’t lick her, and instead moved his mouth up until he was right over her nipple. The peak hardened painfully, but pleasure also filled her. Angelina arched her back, not caring that she was being bold in what she wanted. And when Fury ran his tongue over the hard tip, they both groaned.


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