Queens Consort

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Queens Consort Page 64

by Lisa Hilton

London, Roger of, 151

  London, Tower of, 83, 154, 167, 181, 217, 227, 231, 238, 239—40, 248, 260, 263, 275—6, 296, 301, 333, 341, 342, 346, 367, 369, 373, 374, 405, 414, 417; library, 253; princes in the, 392—3. 394, 406—7

  London, William of, 171

  London Bridge, 181, 182, 288, 359

  ‘London Bridge is Falling Down’, 182

  London Chronicle, The, 314, 316, 353

  Longchamp, Walter, 127

  Longvilliers, Montreuil, 75

  Lords Appellant, 286—7, 296—7, 298

  ‘Lords Ordainers’, 214, 215

  Loremo, 267

  Lorraine, duchy of, 65

  Lorri, William de, 206

  Loudun, 114, 137

  Louis I, Count of Flanders, 263

  Louis I, King of France, 335

  Louis II, Count of Flanders, 263—4

  Louis III of Anjou, 335

  Louis VI (‘the Fat’), King of France, 60, 70, 71, 96—7, 107

  Louis VII, King of France, 81, 90, 293; Eleanor of Aquitaine betrothal, 96, 97; coronation, 97; marriage to Eleanor, 97, 100; devotion to Eleanor, 97; explosive tendency, 97—8; and archbishopric of Bourges, 98; chastised by Bernard of Clairvaux, 99; and fall of Edessa, 101; on Second Crusade, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106; and Eleanor’s adultery with Prince Raymond, 104—5; divorce from Eleanor, 106, 107, 108, 109; at war with Angevins, 108—9; continues to use ducal title, 110; death of Constance and marriage to Adela of Blois, 111 treaty with Henry and Richard, 113; and Eleanor’s conspiracy against Henry, 116

  Louis VIII, King of France, 140, 155, 156, 158

  Louis IX, King of France, 143, 158, 159, 165, 176, 180—1, 182, 191, 192, 201, 361

  Louis X, King of France, 243

  Louis XI, King, 366—7, 368, 370, 371, 372, 375, 376

  Louis of Bavaria, King of the Germans, 259, 266

  Loundres, John de, 190

  Louvain, 78

  Lovell, Thomas, 404

  Lucca, Balliardi of, 207

  Lucy, Elizabeth, 378

  Ludgershall, 187, 311

  Ludlow, 349, 350, 417; Castle, 77

  Ludwig of Bavaria, 279

  Luke (Berengaria’s servant), 138

  Lundy island, 238

  Lusignan, 159

  Lusignan, Aymer de, 170, 172, 174

  Lusignan, Geoffrey de, 116—7, 170, 174

  Lusignan, Guy de, 116—7, 170

  Lusignan, Hugh de, 143, 144—5, 146, 147, 152, 157, 158, 169, 170

  Lusignan, Hugh X de, 152, 156, 157—8, 159—0

  Lusignan, Matilda of, 157

  Lusignans, 143, 144, 146, 147, 152, 170—1, 172, 177, 178, 180

  Luttrell, Henry, 311

  Lyons-la-Fôret, 65, 71

  Lyre abbey, 29

  Mabille (wet nurse), 206

  Madeleine, Princess of France, 339

  Madox collection, 257—8

  Magdeburg, 281

  Magna Carta (1215), 154—5, 156, 157, 299

  Maiden Bradley, 168

  Maidstone, 172

  Mailing nuns, 57

  Maine, 28, 336, 339, 341

  Maingot, William de, 116

  Mainz, 129

  Majine, Tiphaine la, 336

  Malcolm, King of Scotland, 40—1, 42—3

  Malmesbury, 148

  Malmesbury, William of, 21, 34, 41, 45, 46, 52, 54, 55—6, 57, 71, 72, 78, 84

  Malory, Thomas, 418, 422, 423, 424, 425

  Maltravers, Sir John, 233, 241, 244

  Maltravers, Lord and Lady, 360

  Man, Isle of, 319

  Mancini, Dominic, 378, 384—5

  Mandeville, Geoffrey de, Earl, 83, 85

  Manfred, son of Emperor Frederick, 177

  Manny, Sir Walter, 258

  Manuel Comnenus, Emperor of Byzantium, 102

  Mapleton, John, 311

  March, Edmund Mortimer, Earl of, 269, 284

  March, Roger of, 284

  Marche, Comte de la, 248

  Marche, Olivier de la, 415

  Marche, Richard du, 198

  Marcher lords, 226—7, 228

  Mare, Peter de la, 272

  Margaret, daughter of Edward Atheling, 34

  Margaret, daughter of Edward I and Eleanor, 194—5

  Margaret, daughter of Edward III and Philippa, 254, 261, 264, 268

  Margaret, daughter of Henry III and Eleanor, 169, 173, 185, 186

  Margaret, daughter of Henry VII and Elizabeth, 411, 413

  Margaret, Empress, 259

  Margaret, Queen of Scotland, 40—1, 42, 43, 52, 413

  Margareta, Queen of Hungary, 274

  Margarita of Sicily, 121

  Margat, 125

  Marguerite of Anjou (later Queen of England), 325, 424, 425; court, 329; ancestry, 335; birth, 335; home life, 336 possible suitors, 336 betrothal to Henry VI, 336 journey to England, 337, 343; marriage to Henry, 333, 337, 338, 339, 342—3; meets Henry, 337—8; coronation, 338—9, 340, 376; and Maine, 339—40; intimacy with Henry, 340—1; and Earl of Suffolk, 341; and Jack Cade’s rebellion, 342; finances, 342—4; wedding gift, 344; and dukes of York and Somerset, 345, 346, 347; pregnancy, first, 345—6; and ‘Loveday’ reconciliation ceremony, 348; plays increasing role in government, 348; and Earl of Warwick, 348—9, 359; and Wars of the Roses, 350, 351—2, 353, 354; defends son Edward’s rights, 351; blamed for husband’s shortcomings, 354; and Jacquetta, Duchess of Bedford, 357; and Elizabeth Woodville, 358, 368; in Scotland, 366; journeys to France, 366, 367; returns to protection of her family, 367; and marriage of son to Anne Neville, 368; in Paris, 370; delays return to England, 370, 371; returns to England, 373; imprisoned, 374—5; ransomed and returns to France, 375; living in penury, 375—6; death, 376

  Marguerite of France (King Louis’s daughter), 111, 117, 119

  Marguerite of France (later Queen of England): family, 204; marriage to Edward I, 204, 205—6; qualities, 204—5; dower lands, 205; children, 206, 207; and Franciscans, 207; leisure pursuits, 207; extravagance, 207, 218; relationship with Edward, 207—8; ‘peaceweaver’ role, 208—9, 213, 218—19; relationship with stepson Edward, 208—1 o; and stepson Edward’s relationship with Gaveston, 209, 210, 211—12, 214; and Edward II’s wedding, 211—12; death, 218

  Marguerite of Provence, 165, 176, 182

  Marguerite of Savoy, 170, 187

  Marianism, 55, 281

  Marie, Countess (daughter of Louis VII and Eleanor), 99, 107, 110, 111, 129, 134, 135

  Marie of Bavaria, 292

  Marie of France, 211

  Mark, Philip, 156

  Marlborough, 150, 151, 152, 187, 218, 248; Castle, 213, 227, 268

  Marlowe, Christopher, 241

  marriages, dynastic, 21—2

  Marshal, John the, 238

  Marshal, William the, 119, 151

  Marshal, William, Earl of Pembroke, 150, 156

  Martel, Geoffrey, Count of, 36

  Martine (Berengaria’s servant), 138, 140

  Martinet (minstrel), 207

  Mary, daughter of Edward I and Eleanor, 188, 194—5, 207

  Mary, daughter of Edward III and Philippa, 254, 261, 264, 268, 308

  Mary, daughter of Edward IV and Elizabeth, 360

  Mary, daughter of Henry VII and Elizabeth, 413

  Mary, daughter of Stephen and Matilda, 72, 76, 90

  Mary, heiress to Duke of Burgundy, 378—9

  Mary of Scotland, 41, 75—6

  Matha, Foulques de, 116

  Matilda, daughter of Geoffrey of Anjou’s sister Sibyl, 142

  Matilda, daughter of Henry II and Eleanor, 11l

  Matilda, daughter of Stephen and Matilda, 72, 73—4

  Matilda, daughter of William and Matilda, 37

  Matilda, daughter of Wulgrim, 152

  Matilda, Empress, Countess of Anjou (daughter of Henry and Matilda), 46, 57, 58, 60, 65, 68, 69; claim as father’s direct heir, 69—70; marriage to Geoffey of Anjou, 70—1; consolidates power, 73; sends envoys to pro-Angevins, 76; claim to throne, 78—9, 80, 83—4, 88
; Foliot’s praise for, 80—1; qualities, 81; and Stephen as prisoner, 83; gains support of barons, 83, 87—8; in London, 83—4; reaches agreement with Matilda of Boulogne, 84—5; loses support of barons, 85; and siege of Oxford, 85—6; returns to Normandy, 86; religious seclusion, 86, 87; relationship with husband Geoffrey, 87; escape from Oxford, 91; masculinity of, 91—2

  Matilda of Anjou, 60, 61, 142

  Matilda of Boulogne (later Queen of England), 47, 424; ancestry, 68, 69; marries Stephen of Mortain, 69—70; children, 72, 73; coronation, 73; death of children Matilda and Baldwin, 73—4; and hermits, 74; and monastic expansion, 74; support for religious movements, 75, 87; education, 76; charters attested, 76, 86; intimacy with husband Stephen, 76; and unrest in Kent, 76—7; and peace with Scots, 77; as

  Matilda of Boulogne—contd military leader, 77, 83, 85; illegitimacy claim, 80; and marriage of son Eustace to Constance, 8 1 and Henry of Scotland, 82; and Empress Matilda’s claim to throne, 83; London declares loyalty to, 84; reaches agreement with Matilda, 84—5; based in London, 86; religious seclusion, 86—7; and succession of Eustace, 89; diplomatic mission to Flanders, 90; as a model consort, 91, 92; political influence, 95; death, 90, 91; burial, 87, 90

  Matilda of Flanders (later Duchess of Normandy and Queen of England): ancestry, 17, 18—19; and marriage to William of Normandy, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 28, 39; appearance, 21; first son Robert born, 21; childhood, 25, 27; daily life, 27—8; and William’s expedition to England, 31, 32; and William’s coronation, 33; crowned Queen of England, 33—4; and ‘harrying of the north’ campaign, 35; as regent of Normandy, 35, 36; and English estates, 35—6; and lord Brictric, 35—6; strength of character, 36; children, 21, 37, 75; peripatetic life, 37; defies husband in support of son Robert, 38; godparent to Edith of Scotland, 40; political influence, 95; death, 39

  Matilda of Scotland (later Henry I’s queen), 27, 35, 281; as Edith of Scotland, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 53; changes name from Edith, 43, 46; Henry I proposes to, 44—5; appearance, 45, 52, 53; marries Henry, 46; land ownership, 46—7; and Waltham Abbey, 47; and leprosy, 47—8; and development of Anglo-Norman Church, 48, 49, 50; letters, 49; as regent during Henry’s absence, 50, 57—8, 63; status evidenced by charters witnessed, 50—1, 57; cultural patronage and interests, 51—2, 54, 55—6, 63; nickname, 52; court, 52, 79; architecture, interest in, 53—4; reprimanded by Anselm, 56 role as intercessor, 56 Whitsun court, 57; and Henry’s unfaithfulness, 57, 64; as a nun, 80; political influence, 95; death and burial, 58—9

  Matthias (Eleanor of Provence’s steward), 180

  Maubergeonne Tower, 113

  Mauger, archbishop of Rouen, 28

  Maulay, Peter de, 156

  Maule, Elena de, 258—9

  Maunay, Wantelet de, 258

  Maunsel, John, 176

  Maurienne, Alice of, 117

  Mauzé, Porteclie de, 116

  McLynn, Frank, 145, 149

  Medina del Campo, treaty of (1489), 413

  Meliadus, 197

  Melior, Cardinal, 127

  Melun, siege of (1420), 324

  Mercadier, 136

  Mercers’ Company, 361

  Merton Priory, 53, 58, 62

  Messina, 123, 131

  Messina, Treaty of, 123

  Metz, 101, 336 337

  Meulan, 322, 323

  Mezières, Philippe de, 290, 291, 292—3

  Middleham, 349, 362, 364, 382, 389, 390, 397—8

  Milan, 269, 273

  Milan, Duke of, 269

  Milanese ambassador, 381

  Milford Haven, 300, 401

  Millyng, Abbot, 371

  Mirebeau, 114, 143—4, 147

  Moleyns, Adam, bishop of Chichester, 341

  Moleyns, Sir John de, 245, 267

  monastic expansion during 12th century, 74—5

  Moneyasse, John de, 266

  Monmouth, Geoffrey of, 54

  Monmouth Castle, 239

  Monreal, 121

  Mons, 236

  Mont Dieu, Monsignor de, bishop of Brescia, 337

  Mont St Michel, 292, 334

  Montacute, William, 269

  Montagu, Sir William, 244—5

  Montalt, Robert de, 248

  Montfort, Simon de, 172—3, 181, 182, 183, 184, 191

  Montgomery, Lord John de, 259

  Montgomery Roger of, 31—2

  Montgomery land holdings, 69

  Montils, 336

  Montlouis, 117

  Montmirail, Jean de, 160

  Montreuil, 75, 214, 249

  Montreuil, treaty of (1299), 204, 205, 211, 217

  Montreuil-Bellay, 108

  Montreuil-Bonnin, 137

  Mora, 32

  Morains, François Vignolles, Lord of, 376

  Morcar, Harold’s father-in-law, 32

  More, Thomas, 355, 357, 358, 360, 378, 386—7

  Morte d’Arthur, 418—19 422—3, 424, 425

  Mortemer, 28

  Mortimer, Kate, 248

  Mortimer, Maud, 183

  Mortimer, Roger, Baron Wigmore, 183, 225, 226, 227, 228, 231—2, 235, 236, 239—40, 242, 243, 244 245, 247, 249, 283—4

  Mortimer’s Cross, battle of (1460), 352

  Mortlake, 187, 190

  Morton, John, bishop of Ely, 394

  Mote, Alexia de la, 260

  Mote, Lady Isabella de la, 259

  Mowbray, John, 226

  Mucclestone, 349

  Mucegros, Robert de, 166, 167

  Much Hadham, 332

  Murdac, Henry, 89

  Muriel (‘English poetess’), 41, 53

  Murimuth, Adam, 241

  Namur, Robert of, 268

  Nancy, 337

  Nantes, 312

  Naples, 122, 335, 336

  Navarre, 121

  Navarre, Charles of, 315

  Navarre, Jeanne of, 204, 212

  needlework, Anglo-Saxon, 27, 42

  Negra, Raffaelo de, 338

  Nesfield, John, 396

  Nevile, Margaret de, 185—6

  Nevill, Anthony, 416

  Neville, Anne (later Queen of England), 363, 365, 374, 389; ancestry, 369; early life, 369; marriage to Edward, Prince of Wales, 368, 369, 370; search for second husband, 380—1; marriage to Richard III, 380, 381—2; dowry, 382; represents husband during his absence, 382; arrival in London, 385; piety, 390; cultural interests, 390—1; coronation, 391—2; relationship with husband Richard, 397, 398; Richard stops sleeping with, 398, 399—400; death, 400; burial, 401

  Neville, George, Archbishop of York, 286, 364, 369, 372

  Neville, Hugh de, 150, 154

  Neville, Isabel, 362, 363, 365—6, 369, 374, 378, 380

  Neville, John, 367, 370

  Neville, Lady de, 150

  Neville family, 345, 346, 347, 349, 361, 382

  Neville’s Cross, battle of (1346), 263

  New Forest, 44

  Newark, 156; St Mary’s church, 314

  Newburgh, William of, 91, 108, 115

  Newbury, 395

  Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 215, 216, 257; coalmining near, 266

  Newport, Monmouthshire, 227

  Nicholas (Joanna of Navarre’s minstrel), 318

  Nicholas, bishop of Le Mans, 125

  Nicholas II, Pope, 19

  Nicholas of the Tower, 342

  Nijmegen, 256

  Niort, 113, 135, 137, 148, 156

  Norfolk, Catherine Neville, Dowager Duchess of, 361

  Norfolk, John Howard, Duke of, 359, 399

  Norfolk, Margaret, Duchess of (daughter of Edward II), 299

  Norfolk, Thomas, Earl of (son of Edward I), 236, 243

  Norfolk, Thomas Mowbray, Duke of, 285, 286, 287, 289, 297, 298, 299

  Norham Castle, 366

  Norman, prior of Holy Trinity Aldgate, 53

  Norman Conquest, 32—3, 34; preparations for, 31

  Normandy, 149, 341, 366; conquest by Henry I, 50; Count Thibault receives dukedom of, 72, 73; development of, 28—9; dukes of, 18; Montgomery holdings, 69; need for peace in, 76; see
ks terms with Geoffrey of Anjou, 86; Viking descent of, 23; during William’s expedition to England, 32

  Normandy, grant of (911), 23

  Northallerton, 230

  Northallerton, battle of (1138), 77

  Northampton, 62, 253, 350, 386; castle, 154; priory, 198

  Northampton, treaty of (1328), 242, 243, 256

  Northumberland, 77

  Northumberland, Earl of, 273, 300, 301, 348, 351

  Northumbria, 35

  Northumbria, Robert Mowbray, Earl of, 42—3

  Northumbria, Tostig, Earl of, 31, 32

  Northumbrians, 32

  Norwich, 362—3

  Nôtre-Dame-du-Pré priory, 87

  Nottingham, 62, 77, 258 286, 287, 364, 370, 396, 401, 415; Castle, 129, 244 311; Parliament, 244

  Nottingham, Earl of, 293

  Nur al-Din, 105, 106

  Offa’s Dyke, 331

  Ogiva (Matilda of Flanders’ grandmother), 19

  Olaf, 23

  Old Sarum castle, 268

  O’Neill, King, 297

  Orderic Vitalis, 20, 21, 34, 38, 54, 60, 71, 78, 79, 82, 97

  Oreby, Hankyn de, 248

  Orléans, 328

  Orléans, Louis, Duke of, 300, 313, 315, 316

  Orleton, Bishop, 238—9, 240, 246

  Osbern, Lord, 18

  Osburgh (Alfred the Great’s mother), 26

  Osmund, bishop of Salisbury, 43, 45

  Otho, Duke of Austria, 259—60

  Otto of Germany, 153

  Outremer, 101, 191

  Oxenford, Joan of, 254

  Oxford, 62, 73, 83, 84, 88—9, 90, 127, 180, 198, 236, 238; chapter of hermit monks, 58; siege of (1142), 85—6, 91; University, 249

  Oxford, Euphemia, Countess of, 90

  Oxford, Provisions of, 215

  Oxford, Robert de Vere, Earl of, 276, 283, 284, 285, 286

  Oxfordshire, 298

  Pamplona, 120, 121; Olite Palace, 121

  Panetier, Hervé le, 116

  papal bull, ‘Quantum Praedecessores’, 101

  ‘papar curia’, 89, 90

  Parency, Marie de, 312

  Paris, 90, 108, 109, 127, 149, 194, 224, 232, 235, 291 292, 323, 324—5, 328, 335; Celestine convent, 290; College de Navarre, 224; Hotel de St Pol, 324; Louvre, 324; Nôtre Dame, 337; Sainte-Chapelle, 293; ‘school’, 54

  Paris, Matthew, 120, 151, 153, 169—70, 179, 185, 202

  Paris, treaty of (1254), 176—7, 180

  Parker, John le, 202—3

  Parker, Robert, 213

  Parliaments, English, 180, 181, 213, 239, 272 285, 286, 289, 296, 297, 324, 351, 396; and Catherine de Valois, 330, 331, 332; ‘Merciless Parliament’, 286; Nottingham Parliament, 244 Reading Parliament, 357

  Parnell’s company, 362—3

  Parsons, John Carmi, 186—7


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