Queens Consort

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Queens Consort Page 66

by Lisa Hilton

Tinchebrai, battle of (1106), 50, 68

  Tiron monks, 61

  Titchfield, 289; Abbey, 338

  Toesny, De, lands, 171

  Toledo, reconquest of (1085), 54

  Torqueri of Bouillon, 101

  Toulouse, 98

  Toulouse, Countess of, 101

  Toulouse, Philippa of, 96

  Toulouse, Raymond of, 121, 127, 132, 135

  Tourbeuyle, Joanna de, 253

  Tournai, 260

  Tours, 137, 144, 323; abbey of Beaumont les Tours, 337; Chronicle of, 17

  Tours, treaty of (1444), 337, 341

  Towton, battle of (1461), 353—4

  Trapani, 193

  Treason Act (1352), 286

  Tresilian, Robert, 286

  Trindade, Ann, 124, 130, 138

  Trinity, 395

  Tristan de Leonis, 197

  Troyes, St Peter’s cathedral, 323

  Troyes, treaty of (1420), 323—4, 328, 334

  Tubbay John, 311

  Tucé, Herbert de, 138

  Tudela, 121

  Tudor, Mary, 417

  Tudor, Owen (son of Owen Tudor and Catherine de Valois), 332, 333

  Tudor, Owen ap Maredudd ap, 330—3, 350, 352

  Tudors, accession of, 334

  Tunis, 192—3

  Turin, 178

  Turks, 102, 103

  Turnham, Stephen of, 127

  Turold, Lord, 18

  Tusculum, 106

  Tutbury, 348; castle, 229

  Tyler, Wat, 276

  Tynemouth, 210, 215—6; Priory, 215, 230

  Tyre, 125

  Tyre, William of, 103, 104

  Ulster, Elizabeth de Burgh, Countess of, 261

  Underwood, Malcolm, 394

  Urban IV, Pope, 273

  Usk, Adam of, 282, 295, 300, 318

  Val-es-Dunes, battle of (1047), 18

  Valence, William de, 170, 174

  Valenciennes, 236, 251, 252, 258

  Valois, Jeanne de, 307

  Valois, Louis de, 323

  Vannes, 312

  Varaville, battle of (1054), 28

  Vaudreuil, 18

  Vere, Aubrey de, 83, 88

  Vergil, Polydore, 319, 392, 393, 402, 408

  Vermandois, Count of, 97, 98, 99

  Vermendois, Petronilla, Countess of (Eleanor of Aquitaine’s sister), 96, 98, 99

  Verses of Gildas, The, 292—3

  Vescy, Isabella de, 215

  Vescy, William de, 170

  Vexin, 108, 133

  Vexin, Lord of Arques, 20

  Vézélay 101, 106

  Viking descent of Norman dynasty, 23

  Vincennes, 326

  Virgin, cult of the, 26

  Visconti, Violante, 269

  Vita Aedwardi Regis, 197

  Vita Beati Eadwardi Regis Anglorum, 197

  Vita Edwardi Secundi, 216, 227, 229, 232, 235

  Vita Sancti Edwardi, 197

  Vitry-sur-Marne, 98—9

  Vlaardingen, battle of (1347), 266

  ‘Voyage of St Brendan, The’, 55, 63, 281

  Vulognes, 366

  Vyssi Brod, Master of, 281

  Wake, Thomas, 319

  Wakefield, battle of, (1460), 351

  Waleran, Count of Meulan, 73

  Waleran of Luxembourg, 277

  Wales, rebellions in, 65

  Wallace, William, 205

  Wallingford, 211, 237, 238, 239, 327, 375; Castle, 314

  Walsingham, 284, 287, 296, 297; shrine of, 362

  Walsingham, Thomas, 267

  Walter (Isabella’s minstrel), 224

  Walter, Hubert, Archbishop of Canterbury, 135

  Waltham, 62, 148, 261, 327, 329; Abbey, 47, 51, 53

  Walton-on-the-Naze castle, 236

  Warbeck, Perkin, 414

  Warenne, Earl of, 84

  Wark, Northumberland, 186

  Warkworth Chronicle, The, 374

  Warwick, 216, 300, 364, 369, 392

  Warwick, Countess of, 370, 374, 380, 382, 391, 398

  Warwick, earls of, 204, 216, 296, 297, 319, 389, 393, 398, 405, 407—8, 414

  Warwick, Richard Neville, Earl of, 345, 346, 347, 348—9, 350, 352, 353, 358—9, 369; as heir to Salisbury title, 359; and Elizabeth Woodville, 359, 368; and the Burgundian marriage, 361, 362; and the Woodvilles, 361, 363—4; and Edward IV, 362, 365; raises army in Kent, 363, 364; intentions for uprising, 364—5; retreats to France, 365—6; and marriage of Henry to Anne Neville, 368—9; returns to England, 370; attempts at government, 371; and return of Edward IV, 372, 373; death, 373, 414

  Warwick, Thomas Beauchamp, Earl of, 286

  Wash, the, 155

  Waurin, Jean de, 358

  Waverley, chronicler of, 181

  Weir, Alison, 383, 386

  Welles, John, Viscount, 410, 411

  Wells, 373

  Welsh marches, lordships of, 226—7, 228

  Welsh, the, 331

  Wendover, Roger of, 147, 153

  Wenzel, King of Bohemia, 273, 274

  Werthyngpole, Lonota de, 260

  West Ham, manor of, 47

  Westminster, 62, 83, 84, 90, 92, 145, 169, 173, 177—8, 180, 182, 187, 214—15, 217, 240, 248, 254, 273, 277, 286, 301, 309, 338, 370, 383, 390; chamber and chapel, 167; charters, 57; Eleanor’s of Castile’s garden, 217; Great Hall, 212, 278, 288; Palace of, 184, 297, 351; Queen’s pond, 196, 217; royal apartments, 343; St James hospital, 48; St Stephen’s Chapel, 416; tournament, 360

  Westminster, abbot of, 275

  Westminster, Provisions of, 180

  Westminster Abbey, 31, 33, 44, 46, 47, 176, 197, 211, 212, 289, 321, 327, 332, 391; Eleanor of Castile’s tomb, 201, 202; Elizabeth Woodville founds chapel in, 376; Jerusalem chamber, 313, 387; Katherine’s tomb, 185; Matilda of Scotland’s burial at, 58—9; Matilda’s coronation, 73; St Erasmus’ chapel, 376, 410; Sanctuary, 286, 360, 371, 383, 386, 388, 394, 401

  Westminster Chronicle, The, 188, 274

  Westmoreland, Ralph, Earl of, 382

  Weston, John de, 206

  Westwood, 113

  Wharfedale, 206

  White Ship, 60, 61, 68

  Whittlewood forest, 355

  wife as a ‘peaceweaver’, 22

  Wight, Isle of, 411

  William (Eleanor of Provence’s clothes merchant), 178

  William, Duke of Normandy (son of Henry I and Matilda), 46, 58, 60, 61, 69

  William, son of Geoffrey of Anjou and Empress Matilda, 87, 90

  William, son of Henry II and Eleanor, 111

  William, son of Stephen and Matilda, 72, 85

  William, sons of Edward III and Philippa, 254, 265, 257, 267

  William I, King (formerly Duke of Normandy), 278; marriage to Matilda of Flanders, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 28, 39; vulnerable position, 19—20; illegitimacy, 20; birth, 21; appearance, 21; as a minor, 28; campaigns, 28—9; claim on English crown, 30, 31, 44; and Harold, 30—1; and English expedition, 31; and battle of Hastings, 32; crowned King William I, 33; harrying of the north, 35; spiritual side, 37; and son Robert, 38, 39; and bishop Odo, 39; and death of Matilda, 39

  William IX of Aquitaine, 96

  William X of Aquitaine, 96

  William of Bavaria, 277

  William Rufus, 37, 43—4, 42, 43, 44, 62

  William the Bad, King of Sicily, 121

  William the Good, 121, 122—3

  Willoughby, Sir Roger, 404

  Wilton, 86, 148; Abbey, 41—2, 43, 52, 75—6; leprosarium, 65

  Wilton, Eve of, 42, 74

  Wilton Diptych, 283, 292, 310—11

  Wilton, Serbo of (poet), 63

  Wiltshire, Earl of, 348, 373

  Winchelsea, 176, 268; convent, 267

  Winchelsea, sea battle off (1350), 267—8

  Winchester, 24, 25, 35, 62, 65, 83, 84, 90, 91, 118, 127, 129, 149—50, 151, 154, 167, 173, 181, 208, 244 254, 309, 404, 407; Castle, 44; exchequer court, 51; New Minster, 24

  Winchester, bishop of, 156, 233, 348

  Winchester, Countes
s of, 180

  Winchester, John de Stratford, bishop of, 233

  Winchester, treaty of (1153), 110

  Windsor, 61, 62, 127, 173, 184, 187, 191, 217, 245, 254, 267, 269, 277, 285, 296, 298, 299, 326, 329, 333, 346, 375, 392, 409; College of St George, 262; St Edmund’s chapel, 267

  Windsor Castle, 127, 183, 209, 314; gardens, 167; Henry I’s Christmas court, 70; Round Table feast and tournament (1344), 248, 262

  Wingham, Henry, bishop of London, 174—75

  Winton, John de, 196

  Wissant, 77, 86

  witchcraft, 316, 318—19

  Wolvesey Palace, 84

  women: aristocratic, as managers of family households and estates, 27—8; on crusade, 101, 106; education of, 26—7; inheritance rights of, 80 see also Salic Law; as landowners in England before Norman Conquest, 34; as military leaders, 77, 83; scholarship and religious life of, 26

  Woodstock, 57, 62, 111, 152, 167, 168, 217, 254, 255, 256, 267, 268, 297, 311, 316

  Woodville, Anthony, 350

  Woodville, Sir Edward, 388, 395, 407, 408

  Woodville, Elizabeth (later Queen of England), 319, 362; appearance, 355, 377—78; meets Edward IV, 355, 358; ancestry, 356; marriage to Edward, 356, 358; and Marguerite of Anjou, 358, 374—5; relationship with husband, 358, 378, 379; and Earl of Warwick, 359; coronation, 359, 360; ‘blemished’ sexual status, 360; children, 360, 376, 387; siblings, 360—1; visit to Norwich, 362—3; in vulnerable position, 364; moves to safety of Tower of London, 369; gives birth to son Edward, 371; and return of husband Edward, 372—3; grants to religious houses, 375—7; founds chapel in Westminster Abbey, 376; churching banquet, 377; as hostess to Lord Gruuthuyse, 377; and husband’s infidelities, 378; and Lord Hastings, 378; and execution of Duke of Clarence, 378, 379; and death of husband, 383; and Richard of Gloucester, 383; and Edward V, 384; seeks sanctuary, 386—7, 388; and Richard III, 387—8; hands son Richard over to Richard III, 388—9; marriage claimed to be invalid, 389, 396; on hearing news of Edward V’s investiture as Prince of Wales, 392; and death of sons in the Tower, 393; conspires against Richard III, 394; in sanctuary, 395—6; relinquishes Queen Dowager rank, 396; restored to Queen Dowager status, 407; surrenders her lands and boards at Bermondsey Abbey, 407, 408—9; and Buckingham rebellion, 411; interest in books, 412; as ideal consort to Edward, 416; death and burial, 409—10; will, 409

  Woodville, John, 361, 362, 364

  Woodville, Katherine, 386, 396

  Woodville, Lionel, 360, 387, 394, 395

  Woodville, Sir Richard (later Earl Rivers), 350, 353, 354, 356—7, 359, 360, 361—2, 364, 365, 377, 378, 385, 386, 387, 388, 390, 412

  Woodville family, 356, 360—1, 363—4, 383—4, 385—6, 387, 394

  Worcester, 181

  Worcester, bishop of, 199, 275

  Worde, Wynkeyn de, 412

  Wulfhoth, son of Earl Godwin, 30

  Wulfric (hermit), 74

  Wulgrim, 152

  Wycliffe, John, 281—2

  Wykeham, William, bishop of Winchester, 272 273

  Wyville, Robert, 238

  Yarmouth, 176

  Yolande of Aragon, 33 5 336 3 37, 338, 376

  York, 32, 62, 73, 85, 201, 215, 216, 229, 230, 257, 263, 283, 287, 326, 351, 372, 382 387, 392, 396: castle, 229; cathedral church of St William, 251; Guild of Corpus Christi, 390; Minster, 257, 372; Place, 217; see of, 63—4, 89

  York, Edmund of Langley, Duke of, 284, 300, 344

  York, Margaret of (sister of Edward IV), 361, 362, 372, 377; Richard, brother of, 416

  York, Richard, Duke of (son of Edward IV and Elizabeth), 337, 344, 345, 346, 347, 350, 351, 376, 387, 392—3, 394, 406—7; ancestry, 350; enters Palace of Westminster, 351; handed over to Richard III, 388—9

  Yorkists, 346—7, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353—4, 367, 373—4

  Yorkshire, 289

  Ypres, William of, 83

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  copyright © 2010 by Lisa Hilton

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