Kingdom Come (Price of Power Book 1)

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Kingdom Come (Price of Power Book 1) Page 25

by Blake Bisciotti

  “For now, let us focus on putting a swift end to these vile raiders. We shall vote. Those in favor of sending out a detail of fine warriors, raise your hands.” With that Bernot raised his own hand, then Tenezza hers. Eight hands in total were raised winning the majority.

  “So be it- Mikael!” Bernot Oxbane screamed loudly and looked to the main door of the room. After a moment he called again and the door opened and in walked Mikael Whitten, a respected warrior of the city. He was clad in his armor and carried his helmet under his left arm. Two other armored men were at his flank. One of them was Ostinus Deenor. The three men walked up to the council’s table. Mikael bowed and said, “How may I serve you?”

  “While we will not join the other two cities and Victus Antonel on their campaign, it has been decided that we will go on the offensive to prevent any further attacks on our city or Abellard and Rogsnelk. Your duty is to gather forty soldiers…all men who can ride well…and ride out to find these raiders and bring them to justice. I leave it to you who you will bring, but I trust you will carry out these orders.”

  “Yes sir. I will assemble my men at once and depart immediately.” Mikael Whitten said.

  Ostinus held back his smile. “Finally…some action,” he thought. His eyes glanced towards Tenezza, who surprisingly was giving him a lustful smirk. It made the warrior uncomfortable. He loathed that woman and he was almost certain the feeling was reciprocated.

  “We will not let you down,” said Mikael and he and the other two men left the room.

  As they shut the door behind them, the three soldiers walked a few paces and stopped. Ostinus and the other man looked at Mikael, who was their superior. “You two will be joining me. Ostinus, go find Aldo Stenner and Benjamin Bonzil and tell them to gather their men.” He then turned to the other man called Davis and said, “you get your three men and find Robert Densworth…tell him to get his men. We will meet tonight just before nightfall. We will travel through the night and hope to find these orcs, and quickly carry out our orders.”

  “Yes, at once,” replied Ostinus and he quickly left along with Davis to rally the other soldiers to the mission. He walked quickly and adjusted his steel forearm bracers in excitement.

  Chapter 20

  “We must be quick and strong. Clearly these humans were underestimated before. We will not make the same mistake.” Neemno said in the common tongue. The Faletonian army was now within a day’s march of Southland. Neemno, Bazik, Ayliki and Lemliner, one of the giants, were congregated in a large tent discussing the ensuing attack.

  Bazik, Neemno’s loyal orcish commander, approached the table carrying a large rolled up paper. “We have map of city, very detailed.” He said as he laid the map on the table. He wore his standard thick leather armor. His greyish skin looked darker in the torchlight.

  The group stretched the parchment out and put weights on the corners so it would stay open. They did have accurate maps of the city since just a year ago they had built it. Each building and structure was marked. This was far more detailed planning than orcs were accustomed to; however they learned from the giants. Any weaknesses in the city structure could be found and exploited.

  “The gate is the only entrance. We should expect strong resistance there, but should be able to break in rather quickly,” said Lemliner in a deep voice with a foreign accent.

  All eyes were locked on the map. “If some of your kin can get in over the wall some other way, we would have an advantage. Perhaps here.” Neemno said and pointed towards a spot on the map. “Here we could-” he was interrupted as an orc came into the tent. The creature looked terrified to have entered without having been beckoned. It was one of Ayliki’s soldiers.

  “Sir, I apologize for the interruption,” he said in the orcish language.

  “Why are you here? Get out!” Screamed Ayliki as he pointed a long sharp fingernail towards the soldier.

  “Sorry sir, but there is a large force approaching…orcs, not of Faletonia apparently.” The nervous soldier turned to leave as the commanders looked at each other befuddled. Lemliner was particularly concerned and confused since he could not understand their language.

  “Wait!” Ayliki returned to the common language and his subordinate turned back to face the group. “What are you talking about? Tell us more.”

  The soldier understood that Ayliki wanted the giant to be able to understand so he paused and began in battered common, “scouts return and have seen riders and walkers. Nearly two hundred they say. They come to us. They is orcs.”

  “How close are they?” asked Bazik.

  “Very close, within half a day ride.”

  “Let’s go, we must see what this is about.” Neemno said and the others agreed. They rolled the map back up and set it on a nearby table.

  “Arm your men and prepare for the arrival of these orcs.” Ayliki instructed the soldier who then left to carry out his order.

  “Perhaps they are reinforcements from Midland or Eastland,” the giant suggested.

  “No, he said they are not Faletonian. We have little time for this now, but we must confront them to be sure they do not hinder our plans.” Orcs who did not already pledge their allegiance were still dangerous. They hoped they were fresh recruits to help grow the number of warriors pledged to Faletonia.

  “I will get Eekzaz and my club and keep a watchful eye as you confront them,” said Lemliner, referring to another giant and his mighty weapon. He then left the large tent. The planning of the invasion would have to wait.

  Ayliki began to walk towards the exit when Neemno stopped him. His toned arm reached out and tugged at Ayliki’s elbow. They had not yet spoke of another serious issue, one just as important as the pending battle, if not more.

  “Ayliki, once we win this battle, there are other issues that must be attended to for the sake of our cause.” Ayliki felt Neemno’s stare, but he himself glanced to the door to make sure no giant or orc entered. Neemno continued, “I trust you have had enough time to think this through. We understand your initial hesitancy, but we know you will see our reasoning. The giants must not be a part of this…of the greater plan. We cannot...will not move forward with this without your participation. You are a leader of Faletonia, a leader of our united kin.”

  Ayliki turned to Neemno, “I have thought about it. I still think we are rushing this decision. I still think they have much to offer.” He turned to Neemno and lowered his voice, “but…I know the strength we have together…and will support my kin. I hope our decision is the right one.” He extended his hand and the thinner taller orcish commander clasped it hard.

  Neemno smiled a tusk filled grin. “It will be, my friend. Now let us go and find out what these others have come for. They likely just strengthen our ranks. We have no time for distractions, we have a city to seize.” The two left the tent.

  Two hours passed and Neemno and Ayliki had one hundred and fifty orcs armed and standing in formation at the side of the camp to which the oncoming orcs were expected to arrive. They sat around chatting and were not overly concerned with what approached. They were a force of nearly five thousand, there was no chance two hundred orcs would pose a threat. Likely they were hoping to join in the siege of Southland. The mood of the soldiers changed though when the visitors arrived. They approached slowly, some on horse others walking. As they got closer to the army’s camp, some females and children could be seen.

  The oncoming group stopped about one hundred yards from the army camp. Three large male orcs came forward on horses and slowly began for the camp. A ranking officer from Ayliki’s army and two from Neemno’s rode out to meet their unknown kin. One of them carried the banner of Faletonia. The other riders had no apparent signs of a tribe.

  “Greetings. Quite an impressive force,” said a huge orc with an odd swelling above his left eye.

  “Greetings, who are you who approaches a Faletonian army. Do you yield?” Asked the orcish commander, wasting no time.

  “I am Droste of tribe Long Boa
r. We have joined with tribes Dark Wolf and Stone Claw. News of Faletonia has reached us and came to see its splendors. We hope to find better lives... more prosperous lives.”

  “Do you know that this is a Faletonian army and is headed for war just a short distance away?”

  “We figured as much, we have heard what the disgraceful humans have done to your city, which we road past in the distance. We continued hoping to find another city but instead found this army. ” Droste said, which drew an exchange of looks from the Faletonian’s. They were surprised that word traveled so fast to wherever it was that these orcs were from.

  “You are free to join mighty Faletonia, as are all who roam under the moon. Continue on north and you will find a new young city called Eastland. They will accommodate you there and explain to you what Faletonia is and how things work here...the laws and the life. Your numbers would be useful to help further build the new city. You should seek the council -”

  Droste cut off the orc, which was a bold and dangerous move by the newcomer. “We have just under one hundred warriors who are foaming at the mouth to join Faletonia now, and aide your army in its cause. Talented warriors.” He proudly raised his flat nose to the air.

  “You have females and children.”

  “They can help prepare meals and deal with the injured.”

  There was a silence and then the Faletonian commander said, “Tell your orcs to wait there, and then you will speak before the rest of our commanders. They will tell you if you are needed and then allow you to pledge your fealty.”

  Droste turned back to his followers, gave a reassuring nod and then followed the Faletonians back within their army’s camp. They approached a large orc who wore studded leather armor. The orc looked at Droste and began to walk towards a large tent that had a giant waiting at its entrance. An orc beside Droste jerked his chin in the direction of the tent, suggesting he should head into the tent as well.

  He approached the tent warily. Droste had hardly any experience with giants and the one or two he had encountered were not pleasant. The creature was massive and Droste could only imagine the devastation he could cause with the large club he wielded. The orc he was following entered the tent but then the giant took a knee in front of the entrance. Even on a knee he was still twice the height of Droste.

  “Weapons,” boomed the giant’s voice as he extended his massive hand. Droste pulled the sword from his back and handed it over to the giant. A low growl from the behemoth let Droste know that he had spotted the dagger in his belt so he removed it. As he handed it over the giant moved away from the entrance.

  Inside the tent Neemno stood with his arms crossed. Also there was Ayliki who was shorter than both Neemno and Droste, but was brawny and looked intimidating enough in a thick metal breastplate. The two orcs who had remained accompanying Droste entered as well, ready to slay the newcomer if he started any trouble with their commanders.

  “Greetings,” said Droste with a deep voice.

  “Well met. What is your name and what brings you and your tribe to a travelling Faletonian army?” Asked Ayliki as he looked up at large Droste.

  “I am Droste of…or formerly of tribe Long Boar. There is more than one tribe with me. I bring three tribes…all who look to join Faletonia. We have warriors and women.” Their accents on the orcish language were noticeably different. None of the orcs of the three tribes would have been pleased to hear Droste suggest that the women of their tribes were available, but they were not present to object.

  With this Ayliki and Neemno exchanged glances. Ayliki put his hands on his hips, pushed out his chest beneath his thick breastplate and said. “And why? Why do you want to join us? And you come to us when we march to war? Are you prepared to join in our battle?”

  “Yes. We are ready to fight. Our warriors are fine fighters. Our tribes understand what the unification of our kin means. Orcs have fought each other and lived difficult lives for long enough. Together we can improve the lives of all...and become powerful while at it.”

  “So you’re ready? Are you prepared to die for Faletonia?” Neemno interrupted with a raised voice as he took a step forward. Droste was the same height as Neemno, but was much wider.

  Droste held a confident look on his face and looked from one orc to the other. He then dropped to a knee and bowed his head. “I am ready to serve Faletonia and so are all my orcs. In fact, we have already done so.” With that he looked up and saw the two Faletonian leaders look to one another again.

  “What do you mean Droste of Long Boar?” The reference to his tribe did not escape Droste. He knew that the two orcs were not quick to accept him…or trust him, and mentioning the tribe emphasized that he was not yet a Faletonian. He rose to his feet and smiled arrogantly.

  “We travelled from far to find Faletonia. We are from east of the great forest. On the way we heard of your war from orcs you must have sent forth to spread the news of Faletonia’s strength and promise. So before we arrived to this camp, we reminded the three human cities of the strength of combined orcish power and the repercussions for challenging this power. It was a service to show our commitment to Faletonia.”

  “What?” Neemno roared. “What have you done? Who do you think you are?” In a quick rush he was in the face of Droste who did not back down to the thinner orc. Neemno breathed heavily and fixed his jaundice green eyes on Droste’s eyes. His whole life he was not as burly as most orcs, but he never cared. He never backed down. Ayliki moved his hand to the hilt of a dagger on his hip.

  In any normal situation a confrontation of this sort between orcs would have immediately lead to violence. Droste held back his urge to smash his forehead into the face of the thinner orc. Ayliki grabbed Neemno’s arm and tried to pull him back but, although thin, he was strong and yanked himself free. The other two orcs in the room moved a step closer. Droste stood firm.

  The two warriors continued to stare at each other, scowls showing on their angry faces. Ayliki tried again to pull back Neemno. He pressed his sharp nails against Neemno’s skin. This time he was able to restrain him. The pugnacious orc didn’t take his eyes from Droste. “Disorganization and chaos is what we hope to be rid of in Faletonia. Describe what you did.” He hissed.

  Droste proceeded to explain how they raided each city’s farmlands and had slaughtered farmers and burned the fields. Neither Ayliki nor Neemno were happy with what they heard. Droste was not authorized to do so by Faletonia, who would inevitably be blamed for the actions. Both Faletonian leaders, though, enjoyed hearing the stories to some extent. The humans deserved to suffer for the slaughter they carried out at Southland.

  “Attacking the humans in such a fashion only serves to unite them further. They will now use that as a rally cry to come together. Together, they have strength. What you did could be very costly.” Ayliki told Droste.

  “I understand. Forgive me; I wanted to show my commitment. I thought this would have pleased the leaders of Faletonia.” Droste dipped his head slightly. Neemno let out a low growl beneath his tusks.

  “Well it is over now. We must move on and in order for you to join us, you must pledge your fealty here and now.” Droste lifted his head again at Ayliki’s remark.

  “Take an knee.” Instructed Neemno as his green jaundice eyes fixed on the large newcomer. Droste looked to each Faletonian commander. He noticed the scowl on Neemno’s face and again wanted to strike him, but he would not. He kneeled.

  While on his knee, he looked down subserviently. They handed him a red linen cloth that bore the black scorpion on it. Droste tucked it into his belt. Next they made him swear loyalty to Faletonia, which he did without hesitation. Ayliki and a few of his men accompanied Droste back to his followers where they greeted them and welcomed them to the camp. While the women, children and elderly would be sent north to Eastland, there were indeed some formidable warriors among the lot, and they would be used soon.


  The echo of women giggling and others moaning in pleasure were occ
asionally heard throughout the building. A light incense fragrance was also present. It was a seductive aroma that covered the faint smell of herbal leaf that was being smoked somewhere in the vicinity. Ardius sat in his back room counting coins. Before he was to leave the building he wanted to have his money organized. He was separating the money into two pouches and a chest. In the chest went the money he needed to keep this particular brothel operating. In one sack were the coins that served as The Grand’s cut as leader of the Crimson Fox, the boss of bosses. The other sack would be filled with money he would keep, well earned profits.

  The front door of the brothel opened with a creek. Ardius immediately picked up a sense of uneasiness among the girls in the entrance room even though he could not see them or whoever had just entered. He became still and sat alert listening for a clue. He had just finished recounting his money for the third time. Quickly, but silently, he locked the chest and put it on the floor behind his desk. Then he put the two pouches filled with coins in a desk drawer. A conversation could be heard in the entrance foyer.

  A heavy curtain separated the room Ardius was in from the entrance room. He moved the curtain just a crack so that he could peak through. The problem was obvious. Two city guards had entered, in full uniform. They stood confidently, one with his hands on his hips and the other with one hand resting on the hilt of his sheathed sword. There were five girls in the room and some were acting nervous although they were taught not to. The main mistress approached the guards and Ardius slowly returned the curtain to its original position to remain unnoticed. He could hear the conversation from where he was and would let it unfold.

  The council of Rogsnelk was becoming quite a problem and beginning to affect business. Even with a war going on, they were trying to regulate the activities of the Crimson Fox by forcing the law upon them. Guards were snooping around various establishments. They councils always wanted a piece of the action. With war going on, they likely needed to add even more to their coffers. That was the way it was. That was the way it, for the most part, had always been. The Crimson Fox had its connections in the council, but at a price…a price that was frustratingly steepening as of late.


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