Topaz Dreams

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Topaz Dreams Page 17

by Marilyn Campbell

  The time soon came for Steve to drive her family to the airport. Before leaving, Steve answered Falcon's questions about using the telephone, as it was time for him to check in. With whom, she almost asked, but did not.

  As soon as they left the house, Falcon picked up the receiver, and pressed the series of numbers he had been given in Innerworld to reach his Outerworld contact. When the emissary answered, Falcon used the push buttons to identify himself and the ensuing dialogue was conducted numerically. Even if a determined listener broke the code, they would need to know a particular Noronian dialect to translate the conversation accurately.

  "Falcon, here."

  "Recording report. Proceed."

  "Mission incomplete. Delays unavoidable. Progress anticipated within twenty-four hours."

  "Report cannot be passed on at this time. All communications jammed by unknown source. Tensions running high. Man disintegrated upon entering transmigrator unit.

  "Do not—repeat—do not use ring as computer extension even for Outerworld relocation. Do not return to Innerworld until mission completed. Romulus and Aster send regards. Over."

  "Thank you. Over." Falcon was numb with shock. Another senseless death added to Underwood's list of crimes. Yesterday, he had no way of knowing their cross-country trip carried more risks than merely raising Steve's suspicions. He had put her in grave danger. Being ordered not to return to Innerworld was too ludicrous to consider. He had to succeed. There was no place for him in this world of violent emotions and people with human eyes.

  Steve returned from her airport run, bearing several small white-and-red cardboard boxes. "Chinese food for dinner okay? I hate to cook, and I leave the fancy table settings to Mom. Well eat in the kitchen." Falcon followed her wordlessly. I've never seen you eat red meat. I opted for vegetable chow mein and fantail shrimp. I hope that's okay." As she carried on a one-sided conversation, she set out two plates, utensils, and napkins, opened up the boxes in the center of the table, and sat down. "Dig in."

  Falcon followed her example, spooning the food directly out of the boxes onto his plate. The flavors were not unfamiliar, but he had little appetite.

  Finally, Steve gave up trying to pretend nothing was wrong. "I thought we got past the silent treatment last night. If you're waiting for a formal apology for my acting like a twit, you've got it. You threw me for a loop. Unlike you, I am a very emotional person."

  Falcon managed a sad smile. "No, Steve. I need no formal apology. Your actions were entirely understandable under the circumstances. I received some very bad news while you were gone. I have not yet adjusted."

  "Can you tell me?" Steve's voice was soft. He looked so worried, and she would have taken his hand if things were different.

  Falcon related the information he had received about the latest fatal accident and the orders he had received. "It could cause another delay in catching up to Underwood if we must use only Outerworld transportation."

  Steve noted he still used the word "we." "I'm sorry about the man who died and all the others before." Steve had the feeling that was not what was bothering him most. "Are you afraid you won't be able to get back?"

  Falcon looked into her eyes and read compassion there. He sighed. "Yes." There was little else to be said. "I find I am quite fatigued tonight. Where would you like me to sleep?"

  Steve put fresh linens on her mother's bed, since it was the largest, and a few minutes later Falcon bid her good night and retired behind the closed bedroom door. Now that she thought about it, she was amazed she was still upright herself. As soon as the kitchen was back in order, she headed for her shower and bed.

  It had been a lovely day from start to finish. Certainly a contrast to last night. The children, her mother, even Mr. Spock, were absolutely crazy about Falcon. How could they not like such a sweet, gentle, patient, gorgeous man? Wasn't there a saying about children and animals being able to see past the surface to the truth?

  She could not stop her thoughts from running the gamut of what they had been through together this past week. Nor could she prevent the memory of the erotic dream from returning. He believed he put it in her head by accident. She was not at all sure he did, at least not in the way he thought. The fantasy of making love with him had crept into her every spare thought since she first saw him before he had ever touched her mind.

  It had to be an unbelievable coincidence that she and Falcon crossed paths at the same time his hormones decided to perk up. She happened to be the woman at hand, so he wanted her, wanted her to be his first sexual experience.

  What a kick! How many women would pant for some sack time with a guy like Falcon, regardless of where he came from? How many more fantasized about introducing a virgin to sex? For that matter, how many women had actually made love to an honest-to-God man from outer space, not counting the movies?

  And soon he would be gone. She was positive they would find Underwood, Falcon would get the ring back, and he would return to his world. She knew in that moment she would miss him terribly, because no matter what he was she cared.

  So what if she just happened to meet him at a time when anything female would have suited his needs? She had an extremely rare opportunity here. Only a complete fool, or a coward, would ignore it. And she was neither. For the first time in years she was relieved her tubes had been tied after Vince's birth.

  Steve got up from the bed, put on a robe, and went to her mother's door. She tapped lightly, and spoke in a low voice, "Falcon? Are you awake?"


  "May I come in? I need to tell you something." He took so long answering she thought he might have been asleep after all.


  Steve opened the door and took a few steps inside. It was dark, but she could tell he was sitting up in the bed. "Falcon, are your eyes closed?"

  "I have already removed the lenses. I was not expecting you to see me until morning."

  "Oh, God. I really am sorry about how I acted last night. It was stupid and horribly rude. Please open your eyes." He did. "They're really are quite beautiful."

  "You said you had something you wished to tell me."

  Steve kept her gaze glued to his, knowing he could see her clearly in the dark. "I wanted you to know that I believe we'll find Underwood. I have a good feeling about our trip to his office tomorrow. I'm sure you'll get back home."

  "Yes. Of course I will."



  "I was curious ... about your eyes. Can you really see me perfectly in this dark room?"


  "And you can see through things, too?"

  "Some. If the covering is thin enough."

  "Can you see through my robe?"

  Steve saw his pupils expand from a spindle shape to a diamond and back again before he answered.


  He was lying. "No? What if I take off my robe?" She untied the belt and let the garment fall to the floor.

  "Steve, I promised not to seduce you, and I will honor my word. I will also control my thoughts so as not to influence your dreams. However, it is much easier to do both if you are not in the same room with me."

  "Hmmm. Yes, you did promise not to ... I believe the exact word you used was entice me. And I respect you for being an honorable man. But, you see, Falcon, I can't always keep the promises I make." A little at a time, Steve gathered up her nightgown until the hem reached her knees, her thighs, her hips. With an exaggerated stretch of her torso, she raised the gown over her head and dropped it on top of the robe.

  Falcon sucked in his breath and held it. Why was she doing this to him? She did not want to share her body with a man of mixed blood.

  She did! Her desire came to him as strongly as her scent. She had not moved closer, but her husky voice seemed to close the space between them.

  "I want to give you a gift to take home with you, Falcon. Something to remember me by... if you still want me. Do you want to know all that being human has to offer?"

"Please, Steve. Don't..." He struggled to complete the sentence.

  "The word is 'tease! And I'm not." But her breathy voice continued to taunt him as she glided to the edge of the bed and drew back the sheet. "This isn't fair. I can't see you." She dropped the sheet and moved to the adjoining bathroom to switch on the light. Pulling the door partway closed, she smiled reassuringly. "That's better. Your body is too good to keep in the dark."

  Falcon's mouth went dry. She did not simply look at him. She devoured him with her eyes, piece by trembling piece. He was afraid to move, to reach out to her as he longed to, afraid she was a dream that would evaporate if he tried to hold onto it.

  Steve leaned forward and combed her fingers through his hair. "Beautiful. Just like silk." Her sweet breath fanned his face, and Falcon angled his head to bring her palms into contact with his scalp.

  He would have closed his eyes to savor the pleasure her slight touch gave him, but his gaze was captured by the full swell of her breasts rising and lowering before him with each of her breaths. Their dark rose-colored peaks had drawn tight the moment she removed her robe.

  Steve dragged her fingertips out of his thick mane and placed them on his temples. "Do I need to do this to know your thoughts?" He could not answer. Steve's gaze scanned downward to his erect masculinity. "No, I don't think it's necessary."

  She traced the features of his face, and ran her index finger over his sensitive lips until they parted. "Your skin is softer than a baby's. I never thought someone could get addicted to the feel of something, but I think I could stroke you all night, and enjoy every minute of it." Her finger pressed down slightly on his lower lip, then slid between his teeth and over the tip of his tongue.

  "But this isn't soft at all. It's like a cat's—rough and firm. You shocked me when you first put it in my mouth, but it was one of the most sensual things I ever experienced. It made me think of how it would feel... in other places."

  Her fingers trailed down and up his arms and over his chest. His muscles clenched and relaxed beneath her feathery caresses. When her exploration took her lower, his stomach contracted, and a low sound, so much like a purr, escaped his throat. But she did not touch where he anticipated, moving instead to his thighs and down to his feet.

  "Mmmm, yes. All over. Soft skin over hard muscles. Absolutely marvelous. Now I understand how a sightless person can see with their fingertips."

  Moving to the foot of the bed, she placed a hand on each ankle and separated his legs. She climbed onto the mattress, into the triangle she created, running her fingers up his inner thighs as she progressed.

  Falcon was certain he would die with each pounding heartbeat. Surely man was not meant to feel so much at one time. Some part of his brain told him he was supposed to be doing something other than lying there mesmerized, but for the life of him he could not make his limbs respond. He had never been completely helpless, under another's total control. It was intoxicating and exhilarating all at once.

  "I have been wondering about this, Falcon." Her fingers trickled through the sparse curls at the base of his manhood. "You do have some body hair, but it's fine and silky and tickles my fingers. Another memorable feeling."

  Her one hand moved lower to cup and roll his swollen sacs. Falcon could no longer keep his eyes from squeezing shut under the onslaught of pleasurable sensations she was creating. Her other hand brushed over the tip of his member, then down and up the sides, so lightly he found himself ready to beg for mercy.

  As if she heard his silent plea, her fingers closed around him; he forgot to breathe, then inhaled with a gasp as her tongue flicked over him. Her mood changed suddenly. He felt her control slip with her first taste of him. Her actions became feverish, nibbling, sucking hungrily, until he was certain he had died, and this was heaven.

  Falcon opened his eyes again in time to see her straddling him. He wanted her to hurry; he needed her to go slowly. She guided him to her, and he tensed, poised on the brink of the unknown. Unexpectedly, she regained control, seeming to understand his need to experience this first time in milliseconds.

  Gradually she took his hardened length into her hot, moist recess. Would screaming help? he wondered as she lowered herself completely, and his strangled growl blended with her soft cry of relief.

  Her muscles grasped him tightly, pulsing around him. Had a sheath ever fit a sword so perfectly? Impossible. Nothing could compare to this.

  Until she moved. Falcon tried to make it last, knew he should wait for her, but his body would not heed his wishes. With an upward thrust his world exploded into shattering prisms of light and color, twinkling down around him like falling stars as he returned slowly to Earth.

  Steve lay on top of him, her head nestled against his neck. He gathered enough strength to put his arms around her, but not enough to speak. His hands moved over her, finding relaxed muscles. She had needed no more than he to be satisfied. Knowing that made him feel a little less selfish.

  Never had Steve felt so drained, yet so contented. She stifled a giggle as she realized Falcon was so much of a man he had given her the most glorious, thrilling climax in her life, without moving a muscle. Well, maybe just one. Good God. How could she ever settle for a mere human after that?

  Steve felt him throbbing deep inside her, powerful and hard. He filled her and stretched her beyond what she believed possible, and he was ready and wanting more.

  That did not surprise her in the least, and with one strong muscle contraction, she told him she'd be happy to comply.

  Chapter Thirteen

  For knowledge, too, is itself a power. —Francis Bacon

  "What the hell do you mean they vanished? I have never known you to fail so miserably, King. First you tell me this man overpowered you in a fight. You! Probably the most proficient martial arts expert on this continent. Then, while you were licking your wounds, your hirelings lost track of two people on an enclosed houseboat?"

  "I know I have not performed to your satisfaction, Mr. Underwood. The man's strength was unlike anything I've ever seen. As to the men I hired, they swear they witnessed the man and woman jump overboard and swim toward the yacht. They immediately returned from their post across the street and reported this to me. Within minutes I personally conducted a search of every room on board. I was prepared to eliminate the intruders and turn their bodies over to the local authorities. As burglars, their deaths would have been justified."

  "The operative words there were "would have". What makes you think they weren't simply taking a swim?"

  "With an ocean and a heated pool across the street, no reasonably intelligent person would choose to swim in such polluted water. Also, there was a fresh puddle of water on deck and a trail of water that led below. I'm certain they came aboard."

  "But you're not certain where they went after that, except that they did not return to the houseboat." Underwood barely contained his fury with King. The younger man had never been inept before. There was a piece missing, and he never tolerated dealing with an unknown factor. "Get the videotapes you picked up from Miss Preston. I want to look at them again."

  King immediately prepared the first film for viewing, and stood by patiently as his employer watched the brief clip he had already seen numerous times in the past few days.

  Underwood studied the screen as Barbanell went through her first visit to his office. Falcon entered. No, she had never seen him before, that much was certain. On the second tape, she barely recovered after running into him again in Los Angeles. Then-subsequent working together had to be completely impromptu.

  "Put that first tape in again." This time Underwood watched it run in slow motion. Barbanell's appreciative perusal of Falcon scanned him from head to toe. What did she see when she frowned right there? Using his remote, Underwood backed up the film and froze the action. His heart leapt into his throat. Every time he had watched this scene, he had watched their faces, and missed seeing what had disturbed Barbanell. Up to this moment he thought she had been looking at Fal
con's traveling bag. But it was his hand that caught her eye, the ring finger on that hand to be precise, and the gaudy opal ring. Furious with his belated awareness, Underwood hurled the remote control at the two figures frozen on the screen.

  Damn! For the last week he had been misdirecting the one person he had been waiting for. How had he allowed something so vital to elude him? The realization made him feel stupid and ordinary. His stomach clenched and bile rose in his mouth. His oversight was unforgivable, an insult to the gift of intelligence he had been born with. Underwood pulled himself together with the greatest effort.

  "King, I shall give you a chance to redeem yourself. I want the woman eliminated. Be careful what method you choose, but not so careful that you fail again. I cannot risk leaving her alive with the knowledge she has undoubtedly acquired about that man. He's the one we want. It's time to let him find me. They haven't disappeared. They've relocated. My guess is they'll be found in San Francisco. Have someone go to Barbanell's home and verify it, then be sure they are delayed until you can get there yourself. And, King, a second failure will not be tolerated."

  King bowed his head as he backed out of the room. Gordon Underwood did not make idle threats.

  A moment after King left, Delphina entered the office.

  "Ah, Delphina. You always know when I need you."

  She smiled sweetly as she came forward and made an elegant show of sitting on his lap. His arms encircled her, one hand bracing the back of her slender neck. Urgently, he pushed her head close, crushing her mouth against his.

  "I need you, Delphina. I need what only you can give me. I've made a grave error, an unforgivable mistake. But you can make it better."

  "Of course, Gordon." Her dainty fingers opened the top button of his shirt, but he stopped her.


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