Blind Girl: A Dark Billionaire Romance

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Blind Girl: A Dark Billionaire Romance Page 11

by Kiss, Tabatha

  He finishes into the condom and I purr against his body, digging my nails into his skin as he moans my name. I look at him, my eyes full of desire for him.

  Percy smiles wide and kisses me. “I love you, Alice.”

  He collapses against my throbbing body. I’m hungry for more of him, but I know he’ll need a little time. I roll him over onto his back and kiss his neck. Each peck coats my lips with his sweat. My tongue dances at his taste and I salivate even more for him.

  “Alice…” he says. I cut him off with a sweet kiss as my hand grips his semi-flaccid manhood. My fingers play games with him, enticing his blood to travel back through his cock for me. “Alice—” He grasps my hand to stop me.

  “You don’t want to keep going?” I ask.

  He shakes his head with a sly smile. “Later.” He pushes himself up onto his arms. “I have to go to the gallery and finalize the sale — then we can celebrate some more.”

  I sit back with a nod. “Okay,” I breathe.

  He leans over and kisses my forehead. “And you have some work to do, right?”

  “You’re right,” I say as my face meets the pillow again.

  “Don’t fall back to sleep!” He steps back into his trousers and pulls them up. “When I get back, I’m taking you to dinner.”

  “Better be somewhere fancy!”

  “You know me, Alice,” he laughs. “I’m always fancy.” He steps into the bathroom and I’m left alone with a racing heart. A few minutes later, he comes out, cleaned and perfect, and gives me a kiss on the cheek before leaving the apartment to make his meeting.

  I stare at the ceiling for a moment, my body screaming at me.

  I swell with happiness and pride for him. I can already feel the weight on my shoulders dissolving around me. It’s been ages since Percy and I got a break. Maybe the days of double shifts at the diner and stress headaches are finally over.

  My fingers flow down my body and I spread my legs for myself. Cool air strikes my pulsating clitoris. It throbs against my touch, embracing the warmth I give it with every flick of my fingertips.

  I bite my lip and moan with the sensation as I wrap my fingers up in my hair. It pulls tightly against my scalp and radiates with simple, delicious pain, feeding my primal desires. I imagine him behind me, his wide palms connecting with my red cheeks with each thrust. His voice calls out to me, urging me to look back at him. He reaches forward when I refuse and pulls me up by the hair. I turn to face him, crying out his name, and suck on his tongue until climax claims me.

  Don’t do that, Alice.

  I blink the thought away as I settle against the mattress. My breath slowly normalizes again and I stare up at the white ceiling, clinging to the blank slate for comfort. I curse the phrase. Those four little words. I still hear it to this day. His cool, commanding voice makes itself known during rare moments of self-assessment before I catch myself making a terrible mistake.

  Don’t do that, Alice.

  Sometimes, it’s my final thought before falling asleep. It lingers at the edge of everything only to surface again in the morning and repeat itself before I even open my eyes.

  I shouldn’t be thinking about him, but the fantasy calls me back. His black hair. His forest green eyes. He’s still in me. My darkest secret.


  I force his face out of my mind as I climb out of bed.


  “Wow…” I squeeze Percy’s hand as he leads me through the restaurant behind the hostess. My eyes drift along every detail they can get from the fine china to the elegant dresses worn by the women we pass. “You did say it would be fancy.”

  “Hey,” he laughs, glancing back at me. “When I promise fancy, I deliver fancy.”

  “I’m sorry I ever doubted you.”

  We arrive at our table in the back. It’s off to the side in a private corner, separated from the prying eyes of other patrons. I smile at the twin candles in the centerpiece as my heart fills with warmth. Percy pulls out my chair for me and I roll my eyes as I allow him to play chivalry.

  “Your server will be right with you,” the hostess says with a smile.

  “Thank you,” Percy says to her as he takes his seat across from me.

  As she leaves, I lean forward. “How much is this costing you?” I whisper.

  “About twenty percent of my soul,” he quips.

  I nod. “Not bad. I would have guessed thirty.”

  He laughs. “Don’t worry about it — I told you not to worry about it.”

  “I know—” I tap a finger against the angel white tablecloth, biting my tongue to fight the words from spilling off my lips. “But—”

  “No.” He points a playful finger in my direction. “Zip it.”



  I sigh. “Okay. If you promise me we’ll be okay, then I’ll believe you.”

  “Alice…” He looks at me with unblinking eyes. “We’ll be okay. I promise you.”

  The server arrives, a tall gentleman with thick black hair, and offers the two of us the night’s wine. I relish in the taste of it and find myself once again seduced by luxury’s intoxicating flavors. It startles me how quickly I remember what it was like.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  I open my eyes and look across the table at Percy. He’s smiling, studying my face behind the candlelight for hidden answers that I swore I’d never give. “Nothing,” I say.

  “Liar,” he smirks.

  I trace the rim of my wine glass slowly. “I was just feeling very content,” I answer.

  “You look content,” he notes. “And… happy? I hope?”

  “Yes,” I breathe. “I can feel a smidgen of happiness in there, too.”

  “Just a smidgen?”

  “An ample proportion size of smidge,” I laugh.

  “You’re getting wordy again.”

  “It’s my talent.” I pause. “Or I’m just hungry.”

  Percy reaches for the menu lying on the table. “Well, I didn’t just bring you here to show you off to a bunch of rich people.”

  “Good,” I say as I take the second menu next to us. As I scan the list of entrees, I constantly remind myself not to pay attention to the price tags in the next column. Percy told me not to worry about it, but it’s a rather difficult habit to break after the last few months of saving every penny and clipping every coupon.

  When I finally glance up again, I catch Percy staring at me. “What?” I ask. I raise the menu higher to conceal my face. “Stop that.”

  He laughs. “I’m sorry. I just—” He fidgets in his chair. “I can’t wait. I was going to wait, but — no. I can’t.”

  I sit back. “Percy…”

  “Okay.” He inhales quickly and forces it out again. “Close your eyes.”


  His fingers twitch. “Humor me for a moment. Please.”

  I lay the menu back down on the table. My gaze lingers on his for a moment more before I close my eyes. “Okay, but if you’re gone when I open then, I’ll be very disappointed.”

  “I won’t be,” I hear him say. “Okay. You can open them.”

  “Are you sure?” I ask.


  I open them again and for a brief moment, nothing is different. Then something catches my eye, something new lying next to me on the angel white tablecloth. It’s a black box, small and velvet. My stomach sinks. “Percy…”

  “It’s exactly what you think it is,” he says. “But, before you freak out and get angry at me, I want to say something first.” I take a deep breath and suppress the need to speak. “Okay…” he begins, “Alice, I love you. You know that I do, I’ve said it before, but I don’t think I’ve ever really articulated what that means.”

  “Percy, you don’t have to—”

  “Yes, I do.” He pauses for a quick moment. “You saved my life, Alice. I know you disagree. I can see it in your eyes.” I look down for a brief second, slightly perturbed a
t his uncanny ability to know what I’m thinking, but I force myself to meet his eyes again. “I’ve given up on myself, far more times than I’d care to admit… but each time, you’re there, standing over me, kicking my ass —” I laugh. “—until I stand back up again and brush myself off. I want to make it up to you and I will dedicate every moment of our lives to making sure that I do.”

  “You don’t owe me anything, Percy,” I whisper.

  “You’ve sacrificed more than just your clothes for me, Alice,” he jokes. “And now that I can, I want to return the favor. If you’ll let me — I know you don’t need anyone to take care of you, but someday you might, and I want to be the one there for you if you do.”

  My heart swells for him. A smile climbs to my lips, one that I can’t hold down. “You’re not as weak as you claim to be, Percy,” I tell him.

  “Then you won’t be surprised when I tell you that I won’t take no for an answer.” He smiles. “You can open the box now.”

  I snatch the box off the table and rub my fingertips against the warm velvet exterior before snapping it open. Confusion strikes me. It’s empty. “Uh, Percy…” I chuckle.

  He grins and stands up from his chair.

  “Ahh, jeez,” I mutter as he kneels down next to me on my left side.

  “I know you hate this stuff, Alice,” he says as he reaches into his pocket, “but this is my moment.” He presents the ring to me, nestled between two fingers. It shines in the candlelight, far more stunning than I imagined it would be. My breath catches in my throat as he takes my hand. “Alice Hughes,” he whispers, “will you be my wife?” He slides the ring onto my finger, a perfect fit in every way.

  I stare at it, marveling at the brilliant golden band wrapped around my finger. “Percy…” I whisper.

  “What?” he asks.

  He looks so calm, so ready and sure. If he knew everything about me, I doubt he’d be so confident in his decision.

  The word lingers on the tip of my tongue and I want so badly to say it aloud.


  Something inside of me fights the impulse.


  Percy stares back at me. I let myself get lost in his blue eyes, searching for what he sees in me that I don’t see.

  Don’t do that, Alice.

  I flinch at his sudden voice in my head, but I let it linger between my ears. Anger heaves in my chest.

  No, I think. Not this time, Charles.

  He’s held me back for so long. It’s been years since he let me go and yet I still hear his voice in my head, taunting me, baiting me. I blink his face from my mind and fill myself with Percy’s love.


  The one thing Charles denied me.

  “Yes,” I say. I feel a weight lift off my chest. “Yes, Percy. I will marry you.”

  He pushes himself off the floor, pulling me up with him. I throw my arms around his shoulders and he laughs in my ears as he lifts me off the floor.

  “I love you, Alice,” he says.

  I pull away and kiss him softly. “I love you,” I parrot back, meaning every syllable of it.

  I close my eyes and pledge myself to him.

  All of me.


  I wake up on the morning of my twenty-third birthday to the sound of my phone ringing in my ears. The sound stirs Percy awake as well. He raises his sleepy head to look at me and I mouth the words “my mother” at him. He nods his head and plops back down to sleep.

  “Hello,” I yawn into the phone.

  “Alice, are you still coming home for your birthday?”

  “Yes, Mom,” I answer. I use my free hand to block the morning sun’s rays from destroying my eyes. “Percy and I will be there tonight before dinner.”

  “I don’t want you to feel like you have to,” she says quickly. “If you need to work—”

  “Mom,” I interrupt, “I can afford to take my birthday off and come see you.”

  “Good, because I have some good news!”

  My ears perk up immediately. My mother never has good news. My mother is allergic to good news. “Oh?” I sit up and lean back against the headboard. My eye catches the sparkle of the diamond ring on my finger. It’s been over a week since Percy proposed and I still haven’t gotten used to it. “So do we.”

  “What?” Her tone shifts. “Alice, you’re not preg—”

  “No!” I interrupt her quickly. “It’s nothing like that. Pump the breaks, Ma.”

  “Oh, well, fine then,” she mutters. “Anyway, I won’t say too much right now — I don’t want to jinx it — but… I met a man!”

  “What? You met a man?” I repeat her words with my own tongue, but they sound no more real with my voice. Percy’s head rises off his pillow and he looks over at me with one eye open. I shrug my shoulders at him. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. What kind of question is that?”

  “I’m sorry, Mom,” I laugh. “You just caught me off guard is all. I’m happy for you. That’s great news.” I try to force the shock out of my system, but my body radiates on edge. Percy sits up and leans against the headboard with me. “How long have you been seeing him?” I ask.

  “About a month. He’ll be here tonight. I want you to meet him, Alice. So… heads-up!”

  “I can’t wait,” I say. “We’ll see you tonight.”

  “Goodbye, sweetie.”

  “Bye.” I drop the phone onto the bedspread.

  “Did I just hear…” Percy says, rubbing his eyes.

  “Yeah,” I say. “My mother is dating… a man.”

  “When did that happen?”

  “She met him a month ago,” I tell him.

  He stares straight ahead for a moment. “Huh.”

  “I’ve known my mother for twenty-three years,” I say. “I’ve never seen her with a man.”

  “Shh…” Percy reaches out and wraps an arm around me. “You’ll get through this…” He pats my head gently.

  I laugh and push him away, but he keeps me close enough to plant a sweet kiss on my lips.

  “Good morning,” he says.

  “Good morning,” I repeat between kisses.

  My pulse spikes. His hands travel down my body, tickling my skin as they spider between my thighs towards my wetness.

  “Percy…” I whisper.

  He’s been insatiable since the night we got engaged, and in all honesty, so am I. Perhaps it’s the rush of adrenaline, the excitement at the start of something new that’s driving us, but whatever it is, I love everything about it and I don’t want it to end.

  I moan on my back as he descends my trembling body. His lips never leave my skin, teasing and toying with me exactly how I like it. By the time he reaches my slit, I’m quivering with delight, throbbing and ready for him.

  He stares up at me with his deep blue eyes as his tongue works me over. I squirm beneath him, writhing in ecstasy until I can’t take it anymore.


  We arrive at my childhood home after a long forty-five-minute drive from the city. It usually goes by quick, but I spent the entire trip wracking my brain, trying to figure out what kind of man my mother would date.

  “I mean… I literally have no idea what the expect here. Turn right,” I tell Percy as he drives through my old neighborhood.

  “Well, whoever it is, I’m sure he’s nice,” he says, shrugging his shoulders. “I don’t see Diana going for an asshole, you know. She’s too… intense.”

  “Yeah, you’re right—” My jaw drops as the house comes into view. I think for a moment that I experienced a small stroke and sent us up the wrong street. “Holy shit,” I say.


  The outside of the house has been painted a fresh new color of blue. The bushes along the front walk, that once were grown over far too tall and wide, are now professionally trimmed down and shaped to perfection. The lawn is freshly mowed. Lawn gnomes populate the garden with colorful flowers surrounding them. Hell, there’s a garden. I climb out of the car and
stretch my legs to look around. “It looks… different,” I say.

  “What’s the matter? It looks nice.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I mean.”

  The front door bursts open and my mother steps outside onto the porch. “Hey, you two!” she shouts, waving her hands like a sea captain.

  Once again, my jaw hits the pavement. Gone are the days of baggy sweaters and over-sized slacks. My mother has discovered a brand new style, one that suits her perfectly. Her top is extra tight, showing off the small, but firm, muscles of her arms. She shows off her legs with a pair of tightly wrapped designer jeans.

  “Mom?” I ask as I step up the walk. “Oh, my god — this place looks…”

  “It’s had some work done,” she admits with a smile. “You’d know that if you came to see me more often.”

  I hug her with deep sincerity and hold on longer than I would have otherwise. “I barely recognize you, too,” I tell her. I reach out and pinch a bit of her hair. “You changed your hair.”

  “Oh, you know.” She brushes a hand through the air as we part away. “I figured a few changes were in order for me, too. Happy birthday, baby.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” I turn around, almost forgetting Percy standing behind me. “You remember Percy.”

  “Of course! Welcome to my home, Percy. Make yourself comfortable.”

  “Thank you, Diana.” He extends his hand for a shake, but she grabs it and pulls him in for a hug instead. His eyes grow wide and looks at me for help, but I just shrug my shoulders.

  “Come in, come in!” my mother says with waving arms. As we step inside, she wraps her arm around my shoulder and squeezes me tightly with both hands. “I have somebody I want you to meet.”

  “He’s here already?” I ask.

  She nods quickly. We step down the hall towards the kitchen and my pulse races. I hear the clinking of glasses and unfamiliar steps echoing ahead of us. My mother pushes me along and I sneak a peek at her bright face, full of more life than I’ve ever seen in her cheeks.


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