Tales of the Hood

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Tales of the Hood Page 11

by T K Williams-Nelson

  “What do you mean pregnant? Why is she passing out if she’s pregnant?” I asked puzzled.

  “She was probably worked up about something that triggered it but it’s nothing major to worry about. We’ve taken her blood pressure and ran some tests and she will be good to go home tomorrow,” he added.

  “Can I see her please?”

  “Yes of course. She’s just through there. I’ll be back to check on her in an hour.” I burst into the room then stood rigid. Vanessa was all wired up. She looked dreadful. I sat next to her on the bed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen. The doctor says you’re pregnant. That’s great news, don’t you think?” I asked, feeling elevated at the thought of having my own child.

  “Yeah I suppose so. And it’s okay it wasn’t your fault. The doctor said I can go home tomorrow so you can leave now. I’ll make my own way down,” she said coldly.

  “Why can’t I pick you up?” I replied intrigued by her odd attitude towards me. We’d just found out that were going to have a baby together and she didn’t seem at all interested.

  “Because I’m capable of getting home by myself thank you very much!” she said, raising the tone of her voice. I knew she was still vexed about me abandoning Myah but I thought news like this would at least lighten the mood. I decided not to push it anymore so I wrapped up Shakira and left without saying goodbye. I hoped things would ease down by tomorrow. By her reaction this evening I knew our relationship was on the rocks.


  I paced up and down the living room waiting for Vanessa to come through the door. Minutes went by; hours went by and there still was no sign of her. At one point I put on my coat and was going to go to the hospital to see what was going on, but seeing how she was in a mood with me already I didn’t want to make it any worse by coming across as clingy. It was then I heard a car pull up outside and a key in the door.

  “Hey, how are you feeling?” I said cheerfully, hoping I would get a similar response.

  “Hi. I’m alright just tired. How’s Shakira?” she replied monotone.

  “She’s okay. She’s in bed now so we have the night to ourselves. Maybe we can talk about the new baby we have coming along,” I said, trying to get her perspective on the subject.

  “I’m going out with Natalie, a girl I met down at the hospital. She’s holding a party and I told her I would pass through. We can talk tomorrow,” she said, heading upstairs.

  “But you’ve just come out of the hospital. Not to mention you’re pregnant. Why would you want to go partying already?” I said firmly.

  “Because I can and I’m going to. I’m going to get ready so can you babysit Shakira tonight or do you have music to be working on?” she replied crudely.

  “What’s that meant to mean? If you have a problem with me being at the studio so often then say it. And you know I will look after Shakira, who else would you get to do it?” I said defensively.

  “I don’t have a problem with anything. I’m just gonna go out and enjoy myself,” she replied.

  She went upstairs and re-appeared in a short black dress; a face full of make-up and her platform heels. “You’re not wearing that are you?” I asked, seriously considering if I should send her to the naughty step.

  “Yeah what does it look like? You know what? Don’t even comment on it because I’m not changing.”

  “What is wrong with you today? Why are you acting up with me” I asked, beginning to get frustrated with her.

  “Jayden nothing is wrong. You’re finding fault with everything and it’s annoying me now. Just let me get on with what I’m doing,” she replied, gathering her things.

  “How many months did the doctors tell me you were gone? Oh yeah, three months. Do you really think it’s a good idea to be going raving?” I asked.

  I didn’t even get a reply I just heard the door close. I was concerned by the way she was carrying on so I left Shakira with our next door neighbour who was decent girl then drove to the party to accompany Vanessa. I saw masses of people outside and knew that this wasn’t some small gathering. When I walked in nearly all eyes were on me. People were asking me when the next song was going to be released; people wanted my autograph; cameras were flashing from all directions. I felt like royalty but at this point in time my only goal was to keep an eye on my girl. I spotted Vanessa in the crowd so I thought I would creep up behind to surprise her.

  “BOO!” I said making my presence known to her. She seemed a bit tipsy so she just giggled and gave me a messy kiss.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, laughing uncontrollably.

  I whispered in her ear, “You shouldn’t be drinking. You know you’re pregnant.”

  “Oh shut up and have a drink!” she said, throwing her arm around me. I knew one wouldn’t hurt so I ordered a glass of Hennessey and watched her closely as she danced on the dance floor. I should have known better. I was being a bad influence I know but she needed a break. We had been through so much lately that she’d been stressed and maybe that was why she was acting anti-social with me. I finally gave her the little freedom she longed for.

  It was getting late and I thought it was time to get out of there. The party was packed now and it was hard to keep up with Vanessa’s tipsy movements. When I did find her I told her we were leaving.

  “Who’s we? You’re leaving and I’m dancing,” she said, pulling away from me. I grabbed her by her arm.

  “We are going now! I don’t like the way these boys are all eyeing you up. I’ve had enough. You’ve had your fun, what is there for you here?” I said strictly.

  “Argh you’re so fucking controlling. I can’t even be bothered to argue with you,” she said admitting defeat. Even though she had an attitude I was pleased she agreed.

  As we walked to the exit some girl barged Vanessa whilst walking past. “Don’t you know how to say sorry?” Vanessa cussed. When the girl turned around we saw it was Holly. “

  Oh it’s you again,” Holly scorned.

  “Let’s just go, Vanessa,” I said, trying to avoid any confrontation. I had a reputation to keep now and the media would have a field day if they caught me fighting in the club.

  “The bitch didn’t even say sorry” said Vanessa turning away.

  “Who are you calling a dumb bitch? Don’t think because your man’s here I won’t slap you up,” Holly replied.

  “Slap me up and live where fool? Don’t get cheeky now after it was our house you were running to when Jamal battered your ass. So I suggest you keep walking,” Vanessa continued.

  Before she could say anything else Holly punched her in the face leaving Vanessa sprawled over the floor. I quickly got in between the two but Vanessa slid past me. She grabbed Holly’s head and slammed it into the wall. She then took off her shoe and swung it over Holly’s head. I dragged her away, but for a slim and slender girl Vanessa had strength so she kept going back for more. It’s like all the anger she had ever felt was coming out. Holly looked up dazed and punched Vanessa in the stomach. She fell to the floor in agony.

  “That’s what you get when you run your mouth and can’t back your talk!” Holly shouted as she was escorted off site by security. Vanessa lay on the floor shaking. It was only then I realised she was bleeding from under her dress. As the pool got bigger I knew something was wrong so I helped her into the car and sped to the hospital; we would have to wait forever for an ambulance on a Saturday.

  “I swear if anything’s wrong with the baby I’ll kill her!” she shouted as she was wheeled off to the ward.

  A while later I was called in to see her and discuss the issue. “Well I have good news and bad news,” said the doctor. “The good news is that we have stopped the bleeding and Vanessa is fortunate not to have lost a lot of blood. The bad news is that she has lost the baby which was the primary cause of the bleeding due to a rupture that occurred during the fight. I’m sorry. If it’s okay I’ll leave you alone now and it would be fine to go home when you’re ready.”

>   “So is that it then?” I asked.

  “Well Vanessa will need to come back for a follow up assessment to see if everything is okay but I’m afraid That’s all we can do. Miscarriage is a common aspect of pregnancy among women: one in three to be precise,” the doctor before leaving the room.

  I was furious at Vanessa’s carelessness. I stood up punched the wall, “I told you not to go to the fucking party but no, Vanessa don’t listen!” I expressed. She sobbed in her hands as my voice bellowed against the walls.

  “I’m sorry Jay. It weren’t my fault. You saw how Holly was carrying on, what else was I meant to do?” she said, trying to justify her stupidity.

  “When I was dragging you back you just wouldn’t leave it alone, and now you want to tell me sorry. You shouldn’t have gone in the first place,” I said, slamming the door as I walked out. I went to sit in the car and calm down. I needed to clear my head before I started falling off track. Why would she do that to our baby? If was as if she didn’t want us to have a baby of our own together. I saw her waddling out as she joined me in the passenger seat. I didn’t say a word for the whole journey back home. No matter how much she tried to talk to me and see how I was feeling, I ignored her. The chance I had to have my own little boy or girl was just ripped from my grasp with one punch. I didn’t want to think about it. I just wanted to go home.


  Morning broke through the curtains as I was awoken by Shakira’s scream. I got up to see what the matter was but when I picked her up she stopped crying and smiled. “Why you making up so much noise you little terror?” I laughed, looking at her big brown eyes.

  I made my way downstairs to get her something to eat. Vanessa was already in the kitchen making a fry up, “I was going to make you breakfast in bed,” she said with an unusual spring in her step. She was trying to patch things over knowing that her actions last night were unforgivable.

  “No thanks,” I said, leaving the kitchen to sit in the living room. I was still pissed off and looking at her made me think what my baby would have looked like if she hadn’t helped kill it.

  I lay Shakira down on a cushion and rubbed my face in her belly. She giggled hysterically and when settled I thought I heard her say something. “Are you going to repeat that for Uncle Jayden?” I didn’t feel comfortable calling myself her daddy, when I was far from it. It was hard enough overlooking the painful fact that this was my best friend’s child.

  “Dada,” she mumbled.

  “Oh you called me dada,” I replied humbly. I didn’t know how to respond but I hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. Even though I didn’t want to talk to Vanessa I had to tell her.

  “Vanessa guess what?” I said, bouncing in the kitchen.

  “What?” she said, jumping at the sound of my voice.

  “Shakira just called me Dada,” I beamed.

  “Don’t lie! How come she doesn’t want to say Mama first?” she replied sounding disappointed. I laughed as she came to sit next to me. “I’m so sorry Jayden. I really am. It was my baby too. Don’t worry because we have our whole lives ahead of us. That means a whole load of kids too,” she said, trying her best to comfort me.

  I knew I couldn’t hold a grudge over my girl for too long so I gave in and kissed her. It didn’t erase the hurt but it was better than having all this tension lurking over us. And she was right, we had our whole lives ahead of us to have kids of our own and I just had to accept that. “I’m still tired so Shakira and I are heading back to bed,” I yawned.

  “I’m going shopping to get a few bits and pieces so I’m using the car yeah?”

  “Yeah the keys are on the counter,” I said, strolling up the stairs.


  The I next opened my eyes two hours had gone by since I came to lie down but it felt like I had been sleeping for days. I stood at the top of the stairs and called for Vanessa but there was no answer. She must still be out and about. I went to check on Shakira back in the bedroom. She looked red and was sweating vigorously. I touched her forehead to feel her temperature and she was burning up. I didn’t know what was happening so I tried to wake her up but her eyes seemed to just droop closed again. I threw on some trousers and a hooded top, then wrapped her in a blanket. It seemed like I had to make a third trip to the hospital in three days; just my luck. It was becoming a daily routine. I ran outside and noticed the car was gone.


  I didn’t know if I would get to the hospital in time before whatever was wrong with Shakira became serious. I went to the bus stop and waited impatiently. Ten minutes went by and the bus still hadn’t turned up. Shakira was now crying and just looking at her made me feel so upset, knowing that I couldn’t do anything. I decided to jog. It was a long shot but it was better than standing around waiting for a bus that seemed to take forever. I began jogging at a pace; the wind rushing past my face and making my eyes water. I held Shakira close to me just to feel her little heartbeat. It was about twenty minutes before I reached the hospital and I was knackered. My chest was tight and it was hard to grab any breath but I managed to drag myself through the doors.

  “Help! My little girl’s sick” I cried out clearly.

  Doctors rushed over to me and peeled her from my arms. She was still crying but faintly. I crawled to an empty seat. I needed to call Vanessa but I had left my phone at home. When I regained my breath I ran up to the counter to ask them what was going on.

  “Sir she’s being checked over now so you will be notified when we have any news,” the receptionist replied.

  “Okay can I use your phone to call my girlfriend? She’s Shakira’s mother.”

  “Yes course.”

  I tapped out her number and waited edgily, “Hello,” Vanessa answered.

  “Hey Vanessa you need to get to the hospital now. There’s something wrong with Shakira, she started burning up out of nowhere. Just come please,” I spoke rapidly.

  “Okay. Slow down babe, I’m on my way now, don’t worry just tell me what happened when I get there,” she said before hanging up. It was another hour before Vanessa arrived.

  “You took your time,” I moaned.

  “Sorry I got caught up in traffic. Is there any news?” she said fussing about.

  “No not yet. They said they would tell us when they find out what’s wrong. There doing some tests.”

  We both sat down, counting the minutes as they flew by. Moments later a doctor approached us, “Would you like to follow me to the consultation room please. I have a few things I would like to share with you.” We followed the short stubby man into a room and sat down. “We have checked over Shakira thoroughly and discovered the problem. She has a rapidly worsening fever which is the cause of the dramatic rise in her temperature. In order to reduce this she would need a blood transfusion from both parents, which I assume are you two. The blood has to be the same blood type as her own for the transfusion to be effective so ideally we use the parents. We would like to do this as soon as possible to avoid any mishaps, so with your consent would I be able to collect some blood now?” he explained.

  “Yeah course I’ll give blood but Jayden isn’t Shakira’s biological father. Does that mean his blood wouldn’t be suitable?” Vanessa queried.

  “We can check if he has the same blood type as the baby and if that’s the case then the transfusion should be successful,” he added.

  Before he even finished his sentence I had my jacket sleeve rolled up for the injection. Even though Shakira wasn’t my baby I had unconditional love for her and I just wanted to be the father figure she needed. After the nurse took both mine and Vanessa’s blood we were told to wait in the waiting room until further notice.

  A while later the same doctor that we with earlier sat with us. “We have carried out the necessary procedures in which to go about completing the blood transfusion but I’m afraid we won’t have the results until tomorrow. We would advise you to go home and get some rest then come back tomorrow for the results, as you are un
fortunately unable to see Shakira at this present time. Thank you for your co-operation and patience,” he clarified. He then gave us some forms to fill out and left the room.

  “How am I meant to wait until tomorrow to see my little girl when I know she’s ill?” Vanessa said, starting to cry.

  “At least we know this is the best place for her right now. We have to keep composed for her sake,” I replied, giving her a hug. I helped her up and we began to walk to the exit. “Don’t worry, she will be fine. She’s strong. Everything’s going to be alright,” I tried to reassure Vanessa.

  “I really hope so Jay because I can’t cope with losing a child,” she said, staring at me blankly.

  We drove home in silence. I think both of our minds were occupied by the well-being of Shakira. When we got inside we both went straight to bed. I lay next to Vanessa filled with sadness but a glint of hope. I wasn’t going to let negative influence my judgement that Shakira was going to make it through this.


  When morning came me and Vanessa didn’t hesitate to get ready.

  “Jay what do you think they’re going to tell us?” she asked nervously.

  “I have no idea, but if it’s good news I won’t mind what they tell us,” I replied, trying to keep her calm.

  We drove down to the hospital and handed in the forms we were given the day before. We waited anxiously for something to be said; anything, but time seemed to drag on for eternity. Moments later the doctor called us to follow him to Shakira’s ward. When we got there she looked unrecognisable. Wires leaked from her everywhere and she was breathing funny. We sat down with the doctor with nothing but fear in our hearts. We didn’t know what to expect.

  “Good afternoon. I hope you’re holding up okay. I have two sets of news for you regarding your daughter. First of all the blood transfusion was successful and Shakira is recovering from her fever slowly. Everything went well and she should be ready to go home soon. The second thing that I would like to tell you may shock you. Yesterday you told me Jayden wasn’t the biological father of Shakira so you had doubts if his blood would be accepted. Well Jayden is actually Shakira’s biological father which is the reason the blood was accepted, contributing to her recovery,” the doctor said, dropping a major bombshell.


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