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Blackout Page 6

by Dani Matthews

  A few minutes later, I set down his phone with disappointment. They hadn’t found my phone.

  “Did you have anything personal on it?”

  I glance at Gabe. He’s at the stove, stirring the eggs. “Not really. Just texts and some photos.”

  The spoon halts, and his eyes lift to mine with an odd expression on his face.


  “R-rated photos?” he asks lightly.

  “Of course not.”

  He nods and turns away, but not before I see the relief in his gaze.

  Did he really think I’d send someone pics of myself? I suppose he wouldn’t know whether I would or not. It’s been a few years since we’d dated, and even then, I think our relationship only lasted nine months. Yes, we’d talked, but as teenagers, a lot of our time was spent making out and having sex. Now I’m an adult, and my tastes have changed right along with my body.

  “I should go get my car and buy a new phone. I doubt I’ll get my old one back,” I comment.

  “You shouldn’t drive with the meds you’re on. I’ll take you to get a new phone, and Channing and I can grab your car later,” Gabe offers.

  I watch him pour the eggs onto a plate. “You don’t have to drive me around, Gabe.”

  He walks over and sets the plate of scrambled eggs before me. “Harper, it’s my day off. Besides, you look pale, and I can tell you’re still hurting.”

  I want to decline his offer, but my mind can’t seem to come up with an excuse. Gabe comes back to set the salt and pepper in front of me. “Thanks,” I murmur politely.

  “Eat up, it’ll help with those meds. Coffee or juice?”

  “Orange juice is fine.”

  A second later, he sets a full glass in front of me as I begin to dig into the eggs. They’re really good. “These are great,” I tell him.

  He nods and begins cleaning the mess that he’d made. I can eat without feeling like I’m being watched, and I relax. When I’m finished, he’s there in a heartbeat to clear away the plate and glass.

  “I have legs, and I can still use my right arm,” I feel the need to remind.

  He closes the dishwasher and shrugs. “That you do, but why aggravate your injury if you don’t have to.” His eyes run over my outfit, taking in the simple, white tank and navy shorts. “Let me know when you’re ready to head out, and we’ll go.”

  I look down at myself and shrug. “We can go now. This is the best I’m going to look today.” I hadn’t put much effort into my outfit, and I’m not in the mood to care whether I look good or not.

  “Your best looks better than you think.”

  His response has me looking at him sharply. It’s not like him to flirt. As he looks back at me steadily, I feel something shifting between us. Is he up to something, or am I just reading into things more than I should?

  “I just need to go grab my wallet,” I say, breaking the odd stare down.

  “Want me to run up and grab it?” he offers.

  I can’t hide my aggravation. I know he’s just trying to be nice, and I appreciate it, but he’s going a little overboard with it. “Gabe, I am not an invalid.”

  He holds up his hands in surrender. “Got it.”

  An awkward silence descends upon us, and I turn and walk out of the kitchen. I don’t want him or anyone else babying me. I’m still shaken enough as it is, and I don’t need the rest of the house acting protective. I feel safe here, so the more that they make a big deal out of what happened, the harder it’ll be to move out.

  When I come back downstairs, Gabe is waiting for me. It feels weird to be leaving the house with him, and he opens the passenger door of his car for me. I sink into the seat, and the interior of the car smells like him.

  My heart aches as I recall the last time I’d been in a car with Gabe. It was the only place we were guaranteed privacy, and we’d had sex in the backseat, desperate to be with one another. We’d spent a lot of time in that backseat. Thank God he still doesn’t have the car, or that would make this horribly awkward.

  He glances at me as we drive down the street. “How are you feeling? I mean with the meds in your system.”

  “I’m good so far. I feel better after eating,” I add.

  He nods and turns his attention back to the street. “Good. Starting tomorrow, that bandage will have to be switched. You’ll also have to start cleaning the skin around the stitches. We should stop somewhere and pick up more medical supplies,” he suggests.


  “We’ll see about a new phone first.”

  I look at him curiously. “Did you see Quinn this morning?”

  He slows for a red light. “I saw her last night. She came home shortly after I brought you home.”

  “Did she say where she was?” I ask with interest. She’d told me she didn’t want to go out or she’d stay out too late, so what had changed her mind?

  “She was with a guy.”

  “Oh.” My brow creases as I frown. Why would she tell me she didn’t want to go out and do so anyway?

  Gabe looks at me. “She seemed kind of secretive about it. Do you know what she’s up to?”

  I shake my head. “No clue. She hasn’t been divulging much information lately, not after what happened to Carrie.”

  The light changes, and we move forward once more. “I think Carrie’s death has messed her up,” he says with a hint of concern. “It’s not like her to allow anything to get into her head.”

  I know what he means. Quinn rarely reveals her vulnerability, and if she does, it’s usually with me. She doesn’t easily allow anyone in, and I don’t think she was close enough to Carrie for her death to really affect her emotions. I think what has her scared is the fact that someone she knew was alive one minute, and gone the next. Even I’m rattled by it. But with Quinn, when she cares about someone, she cares with every fiber of her being. She’s likely worried that something like that could happen to any one of us.

  “I’ll talk to her and see if I can find out what’s going on,” I offer. “About Carrie and the guy she was with last night,” I clarify.

  Gabe nods. “Thanks. I’m glad she has someone she can talk with about girl shit. Channing, Colt, and I were never good with that stuff back in the day.”

  That brings a smile to my lips. “I won’t argue with that.”

  “So, you’re moving out, huh?” he asks offhandedly.

  I blink from the abrupt topic change. I hadn’t expected him to bring it up. “Yes, I am,” I say quietly.

  He glances at me, his gray eyes intent. “Why?”

  “It’s just time.”

  My answer doesn’t seem to please him, and he drags his eyes from mine to concentrate on traffic.

  When we reach the store, he patiently looks at cell phones with me until I make my choice. He doesn’t bring up my moving out, and the conversation is kept light as I purchase my phone. Afterwards, we drop by a pharmacy to stock up on new bandages, and medical wrap that Gabe suggests I use for work tomorrow. It’s important that I keep the wound clean, especially since I’ll be working with animals.

  By the time we arrive back at the house, it’s early afternoon. I’m due for more of my medication, and I set my purchases on the island counter and grab a glass of water.

  Gabe lingers in the doorway. “How about a movie or two?”

  I look at him as I loop the bags with my purchases over my good arm, this way I can also hold the glass with my hand. I’d been about to go up to my room where I’d left the medication on the nightstand.

  I’m not sure how I feel about his offer. We never spend quality time together unless we’re in a group. Being alone with him is usually something I avoid.

  “It’s not like I have anything going on today since it’s my day off, and I bet you could use the distraction,” he offers.

  He has a point. If I go up to my room, I’ll likely lie down and dwell over what happened. But spending more time with Gabe…

  “Think about it. I’m renting
a few movies with or without you anyway, so you’re welcome to join me,” he says casually, apparently sensing my hesitation. With that said, he turns and disappears down the hall.

  I find myself frowning as I trail after him, except instead of following him to the living room, I take the stairs in the foyer and go up to my room. After I’ve set the packages down, I quickly down two pills and debate what to do. If I hide out up here, it’ll be obvious that I’m avoiding him.

  In the end, I decide to join him. He’s sitting on the sofa scrolling through movies to rent on the rental channel, and he makes no comment as I take a seat on the opposite end.


  I wake to the most pleasant sensation of my body completely aligned with a masculine one. My head is cushioned on a chest, and the scent of Gabe’s deodorant and cologne infiltrates my senses.

  When I realize I’d fallen asleep in his arms, I jerk fully awake. How did this happen? The last thing I recall was sitting on the opposite end of the sofa—a good three feet between us.

  “You’ve been out for a while. Need me to go grab your pills?” Gabe asks, his chest rumbling beneath my cheek.

  Instead of replying, I wiggle away from him and use my bad arm to push off his chest. My breath hisses, and I immediately wince and cradle my arm to my chest as I sit up.

  Gabe moves close to me, his warm hand rubbing my back. “Easy,” he murmurs.

  I look at him accusingly. “When did I fall asleep?”

  A hint of a frown appears across his face. “Halfway through the first movie. I suggested you lie down so that you were more comfortable.”

  “And you just happened to lie down next to me?” I ask lightly, trying to hide how rattled I am.

  “No,” he says evenly. “You were making noises in your sleep, and as soon as I tried to comfort you, you turned right into my arms and settled down. I knew you needed the sleep, so instead of waking you, I laid down next to you.”

  “Oh.” Now I feel terrible for accusing him of taking advantage of the situation. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

  His gray eyes are now dark, betraying that I’d hurt him with my accusations. “It’s fine. I took a nap, too.”

  I move further away from him, rubbing my face with my right hand. The pills still have me feeling groggy.

  “Want me to run upstairs and grab the pills?” Gabe offers.

  “Actually, I think I’m going to go lie down,” I murmur. I need to put some distance between us.

  He nods, his face unreadable. “Let me know if you need anything. Later, Channing and I will go grab your car for you.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it, Gabe.” I rise to my feet and go upstairs. The minute I enter my room, I quickly take two pills to dull the pain, and I sit down on the bed. Gabe’s always been a little protective—though to be honest, he’s that way with Quinn, too.

  Today feels different, and it makes me wary.

  Even though I’d just had a nap, I lie down on the bed. I’ll just lie here for a while.


  A knock on the door abruptly wakes me, and my eyes pop open. I instantly note that the sun’s light has faded, and my alarm clock tells me I’d fallen asleep for another few hours.

  I carefully sit up with a yawn and push my hair away from my face. “Come in,” I call.

  The door opens, and both Quinn and Ash step into the room. They immediately come over and lean down so they can each give me a hug.

  I smile and pat the bed. “Sit,” I invite.

  They settle on the bed, and Quinn looks at me expectantly. “What happened last night? How did going to a party end with you at the hospital?” she demands.

  “Brandie and I were leaving a party and walking to my car when he came out of nowhere.” I shiver as I recall the fear I’d felt in that moment. “He said he wanted money, but he came after me with a knife before I could give him my purse.”

  Ash frowns with confusion. “That doesn’t make sense.”

  “I know,” I agree. “He just wanted to hurt someone, or kills us,” I add.

  “Why cover it with a false demand for money?” Quinn asks.

  That’s what I’d like to know, and I shrug. “I don’t know. It all happened so fast.”

  Ash looks at me with concern, her brown eyes full of empathy. “How did you guys get away?”

  “Brandie sprayed him with mace. We managed to get to my car, and she drove me to the hospital.”

  Ash reaches past Quinn to touch my hand, her eyes kind. “I’m so sorry you went through what you did. It must have been very frightening.”

  I give her hand a squeeze. “Thanks. I think I’ll probably have nightmares for days.”

  Ash pulls back, and Quinn’s eyebrows tug together. “Were you able to give the police a description?”

  “It was dark, and we weren’t near a streetlight. All I saw was a black mask and dark clothing. I also lost my phone, so I had to buy a new one,” I tell them.

  Quinn stares at me. “Wait a sec, you’re telling me that this guy is still out there?”


  She looks uneasy. “You don’t think he’d try to track you down, do you?”

  Ash shoots Quinn a look. “That’s a lovely thought to put in her head,” she says dryly.

  “Oh come on, you think she hasn’t thought of it already?” Quinn counters.

  “To be honest, I hadn’t,” I reveal. “I’m just assuming it was a case of wrong place/wrong time. It’s not like this guy could have known we’d walk past at that exact moment,” I point out. “He could have gone after anyone.”

  “Were you closer to him than Brandie?” Quinn asks curiously.

  “Why?” I ask with puzzlement.

  “Just wondering why he picked you to go after first instead of Brandie.”

  Ash shakes her head, shooting me a sympathetic look as she admonishes Quinn. “That suspicious mind of yours is going to land you in trouble someday.” She then stands and leans over to hug me once more. “I’m glad you’re okay. Don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything.”

  “Thanks,” I say with a grateful smile. We both watch her leave, and then Quinn turns back to me with a frown. “What?” I ask.

  “I didn’t mean to grill you. I’m just trying to figure out why it happened to you.”

  “It’s nothing I haven’t already asked myself.”

  “It’s just creepy.”

  “You’re telling me,” I mutter.

  Quinn studies me. “Want me to bunk with you tonight?”

  “Nah, I’ll be fine. Thanks, though.” I look at her curiously. “I thought you weren’t going out last night.”

  Guilt promptly flashes across her features. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you.”

  I reach over and briefly squeeze her shoulder. “Hey, that’s not why I asked. I’m just wondering what made you change your mind.”

  She shrugs. “I hadn’t planned to go out, it was just a last-minute decision.”

  Gabe had hinted that she was hiding something, so now she’s garnered more of my interest. “New guy?” I inquire. “Or the same guy you mentioned not long ago.”

  “Same guy,” she says almost reluctantly.

  It’s not like Quinn to be secretive. “Why do you want to hide it?”

  “I’m not,” she denies.

  “Quinn, it’s me you’re talking to. Gabe thinks you’re hiding something,” I share with her.

  Her eyebrows shoot up. “Gabe? Since when do you two have heart to hearts? Especially about me?”

  “He did bring me home last night,” I remind.

  “I highly doubt you were in the mood to discuss my sex life.” Her eyes suddenly narrow. “Your car’s not in the driveway, and Gabe had off today. He took you to run errands, didn’t he?”

  “He’s kind of hard to say no to when he’s the only one around,” I reply as a hint of guilt forms. I still feel terrible for how I’d reacted earlier. It’s just so hard being around him when I wish our p
ast was different.

  “How was it?” she asks with interest, bringing my thoughts back to our conversation.

  I give her a look. “We’re both adults, it was fine. Back to you, why are you being secretive about this guy?”

  “I’m not,” she protests.

  “Then what’s his name?” I challenge.

  “Since when do you need to know the name of whomever I’m sleeping with?”

  “Since you made me curious.”

  Quinn laughs and leans back on the bed, bracing her weight on her hands. She’s trying to make light of our conversation, and that warns me there’s much more to this story than she’s letting on. “Harper, I’m not hiding anything. He isn’t anyone you or anyone else know, and I don’t know his name.”

  I stare at her with astonishment. “You’re having sex with him and don’t know his name?”

  “I haven’t asked, and he’s never asked mine. It’s not like we need to know each other’s names to have sex. He told me if I’m in the mood to get laid, I could drop by whenever.” She shrugs. “It’s pretty convenient. There isn’t any of that stupid first meeting crap. It’s just sex—no strings.”

  I shake my head. “You’re crazy.”

  “I prefer adventurous.”

  “The sex is that good?”

  Her lips curve up into a wicked smile. “If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t go back for more.”

  Sometimes, I wish I was like Quinn and didn’t overthink everything so much. Typically, when I’m feeling envious, I remind myself of all the crazy situations Quinn has gotten herself involved in. I may not be adventurous, but at least I don’t have an embalmer or porn star in my past. I don’t know how Quinn meets these guys, but there’s been quite a few weirdos that have given us both plenty of laughs. Especially the guy who’d worked for an entertainment venue as a clown. I can feel myself beginning to smile.

  Quinn notes my expression. “What are you thinking?”

  “You really want to know?”


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