
Home > Romance > Blackout > Page 10
Blackout Page 10

by Dani Matthews

Thankfully, the waitress approaches with our sandwiches, and after we thank her, she leaves. As I mull over what Quinn had said, I pick up my BLT and take a bite. I’ve always valued her opinion, but I hadn’t expected her to side with him. I’ve seen too many women come and go from his life to ever consider giving him a second chance.

  Quinn finishes chewing as she sets aside her roast beef sandwich, and then she reaches for her soda. She takes a sip and looks at me curiously. “How was the kiss?”

  “Good,” I confess before I take another bite of my BLT.

  “Better than Rem’s?”

  I nearly choke, and I manage to swallow before using a napkin to wipe my mouth. “You know about that?”

  She lifts an eyebrow. “Was it supposed to be a secret?”

  “No. I just didn’t think it was worth mentioning. Who told you?”

  “Ash. What were you doing out with Rem?” She picks up a piece of roast beef that’d fallen to her plate, and she pops it in her mouth as she waits for me to respond to her question.

  “I went with Sebastian to a party, and Rem was there.” I shrug, picking up my sandwich. “It was just a few kisses.”

  Quinn looks thoughtful as she finishes chewing. “Rem must be why Gabe finally made a move.”

  I frown and voice a thought I’ve been coming back to all morning. “To be honest, I think Gabe thinks he wants me back.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “He never sticks with a woman for very long, and we both know he likes variety. If I did give in, he’d likely grow bored after a while anyway.”

  Quinn cocks her head, thinking. “I don’t know, Harper. He hasn’t brought anyone back to the house in over a year. Haven’t you noticed the changes in him? He’s a man, not a boy looking to screw a different girl every weekend.”

  “I disagree. Just because he hasn’t brought anyone home doesn’t mean he’s not doing the deed somewhere else. Also, Sebastian and the rest of the guys are still in the ‘screw someone different every weekend’ stage, and they’re full-grown men.”

  “True,” Quinn concedes. “Look at Channing now, he’s the perfect example. He doesn’t look twice at another woman, and he’s extremely faithful to Ash. It just takes the right woman to show a man what he really wants. Have you considered that they need to go through a bunch of women to figure out what they’re really after?”

  I finish chewing the bite I’d just taken and think over what she’s saying.

  “I mean, that’s the way it is with everything,” she continues. “You try different food, clothes, you name it—to figure out your likes and dislikes. That applies to the opposite sex, too. I prefer a certain type, and I bet you do too.”

  I wipe my mouth with a napkin. “I hear what you’re saying, but trust is the biggest issue where Gabe is concerned.”

  “That’s a deal breaker,” she agrees.

  “I don’t trust him.”

  Quinn nods. “Rightly so, but people do learn from their mistakes.”

  I groan and reach for my iced tea. “You’re not reacting the way that I thought you would.”

  She looks amused. “When we were younger, I wanted to castrate him, but things change as you grow older. One mistake doesn’t define a person.”

  I release a sigh. “What do you think I should do? I’m referring to the situation,” I clarify. “I have absolutely no intention of giving him a second chance.”

  “I don’t know,” she says honestly.

  “This all just makes me want to move out sooner,” I can’t resist confessing.

  Quinn’s face falls. “I was afraid you were going to say that.”

  “I can’t continue living there with Gabe, especially now that he’s telling me that he wants me.”

  “You can’t tell me you’re not tempted. I mean physically,” she amends.

  “Oh, I’m tempted,” I mutter. “I’m going to have to go back to avoiding him until I move. I just wish he didn’t have the next three days off.” He works tonight, and then tomorrow begins his three-day break.

  Quinn’s eyes light up. “Let’s hit the gym tomorrow night. I could use a little exercise.”

  “You mean Colt’s gym?” I ask, referring to the only gym Colt attends. It’s mostly for MMA types and serious bodybuilders. It’s not meant for types that only workout when the mood strikes. However, thanks to Colt, we all have open-gym memberships. Colt used to compete in MMA competitions before he’d begun focusing on being a correctional officer.

  Quinn gives me a devious look. “We can check out all the hot men while we’re there.”

  I laugh, unable to argue with that. “You don’t have to twist my arm, I’m in.”


  I’ve never used my gym membership before, and as Quinn saunters to the front desk in the large, open-windowed lobby, I trail behind.

  She looks fabulous with her purple hair pulled back into a cute ponytail. She’s wearing a pink and black workout bra and matching yoga pants. I, on the other hand, feel less than appealing. Thanks to my bust, I’m wearing a supportive black sports bra with a loose tank over it. I’d paired it with black lounge pants, and my hair is pulled back into a simple ponytail. I’m dressed to sweat, not to look good.

  The cute guy behind the curved desk smiles at Quinn and accepts the membership card she’s holding out to him. He swipes it through a scanner and glances at the computer for confirmation. “Your membership includes Gym A and B. Use of the sauna in Gym B, and of course, the locker rooms. Women’s is located down hallway B,” he informs, handing back the card.

  “Thank you,” Quinn says with a flirty smile.

  I step forward and patiently wait as he scans mine and tells me the same information he’d just told Quinn.

  There are two hallways on opposite sides of the lobby, and we walk to the one on the left that’s designated as hallway B.

  Quinn grins with a little bounce to her step. “I’m looking forward to this.”

  “We did come here to workout, right?”

  “Of course.” She then says under her breath, “But you should see some of the men here. It’s hotness overload.”

  We come upon the women’s locker room and step inside. Like the lobby from earlier, the walls are gray and the room is spotless. It’s filled with everything you’d expect a locker room to be filled with, and all the lockers and amenities are a pleasant burgundy.

  I look around. There’s no one here but us. “Where is everyone?”

  Quinn shrugs and approaches a row of lockers. She opens one and stuffs her duffle bag inside. “Beats me.”

  Her response has me groaning inwardly. If there aren’t many women here, it means we’re going to stand out. Quinn’s probably counting on that.

  Quinn closes her locker and looks at me expectantly. “Would you rather be at the house with Gabe?”

  I make a face at her and open a locker, shoving my bag inside. So far, I’ve managed to successfully avoid him. I’d woken up earlier than normal yesterday and had been out of the house before he would ever consider getting up—especially after working the night before. Instead of ordering my normal coffee at the drive-thru, I’d gone inside and had sat at a table until it was time to leave for the clinic. After my shift, I’d picked up a salad on the way home, and then spent a long and boring evening in my room.

  A few minutes later, we enter Gym A, and I take it in with a sense of regret. I am so not prepared for this. The gym is huge, and there’s equipment spread out across the room. One wall is made of floor to ceiling mirrors, and the opposite wall is gray with large windows near the ceiling, allowing the waning sunlight to filter in. The gym also boasts an indoor track on the second-floor mezzanine that overlooks the gym below, and I see a few men making use of it. There are also men scattered throughout the large facility. I spy only one lone female using a bench press, but even then, a man stands as her spotter.

  Quinn looks at me expectantly. “Elliptical or treadmill?”

  “Treadmill.” It’s pro
bably the lesser of the two evils.

  Since we’re the only women besides the one using the bench press, we gain our share of attention. I’ve never been one to enjoy being the center of attention, so I’m already itching to leave. Meanwhile, Quinn is walking confidently as if she doesn’t have a care in the world.

  There’s about a dozen treadmills in a row, and the guy on the one at the very end gives us a dismissive glance before looking forward once more. We both snag treadmills next to each other.

  Quinn plays with the buttons on her treadmill’s panel. “We should start with a nice, brisk walk and work our way up,” she suggests.

  I nod in agreement, and soon we’re walking at a comfortable but brisk pace. Not all the looks we’re receiving are friendly. This gym is typically where the serious weightlifters go, and we definitely don’t qualify for any category here.

  I glance at Quinn, and she too is scanning the men. “Have you found your next conquest yet?” I tease.

  Her eyes swing back to mine. “Do you get the feeling that we’re not welcome here?”

  “Oh I feel it.”

  Quinn frowns. “Chauvinistic assholes.”

  My eyes snag on a man that’s walking towards us. “Uh oh. I think we’re in some sort of trouble. Are you certain this isn’t a men’s-only gym?”

  “That’s Jude. I thought you’ve met him before,” Quinn says, ignoring my question.

  The man heading for us is tall and muscular, and much more intimidating than Colt ever could be. His dark hair is cut short along his scalp, and though his features are very attractive, his eyes are a different story. They’re dark and unfriendly, and the tattoos covering both his arms do nothing to make him less intimidating.

  “I would remember meeting the likes of him.”

  “Oh. Well, he’s the one who trained Colt. There’s a third gym that’s off limits to the public. It’s strictly for boxing and MMA. Last time I was here, he came over to say hi, but now I’m thinking he might have done it to show these assholes we have legit memberships.”

  Jude’s almost upon us. “When were you here last?” I ask under my breath.

  “I don’t know. Last year? Maybe sometime before that?”

  Jude pauses before our treadmills. “Ladies,” he greets, and his eyes linger on Quinn’s hair before scanning us both. “Friends of Colt’s, correct?”

  Quinn brings her treadmill to a stop and grins, completely unperturbed by his unfriendly demeanor. “That’d be us.”

  He nods, not cracking a hint of a smile in return. “Enjoy the amenities. If you need anything, just ask the front desk.”

  “Great. Thanks,” Quinn tells him.

  He nods, and his eyes flicker towards me one last time before he turns and walks away. We aren’t the only ones watching him. I look around and notice respect written on most of the men’s faces.

  Quinn restarts her treadmill and begins walking once more. “That one is major sex on a stick. I’d lick him up and down and devour him.”

  “Please tell me you haven’t tried to hit on him!” I hiss.

  Quinn snickers. “Colt would kill me. Not only that, but Jude’s not someone I’d want to tangle with. That man is not someone I’d ever be able to control or have the upper hand with.”

  “Maybe that’s the kind of guy you need, someone who stands up to you.”

  “Nah, I’m fine screwing random men. You’re welcome to him, though.”

  I shake my head. “Thanks, but no.”

  Men like Jude are not my type. I wouldn’t know how to handle all that raw testosterone, and I want someone who’s going to sit with me and really listen to what I have to say. Jude doesn’t look the type that is in touch with his emotions, and I would hate being the woman that’s constantly wondering what’s going on inside that head of his.

  “There’s Beck. Looks like he was in the ring in the other gym. Sometimes, I wish I didn’t know him so I could ride that,” Quinn says with a hint of wistfulness.

  I follow her line of vision to where Beck’s entered the gym. He’s wearing just a pair of shorts, and he has a towel draped around the back of his neck. As he makes his way towards us, I can see his chest is slick with sweat, and there are patches of red along his abdominal region.

  Sometimes, I forget how attractive our guy friends are. Beck’s a tall, blond god with rippling muscles and a confident, cocky smile. His blond hair looks darker from sweat, and as he approaches us, his gray eyes sweep over Quinn’s sleek body. She might complain about lacking curves, but men still take notice of her.

  Beck smiles as he pauses in front of us. “I heard there were two smokin’ hot women in here.”

  Quinn keeps her treadmill at a brisk pace. “We came here for the scenery,” she says with a guilt-free grin.

  He barks out a laugh. “At least you’re honest.”

  “I’m always honest.”

  Beck’s eyes swing to me, and his gaze drops to the bandage on my arm. His expression loses its playfulness. “I heard what happened.”

  I continue walking and give an easy smile. “I’m fine, and it’s healing.”

  “Have you considered self-defense lessons?” he asks me.

  “That’s a good idea,” Quinn pipes in.

  “I hadn’t thought about it,” I tell him.

  “I’ve helped with some free courses we’ve put on here. Jude’s big on women’s safety. I can teach you a few things,” he offers.

  Quinn looks at me. “Go for it,” she urges. “I can come back and pick you up later.”

  It might be wise to learn a few moves, so I decided to take him up on his offer. “You mean now?” I ask him.

  “Yeah, after I show you two ladies how to properly workout in a gym as badass as this one.”

  I glance at Quinn and watch as she frowns. “Who said we need help with anything?” she asks.

  He folds his arms across his chest, grinning. “If you’re going to just walk for fuck’s sake—on a treadmill, no less—Jude’s going to kick your ass out of here. You either act like you’re using the facility or leave.”

  Quinn motions to her treadmill. “I am using the facility.”

  Beck shrugs. “Your funeral.” He turns to me. “You here to learn something or look like an idiot?” he asks, and Quinn flips him off.

  I turn off the treadmill. It wouldn’t hurt to see what Beck thinks I should be doing.

  “Traitor!” Quinn teases me as I follow Beck.



  I should have been content to look like an idiot.

  With a grimace, I turn off the ignition of my car after pulling into the driveway. My muscles are still extremely sore from the workout routine Beck had put me through last night. I’ve been an aching mass of muscles all day today.

  With more carefulness than usual, I climb out of the car and head inside. The cool, air-conditioned air greets me, and I make my way up to my room to change. A hot shower would feel heavenly on my poor muscles, but all it’ll accomplish is loosening my shoulders.

  I pause by the dresser in my room and consider the hot tub out on the patio. Robbie—our landlord, had just installed it a few weeks ago. It would certainly help with my muscle aches, but the outside temp is in the low nineties today.

  The urge to ease my soreness wins, and I decide to try it regardless of the day’s heat. Unless Gabe’s around. I’ve been doing a fantastic job of avoiding him the past few days, or else he’s just allowing it instead of searching me out. I mentally visualize the driveway as I’d pulled in. Not only is Gabe gone, but I think everyone else is, too.


  No one will witness me melting in the hot tub.

  After I change into a white floral bikini, I grab a towel and go down to the kitchen. I snag a cold bottle of water before exiting the house and walking out to the patio.

  A few minutes later, I’m sitting in the heated, bubbling water, and I’m careful to keep my uncovered wound dry. Perspiration immediately breaks out acros
s my forehead, but this feels too good for me to care.

  I make a face as I think of Quinn. While I’d had Beck showing me how to tone my body with weights, Quinn had continued walking on her treadmill, smiling cheekily and waving at me every so often. After Beck had called out that he’d give me a ride home, she’d decided to call it a night and had left.

  If she could see me now, she’d never let me live it down.

  I tilt my head and close my eyes, relaxing. I’ve been putting off looking for an apartment since the incident with Brandie, but now it’s on my ‘to do’ list this weekend. After going out with Sebastian and staying busy during the day with my job, I’ve been able to work on putting the attack behind me. The nightmares have lessened, and I no longer need the lamp to sleep at night.

  The sound of the backdoor opening and closing has my eyes opening. Someone’s home. I lift my head and look to see who it is.

  Gabe appears around the corner of the patio wearing blue swimming trunks, a towel slung over his shoulder.

  Damn it. I hadn’t considered that someone—especially Gabe—might use the pool to cool off from the heat. When he sees me in the hot tub, he looks visibly surprised. That assures me that this wasn’t planned, and he’d had no idea I was out here.

  Confusion flickers across his face as he walks over, and a frown tugs on his lips as he peers down at me. “What the hell are you doing in there? You look like you’re melting.”

  I struggle to keep my eyes focused on his face and not his body. “I am,” I mutter, wiping my brow.

  “Why aren’t you in the pool?”

  “All my muscles hurt,” I explain.

  “From what?”

  “Quinn had the bright idea to go to the gym last night, and I allowed Beck to coach me.”

  Understanding spreads across his features. “You’re going to give yourself heatstroke. Get out.”

  “It feels good.”

  He shakes his head. “Out. I’ll give you a rubdown.”

  My eyes lock on his. “That’s a bad idea, and you know it.”

  His frown deepens. “I’m only offering a massage to loosen your muscles. I’m not going to try anything, Harper.”


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