Just One Embrace [The Tiburon Duet, Book 2]

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Just One Embrace [The Tiburon Duet, Book 2] Page 6

by Lara Santiago

  He'd peeled off his shirt before taking her to bed. She'd seen the markings on the top curve of his shoulder immediately. His tattoos looked like Chinese symbols. She decided they probably all had honorable, brave meanings. Her heart had skipped a beat in unqualified anticipation of sex with a dark, dangerous man sporting tattoos. He met every single one of her criteria for the kind of guy she'd never gone out with before. Her fear of duplicating the life she lived with her mother usually led her away from dark, dangerous men. She was elated to have taken the chance this time.

  The direction of her thoughts stopped her. Was this why her mother always chose the wrong man? Were there so few out there in the world who could make a woman feel so good in bed? Were they all only temporary men? In the end, it didn't matter. Hadn't he said something about going back home? Well, until he did, she planned on savoring every moment she had with him, starting now.

  Ellie kissed her way down his body until she came to his huge cock. His softened shaft began to grow the closer her mouth got to it. She smiled and vowed to give him an experience he'd never forget.

  * * * *

  Crag watched with erotic fascination as Ellie's luscious mouth wrapped around the very tip of his lengthening cock. She enclosed it completely, swirling her tongue around the tip. The suction she exerted next made him draw a sudden breath in surprise. Unusual and very pleasurable sensations blasted up from his center where she was ... sucking on him.

  He licked his lips in anticipation of her mouth trailing its way up to his, and the stupendous feeling of climax that awaited with the touch of her lips to his and the tangle of her tongue. He allowed her to taste and suckle his cock as long as possible before lifting her head off with needy fingertips. He bent upwards to catch her lips against his ravenous mouth.

  Crag covered her with his body, pinning her to the bed. He couldn't wait any longer for the release he sought. He devoured her lips and was about to burst when she tore her mouth away just a breath before he would have climaxed. She insisted he needed to put on another strangulating device. She whispered that she wanted to feel his cock buried deeply inside her body when he released.

  By Sultana's fury!

  Every nerve in his being cried out for fulfillment, but he took a firm grasp of his slipping control and reached out for the box of condoms. He tore open a condom package with his teeth and proceeded to stick his thumb completely through the first device while trying to unroll it. He flung the offending and now useless item to the floor.

  Ellie smiled serenely at his irritation and reached for another. With unhurried patience, as he fairly panted for her like an animal, she opened the foil package and covered him. She brushed finger light strokes down his engorged cock. He growled low in his chest and, at her whispered suggestion, pulled her legs apart and thrust inside her to the hilt with one stroke.

  She sucked in a breath of what sounded like blissful delight, then grabbed his face and ground her mouth against his as reward. Dueling only a few minutes with her luscious tongue, he roared his climax in a frenzy of lust, pumping into her with his thickened cock. Ellie writhed in pleasure beneath him, soon expressing her release with a loud moan.

  Trembling with the power of his recent climax, he clutched her in his arms, thinking he'd never experienced as much pleasure. She was sensual and exciting, and he knew he was falling in love with her. The single thought of never seeing her again kept him awake for a several hours afterward. How could he ever leave her?

  In the middle of the night, Ellie rose to go to the bathroom. He sat up in bed to watch her walk naked to the door. She smiled sweetly and stunned him by touching her mouth to her fingertips then blowing the touch to him before turning to enter the bathroom.

  His heart stopped in his chest at the gesture. Knowing she didn't understand the Tiburon meaning did little to settle his rioting emotions over seeing her do it. His hand twitched in automatic reciprocation before he stopped it.

  Scrubbing his hands over his face, he realized he had to leave Earth. Soon. His time was up. He needed to get back to Tiburon before he couldn't muster the strength to leave her. That day was fast approaching.

  He cursed under his breath, realizing with a sinking heart that day was already upon him.

  * * * *

  Ellie came back from the bathroom to a very aroused man. He stroked her with tender hands, massaging her inhibitions away and then kissed her all over until she begged him to take her. Begged him! The mere thought of the way she vibrated during the last climax made her relive the sensation and shiver all over again.

  Ellie fell deeply asleep after that final bodacious round in bed. Her nightlong dreams were filled with Crag. Warm wonderful sensuous dreams had engulfed her soul. She slept soundly, her face buried in the pillow as usual, but once awake, she popped up, realizing it was after dawn, and she was alone in bed. She might have thought she dreamed the whole previous evening of sex-capades, except she wasn't in her own bed.

  She was in Crag's.

  She rose to her elbows, feeling the twinge of use in all her muscles. Sex was good exercise after all. Still naked, she wrapped herself up in his top sheet and gathered it around her to look for her clothing.

  "Hello?” she called out, moving around the bedroom. She spied her bra on the corner of a chair, but no shirt. She noticed her jeans wadded up at the foot of the bed, but no underwear. She pulled the sheet closer and moved towards the bedroom door. Where was he?

  "Crag?” she called a little louder. Was he already gone? Forever? Well, what did you expect, breakfast? One night stands by their very definition meant one night. He fulfilled his obligation, her satisfied libido purred, and he did so repeatedly and with great skill.

  Yeah, but she'd hoped to at least say good-bye to him.

  What would that do except prolong the obvious? Move on, said her heartless libido.

  She was still searching for her clothing when she heard the front door open. She turned towards the noise, hoping he didn't have a roommate.

  Crag entered the kitchen and spied her standing probably like a deer caught in the headlights. She took in his leather motorcycle jacket over the well-worn jeans that hugged his hips and wanted him again. Didn't one-night stands sometimes come with an optional morning after experience?

  "You're up,” he said simply.

  Should she already be gone? She didn't know all the rules for one-night stands. If he was angry about her still roaming around in his sheet, he didn't say anything, but he watched her. Her vocal cords dried up when he did that, so she just stared back.

  "Did you get my note?” he asked.

  "Note? Um ... no.” Damn, he expected her to be gone already. “I was just leaving."

  "Dressed like that?” He gave her a positively devastating smile followed by a leisurely stare from breasts to knees and back up again to her lips. He stared at her mouth frequently, and she found the gesture endearing. And arousing.

  "Well ... um...” Thinking was too difficult when he gave her the wolf stare like he wanted to gobble her up in one hungry bite. He stalked toward her.

  "Hungry?” he asked. She suddenly wondered if he was asking her or telling her, but then he held up a white bakery bag in one hand. The other hand was suspiciously hidden behind his back.

  "Sure.” She clutched the sheet to her chest with one hand and reached out with the other.

  He stepped closer and motioned for her to take the bag. She almost dropped the sheet. She tried to calm down and took the white sack from him. He leaned in close. She held her breath. He reached out to pull a small piece of paper from a fold in the sheet near her waist.

  He handed her the note and brought a small bouquet of flowers from behind his back

  The note said: Be right back with sustenance. Don't leave yet.

  Ellie smiled up at him with gratitude. She wasn't supposed to be gone. He'd brought her flowers, too. A girly giggle escaped from her lips.

  She cleared her throat and took the flowers from him. “Do you
have a vase to put them in?"

  He shook his head and dropped a kiss on her bare shoulder before she stepped away. His mouth never failed to register a tingle on her sensitive skin. She searched around the room and spied the Snapple bottle from last night. She handed him back the white bag containing what smelled like coffee and undertones of something chocolate.

  She sauntered over to the sink, not caring at all that she also trailed behind her a king-sized flat sheet. Rinsing out the strawberry lemonade from the night before, Ellie refilled the bottle with water and arranged the flowers in it. She didn't bother to contain her smile. She placed her flowers on the small dining table.

  Crag pulled out two large Styrofoam cups of coffee and half a dozen double chocolate donuts with sprinkles.

  "These are my favorites,” he said. Upending the sack, he dumped out assorted sugar packets, non-dairy creamer cups, napkins, and stir sticks.

  "Chocolate covered with chocolate, what a surprise.” She sat down at the small round table after tightening her sheet.

  "What can I say? I'm addicted. For as much as I consume, I'm amazed it doesn't ooze out my pores.” He sat down across from her. Taking her hand in his, he kissed the tip of each finger on one hand tenderly.

  She watched with wistful gratitude as he ended his adoration by planting a kiss on her palm. “Thank you."

  His eyes narrowed. “For what?"

  "The flowers. The coffee. The chocolate donuts. Which, by the way, are my favorites, too. And then there was last night. I know I said I only wanted one night, but I already wish it could be more."

  He sighed. “Ellie..."

  "No, it's okay. I understand. Really. I just ... truly enjoyed last night. It was amazing. I'll never forget it. Or you. Not ever.” Her gaze was as heartfelt as she could make it.

  She watched as his eyes softened and a winsome smile crossed his features. “Nor will I ever forget you, Ellie."

  They ate chocolate in companionable silence, staring at each other blatantly. After breakfast, Ellie went to locate all her clothing. She took a very long time getting dressed, sensing that once she left his apartment today, she would never see him again.

  He paced around the kitchen and living room while she dressed. She didn't get the sense he was anxious for her to leave, though. Perhaps moving kept his mind occupied so he wouldn't undress her again. Or maybe that was what she was thinking. Once her clothes were in place, she grabbed the flowers in the Snapple bottle. Together, they left. Silently, he walked her up to her apartment.

  Standing outside her door, he didn't say anything. Words weren't necessary. He pulled her against him for just one final embrace. He held her clenched in his arms, kissed her tenderly on the temple, and took a deep breath. As he released the air from his lungs, he let her go.

  He turned, shot down the stairs two steps at a time, and exited the apartment building without looking back. She watched him with a wistful smile. When she heard the rumble of his motorcycle, she stepped into her apartment, not wanting to hear him leave.

  Later in the day, a messenger brought her another large bouquet of flowers. This time the note read:

  Rest assured what we experienced together last night will live in my heart forever. Good-bye, Ellie. I wish you only the best possible future. Crag

  Chapter Six

  Tiburon, two months later

  "Commander, we've completed our inspection. The royal house is secure for the evening, as expected.” Crag looked up from the missives and reports on his desk and nodded.

  "Thank you, Chief Officer, you're dismissed.” His second in command gave a smart salute and exited Crag's office.

  When he was alone, Crag slumped forward and put hands over his weary eyes. He hadn't been sleeping. Memories and visions of a dark-haired Earthling named Ellie haunted his dreams.

  The first several days had been the most difficult. He felt as if he'd left a part of himself behind on planet Earth. That was a very foolish notion. He was home exactly where he belonged. He looked around the domain he guarded, and he felt the huge gap in his consciousness.

  He missed Ellie, dreadfully. The smell of her ... the taste of her...

  A knock at his door shook him from the burden of his weakness. He called out a hearty, “Enter,” and was very surprised to see his visitor. He hadn't seen her in years.

  "Crag.” She nodded to him once in greeting.

  "Lena.” By Sultana's fury, what did she want? He stood up and came around his cluttered desk to greet her.

  Long ago, Lena had been in negotiations to life partner with Keller before Gabrielle changed his life. Crag spent far too much time thinking about what Keller had given up to be with his life mate. He shook off the longing it registered with regard to a certain dark-haired earthling and focused on Lena.

  She was dressed to entice. Her ice blonde hair swung around her shoulders freely. She wore a wispy, lavender robe in a very becoming color that matched her eyes.

  "How have you been since your trip?” she asked and came further into the room. She didn't stop until she was an arm's length away, which was far too close for his comfort, but he didn't budge from his stance.

  "Why are you here, Lena?” He had no time for her particular brand of games. Actually, he had ample time for games. He just wished he were playing with Ellie. He silently chastised himself for thinking of things he shouldn't.

  "Don't be so bad-tempered. I simply wanted to see how you were doing since your loss.” Her eyebrows rose in question, and for a moment he had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. Then it hit him square in his heart. He'd lost Sybille more than a year ago. Guilt washed over him. Would he ever think of his former life partner without the enormous crush of remorse to accompany it?

  "I'm doing well. Thank you for asking. Now, why are you here?” He crossed his arms over his chest, doing his best to intimidate her. She knew him too well, though.

  He watched as her whole countenance softened. She gave him a prim smile and said, “As you know, after Keller ran off with that ... that earthling years ago, I life partnered with a high council citizen."

  "Yes, I know. I was at your extravagant life partner ceremony.” After Keller left her for Gabrielle, Lena promptly life partnered with an elder statesman. He'd been a nice gentleman but old enough to be ... well Lena's father's older brother, at the least.

  "Dear Hubert has been gone from me for two years now, and I've been thinking it's time to search for another partner."

  "And you're here because you want me to help you look?"

  "No, I want to life partner with you, Crag."

  His mouth nearly fell open in shock. He chomped his teeth together to quell his surprise. He found he had absolutely no idea what to say to her. So he remained silent and cocked his head slightly to one side as if he didn't quite understand her.

  "I mean it's not like either of us are pure of mouth anymore. I have two beautiful daughters from my dear, departed partner, Hubert, to prove it.” She smiled as if having two of the most spoiled brats on the planet was something to brag about. In her mind, perhaps it was.

  "I am well aware of the status regarding the purity of my mouth, Lena. I can't even conceive of a reason why you'd be interested in me."

  "Well, we've known each other since we were children. We travel in the same social circles. You being the most powerful military man on the planet has a certain appeal to me with regard to status.” Her glance went to the streak of color in his hair marking him as ‘The’ Commander.

  "So your only requirement in a new life partner is an elevated status? Why doesn't that entice me?"

  "I'm not without my charms.” She smiled and sauntered toward him. He suddenly felt like prey caught in her trap.

  Before he could stop her, she sidled up and put a hand on his shoulder. Then her head fell to rest on top of it. Her body closed the distance between them, and she leaned into him. She scissor walked the fingers of her other hand up his chest, ending their journey at his chin.
br />   "Don't you find me the least appealing? I've been told I'm the most beautiful woman on the planet. My gestational status did not in the least misshape my body, and I am, after all, a descendent of the House of Fairfax. I am the most beautiful of all citizens on Tiburon."

  Crag sighed. In point of fact, Lena was very attractive to most, but not to him. He could do worse than a member of the House of Fairfax for a life partner. However, when he searched for a life mate, Lena would certainly not be a candidate. He did know that much. Nothing about her appearance or personality did anything to tempt him. When Gabrielle was on Tiburon years ago, she once told him she thought Lena possessed the soul of a viper. Crag found he now agreed with Gabrielle's determination.

  Lena snuggled closer against him, her slender arms draping around his neck. He turned his head in time to see her lift her face to his.

  "Lower your barrier and taste me, Crag.” She brought her lips within a whisper of his and added, “You won't be disappointed."

  "By Sultana's fury, Lena. We're standing in my unsecured office. I will not lower my barrier here.” His anger had more to do with his indifference towards tasting her. He'd never wanted to in the past and didn't attempt to find any desire now, but it would be bad politics to anger her. She was a powerful voice in many upper circles of Tiburon. Her former partner was the most exalted high council citizen in memory.

  "Come to my residence once your duties for the day are complete. I'll extend my offer until then,” she purred.

  "I'll think carefully about your offer, but I'm otherwise engaged tonight.” He wasn't doing anything tonight, but he could drop in on the queen. She was the only excuse, he surmised, that Lena would not dispute.

  "Unfortunate. Could you possibly alter the time of your other engagement? The girls are staying with Hubert's family tonight. We could be all alone. All night long.” The lilt of her voice suggested she wanted to ensnare him like a mythological Siren of old Earth lore.


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